Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 416: v7 Chapter 126: New job, female doctor

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As a modern society, especially a densely populated super city, it is similar to a city like New York. In fact, they all face very real and serious problems.

That is the lack of public medical resources. Almost the larger super cities, the more crowded the places are, the more they face this problem.

In fact, since mankind has a civilized history, medical problems have never been really solved. Whether it is any civilization, any country. Almost all races face the problem of insufficient medical resources.

Because the job of a doctor is to save lives. Therefore, in any era, doctors are a profession with high social status, and there has been no change since ancient times.

In modern society, although the development situation in different regions has caused serious inclination of medical resources. A few large cities have most of the high-quality medical resources, which is extremely criticized.

But even so, in fact, the medical resources within the megacities are still quite scarce, because everyone will have the possibility of getting sick and injured.

Especially when the tens of millions of people are crowded in a narrow city, this ultra-high density living state is actually more prone to various urban diseases and injuries. This is not alarmist.

Numerous practical examples have proved this point. Most people are pursuing various hidden benefits in big cities and developed cities. Such as medical treatment, such as education. This is the main reason why most people leave their hometowns to make a living in big cities like New York or shnghi.

Because of the uneven distribution of resources, many people have to do so. But many people don't actually know the invisible benefits such as medical treatment they are after. In fact, the medical system in big cities is already overwhelmed.

Taking Shanghai, China as an example, this is one of the cities with the highest population density in the world. The statistical population is 26 million, but the actual population far exceeds this figure.

In such a huge city, there are less than 500 emergency ambulances running in the city every day. Many people actually cannot get first aid when they really need first aid.

Shanghai is not alone. Because New York is not as good as Shanghai. Public first aid resources are also scarce in this world-renowned city.

Thor was able to successfully join the ambulance team in Strange's hospital and became a stretcher onboard, for a large reason. Because there is really a lack of manpower.

The stretcher does not need much special expertise. The main thing is the need to be physically strong and able to move the wounded. Especially in the United States, a country with a generally fat body.

Then it is to master the most basic methods of trauma dressing, which can help emergency doctors deal with simple wounds. It can be said that on both points, Thor met the conditions, so it was not surprising that he was selected as an ambulance stretcher.

The standard equipment of an ambulance is a driver, an onboard doctor, and a stretcher. Sometimes the driver needs to make a guest appearance about the stretcher, helping the stretcher transport the patient together. Especially when the physical strength of the on-board doctor is insufficient.

It sounds like a stretcher's job is quite simple, but why can't I recruit people? After all, this is a stressful job, and the working hours are not fixed.

Many people think that when the ambulance is fine, it is parked in the hospital, and a group of people chatting and farting in the lounge. Only dispatched when receiving a call. This idea is far from the actual situation.

Because of the shortage of first-aid resources, in fact, as long as a regular ambulance starts to run, there can be no time to stop and rest. Sometimes there is no fixed meal time.

And Thor joined such a job. He thought that after getting rid of Li Jie, he could relax a little. But in fact, he will find that he is still pattern-breaking. In fact, the difficulty and pressure of work will make him feel that it is easier to carry out Li Jie's **** training.

"Dr. Christine, are you the on-board doctor today?" Said Rosen, the driver of Thor's ambulance team.

Rosen is a typical American who is about fifty years old and looks good. The Dr. Christine he asked was a beautiful doctor with long black hair.

Christine tied her long black hair into a ponytail, looking smart and capable. She still had half a slice of toast on her mouth, and it looked like she hadn't had time to eat breakfast.

Thor has a little impression of the female doctor, who seems to be the doctor that Strange wanted to date yesterday.

"Yes Rosen, because Almond doesn't work anymore. Our emergency doctors are getting fewer and fewer." Christine said helplessly.

This is the helplessness of emergency medical doctors, because of the long-term pressure in the first-line emergency work. However, because every time the first aid is handled, it will be transferred to the corresponding expert doctor after the first aid.

