This Venerable One Really Didn’t Abandon My Familiar

Chapter 36: 35

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Ch35 - If it happens again, I’ll peel your skin off……

Whenever together with Feng Ci, Pei QianYue always likes to deliberately take advantage of him, just a little.

Perhaps Pei QianYue’s original intention wasn’t to take any advantage of him, but he had been rather dependent on Feng Ci in his youth. This kind of reliance remained unshakeable and continued to grow during these years and years of waiting and obsession. Right now, it’s even harder to control. 

In short, after these long days, Feng Ci has already gotten somewhat accustomed to Pei QianYue’s wide variety of intimate behaviors.

Sometimes, Feng Ci felt like Pei QianYue didn’t act like a snake at all, but rather more like a cat. In a good mood, he’d wave his tail and stick his head over to nuzzle and rub, acting spoiled and attracting Feng Ci’s attention by being cute. In a temper, he’d ignore everyone and insist on waiting for people to pacify him. If unable to be pacified, someone might even end up getting scratched once or twice.

Nevertheless, Feng Ci still felt like he’s been pampering Pei QianYue too much lately and making him become more and more impudent.

But what can he do? 

For example right now. That slightly cold hand was pulling on him gently, without using any force at all and only holding on by the fingertips. The tips of those fingers brushed across Feng Ci’s palm, making him feel somewhat ticklish. The touch was light, as if the other was carefully and tentatively checking to see if it’s okay.


Which made Feng Ci halt his original intention to throw Pei QianYue off.

Forget it.

Expressionlessly holding the floral garlands in one hand and his family’s snake baby in the other, Feng Ci turned and walked into the crowd.


The street of the bazaar was still crowded with people. The peddlers along the road called out their merchandise. Buyers discussed and haggled the prices of the products. There were also cultivators loudly discussing the major events of the cultivation world today. The two white and black figures very quickly got lost in the crowd.

However, it wasn’t long before Feng Ci regretted his decision.

The two people had wandered around for not even one incense stick of time, and Feng Ci already cannot remember how many times they have been stopped.

“This pair of jade bracelets was handcrafted by the deceased Madam WuWang. Wearing them will allow lovers to meet again life after life. Young master, do you want to take a look?” 

“Selling this marriage contract talisman drawn personally by the leader of the Matrimony Sect, only on sale today!”

“This is the Lover’s Parasite. If someone changes heart after consuming it, they’ll die of perforated bowels.”


“What’s wrong with these people? Does holding hands automatically mean we’re Daoist Companions?” After rejecting who knows how many cultivators trying to market their treasures to them, Feng Ci finally couldn’t take it anymore. 

“Calm down, Master.” Pei QianYue said serenely: “They’re the ones without insight.”

His tone was flat and ordinary, sounding completely unconcerned.

Over here, Feng Ci was still fuming. When he turned his head back, he noticed another cultivator standing in front of Pei QianYue and hastily ran closer.

“What are you looking at?” Feng Ci asked. 

Pei QianYue didn’t answer. The cultivator standing in front of him, however, was very friendly and enthusiastic: “Immortal elders, do you find the endless life of cultivation to be dull and tedious? How about coming over to take a look at the new products I got from HeHuan Sect?”

That cultivator was short and small, but he carried a wooden box even taller than him. After opening the box, the top drawer was filled with bottles and jars.


He pulled out a cyan jade bottle and laughed perversely: “The newest aromatic balm refined by HeHuan Sect disciples. You only need to smear a little on, and I promise you and your Daoist companion will be able to rediscover the initial thrill and passion of dual cultivation.”

Feng Ci: “…….” 

Feng Ci took a deep breath: “No need. We’re not……”

“Oh, it hasn’t been long since you two have become Daoist companions?” That cultivator understood in a flash and buried his head inside the box, searching around: “Then why not add a few toys to liven the fun? Do you like something exciting or something mild? Do you want to use it in the front or the back?”

As that cultivator spoke, he pulled out a bunch of stuff from the wooden box again. The sight itself made Feng Ci feel faint.

This was an official bazaar hosted by the government. Why was someone selling these kinds of things here? 

