Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 341: v7 Chapter 51: World Focus and Unexpected Trouble

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The real spread of ripples appeared on the night. When abc broadcasted the prime time news in the evening, ABC made a special report on the news that Roger told the US as emergency news.

As one of the three largest news media in the United States, abc cannot listen to the wind and rain like the online media. Especially this kind of problem that may cause political controversy, they need to repeatedly confirm the correctness of the message before they can broadcast it.

So when abc broadcasts this news, the time is much later than the online media, but now the online media is rumored and no one knows that the news is true, the news is false.

So with regard to the news of the US team ’s lawsuit, the first reaction of many American people is false, absolutely false. How could Captain America sue the US government? This must be someone fanning the flames.

Others have shouted on the Internet the communicators who demanded a strict investigation of rumors. Even several communication agencies have been affected.

As one of the credible news broadcast media in the United States, abc, they only broadcast the most important news today in the shortest time during the prime time of evening news at the fastest speed, and put the link into a special news period.

Many uninformed Americans do not know what happened in front of the TV.

They only saw the special host who was usually only responsible for broadcasting major international news appearing on the screen. He combed the big oil head that would only be combed on very formal occasions. There was a serious voice that felt no emotion.

"This station received news and inserted a special news here. At 2:10 this afternoon, the New York State Court accepted Steve Rogers, the famous Captain America's lawsuit."

"The content of the complaint is that Captain America sued the United States for abusing his personal image for personal gain. In the lawsuit, Captain America brought the United States Department of Defense to court on the grounds of indulging illegal acts."

The anchor said with a serious expression as if to attend the funeral. "The captain's prosecution did not mention whether the government needs to compensate it financially. There is no clear conclusion at the end of the whole matter. Here we have invited our special commentator ..."

The next thing is very boring. Those TV commentators have unfounded wild ideas.

But for the entire United States, the news broadcast this time affirmed the authenticity of the US team's lawsuit. Now the entire network has exploded, saying everything.

"The US team really sue the US government? Make a mistake!" Normal netizen.

"The government must have done something sorry for Captain America! We need to support Captain America!"

"Conspiracy! Everything is a conspiracy! Wake up! Comrades and friends. A new round of elections is about to begin. This is someone attacking the ruling party. All this is a political conspiracy!" Conspiracy theorists.

"I tell you! I have a relative who works at S.H.I.E.L.D. He actually said that they did not find the US team at all. In fact, only the wreckage of the plane and a skeleton were found at the location of the Arctic crash. Dead. "Some truth party.

"Now this American team is fake. They were pretended to be a dragon runner named Chris Evans in Hollywood! This started as a well-planned scam, as for what to cheat. I only It can be said that people who understand it naturally understand it, and those who do not understand it are useless. "This post caused a sensation.

"The truth is upstairs!" The melon-eating masses who do not know the truth.

In addition to these netizens, the world's media have reproduced this important news.

From China's Xinhua News Agency to Guangmingwang, Russia's Truth, Britain's Times, and France's Figaro. Eyes from all over the world have gathered in the United States and in the New York State Court.

At this moment, billions of people around the world are watching this lawsuit that has nothing to do with them. In Beijing, China, on the other side of the ocean, Brother Zhang, as usual, pulls guests to their destination. As a native of Beijing, bragging is a basic skill.

Today, the bull that Lao Zhang wants to blow has nothing to do with China, but the case of the American team on the other side of the ocean. The passengers also listened with interest.

It can be seen that just one night of fermentation, to what extent the news effect of this matter has inflated.

The original case was from hearing to hearing. It was a very, very long process before going to court.

But because of the particularity of Captain Rogers' lawsuit and that terrible attention, it was only one night. The New York State Court met overnight and decided to start an urgent hearing the next day.

They opened a special hearing for Rogers. The judges he heard were veteran judges with a 20-year career in the New York State Court.

So Rogers received a summons to attend the hearing the next day. The US side was previously unprepared.

Even the person in charge of the Political Propaganda Department read the abc news that night to know that he was accused. The military was informed that it had participated in the hearing as a defendant without precaution, and the Ministry of Defense as a defendant also received a subpoena.

When Rogers came to the New York State Court again, hundreds of journalists had gathered here. Journalists from all over the world surrounded Rogers with short guns and short guns.

Hill, watching Rogers' every move through the monitor in the SHIELD building, said with some concern. "Captain, do you think this works?"

Rogers heard Hill's worry from the communicator in his ear, and he said in a reassuring tone. "There may be many things in this world that have changed, and it makes me feel uncomfortable to be different from before. But things like politics have not changed over the years."

Rogers was helpless. "I do n’t know if it ’s good or bad, it ’s as dirty as ever. I do n’t like it, but sometimes I have to do something. Just like when I toured in the US 70 years ago, I called on people to donate Donate things and appeal to young people to join the army. "

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"In the dirtiest way, Congress also wants approval, and the ruling party also wants to occupy a majority of seats in the next general election, then they must consider public opinion. And the opposition parties want to be in power will also attack the ruling party. And what I do, as long as I tell the truth, can change the minds of many people. "Rogers said straightforwardly.

