Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 406: v7 Chapter 116: My value (5500 words big

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war. This term is no stranger to any nation or civilization. But all races and civilizations that can stand in the forest of the world have withstood the test of blood and fire.

Without bloodshed and sacrifice, there is no peace and rights. This is an unbreakable truth in many civilizations. Even gods are no exception. Those legendary wars of gods, the war between right and evil in those stories.

No matter what way to beautify and modify, its essence is cruel and bloody. Asgard won the Frost Giant, but this does not mean that Asgard will never have enemies.

The universe is so big that no one knows where the boundaries of the territory are. The universe is so small that it cannot hold several civilizations to coexist in a star field.

Asgard has enemies that need to be eliminated, because there are always believers calling for the help of gods. The believers enslaved by evil gods live in the abyss.

They prayed for salvation from the **** they believed in. Odin is no longer wearing a battle shirt, and since the last time he completely defeated the Frost Giant, there are no enemies worth his hands.

Now Asgard's military power is entrusted to his son, Thor Thor! He will inherit the throne in the future, he needs seniority and prestige. Otherwise, what would he use to convince other gods?

Asgard is a powerful divine system. This kind of power is built on the basis of Odin's years of war in the south. The evil spirits he beheaded together piled up enough to fill an asteroid.

Thor also needs to prove himself with the same means. For example, as he did now, he took two thousand Asgard's elite warriors to attack a Death Star evil spirit.

Asmontis, the god, this is the name and priesthood of this evil god. As a god, he is much more affected by the priesthood than ordinary people.

When he sinks into the sea by himself, he becomes a terrible evil god. He is as strong as he is. This death star was originally a planet enshrining him as the main god. But now it has become a desert. Never see any life again.

This is not the first planet that Asmontis destroyed. Odin was guided by believers, and he sent Thor to lead the army to attack Asmontis.

On the sun boat, Thor is holding the newly captured flying goat proudly in front of the walkway Luo Ji: "Luo ... Rocky! Look at this is my newly captured flying goat. Do you want to try riding it? My I finally tamed it in a few days, and now I do n’t have to worry about being injured while riding it! ”He came to praise my expression.

Because he caught the flying goat, Thor was praised by other Asgard gods. Because the flying goat has a violent temper, and there are not many gods who can quickly tame this creature to become their own mount.

Luo Ji glanced at Thor, and said somewhat listlessly: "I really congratulate you, my brother." She sat on the deck of the sun boat, looking at the magic book lazily.

"Ah." Luo Ji's unresponsive attitude hurt Thor, and he didn't know how to continue the conversation. Fortunately, his messenger came to help Thor's siege: "We're almost at our destination."

Hearing the herald, Tor and Loki stood up. They sailed in the universe in a solar boat for nearly three months (the solar boat's navigation is close to the light), and finally came to the target place they were about to attack this time.

An earthy yellow planet appeared in everyone's field of vision, the atmosphere was broken and the light was refracted. Let the surface of the planet look like a strange light from the space. It's hard to believe that it was a green and vibrant planet a few years ago.

Thor also visited the planet with Odin at the time, but the planet is now lifeless.

"Asmontis, the god. Proficient in mind magic, has a very powerful ability to confuse people. It will arouse the most instinct, including greed, * killing and other negative effects." Luo Ji closed the magic book, seriously Said.

"So the father will let me help you, right, Thor." Luo Ji gave Thor a squint. Thor nodded: "That's right, because in Asgard, you are the best person to use spiritual magic except for the mother."

"Okay, I get it. Thor, you help me build a defensive formation. I can quickly solve Asmontis. The dominated evil spirits are not difficult to deal with, just ..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Ji was interrupted by Thor: "No, you are not in the war."

"What?" Luo Ji was a little puzzled: "If I don't take part in the war, let me leave Asgard so far to come to help you? It's ridiculous."

"I need you to build a barrier of spiritual magic for everyone, just not to be affected by the gods later." Thor looked at the dead planet and replied to Luo Ji.

"Just for this?" Luo Ji said in an unbelievable tone: "I can solve Asmontis in a simple way, just once easily ..."

"No! You can't fight!" Thor interrupted Luo Ji's words roughly.

"Why?" Luo Ji asked Thor staring at Thor.

"You know why!" Thor didn't give in to Logie's question. But the messengers on the side couldn't figure out what the two brothers were doing.

The coach of this battle is Thor. Naturally it is what Thor said they are. And Thor has won many victories in the battle and cultivated considerable prestige in Asgard.

He strongly stated that Luo Ji didn't need to join the war, but only needed to help everyone maintain a spiritual defense on the sun boat. Luo Ji finally compromised with Thor, although she felt that she had a better way to solve the battle.

But in order to maintain Thor's authority, she was not against anything. She just tipped Torla aside and made a few suggestions.

"Impossible, the way you say is too shameful. This bad way of winning is not what I want." The way of Luo Ji is to let Thor trap Asmontis.