Pei QianYue, on the contrary, looked very interested. He picked up an item from the pile of trinkets and asked: “What is this?”

“Immortal elder, good eye!” The cultivator praised and introduced: “This warm jade is a great, a durable and long-lasting item. It’s said that during its creation, 8 different aphrodisiac herbs were used to refine it for a total of 49 days. Even a pure hearted, desireless cultivator wouldn’t be able to resist this for more than an incense stick of time.”

“Oh?” Pei QianYue nodded with interest. He put that pinky sized warm jade back and picked up another item: “And this whip—”

Before he finished speaking, Feng Ci gave him a ruthless pinch. 

Pei QianYue’s expression froze, then he calmly put the item back: “Actually, I won’t be buying anything. Thanks.”

“Tch, if you’re not buying anything, why didn’t you say that earlier.” That cultivator grumbled quietly and then walked away carrying his box of items.

Feng Ci also threw off Pei QianYue’s hand and walked off.

“Master.” Pei QianYue caught up to him: “I was wrong.” 

Feng Ci sneered: “Wrong? What wrongs did the City Master Sir commit? How come this disciple is not aware of it?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ufl HljcTef fzqijlcfv: “P kjr bcis meglber.”

“Yt. Ycis meglber.” Mfcu Jl aegcfv tlr tfjv jcv qblcafv ja j qijmf lc atf vlrajcmf: “Ktf Cgalrjc Ujgibgr jgf akb ragffar jkjs, jc fcalgf ragffa oeii bo atfw. Ktfgf’r qgbyjyis fnfgsatlcu lcrlvf atfgf. P gfmxbc la’r fcbeut ab rjalros atf Jlas Zjrafg Vlg’r meglbrlas.”

“……” Pei QianYue said quietly: “Master, you know I definitely don’t mean that.” 

Feng Ci smiled: “En, I know indeed.”

The people came and went in the bazaar. Feng Ci glanced around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to their tiny little dispute, he took a step towards Pei QianYue and closed the distance between the two of them: “Are you genuinely curious or is your thoughts on using those toys on a certain someone, I’m very clear.”


He tiptoed to reach Pei QianYue’s ear and whispered through gritted teeth: “If it happens again, even if it’s just thinking about it…… I’ll peel your skin off.”

After saying this, he gave a cold huff and walked off without looking back. 

Almost as if he didn’t expect Feng Ci to say it so bluntly, Pei QianYue was stunned for a moment before a faint smile appeared on his face. He picked up his pace and gave chase.

Besides those indecent little trinkets, there were still a lot of good stuff that can be found in Wanhai Bazaar.

As old Master Xue said, with the recent unrest in the cultivation world, many sects seized the opportunity of this market fair to sell off their mystic texts, crafting materials, and treasures, and most at a discounted price too. Even Feng Ci felt extremely tempted.

“Glass Wire Vine. This is quite a rare sight to see. Let’s buy some for Xiao Que to make medicine.” 

“Mystic Sand used to refine swords. 20 low quality spirit stones for such a big bag? Let’s bring a few bags back for the Sword Forging Pavilion. Lin-Shixiong will definitely love it.”

“Wow, this pair of swords are pretty good. Unfortunately, they’re for women. I’m not really familiar with any of the female disciples in the sect…… Oh well, let’s buy them first and see.”

As Feng Ci browsed, he purchased. Taking advantage of LangFeng City’s abundant financial resources, he very quickly filled half a spiritual storage pouch.

He still wanted to keep shopping but Pei QianYue pulled him to a stop: “Master……” 

“What? Think I’m buying too much?” Feng Ci glanced at him: “You just said that as an apologize from you, I can spend as much as I want. And plus, isn’t everything I’m buying items to be used by your sect’s disciples?”

Pei QianYue wanted to speak but hesitated: “I didn’t—”

“I know.” Feng Ci interrupted him, saying: “I know. You’re thinking— I’ve considered everyone, except you, right?”

He lowered his head, searched around in the spiritual pouch for a while, and pulled out a magic pill that glowed white: “Here. This anti-aging pill is for you. I just nabbed this from a group of female cultivators. It was the last one left.” 