"I will not deceive the people, nor do I like the people being deceived by the government. If some politicians are holding patriotic signs for personal gain, then they are blasphemy against the patriots."

"I'm telling the truth, and the rest of Washington will be handed over to you Hill." Rogers finished hanging up the communication.

The agents of the SHIELD around him opened a passage for him to capture the reporters who had never been to him. Rogers wore a fitted black suit with a smile on his face.

He strode into the door of the state court.

The hearing is not a trial, but just hear the plaintiff and defendant make a case statement before the court. The hearing court is not a public hearing, just an inner court. So there is no auditorium here, and naturally there are no reporters.

Opposite Rogers is the black-faced military representative, who was temporarily caught to count. The incident came so suddenly that the military did not even have much preparation.

"In this case, the plaintiff Steve Rogers stated that the military used its image without authorization. It received benefits through endorsements, advertisements, game movies, and various peripheral methods. Without the authorization of Rogers himself and without paying any fees to the plaintiff, it belongs to Serious infringement. Does the defendant agree. "The old judge in the court inquired publicly.

"Steve Rogers used to be in 1941 ..." The military lawyer hurriedly took out a document to refute.

"Master Judge, what the defendant said. We have made it clear in the statement. Captain Rogers' authorization is to require all expenses to be used in World War II. World War II has been well known for more than seventy years. "As Rogers's attorney, Matt refuted the military's point of view sternly.

"This is not a court hearing, and no defense is required from both parties." The judge knocked on the hammer. Indicate that the two parties are now hearing.

Over the next thirty minutes, the two parties continued to present their case. But basically it has already gone through. The old judge thought absently. This case does not know whether the state court has the right to hear the case completely independently.

When all statements are over, the judge announces. "This court accepts allegations from Steve Rogers against the US side. This court announced that the first trial will start on May 15." The judge judged the hammer and signaled the hearing to end.

The conclusion of the hearing revealed more useful information to the media. The most important point is that the US side ’s use of Rogers ’image was infringing. They were not authorized by Rogers, and they did not pay Rogers a penny from start to finish.

This puts all companies that have purchased the right to use Captain Rogers' image from the military into an awkward situation. Coca-Cola has begun to stop sales of Coke, which should have a Captain America packaging cover.

And more companies that are interested in purchasing the license to use Captain Rogers' image are also discouraged. The world is also in an uproar for the news.

In the sky above New York City, Peter Parker is swinging on a swing every day looking for criminals. He chatted with Li Jie, who was on the other side of New York City, by avoiding the built-in headphones. "So all the captain souvenirs I bought before were actually pirated, right?"

"In a sense, yes." Li Jie stepped on a person under his feet. To be precise, it is a drug dealer. He was caught by Li Jie when he was just selling drugs.

Li Jie took a packet of drugs and ice-blue pills from him. Should this thing be called Paradise Three? He destroyed a lot when he dealt with the Stanic family before.

It seems that this kind of drug is very popular in New York City, even the sales of ordinary cocaine and **** have been reduced by this thing.

"It's **** it! I always support the captain! I thought those things were genuine and I would buy them!" Peter Parker's tone sounded a little annoyed. "I will not buy any products printed with Captain America anymore before I get the official authorization from Captain!"

Peter's attitude actually reflects the attitude of many American citizens towards the captain.

While chatting with Li Jie, Peter discovered a robbery in Queens. A gun robber is robbing a convenience store.

He grabbed a handful of change from the store clerk and ran out.

Peter was annoyed today. He dived directly from the height of ten floors. When he was about to land, he pulled himself with spider silk.

Then, by inertia, he picked up the robber and threw him into the air ~ ~ dyed red and caught a large net with spider silk to catch him.

After doing all this, Peter felt his mood was much better. He clapped his hands with satisfaction and praised himself. "Fantastic Spider-Man."

"How much did the guy just **** you?" Peter clapped his hands and went into the convenience store, wanting to buy a bottle of Pepsi. He decided to start rejecting Coca-Cola from today.

"Spider-Man! Oh, can you sign me? Thank you so much." The convenience store clerk was a little excited. Peter casually signed him on the notebook he handed over and drew a cute spider head.

"Oh, you said the unlucky guy just now? In fact, he only robbed fifteen dollars. Today, the money from the ATM was just taken away by the boss. And this guy tricked me into opening the ATM with an exchange of change.

"He took twenty dollars and wanted to change it. He tricked me into opening the teller machine. He snatched fifteen dollars. But he left his twenty dollars at the counter. You see it." The clerk pointed. Twenty dollars on the table.

I don't know why, when Peter saw this twenty dollars, the spider suddenly said crazy warning. I seem to have caused a big trouble!

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