This Omega is Fierce and Wild

Chapter 11: 11

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Ch11 - Decision

Editor: Decembery


Qiu Yu opened his eyes, looking towards the snow-white windows of the hospital room. 

His memories remained at that moment in the apartment corridor, where he faced off against an unknown Alpha with a shard of broken glass clutched in his hands, waiting for a surefire moment to kill him—until the elevator door opened, and three apartment security guards rushed forward and pressed the man to the floor. 



The tension and pressure clutching his heart loosened, he finally couldn’t support himself and succumbed to the bodily instincts provoked by pheromones. 

Looks like they were saved. 

The Omega apartment’s security system was more useful than he’d expected. Although they let that Alpha in, at least they arrived on the scene on time.


The attending doctor asked him a couple of questions and gave him a simple checkup. Only after confirming there was nothing wrong with his body did the doctor allow police officers into the room.

After having his statement taken, Qiu Yu was sent under guard by the police car back to the apartment, and soon after, Xu Qingqing also arrived.

Seeing Qiu Yu’s pale complexion, Xu Qingqing’s tears dripped down her face.


“I’m sorry…” She cried while apologising, “This is all my fault, I’m sorry… really, really sorry, it was me who dragged you into this and got you hurt… I’ll move immediately, I’ll go look for another house tomorrow wuwuwu…”

After some comforting and communication, QIu Yu finally understood why Xu Qingqing blamed herself so much.

That male Alpha was Xu Qingqing’s step-brother. The two parents each brought their children into their marriage. Xu Qingqing and that step-brother didn’t share the sibling bond forged as people grow up together and always didn’t have a good relationship. Her step-brother was addicted to gambling, and as such was often suddenly rich or suddenly destitute. When his funds were getting tight, he would go find Xu Qingqing and ask for money. She had refused before, however the other person used their Alpha pheromones to suppress her, inducing her heat, and even took a video to threaten her…


Xu Qingqing didn’t want to continue living like this. Hence, she secretly saved up some money and took advantage of the time when her step-brother left to gamble in other Star Districts to leave home, and moved to the city she was currently in.  

…But she was discovered anyway. 

“I’m sorry, it’s my fault.” Xu Qingqing sobbed, muttering under her breath, “I shouldn’t be so stubborn, and I should’ve just found an Alpha to marry, so I won’t, won’t implicate my friends… I’m really sorry.”

Qiu Yu sighed helplessly, “It’s not your fault.”

He had never thought that the seemingly optimistic, easygoing, and lively Xu Qingqing would have experienced something like this. 

Although this world was at peace, and gender equality was an issue that people have been fighting for for nearly a century, prejudice and danger were still prevalent in the lives of Omegas.

Xu Qingqing wiped the tears from her face, her voice trembling, “But, what do I do… He won’t be confined for long. When, when he committed a crime before, he was let out after a couple of days, and he even hit me when he got out, taking revenge on me… I can leave, but what about you? You helped me this time, what if he comes looking for you for revenge?

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Olrafclcu ab Hle Te’r mfgajlc jcv vfafgwlcfv abcf, atf aegyeifca ofjgr lc We Hlcudlcu’r tfjga kfgf ragjcufis mjiwfv.  

Coafg ublcu atgbeut remt j rmfcf, jcv atfc tjnlcu fcafgfv atf tbrqlaji jcv tjv atflg rajafwfcar ajxfc, ybat bo atfw kfgf delaf algfv rb atfs ajixfv j mbeqif wbgf rfcafcmfr jcv kfca yjmx ab atflg tbwfr ab gfra. 

The next day, Xu Qingqing sent Qiu Yu a compiled document of affordable and reputable Omega apartments. Clearly, she still felt quite apologetic about yesterday’s events and wanted to make up for it through this method. 


But Qiu Yu wasn’t planning on moving. 

After yesterday’s events, he had realised that if he couldn’t eliminate an Omega’s biological restrictions, even hiding was useless. Danger was everywhere, and those with crooked thoughts could not be completely prevented. If he isn’t willing to rely on an Alpha, he could only make himself stronger—at least, such that he wasn’t controlled by Alpha pheromones. 

Since the biological laws of this world restricted Omegas, he just had to give up his Omega characteristics.