This makes the reputation and income of emergency doctors far less than expert doctors. Because of the disproportionate contribution and reward, many emergency doctors will eventually choose to switch careers.

This is what the Almond doctor does. There was a small hospital willing to hire him as the attending doctor, and he immediately quit his job here. Christine could not comment on this.

"Oh, by the way, Dr. Christine, this is our new stretcher. It's called Thor." Driver Rosen introduced the two.

"Hello." Kristin simply greeted Thor: "When you need to do it later, remember to speed it up. Hmm? Your strength should not be small." Kristin. Some are not sure about looking at Chubby Thor.

Thor tried to put on a strong posture: "Although let me do the hard work." Thor is fat, but after all, where is his foundation. Strength and speed are not slow. It can be said that it is a bit like Hong Jinbao when he was young. The same is a flexible, fast, and strong fat man.

Christine just nodded what she said to Thor. She looks like a very capable woman, without much nonsense. When the order to get out came, she also took the ambulance directly, and ate half of the toast bread for the remaining breakfast in the car.

The first gear of Thor ’s new job was a car accident. A taxi driver was hit by a truck that appeared on the side. The taxi was directly hit and scrapped. After the firefighter rescued the driver, he found that his vital signs were passing quickly.

When Thor came to the scene with the ambulance, the driver was on the verge of death because of trauma and bleeding.

"Hurry up, guys!" When she arrived at the scene, Christine rushed out of the door first.

Thor and Rosen followed Christine with a first aid kit and stretcher. But Christine ran as fast as a gust of wind, and Thor couldn't keep up with her.

When Christine rushed to the injured person, he found that his leg artery was pierced by the metal of the door. Now that metal is still in the leg and cannot be removed. Once removed, it will lose a lot of blood, which will be fatal.

Kristin reached out behind him without looking back: "Blood stop bandage!" At this time Thor had just arrived behind Kristin. She seemed to have eyes behind her head.

"Oh, good!" Thor immediately found the hemostatic bandage in the first aid box and gave it to Christine. After all, Thor still knows such things as first aid bandages.

Because of the penetration of metal, Christine could not dress the wound. She can only hold the wound with a hemostatic bandage.

However, the injured are not optimistic. She glanced at the injured person and found that he already had signs of pupil dilation. She shouted at Thor: "Come and press the wound."

When Thor replaced Christine and began to press the wound. Kristin began to rescue the injured from cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

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"Breathe! Breathe!" Christine pressed the wounded chest very rhythmically. But the wounded already had a tendency to not breathe spontaneously.

Christine immediately launched a double rescue of artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After forty seconds, the injured person resumed spontaneous breathing again.

"Oxygen!" Christine yelled at the driver Rosen, and Rosen immediately took a portable oxygen bag respirator to Christine's hand.

After wearing an oxygen breathing apparatus for the injured, under the command of Christine. Thor and Rosen carefully carried the wounded onto the stretcher. Finally, get in an ambulance.

In the process of transporting the wounded, Christine observed the wounded heartbeat and pulse throughout the journey. Confirm the survival of the injured person ’s vital signs. With her serious expression, Thor remembered the expressions of the soldiers before countless wars.

For Christine, this may be her battlefield.

After transporting the injured to the nearest hospital and handing it over to the hospital. The three of Thor didn't have time to stop, and they received the next task.

A man bursts into madness in the park. Sheep mania is a very dangerous condition, and the whole body twitches when it occurs. The most dangerous place is the possibility of biting your tongue during convulsions.

The man with this disease had no previous medical history, and it may be a sudden illness. Because he was a big man with a height of nearly two meters and a weight of more than 110 kilograms, the passers-by around him could not suppress his convulsions.

"Thor suppresses him!" Christine looked at the twitching big guy, and then looked at the equally huge Thor immediately and ordered.

"Oh." Although he didn't like the order very much, Thor looked at Christine and helped her suppress the patient.

