This Stalker Won’t Leave Me Alone!

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Snake

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I trudged behind Mark, following him to where the couches were located as I flapped my hand in front of my face. Trying to extinguish the heat that has spread on my face from Mark’s surprise ‘attack’.

Mark sat down at the end of the huge corner couch with his legs crossed over his ankle. As he settled himself, he eyed at me and opened his arms, beckoning with his fingers for me to come. I stared at him, puzzled, asking myself why he did that, and proceeded to sit at the opposite end of the cream-colored couch.

The moment my bun made contact with the expensive-looking couch, I was overcome by shock at how soft and bouncy it was.

‘Wow…’ I was in awe and couldn’t help bouncing up and down as I never had sat on such a soft couch before. My eyes were twinkling with excitement, like a kid meeting its new toy.

I leaned back, and I immediately wanted to sink further in to the couch. Wanting to let it swallow me in one gulp.

‘This is amazing…’ Tranquil washed over me and I was about to slowly drift away until a broody looming figure stood over me with its arms folded over each other. It was Mark, and he looked displeased.

My heart thumped in fright as I didn’t hear him stalk towards me. “What?” I chirped as I let my fingers trace over the soft material of the couch.

Mark's frown deepens and my eyebrows raised up even further as I waited for his answer. I guess how I acted must have seemed odd in his rich-looking eyes.

He grumbled something unintelligible before taking a seat next to me, but my ears managed to receive something.

“…so dense…”


I wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but only a squeak was forced out of my mouth as a pair of muscular arms hoisted me against my will to settle me on Mark’s lap. My back was leaning against his torso, and he wrapped his arms securely around my waist.

Resting his chin in the crook of my neck, he exhaled, pleased. “Much better.” He purred and rubs his cheek against mine. I unintentionally hissed at the unfamiliar friction of his stubble beard against my skin.

“This is much worse!” I retaliated and promptly tried to wriggle myself free. My fingers trembling as they faced the strong hurdle of prying Mark’s arms open.

“Kitten.” A strained voice that breathed out hot air in combination with the bulging feeling that was felt from underneath my bun forced me to halt any further movements. “If you move one more muscle, then I won’t be responsible for my actions.” His low, gruff whisper and the soft feeling of his lips against my ears brought a bright red blush across my face.

My mouth went totally dry as I had no words, but I was mostly scared that my words would be a trigger to push him over the edge.

As stillness slowly filled the room, I felt his calloused hand patting my head. Feeling the rumbling and vibration from his chest as he lets out a soft chuckle. “That’s a good girl.”

Ignoring my annoyed expression, he started to talk. “I did say that I would tell you everything, but where should I start?” He queried as he rubbed his chin, mulling over which chronological order he should start.

“When did you start to be so fucked up?” I quipped, raising a brow with a smirk.

He threw his head back, letting out a laughter, the corner of his eyes crinkling. “Oh kitten,” He mused. “since I was born. Ever since I was born, I was void of emotions, but in exchange I was adept at everything, leaving my same age mates in the dust. My brain developed quicker than my peers, making me skip many classes, but I was always lacking emotions. Do you know when I felt the most alive?”

His question was like a cold seeping feeling entering my body. Fearing that I would stutter, I only shook my head.

Mark brought his lips closer to my ear, his hot breath making me shiver. “When I squashed insects.” He whispered and continued. “Something about seeing their insides being pushed out brought a satisfactory feeling. After that it evolved to animals. Killing them, dismembering them, seeing the light in their eyes fade away. It was all amazing.”

An icy wave embalmed me as the small hairs rose on the back of my neck and the lodge in my throat refused to go down, leaving my mouth dry. My stomach was churning, unable to withstand his story.

I jolted at Mark, removing my hair tie, freeing my hair from its imprisonment. My bouncy curls fell gently over my shoulder. My brows knitted together, confused at his actions. Mine confusion was swiftly answered as I felt Mark’s fingers wove through my hair, twisting a coil around his finger before continuing his story in his eerie voice.

“When I was 16, I started to bully the weak kids in the lower grades. Hearing them cry, beg was like music to my ears. Every time my fist collided with their face, I felt rejuvenated. And whenever blood would trickle down their mouth or noses, my heart would beat erratically and my breathing would quicken as excitement filled my body.”

He pushed my hair away, exposing my neck to the cold air, and placed a kiss on the interjection of my neck and shoulder. My body stiffens as I took in a sharp breath. I could feel the blood in my veins pumping quicker, trying to match my thudding heartbeat.

Mark’s eyes lingered on my neck as if he was in a trance, watching every pumping vein through my translucent skin. The next sentence that flowed out of Mark’s mouth made the blood in my body immediately run cold.

“That was also when I wondered how it would feel to kill a human.” Every emotion except for curiosity had left his voice as he gently traced his fingers down my neck, which only made me tense up my muscles even more.

