This Stalker Won’t Leave Me Alone!

Chapter 75: Chapter 77: Agreement Part 1

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Mark’s POV

Arriving at the tall apartment complex, I slowed down the speed of my car and leisurely drove in closer to the tollbooth. At the sight of the matted black car, the security guard who was assigned to the small guard post next to the tollbooth dropped his lunch on the white platter and came scampering out of the booth, almost stumbling over his own two feet as he made haste to where I was.

I rolled down my window half way to peer down at the guard with an apathetic expression. The old man, bending his back, took off his cap and fumbled around with it in his hand nervously. Sheen of sweat formed on his forehead out of anxiety as he cast a wobbly smile at me.

“Y-You’ve returned Mr. Moore.” The guard stammered.

I raised my brow. “You make it sound as if it is weird for me to return to my house.”

At my remark the old man’s eyes widen thinking that he made a grave mistake and hastily spoke in a panic voice to paraphrase his previous mistake, “Of course not, sir! This is your building you can come back any time you want-”

I raised my hand to cut his rambling off. The guard clamped his mouth shut and swallowed a lump in his throat as his fearful look remained unchanged. With a calm and collected expression I watched how the man digged his finger further in the cap as to keep his legs from flattering, feeling the air becoming dense.

“I’m not interested in your bootlicking. How was my wife today?” Coldness entered my eyes, narrowing them at the old man and I watched how he flinched, straightening his back before parting his mouth to let the words flow out of his mouth to not let me wait any longer.

“Mrs. Moore didn’t step out of the building today sir and instead became acquittance with the ladies living in the building.” The guard reported without stumbling over his words.

I hummed thoughtfully and asked, “So nobody bothered her today?” I kept my eyes leveled on his face, gauging his expression for anything that may say that he’s withholding something from me.

Frantically he shook his head, “No, sir. Nobody had or attempted to harm Mrs. Moore.”

“Good,” I nodded my head. “Make sure to report any suspicious movement around my wife to me.”

The guard saluted me, conviction waning in his tired old eyes. “I will not disappoint you, sir!”

“Yes, you won’t. Unless you want to end up on the street together with your family.” With eyes that didn’t share the same emotion as my curved up lips, I reminded him of what would happen if he even dares to cut around the corners.

The man paled at my words before bowing his head to me and set to go back in his booth to open the tollbooth for me.

Parking the car in the garage, I took the elevator to the last floor of the building while holding the groceries in my arm. Stepping out of the elevator, I was met with the only door of the private floor that would lead to the penthouse. Searching around in my back pocket, brought out my keys and used them to open the door.

“I’m home!” I bellowed as I stepped inside the vast entrance of the penthouse. The white walls rebounded my voice, carrying it throughout the entire house, but I received no response, causing me to arch my brows as I normally expect my kitten to welcome me.

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“Kitten?” I called out again, keeping a watchful eye for any sudden movement as I removed my shoes and hung my coat on the hat stand.

“I’m in the kitchen!” April finally responded, but the loud grunt that was present in her voice brought an uneasy feeling in my body, causing me to press my lips into a thin line as I carried my feet promptly to the kitchen.

What is this girl doing now? I thought in exasperation as I entered the kitchen, only to have my jaw turn slack at the horrifying sight that unfolded in front of me, rendering me speechless.

Reaching for something that was placed high in the cabinet, April stood on a small stool on her pointy toes to stretch herself out. As she stood closely on the edge of the stool, her weight caused it to sway to the front, the hind legs of it levitating in the air.

I felt my heart drop instantly to the pit of my stomach, watching how my kitten was standing unstable on the stool in her yoga fit, her small body trembling as it tried its best to maintain its balance.

“April, sweetheart, get off the stool immediately! What do you think you are doing?” I said through grounded teeth as I placed to groceries on the counter before walking to where April was.

“Oh hush, I almost got it, so don’t worry.” Her tongue peeked through the corner of her lips as she focused on the object of her desire. Her delicate hand finally could wrap its fingers around it before she swiftly pulled it back. With a wide spread grin, which was adorable, she turned her gaze at me.

“I got it! See? There’s nothing for you to be worried about-AH!” She wasn’t able to finish her sentence as the stool started to seesaw uncontrollably from the sudden shift in her weight. Her arms flailed around as she lost control over her balance and toppled back. Brazing herself for the impact, she closed her eyes tightly, but having already foresaw something like this to happen, I swiftly closed the distance between us and caught her in my arms.

I closed my eyes and breathed out a heavy sigh, trying to still my hammering heart that was about to burst through my ribcage. April hesitantly opened one of her eyes to peek at the situation. Seeing the skin between my brows fold, she grin sheepishly.

“I really hope that giving me a heart attack isn’t turning into your hobby. You remember what the doctor told you, right? You aren’t allowed to do any strenuous activities.” I reminded her as I gave her a pointed look.

She glared disgruntled at me. “Since when is getting something for myself from the cabinet considered as strenuous activity?”

“Since you decided to mimic acrobats.” I remarked to her earlier stunt.

She narrowed her beautiful emerald eyes at me petulantly before inflating her rosy cheeks. “I didn’t have to do that if you didn’t place the pot so high up or did you perhaps forget that I also live in this house?”

Her sulking behavior was so endearing to me that I couldn’t stop myself from capturing her supple lips with mine, sucking on them before letting them go to hear her delicious sigh filled with desire escaping past her lips, deflating her cheeks. “I’m sorry kitten, we rarely eat,” I paused, my eyes shifting to the pot that was held against her chest in her hands before gazing back in her eyes and continue with my words. “pickles, so that’s why they were placed high up, but I’ll keep in mind to place them lower from now on. A new craving?” I questioned amused, to see her blush abashed.

“I just suddenly felt like eating them.” She grumbled lowly, averting her eyes from me.

I chuckled lightly, pressing my lips against her forehead. “No need to feel ashamed about it, sweetheart. Though your taste buds had been morphing particularly these past few weeks, I enjoy every single bit about it. It’s a sign that this small bud is growing fine after all.” Saying that, I dipped my head to plant a soft kiss on my kitten’s bare belly.

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