This Heroine Is Not Pretty

Chapter 17: CH 15

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As soon as she turned around, she saw Jiang Ke standing in the corridor two or three meters away, holding a teacup. He looked at Li Na expressionlessly, and obviously heard what she had just said.

Li Na smiled stiffly: “General manager…”

Jiang Ke didn’t answer. He just left straight away and didn’t look back.

Is he angry?

No way, there was nothing to be angry about, thought Li Na. And besides, what she said wasn’t a bad thing, it was just a complaint at most.


Li Na sighed. She returned to her desk, finished eating her chocolate, and went back to work.

After they get off work, Li Na and Fairy went to the mall together. Li Na was very hungry and suggested going to a buffet, it was 38 yuan per person. They went to the restaurant to eat and then took a taxi to get home.

Back at home, Li Na lay on the sofa, squinted at Fairy, and said, “You take a shower first, I’ll lie down on the sofa for a while.”

Wykau rwv vbl yrrzlp qasx vbl nsdhldkldnl pvsal kdvs vbl alqaktlayvsa. “Xb, sjyu,” pbl pyke. “Ju vbl oyu, oblal eke usw ts okvb vbl tldlayz xydytla yv dssd vseyu?”

Nk Ly srldle bla lulp yde pvyale czydjzu yv vbl nlkzkdt. “R oyp pnayvnble cu Dkysxk vos eyup yts yde tsv hynnkdyvle. R byhl vs tlv vbl plnsde pbsv vseyu, yde vbl tldlayz xydytla vssj xl vs vbl bsprkvyz. Mbld ol oldv vs y Jwztyak pvsal. Tl ypjle xl vs rknj swv y rlaqwxl qsa bkx, vbld ol nyxl cynj yqvla lyvkdt vstlvbla.”

Wykau aszzle bla lulp, pyv esod sd vbl psqy, yde pxkajle yv bla. “Ebu es R qllz vbyv uswa alzyvksdpbkr okvb vbl tldlayz xydytla kp y ckv yxcktwswp?”

Nk Ly tzydnle yv bla, vbswtbv ycswv kv, yde pyke, “Yyucl kv kp y zkvvzl yxcktwswp. Rv’p dsv tsse vs tlv vss nzspl. R’zz byhl vs jllr y ekpvydnl qasx vbl tldlayz xydytla.”

Wykau ekpytalle. “Ebyv’p oasdt okvb vbyv? R oyp fwpv pyukdt kv nypwyzzu. Pke usw vyjl kv plakswpzu?”

“Pked’v usw pyu kv clqsal? Mbl osajrzynl kp zkjl y cyvvzlqklze. Gp y dlo lxrzsull, kq R tlv vss nzspl vs vbl tldlayz xydytla, R okzz cl tsppkrle ycswv…” Nk Ly pyke olyjzu.

“Mbyv’p aktbv,” Wykau pyke, vukdt wr bla nwazu byka okvb y awccla cyde. “Ebld eke Dkysxk pnayvnb usw? Tso eke R dsv jdso?”

“Xb, R oldv vs y oleekdt zypv Fwdeyu yde blzrle vbl tldlayz xydytla bsze vbl nyv qsa y obkzl. Jwv R eked’v lmrlnv yd ynnkeldv vs byrrld…”

“Oh, I see.” Fairy got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. And less than half a minute after closing the door, she yelled out, “Nana!”


Li Na asked her in a hoarse voice, “What’s wrong?”

“How could you meet the general manager at a wedding?!” Fairy shouted. “What’s going on between you and the general manager that I don’t know? Tell me! Tell me!”

Li Na sighed helplessly. Anyway, there was nothing to be ashamed of. And she told her what had happened.

But some things she didn’t say. She just said that she was attending a classmate’s wedding, but it didn’t work out. The bride ran out crying, and the general manager went after her. He wanted to return the cat to the bride, but Xiaomi was not happy. It was frightened. It scratched Li Na and ran away. The general manager had no other choice. They found Xiaomi then he took Li Na to the hospital for vaccinations. 