Because of some political factors, the Omega gland removal surgery had extremely stringent application and assessment processes. The surgery’s price was also extremely high, however it could eliminate the problem at its roots.

Qiu Yu originally planned to hide at home for two or three years and slowly save up funds. However, after experiencing this unexpected danger, he felt that he may as well give it his all—since he could meet with danger even while hiding at home, why not take a risk and sprint towards his goal?

Coincidentally, if the Eagle Riders battle team extended an invitation to him, they must have considered the issue of his interaction with the Alphas on the team. Moreover, just then, in the hospital, one of the police officers was an Alpha, yet he didn’t feel threatened by his presence. 

Therefore, Qiu Yu judged that getting enough money for the surgery within one year while also obtaining a way to pass the assessment process from the battle team, was a risk worth taking. 

Qiu Yu sat before a window, his eyelids slightly drooped in thought. He lightly rubbed his bracelet, and without hesitating any further, dialled the manager. 

“About the transfer to the Eagle Riders battle team, I would like to negotiate some details with them.”




 Eastern Area, Star District no.1, the capital Yan city. 

In the Star District Regular Spring Season semifinals of “Century’s Finale”, Eagle Riders EWG hosted their face-off against Boundless IF.  

As Liu Jinrong was injured and unable to participate, Du Chen, who was originally supposed to debut in the summer season, stepped into the professional arena ahead of time. 

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Mu Feibai, Du Chen, Tang Weiran—the current Eagle Riders battle team has become the first team in the history of the League to have three Alpha on field at the same time. Looking only at their momentum, they absolutely crushed the opposing Boundless battle team who only had a single Alpha in their lineup. The audiences’ emotions peaked, some cheering, some screaming, as though they’ve seen an ultimate, unbeatable team!

…And then the Eagle Riders lost to Boundless, 2:3, thus having no fate in the finals. 

[A wolf pack can’t have two Alphas, yet the Eagle Riders even wanted three Alphas to cooperate peacefully.] 

Some famous commenter wrote as such in a post.

[The virtual world isn’t really the military. The Alpha leader can’t use their pheromones to keep their subordinates in check in the game, therefore mutiny is inevitable. Why is Tang Weiran leaving? Because she has now grown strong enough, and her pride as an Alpha does not allow her to always obey Mu Feibai.”


[Just wait, wait until the day Du Chen grows up. Either he would choose to leave like Tang Weiran, or he would replace Mu Feibai.]

[Mu Feibai’s era may be coming to an end.] 

In the Eagle Riders club, the post-game analysis fell into a deadlock.

Tang Weiran and Mu Feibai sat on opposite sides of the conference table, their sights locked on each other, and neither willing to take a step back. 

“I don’t care what ideas you have, I’m the commander, even if I made a mistake in judgement somewhere, you should still listen to my directions on the battlefield.” Mu Feibai showed a rare cold and unyielding expression, his gaze infinitely sharp, piercing towards Tang Weiran, “Excellent soldiers must be able to obey direct commands.”

Hearing this, Tang Weiran scoffed at him, “Why should I be responsible for your lapse in judgement? In the second round, there was obviously a better breakthrough point, and that’s what Coach said earlier as well. It was you who didn’t see the gap, and I went to fill it. You’re blaming me for not listening to commands?” 

Mu Feibai’s expression was solemn. “Yes, I admit it was a mistake in judgement on my part, and I apologise. However if, at the time, you listened to commands and we grouped together, even if we can’t can’t make a comeback and have to retreat, at least we won’t be triple-killed by the opponents.”

Tang Weiran fought back, “If I followed you to advance together, then Zhou Shu’s sniper cover would have been cut off by the other side!”

Mu Feibai: “So What if they cut it off? Kill one of them, and then us four retreat successfully. The base’s energy levels wouldn’t have dropped to red, and we wouldn’t have been so passive in the rest of the match!”

Tang Weiran: “You make it sound easy, but have you considered what if there’s another mistake, there is no sniper cover, and us four can’t retreat successfully. Isn’t it possible that our team might be completely annihilated by the opponents?” 

Mu Feibai coldly huffed, “If you’re always worrying about that “what if”, you may as well do nothing at all.”