I promptly swat his hand away and covered my neck with my hair as I glared at him wearily. “Is that also when you met that person?” My voice came out croaked as my mouth was deprived of any saliva.

Mark glanced at his swatted hand before looking back at me; the corner of his lips pulled in to a tight smile. “Ding-dong-ding my little smart kitten.” He affirmed, pleased. “That person was my classmate, Snake. The entire school knew about him because of his parent’s business. Everybody knew not to fuck with him because his retribution would be thousand times worse. He was a pretty dandy guy despite his horrible quirk.”

Mark chuckled as he closed his eyes, his mind lost in reminisce. I arched my eyebrow, giving him a skeptical look. “His quirk?” I asked curiously, leaning a bit away so that I could see his face better. “What was it?”

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Mark stilled for a moment, giving me a pensive look before shaking his head. “It’s not for the weak-hearted.” He said, ruffling my hair as he lets out a humorless laugh.

“Anyway,” Mark proceeded his story as he pretended not to see the dreadful look in my eyes. “the next thing I knew, I was invited to join his gang. "His reason for inviting me was and I quote “I love your eyes”. And to be honest, I loved his eyes too. They screamed sociopath, so I accepted his invite.”

“Is your school filled with weirdos or something? I mean- why didn’t you guys do some sport instead? Like I don’t know- taekwondo? Why did you guys have to be psychos?” I groaned, face palming myself as I shook my head.

Mark shrugs nonchalantly. “That’s too easy and boring, but killing- that’s easy and exciting.”

“Oh, my god.” I cried, hiding my face in my palms as I hunched, leaning forward.

God, how did you create him!?

“I killed the people that Snake had assigned to me and just like I expected, the first kill was exhilarating, making me crave for more. He told me to kill, and I complied. Killing was the only thing that could quench my boredom and it pays handsomely.” He said the last part with a grin, but I just stared at him apprehensively, disgust swirling in my eyes as I scrunched up my face.

“It was even better when we had to travel around to take down-”

I held up my hand, interjecting his story with my wobbly smile. “I am sorry to ask this-what were your parents doin-oh wait,” I clipped off my speech, gasping guiltily as I covered my mouth with my hands, casting my eyes nervously away. “I am sorry that must have been insensitive of me. You must have lost your parents at a young age.” I said just above a whisper, my voice coated with sympathy.

“Oh no, they are alive.” Mark said quickly, shaking his head with a passive expression.

“Then what the fuck were your parents doing!?” Mark flinched as I abruptly shot up from his lap, my body heaving in anger. “Didn’t they question you whenever you would go out at night or whenever you would be gone for days!?” I shrieked.

How could they have never noticed their own son’s weird activities!?

Mark shrugs nonchalantly. “They were free-spirited people. They felt that they should let their son be free.”

“What!?” my shocked voice echoed throughout the entire room.

Chuckling, Mark reached out his hand and pulled me back on his lap, stroking my head in an attempt to call me down. And it worked.

“No offense, but your parents are dumb.” I grumbled.

Mark’s eyes twinkled with mirth as he lets out pearls of laughter. “No offense taken. That’s why their son is a genius.”

I groaned, rolling my eyes at that response.

“After working for him for some years, I went solo. I wanted to kill people in my own way, make it more challenging and entertaining.”

“The Chess Player…” I breathed out.

Pinching my cheeks, Mark gave me a knowing smile, affirming my thoughts. “Snake conceded to it, saying that I had deserved it after my years of loyal work. But four years ago, he approached me again saying that he wants me back in the gang, but I refused. He didn’t relent and proceeded to threaten me with my parent’s life, but I still refused.”

My jaw went slack and I could feel my eyes popping out of my skull. “What!?” I yelled incredulously. “Don’t you love your parents!?”

“I do, but not enough to give up my freedom.” His voice was even and flat, matching his stoic expression. Silence reigned the room as I stared at him stunned, my mind frazzled at his inability to be a normal human being.

Shaking my head to recollect my thoughts, I decided to not even try to understand him anymore. Clearing my throat, I questioned.

“So, is that why he is trying to take revenge on you?”

“Nope, I stabbed him in the gut and pushed him over a bridge into a river after he tried to threaten me to hurt you.” Mark said that swiftly, without missing a beat; a smile etched on his face as if he did something admirable.

I blinked copiously, the corner of my mouth twitching into a timid smile. My brow twitched as I guided my ear with my hand closer to him, wondering if I had heard him correctly. “Y-you did what now?”

Scratching the back of his head, he coughed nervously; his eyes not meeting mine. “I was sure he died.” His words were carried out of his mouth carefully.

As if my body lost its energy, I could feel myself slumping in Mark’s embrace, allowing my soul to depart with my body as I don’t think that I can handle this anymore. Mark kept calling out to me with a flustered expression, worried, as I laughed with a tear in my eye.

I think that I have said this enough, but I am fucked.

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