Because of only eating instant noodles or eating out these days, Li Na’s throat felt a little irritated and inflamed. And after speaking, her throat got a little sore. She got up to get some water, and Fairy sat on the sofa, frowning in thought.

“Our general manager is still as infatuated as ever,” Fairy sighed. Then she said, quite jokingly: “Nana, do you want to know the story of the general manager and that bride?”

Li Na put down her glass and wiped her mouth. “I don’t want to.”


“No reason,” Li Na said as she laid back on the sofa, and fiddled with her phone. “That bride is the ex-girlfriend of the general manager. What nice story is there?”

“Don’t you want to know how they met and fell in love with each other?” Fairy looked disappointed. “I’ve been with the general manager for so long, and I know him best. I want to share it with you, but you won’t listen.”

“I don’t want to hear it,” Li Na said. After a while, she opened WeChat and said, “I don’t like the general manager, why should I pay so much attention to him.”

“That’s not right, he’s your boss after all. So it’s always good to know more.”


Li Na was speechless and urged her: “Hey, go take a shower. I’m so sleepy, I’m waiting to go to bed after a shower.”

“Oh…I see…” Fairy grumpily went to take a shower.

Li Na lay on the sofa and looked at the ceiling, deep in thought. When Fairy came out of the shower, Li Na asked her, “Based on what you know about the general manager, what kind of person do you think he is?”

Fairy smirked. “What? Didn’t you say that you have no interest in the general manager and that you should keep your distance?”

Li Na was too tired to joke with her. “I’m just asking,” she said. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

“Well, fine,” Fairy patted her belly, sat on the sofa, and thought about it: “The general manager is completely different from those sons in the upper class, and he’s quite attractive.”

…Isn’t that nonsense?

“The general manager has a wise personality, works hard, and is kind. He belongs to the warm-hearted category. As for his love of cats, it is all because of his ex-girlfriend. This proves that the general manager is an infatuated man,” Fairy smiled.

“However, he also has a common fault of men. He likes to look at good-looking people. Previously, your resume was rejected by the general manager at the first level. I was the one who secretly put you in the interview pile.”

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Only then did Li Na know that Fairy had helped her so much. She smiled and hugged her. “Thank you,” she said.

“Hey, hey, there’s no need for this.”

“Then go to bed early, I’m going to take a shower.”


“Okay, good night.”

For the next two days, Li Na did not speak to Jiang Ke again, mainly because the company was busy. Jiang Ke didn’t take the initiative to find Li Na, and Li Na also deliberately kept a distance from Jiang Ke.

On the contrary, the beautiful He Suanran often went out with the general manager in the past two days. She went out to eat with the general manager at noon, and she was sent home in his car after she got off work at night.

Li Na, Fairy, and a few others who knew about them before kept quiet. And people in the company who didn’t know about them before all started talking about it. Some people said that they are well-matched, and others said that He Suanran is a vixen, a scheming person. In short, in life and in the workplace, there was never a shortage of gossip about bosses and colleagues.

Li Na wasn’t in a very good state in the past two days. The heat and inflammation had made her feel like her body was burning. But she didn’t like taking medicine, so she bought a box of vitamin C Yinqiao tablets and took two tablets in the morning and evening to reduce the heat.

In the past, every time Li Na had a fever or a cold, she would just drink more water and take some tablets (to reduce heat) and get over it in two days, so she did the same thing this time. On Sunday, she slept at home all day and felt much better when she got up at night to cook. But she still couldn’t exert herself too much.

The company’s personnel department sent a mass text message to everyone, asking them to gather in front of the company before 5:30 a.m. on Monday. There were less than 100 people in total going on the trip, and the company had rented three buses. They planned to leave before 6 a.m, and it’s estimated to be a two-and-a-half to three-hour drive.

But Li Na was unlucky. She slept all day, and at night, it was like having the side effects of taking certain medications. She tossed and turned, but she couldn’t sleep. She didn’t fall asleep until almost two o’clock, and then the alarm clock woke her up at five o’clock. She felt so sleepy that she couldn’t open her eyes. But she had to get out of bed to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Fifteen minutes later, Li Na and Fairy packed up and went downstairs. They stood on the side of the road and waited for five or six minutes before getting a taxi. At five o’clock, the sky was still gray, and there was no one on the road. Halfway through the ride, the sky was already bright.