Let Christine smoothly inject a special tranquilizer into the patient. Alleviated the muscle spasm and convulsions of this big man.

In the ambulance Thor looked at Bai Mozi on his clothes and felt sick. This is what the guy stuck to his clothes when he foamed his mouth when he got sick.

"Don't wipe this kind of thing with your hands. There is sterilized cotton in the box." Christine glanced at Thor and knew what he was thinking.

"Thank you." Thor found the cotton pads. "Are you dealing with these people's universities every day? This is really not a good job." Thor just felt contact with two patients and felt that the job was not very pleasant.

"Some people always do the work." Christine didn't answer Thor's question directly. She just gave Thor a deep look. Then he took a piece of chocolate from his jacket pocket and gave it to him.

"Our lunch is estimated to have no time to eat."

Thor paid attention to the time. It was only one morning after the rescue of two patients, and it was almost 1:30 in the afternoon.

Christine took a piece of chocolate and ate it. Thor noticed that her hands were slender and some blood vessels could be seen under her smooth skin.

As Christine said, their work was so busy that they had no time to stop and rest. The last lunch was just a rush to buy a hot dog on the roadside.

In the afternoon, Thor and Christine rescued a girl who wanted to commit suicide because of a crush. She cut her veins and turned on the faucet to prevent blood from clotting.

When her parents discovered her, she had lost too much blood and was in a coma. Christine gave her an emergency blood transfusion in the car.

Then came a middle-aged man who started overeating because he was unemployed. He took a lot of food in the restaurant. Because of overeating, food stuck the trachea, preventing him from breathing.

Christine tried every means to help him remove the foreign body. Following this little ambulance, Thor saw all kinds of people in this world.

Of course, not all rescues can save lives. When they last got out of the car today, they received a young man who was caught under the wheel of the car while riding a bicycle.

His legs were completely broken, and the blood in the wound could not be stopped. Even if Christine tried her best, she tried to stop the bleeding for the young man. Try to give him an emergency blood transfusion. Resuscitate him. Even after the heart stopped, he tried to rescue him with defibrillation.

But even so, there is no way to save this young life. His face, defeated by blood loss, looked unusually young. It seems to be under twenty.

When he was sent to the hospital and was declared dead, Thor looked at Christine. He knew how hard the female doctor had worked just now, and he was afraid to see her disappointed expression.

But Kris just sighed slightly and turned away. In the ambulance, Christine's hands were shaking.

That's because she just did CPR to young people without interruption and caused her hands to lose power ~ ~ Christine, how are you? Thor asked with a look at the trembling Christine.

"Fine, big man." Christine replied.

"I'm sorry, Christine. The young man didn't save him." Thor has been used to death, after all, either you died or I died on the battlefield. He said that to comfort Christine.

Because today the female doctor's performance gives him a sense of surprise. For the first time, he let go of gender bias.

"This is war, I am a soldier. There are always wins and losses in wars." Christine's words made Thor somewhat different.

"Huh?" He couldn't understand how Christine thought it was war, she was a soldier? Thor was really on the battlefield, slashing the fierce man who would capture the flag.

Kristin smiled tiredly: "Since I swore to the medical book, I will devote my life to healing and saving people, regardless of their poverty and wealth. Regardless of their ethnicity and gender. Regardless of their age and belief."

"This is my declaration of war. I will fight the disease for the rest of my life, and I will devote all my energy to the death. I will use my life to fight for the medical environment. This battle will not end before I die." Kris Ding said quietly.

"I will not be discouraged by a defeat. Because this battle still has a long way to go."

Compared to the Doctor Strange that I saw yesterday, although he said the job was recommended by him, Thor did not like him at all.

But for Christine Thor, he suddenly felt that this person was not bad.

Thor looked at Christine and said suddenly that he was so miserable: "Stranger is not a good person, you better not date him."

This sentence has nothing to do with before and after, so Christine did not respond a little: "Huh? What?"

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