Pei QianYue’s expression instantly turned extremely entertaining.

Feng Ci thoroughly enjoyed the majestic LangFeng City Master’s defeated expression before finally turning around to continue walking.

Wanhai Bazaar was organized very thoughtfully. Most of the items found near the outer region were common things that can be used not only by cultivators but also by ordinary people. The prices were rather cheap. Meanwhile, the items in the inner region were rarer and sold at higher prices.

After taking just two steps, Feng Ci saw something that caught his eye again. 

It was a bronze cauldron.

The bronze cauldron was placed on a simply built stand next to the roadside. There was only a half transparent barrier enveloping the outside of it, which looked very crude.


A red robed youth sat cross legged next to the bronze cauldron, clearly the owner of this item.

However, he didn’t shout or market merchandise like the other sellers. Instead, he just sat there quietly and spacing off, even looking somewhat dispirited. 

Feng Ci walked over: “Little bro, how much is this?”

The youth was stunned, and then hastily stood up: “This, this is 300 high quality spirit stones!”

Feng Ci was somewhat surprised: “300?”

“Is that expensive?” The youth looked a bit uneasy and stammered hesitatingly: “Then 280? 260 is fine too……” 

Feng Ci didn’t answer.

He frowned and asked: “Is this thing yours?”

“Of course!” Hearing Feng Ci’s implication, the youth said angrily: “This is a treasure passed down by my great-grandfather. It’s the most revered symbol of our sect. How could it not be mine!”

Feng Ci then asked: “Then do you know what this is? And what is it used for?” 

The youth said: “My……My dad says this item is called the Phantom Spirit Cauldron. It’s a magic prison used to capture Yao(妖) and subdue Mo(魔), as well as other……”

He mumbled a bit but couldn’t complete his answer.

“Just as I suspect.” Feng Ci understood everything and explained: “This item is indeed called the Phantom Spirit Cauldron and it is indeed a magic prison. This item is extremely hard and durable. Activated by oral incantations, it can suck up everything— cultivators, immortals, Yao(妖), Mo(魔), deities and gods. Once dragged inside, you’ll be trapped in the most dreadful nightmare, drowning in its depths, eternally without relief.”

“This should be one of the magic weapons left behind in the mortal realm from the war between mortals and demons(魔) 3000 thousand years ago. Selling this to me for 300 spirit stones is really far too cheap.” 

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Selling this thing for 3000 was not even enough.

The youth was stunned: “This……”

“Ai, you’ve already given me the price so there’s no regretting it now.” Feng Ci hastily took out the money: “300 it is. I want it.”

He had just handed over the spirit stones to the youth when suddenly there was an extremely loud shout behind him: “You’re not allowed to sell that!” 

The new arrival was a big and tall young man, carrying a black iron greatsword behind his back. Even sheathed, it was possible to sense the overbearing spirit aura within the sword.

The young man walked over quickly and grabbed the youth by the collar: “What did I say to you today?!”


The youth’s face was pale white. When he opened his mouth to speak, even his lips trembled: “Elder brother……”

“You still recognize me as your elder brother?” In the young man’s anger, the greatsword behind his back hummed: “I told you, if you want to leave then leave yourself. My Broken Sword Manor will pretend you’re no disciple of ours. However, this Phantom Spirit Cauldron is a heirloom from dad. How can you just—” 

“Hey, sorry to interrupt.” Feng Ci cut in: “This young master has already sold the Phantom Spirit Cauldron to me.”

Stunned, the young man released the youth’s collar.

He took in a deep breath to calm down the fury within his body before finally turning around and greeting Feng Ci politely: “This one is the Sect Leader of Broken Sword Manor, Xiao ChengXuan. This is my younger brother, ChengHuan. May I ask what sect do you hail from, sir?”

Feng Ci said randomly: “No sect nor school, just a wanderer.” 

Xiao ChengXuan didn’t really seem to believe him.

He gave Feng Ci a once-over scan and then turned his gaze on Pei QianYue.

Feng Ci and Pei QianYue hadn’t planned to reveal their identities during this trip to the mortal realm. Therefore, they had both concealed their presence. Unless the other cultivator has a higher cultivation level, it’s impossible to see the depth of their powers.