Tang Weiran replied, “Fine, you’re strong, you can push yourself and fight. But has it ever occurred to you that Du Chen isn’t Liu Junrong, he can’t keep up with your rhythm at all! ‘Century’s Finale’ isn’t your personal showcase, since the lineup has changed, the commander should be even more stable and steady.”

Situations in the professional arena could change drastically in a mere moment, and no one could guarantee that their every command and plan are correct, and no one could be sure that a plan could guarantee victory. 

To have arrived at the heights of the Star District semifinals, one’s opponents would also be the cream of the crop. Sometimes, a little mistake would significantly impact the outcome of the game; and sometimes, intuition was even better than plans when looking for an opportunity to win.  

Mu Feibai has always been an intuitive player, while Tang Weiran preferred making, then following plans. They were both prideful Alphas, and as Tang Weiran’s abilities grew, contradictions between the two became irreconcilable. 

Coach He raised his hands to rub his temples, and then sighed helplessly, “Alright, let’s leave it at this for now.”

Today’s loss couldn’t be attributed to one person. Battlefield commands should be followed, however, since this was just a game, being overly obedient makes it easier to be targeted by opponents—all the teams in the entire Star Alliance had probably already thoroughly investigated Mu Feibai’s tactics and habits. If the entire team was full of obedient children, sooner or later the opponents would obstruct their rhythm. 

Hence, the reason there hasn’t yet been a team with three consecutive victories in the Stat Alliance cup could be because of this—once a team becomes strong, they would inevitably be scrutinised by competitors, like specimens waiting to be dissected and studied.  

The post-game meeting lasted for an entire afternoon. It was only until dinnertime that the Coach let the players leave.

Mu Feibai had just left the conference room when he saw the Club’s boss Li Tingzhen bringing the team’s manager Yuan Lu over, followed by the base’s doctor Qiu Zhefeng. 


“Old He, wait a moment.” Li Tingzhen raised a hand to block He Jingxing, and also beckoned over Mu Feibai and Du Chen, “You guys stay as well, there’s something I’ve got to say.”

He Jingxing had just stood up, and sat back down upon hearing his words. 

Mu Feibai raised an eyebrow towards Qi Zhefeng, “Why are you here as well?”

Doctor Qi glanced at the boss, and impassively said, “It’s about signing a new player.”

What does signing a new player have to do with the doctor?

Just as he came up with the question, the answer almost immediately floated to the surface of his thoughts—this might be that they’re actually signing that little Omega anchor. Other than an Omega, no one would require a doctor to participate in the signing process… No wonder the boss wanted him and Du Chen, the two Alphas, to stay. 

Indeed, the moment the meeting room’s door closed, Li Tingzhen asked Mu Feibai and Du Chen, “If we can successfully negotiate with Ghost, you two would need to inject Alpha inhibitors every month. Is that ok?

Mu Feibai had long guessed this, and nonchalantly answered, “No problem.”

Du Chen’s expression slightly changed, he looked as though he was about to say something but didn’t in the end, and only nodded in response. 

Li Tingzhen passed the tablet in his hand to Qi Zhefeng, “Have a look at this, is this doable?” 

Doctor Qi looked down at the screen, his expression impassive as usual. 

After some time, he passed the tablet back to Li Tingzhen, and said, “My professional qualifications do give this authority, however he has to sign me in as his family doctor, and undergo 12 months of monitoring. As for whether his application can be approved, I cannot guarantee it.”

Abruptly, the moment he heard this sentence without context, Du Chen’s complexion turned pale. 

Panicked, he looked towards Doctor Qi, his eyes full of disbelief. “Monitoring? Approval—what are they approving? Are you making him undergo gland-removal surgery?!” 


Translator’s note: Haha I read the theories in last chapter’s comments and now the assaulter’s identity now seems kinda a letdown… Also, (っ °Д °;)っ Du Chen isn’t the assaulter… I won’t say anything but ummm… although he is pretty sexist, Du Chen wouldn’t go around assaulting Omegas (⊙x⊙;) 

Ah right, uni is coming up soon so I’ll probably change the update schedule later… Also I’ve been a bit too last minute with translating lately because I’m either busy or procrastinating (sorry Decembery… ≧ ﹏ ≦) so stockpiling is still the goal >.<

Editor’s note: No spoilers but… Du Chen is a good boy!! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა 


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