The power of the **** comes from. He can be as strong as his enemy can provide it. Loki let Thor trap him, and then Loki closed all people's hearts. In the way of attrition warfare, repeatedly grind until the **** of death.

It's an unsightly way of fighting. This kind of battle is more heroic than anyone else. It is more careful than anyone. Thor instinctively dislikes this type of fighting, he is the son of Odin. He should fight like Odin. This is how he was educated by the people around him since he was a child.

Odin will not win in this way like a coward, this way is not honourable even if he wins. This kind of battle will not be written into the poetry and sung by the gods!

The young Thor urgently needs to prove himself and prove that he is a good king of Asgard. Beating or even killing a real **** is the best way for him to prove himself.

He did not take Luo Ji's suggestion, he was confident that he could defeat the god, in his own way! He wants to win an epic victory! He wants Thor's name to circulate in the universe!

When he left with 2,000 soldiers, Luo Ji could only wait for the Sun to rely on the magic circle to provide a spiritual barrier for everyone. The battle is going on fiercely, even if the sun boat stays in outer space, Luo Ji can feel that fierce through the atmosphere.

The earth of the planet is shaking, and the air is full of killing and despair. Luo Ji knew that Thor did not fight according to his plan, he used his most usual way to fight.

The eye of the storm hovering over the center of the planet is the best proof. Thor is the **** of storms and thunder. When Thor used all his power to build a lightning storm. The huge eye of the storm enveloped the size of a third of the planet.

Thor used 200% of his strength to fight. The eye of the storm maintained the rotation of the three planets for such a long time (approximately equal to one and a half rotations of the earth.) Before slowly disappearing.

When Tor carried the head of the **** and took the soldiers back to the sun boat again, Luo Ji was relieved.

"Is this the price of your victory, Thor? Three hundred eighty-one bodies, and three hundred thirty-five people were seriously injured, and seven hundred and twenty people were slightly injured." On that day, the solar boat began to return to Asgard .

But Luo Ji did not participate in the celebratory reception after the warriors' victory. She just called Thor to an unmanned place and asked him in a cold tone.

This tone makes Thor unhappy, figure it out! It is now a victory, not a defeat! They killed an old god. What kind of tone is Luo Ji? Is Teacher Xing guilty?

Thor was a little upset, but said as calmly as possible: "There will definitely be casualties in war. We are dealing with an old deity. This kind of casualties is not a big Luo Ji." Because there are no people around, Thor calls Luo. Ji's real name.

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"I said, if I entered the war, or according to my method, we would not have won so ugly!" Luo Jisi did not give Thor a face. She felt Thor was stupid, and she clearly had a better choice, but she had to choose the worst one.

Just like the elf sword he gave to himself, he could obviously get it at a shop opened by elven tribes at an appropriate price, but in the most stupid way-kill a villainous salamander in exchange. This seems unreasonable to Luo Ji.

But Thor doesn't think so, or his thinking pattern is fundamentally different from that of Luo Ji. Like some things, he thinks it is necessary, even saying it is necessary. For example, the way of victory. Thor doesn't think his way of winning is ugly.

"Ugly?" Thor's mouth twitched. "Do you know how powerful the **** is? When we are fighting in the blood, you just maintain magic on the sun boat! What qualifications do you have to accuse me?"

"I said, I can join the battle. I have a way to deal with the god! I only need to use mind purification, only one time! He will lose his resistance!" Loki said his own method, but this angered Thor.

"Enough! I know you are excellent! I have always been excellent, and I have been smarter than me since I was a child! But I can't point fingers at everything. You can't fight!" Thor said decisively.

"Why?" Luo Ji is also on the verge of running wild. If Thor does not give a reasonable explanation, she will make Thor look good.

"Because you are a girl!" Thor said it rightly. But it completely angered Luo Ji.

The magic in her eyes surged, and a huge palm appeared in the void. Bang ~! The huge palm squeezed into a fist and hit Thor sharply. Thor was unable to evade the attack because of the exhaustion with the god.

He was smashed with a reality, struck out dozens of meters away, and smashed several walls.

"Tor! You are the most shameless **** I've ever seen!" Luo Ji left only a curse, and the person was gone. She decided to report to Odin after returning to God's Domain.


In the Divine Realm, the Odins are waiting for the return of Thor and Luo Ji. Tor Yao's magnificent head of the **** of paradise is used as a loot to cruise around the gods. Countless gods cheered for him.

And Luo Ji has no interest in participating in this parade. She thinks this kind of thing is stupid. This way of war is stupid, the way of celebrating is stupid, and the people celebrating are even more stupid!

Odin and Frigga did not participate in the parade, it is the stage belonging to Thor. They need to let Thor perform. The husband and wife awaited her return early in Luo Ji's bedroom.

"Did you say she would like this gift?" Odin asked a small basket made of bamboo sticks, and he asked his wife Friega.