However, being unable to see the depth of someone’s power was in itself proof of one’s strength. 

Xiao ChengXuan clearly understood this. Therefore, he only examined the two people a bit more before withdrawing his gaze. He said: “Today, my younger brother had a little dispute with me. In a fit of anger, he stole our sect’s treasure to peddle it off here. This item is the most revered symbol of our sect and can’t be sold privately. I hope you can understand and forgive me, sir.”

Feng Ci said: “But don’t the rules of this Wanhai Bazaar say, the one who buys it, owns it?”

“This……” Xiao ChengXuan thought briefly and took out a command sigil from his pocket: “Broken Sword Manor is right outside of GuangLing City, which is not far from here. You can take this sigil to my sect’s treasure house to pick out any magic item you want in there. This can be counted as my compensation.”

Feng Ci raised an eyebrow. 

It was evident to see that this Manor Master wasn’t any ordinary character. From his dark red brocaded robes, to the hairpin in his hair, to the jade pendant on his waist— There was nothing on his body that wasn’t a rare and precious magic item. His sect must have plenty of good stuff in there.

So this exchange wasn’t a loss.

However Feng Ci was still very curious: “Can I ask why your younger brother stole the treasure to sell it off?

Xiao ChengXuan’s expression changed then changed back. 

“Private family business, not convenient to be divulged to others.”

He didn’t give Feng Ci any opportunity to ask more questions. Handing the command sigil to them, he raised his hand and collected the bronze cauldron back: “This one still has important business to attend to and must first bid farewell.”


After saying this, he grabbed the youth by the back of his collar and dragged him off without looking back.

Feng Ci gazed at the retreating view of his back and mumbled: “Broken Sword Manor. I seemed to have seen this name somewhere.” 

“Broken Sword Manor is the biggest sect in JiangNan.”

An old man interjected next to them.

That Sect Leader of the Broken Sword Manor arrived like a whirlwind. After all this commotion, it attracted the attention of plenty of bystanders.

Seeing someone well informed, Feng Ci inquired: “Are those brothers normally at odds with each other?” 

“Definitely not.” That old man said: “The old Sect Leader of Broken Sword Manor died young, leaving the two young masters behind to support each other. It’s only thanks to them that Broken Sword Manor can develop to its current state. These two brothers are extremely close to each other. The Sect Leader of Broken Sword Manor had taught his only little brother extremely well. Everyone knows this.”

Feng Ci: “Then why did they cause such a commotion today?”

Stroking his beard, the old man said slowly: “It’s probably because of today’s news…”

Feng Ci remembered where he had heard this name. 

Broken Sword Manor was also inside the list of sect names.

After the Immortal Alliance announced the list of names during the day, there was a great upheaval within the cultivation world. Walking around tonight, Feng Ci has heard plenty of discussion about it.

However, due to the abruptness of the situation, how will those immortal sects respond, where will they go— everyone can only guess for now.

The old man sighed and said: “Looks like Broken Sword Manor doesn’t plan to dismiss their  disciples…” 

Unable to purchase the Phantom Spirit Cauldron, Feng Ci was no longer in the mood to continue browsing the Wanhai Bazaar. In addition, it was close to the appointed time with Xue Wei. Thus, the two people started to head back.

On the way back, Feng Ci fiddled and played with Xiao ChengXuan’s command sigil. Seeing this, Pei QianYue asked: “Master is still thinking about Broken Sword Manor?”

“Yes.” Feng Ci said: “I still don’t understand why the young master of that family would bring the revered symbol of their sect outside to sell it.”

Pei QianYue said: “Because it’s impossible for Broken Sword Manor to join the Immortal Alliance.” 

Feng Ci paused what he was doing: “Ah?”

“The first generation Master of Broken Sword Manor, Xiao Jue, died in the hands of the former LangFeng City Master, Rong Ji.” Pei QianYue said: “Xiao Jue and Sword Saint Rong Ji were once old friends. Before Rong Ji died, he once told me that he only had one regret in his life, and it’s related to this friend of his.”