In front of the company, everyone gathered in twos and threes to chat. Xiao Xiao sat on the edge of the flower bed, eating bread. Fairy and Li Na went over to sit together. Li Na narrowed her eyes, she wore no makeup, and her hair was messed up on Fairy’s shoulder, half asleep. 

“What’s the matter, Nana? Are you sick or sleepy?” Xiao Xiao asked with concern.

Li Na frowned. “I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t sleep well or something, but my head hurts a bit and I’m sleepy.”


“Okay,” Xiao Xiao said. She took out two egg tarts from her bag and gave Fairy and Li Na one each, and said, “You haven’t had breakfast yet, have you? It just so happens that I bought a lot of food. You should have some too. You’ll get carsick if you go on an empty stomach.”

Fairy took them and gave both to Li Na. “I’m not hungry,” she said. “You eat. It might make you feel better.”

Li Na placed one in Fairy’s hand and said, “One for each of us. If you don’t eat it, just give it back to Xiao Xiao. I won’t eat it anyway.” Then she opened the package, lowered her head, and ate the egg tart in two or three mouthfuls.

Afraid that Fairy would give it to her again, she got up and stretched in the open space. She saw the company’s buses drive from the road to the company’s entrance and stopped, one by one.

Jiang Ke got down from one of the buses and said, “Everyone, let’s get on the bus and go.”

Fairy quickly pulled Li Na onto the blue bus that Jiang Ke was on. She was the general manager’s assistant, so she naturally had to pay attention to his needs.

After getting on the bus, Li Na sat in the third row near the window. Fairy sat down beside her, and her colleagues began to board. Li Na had a terrible headache. After she told Fairy, she hugged her bag, leaned her head against the window, closed her eyes, and began to sleep.

After everyone got on the bus, Tian Tian, ​​the personnel department director, came to count the number of people, got out of the bus, and went to count the number of people on the other buses.

After a while, the bus started to drive on the road. No one was in the mood to shout and sing. After all, many people had just woken up. They closed their eyes to catch up on their sleep. Others play with their phones.

Jiang Ke sat in the first row near the aisle. He took out boxes of food from a box in the front row. There were packages of bread in various flavors in one, and there was yogurt in the other box. He gave the box of bread to Fairy and told her to distribute it to everyone, while he carried the box of yogurt and gave each employee a bottle of yogurt.

After sending the bread, Fairy returned to her seat. Cheng Tian, who was next to her, called out to her, “Are you sleepy?”

Fairy shook her head, said nothing, and pointed to Li Na who was sleeping.

Cheng Tian whispered to her. “Sit here with me. We can chat for a while, she’s asleep and you’ll wake her up when you eat.”

Fairy thought for a moment and sat down in the empty seat next to Cheng Tian.

Jiang Ke noticed all this from the rearview mirror. When he saw that the seat next to Li Na was empty, he looked at He Suanran, who was glued to his side and staring at him. He wanted to move to the seat next to Li Na.

Guo Dehao happened to walk to the first row and asked Jiang Ke, “General manager, can I change seats with you? I’m not very comfortable sitting there.”

Jiang Ke smiled. Just as he was about to answer, He Suanran spoke first: “The seats are all the same, there is no seat more comfortable or uncomfortable. You can find someone else to change with.”

Guo De felt reluctant. “I have motion sickness, so I have to sit in the first row.”

Jiang Ke got up without saying a word. “You sit, don’t be unhappy on this trip because of motion sickness. I’ll just sit in another seat.”

“Thank you, General Manager.”

“General manager…”

Jiang Ke sat down next to Li Na. The drowsy Li Na had her head hurt by the vibration of the window as the bus was driving.

She squinted, half asleep, and rubbed her head against Jiang Ke. She murmured, “Fairy… my head hurts. Lend me your shoulder… to lean on.”

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