"She will like it. Thor has a flying goat as a pet, and she needs one. This black cat from Taikoo Taiko is just right. This is the best pet of the mage." Friega patted The palm of his husband.

For the girl Luo Ji, the love of Odin and Frigga is irreplaceable. Thor has something, Luo Ji must have. And only better than Thor, not worse than Thor.

And Thor doesn't have much, and Loggie will still have it. Only the Odin couple and Thor are the only ones who know the real **** of Luo Ji in the whole fairy palace. So although everyone clearly felt that Luo Ji was favored, Thor never felt jealous. Because letting my sister do what is right in his thinking.

When Luo Ji returned to the fairy palace and saw Odin and Friega. Can't help but say all the things that were born on the road: "Thor's decision is too stupid. This is a waste of the Asgard warrior's life!"

Luo Ji's words silenced the Odin couple. After a while, Odin spoke: "Do you think Thor did wrong?"

"He is too arrogant, he always feels that bravery can solve all the problems. But this is to use the life of the excellent Asgard warrior as a bet. Everyone must play with him. He can't do it like this! "Luo Ji said seriously.

"I know that Thor is the future king of Asgard, but he ca n’t move so easily and rashly. I ask that I be allowed to lead an army alone in the future. I do n’t ask for greater power than Thor, but I want to let He knew that there would always be a suitable way of fighting. He could n’t joke with Asgard ’s future! "

"Do you know what you're talking about? Luo Ji!" Odin looked at Luo Ji in surprise. "Do you know what this means? If you do this, others will think I want to make you king!"

"What's wrong?" Luo Ji didn't think there was anything wrong with it: "Will I do worse than Thor? At least I won't use the life of a warrior to fulfill my glory! This is a ridiculous and The wrong thing! "

Odin and Friega are silent at this moment, if Luo Ji is really his own son, not a niece. Odin said that it is to train Luo Ji instead of Thor. Luo Ji is better and smarter. In contrast, Thor is more suitable to be a **** of war than a king of gods.

But there is no such thing as this. Regardless of Luo Ji's life experience, she cannot succeed as Asgard's king as a woman alone. You know, although Asgard is in Odin's power, those ancient gods have set the rule that women are not kings.

They set out the initial rules that do not allow women to inherit the throne. This is like an iron rule nailed to Asgard's rules. And Odin does not think that women are suitable to be kings. So he almost didn't want to answer: "Asgard's woman can't be king!"

"Shouldn't the king be the ability to see? If Thor is really capable, what are you worried about, my father!" Luo Ji seemed clinging to it.

"The rules are the rules." Odin is very fond of Luo Ji in other things, but he is unwilling to make such things. Because the matter is too complicated.

In fact, he had planted the seeds as long as he and Friega had lied to Luo Ji. What causes are planted and what results are obtained. The reincarnation here is unchanged for ten thousand years.

The conversation between Luo Ji and Odin broke up. Only Frigga was left with Loki. She hugged Luo Ji and patted her on the back gently. "Your brother just needs a little time to prove herself."

Luo Ji lowered her head and said in a nearly dreamy voice: "He has time to prove his worth, so what about me? Was it as a waste to stay with Thor for a lifetime?"

Frigga didn't know how to comfort Luo Ji. She is clever and excellent, but she has no stage to show her. This is perhaps the saddest thing for her.

Odin is gone, but the bamboo basket he brought is still at ~ ~ The pure black kitten has jumped out of the basket, it seems that the first time he met, Luo Ji was his the host.

It jumped on Luo Ji's shoulder and licked Luo Ji's earlobe with a small tongue. Luo Ji glanced at the solid black cat and hugged it in his arms. Luo Ji lifted off her disguise, revealing herself as a woman.

Her dark, sapphire eyes are her signature. Frigga gently stroked her daughter's head and watched Luo Ji sullenly, and she had no good way. Suddenly, the length of Luo Ji's repaired shawl suddenly broke.

"Luo Ji!" Friega knew that this was done by Luo Ji herself, and she used magic to cut her length short. But Friega didn't understand why Luo Ji did this.

"Mother, they are all wrong." Luo Ji whispered holding the kitten in her arms: "Asgard cannot let Thor destroy in this way. Give me a little time, I will prove myself!"

Luo Ji's eyes were firm, and Friega could only hold her beloved daughter tightly, giving her support in this way.


Holding the real sword in his hand, Li Jie saw Luo Ji's face. He was a little lost, he felt someone must be joking with himself now. Wait, is this Rocky's new magic? In fact, he was confused by Loki from the beginning?

The more Li Jie thinks, the more likely it is. He wanted to release his hand holding the real sword. But the contract was being established, and he couldn't give up halfway.

It was not until the contract was signed that Li Jie let go of his real sword.

Now that Li Jie has seen it, Luo Ji also took off her disguise generously: "I think we should get to know it again. I, Princess Asgard, Luo Ji."

"Ah, ha, ah." Li Jie could only make a burst of unexplained tone, he felt his three views were about to break.

! ! ! ! !

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