Broken Sword Manor was accustomed to using greatswords. The swordsmanship that they cultivated was steadfast and domineering. This style was created by Xiao Jue himself.

Xiao Jue practiced swords obsessively since youth. To prove that his own sword style was invincible and peerless, he dueled and competed with people everywhere. However, his sword style was the relentless and untiring type. Every time he drew it, there must be blood. Because of this, he also made a lot of enemies. 

He killed too many people, which caused his mind to become unstable. Until in the end, he gradually began to lose control and was on the verge of a qi deviation.

Xiao Jue also knew that if he continued like this, he’d definitely qi deviate. Therefore he arranged to duel Rong Ji at the foot of Kunlun mountain and even signed a life-and-death contract.

“Once the life-and-death contract is signed, one person must die and one person must live at the end of the duel. Using Xiao Jue’s own words, he’d rather die in the hands of the renowned Sword Saint Rong Ji than qi deviate and die to some unknown small fry while he’s insane.”

Feng Ci sighed and said: “A person of integrity.” 

Pei QianYue nodded his head: “Nevertheless, Xiao Jue still died in the LangFeng City Master’s hands. Because of this, when the Immortal Alliance was established, his successors announced to the world, Broken Sword Manor will never join the Immortal Alliance; otherwise, they’d be too ashamed to face their ancestor.”

This was actually quite understandable.

Feng Ci said: “In other words, they only have two choices remaining.”

Either disband, either…… wait for the murderer to appear at their doorstep. 

Furthermore, with the personality of that young Manor Master, he probably won’t pick the former.

“Broken Sword Manor.” Feng Ci rubbed the command sigil in his hand and said: “Looks like we will have to take a visit there.”

Pei QianYue nodded: “Okay.”

They strolled around Wanhai Bazaar for a very long time. Right now, the moon was high in the sky; however, the street was still lively and bustling with energy. 

At first, Feng Ci actually felt it was strange, until they walked past a small pavilion by the street; a woman in a thin veil and flimsy garments, who was leaning against the railing, threw a flower branch at them.

Feng Ci subconsciously caught the flower branch and looked up. Instantly, he understood. The Xue estate was located in the most prosperous district of the city. The street next to this was the Artisan Parlors that Xue Wei had mentioned.

He had originally planned to walk back to the estate. Unknowingly, they had strolled near these Artisan Parlors.

Feng Ci stuffed the flower branch in Pei QianYue’s hand and said with a smile: “City Master sir, your interest is here. There’s a great beauty calling you right now, so why don’t you hurry up and go?” 

In the last few days, Xue Wei had mentioned these Artisan Parlors to Feng Ci plenty of times.

According to local customs, every night when the Artisan Parlors opened up, the female and male courtesans would lean against the 2nd floor railing and throw flower branches. When they take an interest in a potential benefactor passing, they’d throw the flower branches down. If the potential benefactor accepted this flower, they could enter the parlor to have a free drink or listen to a brief tune.


Pei QianYue frowned slightly: “Don’t joke.”

“How am I joking?” Feng Ci didn’t forget to get revenge for earlier and said teasingly: “In the bazaar just now, didn’t you say you’re very interested in these kinds of things? Now’s your chance, aren’t you going to take it? Hurry and go already. Don’t make the beauty wait anxiously.” 

As Feng Ci spoke, he raised a hand to push him. However, Pei QianYue grabbed his wrist forcefully.

Pei QianYue lowered his head slightly. He pressed his thin lips together tightly, expression also somewhat heavy.

If it were someone else in the cultivation world seeing the LangFeng City Master like this, they’d probably have already fallen to their knees in fear.

However, Feng Ci was special. 

Not only was he not afraid, he even smiled extremely tauntingly.

Pei QianYue had really been too obedient in front of him lately. He really wanted to see this person’s annoyed face.

Unfortunately, he didn’t get this opportunity.

A moment later, Pei QianYue sighed softly, as if both helpless and exasperated. 

His usual lofty arrogance and coldness gone without a trace.

With a faint smile on his face, Pei QianYue pinned the rouge scented flower branch to Feng Ci’s hair and said quietly: “But you already know, I’m not interested in them.”

“……What should I do, Master?”

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