Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 514: v7 Chapter 221: Press conference

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Tony's black gold armor is attacking the base of the Ten Rings in a crazy attack. It is not that the Ten Commandments have not tried to fight back, but they are not organized at all.

No matter where they are or how they attack, Tony can find them in the first place. This made the Ten Rings counterattack impossible to fight. Tony seemed to have eyes all over his body.

This is certainly not because Tony really has eyes all over his body, although he has a steel armor to scan the battlefield. But sometimes it will not be enough. No one knows where the cold arrows will fly because of the crowded hands.

But farther away from Tony, two Nighthawk-class battleships are using their radar to help Tony pick up the gap.

The steel armor is limited in size. Although it is said to be fast and fierce, it has some defects. Either in armor, or in reconnaissance, or elsewhere.

Because Tony has never been able to get rid of the most basic physical rules, he cannot expand the size of the armor itself out of nothing.

A simple rule, under the same technical conditions, the larger the volume of the same equipment, the greater the power. The greater the power, the stronger the ability.

Like the Nighthawk class as a special detection warship, most of its space is reserved for radar. The total length of the Nighthawk-class warship is more than 95 meters, which is more than twice the size of the Viking class, which is only about 35 meters.

Its super powerful radar was originally used for space investigation. In the universe, we have to deal with all kinds of weird energy clutters and unexpected space trash.

This makes the Nighthawk-class radars extremely powerful. They are the eyes and ears of the fleet. It's up to the command of the battleship to fight.

Tony's black gold nano armor uses the same data link as the fleet, so that data can be exchanged.

So the eyes of the Nighthawk radar became Tony's eyes. He was able to use a cosmic-grade radar to perform a complete scan and reconnaissance of a small base, which allowed him to investigate 360 ​​degrees without dead ends.

This also makes all members of the Ten Commandments who want to attack him secretly become powerless. Because ordinary guns simply cannot break his energy shield. And once you want to take out heavy weapons, even the RPG in the three-piece guerrilla team will be immediately counterattacked by Tony.

"Do you need me to do some firepower roll call?" Li Jie, who was far away from Venus, was half asleep in the operation chair.

How much Tony hates the Ten Commandments can be seen by looking at the damage he caused. In less than ten minutes, it was still calm and peaceful. A group of terrorists who had been happily busy under the sun had been sent to the sky by Tony with a pulse gun.

He did not need the intervention of Li Jie and the professor at all, and he swiped the entire base alone. Li Jie is almost bored and is going to fall asleep.

This time it was sent out to protect the Tony Fleet, but now it looks as if it is not used at all.

The only thing that plays a big role is the Nighthawk ’s radar. And this time it was a good test of the reliability of the data exchange of the entire fleet.

It can be said that this time Li Jie and the professor were completely accompanying the role, but they had to come again. In case Lord Manman gets news that Iron Man is making trouble behind him, and then puts down the defense against the God Spear Bureau near China, it would be troublesome to run to catch Tony.

Shang Qi is not optimistic that Tony can deal with the adults alone, even if he has seen the power of Tony's armor and still maintains this view.

So Li Jie's fleet is only a back insurance.

Regarding Li Jie's proposed fleet to help Tony carry out fire naming, Tony simply disagrees: "Don't make trouble! Use starship weapons to bomb the earth, I am afraid that the man will soon know that we have ghosts here!"

Li Jie didn't care to say: "Even if you know there are ghosts, there is no way. Just after Hank received the news, the [Feng Shen] of the Spear Bureau attacked the Ten Rings in the border area once. Some members even went deep. In order to help you attract hatred, I am afraid that there will be a lot of casualties in the Spear Council. And I am afraid that Manchu ca n’t control you at this time. "

Li Jie went on to say: "So you need to hurry up, not to drag the time too long, we still have to fire the name when necessary, after destroying enough bases, we should hurry to carry out the next plan."

Tony glanced at Li Jie when he heard what Li Jie said, but he knew that Li Jie was telling the truth, so he replied: "Well, I will speed up the cleaning plan."

Speaking of words, Tony had already detonated the heavy weapons accumulated at the base, and the whole stronghold was turned into a flame in a violent explosion, without a live mouth.

Tony didn't even look at the base, he quickly rushed to the next signal source captured by the Nighthawk.

Under the **** of the Nighthawks, Vikings, and Banshees, Tony captured four bases in Afghanistan in one and a half hours. Up to now, Manda University has just received news of Tony's killing in Central Asia.

He wanted to teach Tony a little lesson, but he is now in a battle with the [Feng Shen] of God Spear, and he can't get away from it.

This time the squad of gods was led by the mutant [weather witch], her lightning storm stirred a large cloud of thunder and lightning, and the anger of the sky was awesome.

"Captain, do we really want to invade Afghanistan and other Central Asian countries? This will cause huge international disputes!" Someone in the team asked the weather witch with doubts.

"Don't ask too much, this is a plan." The Weather Witch didn't explain too much.

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"Is it the same as the original, dry thunder does not rain?" The team member complained, but the sentence sounded like a satire to the weather witch.

So she said a little unpleasantly: "Your words are too much! Director Zheng Xian has his own plans!" There is another sentence she did not say. Before the operation, Zheng Xian said to her, although specific The plan cannot be disclosed.

But this time, the Ten Commandments will be completely eliminated! She is looking forward to that day.


After destroying several bases that can clearly capture the signal source, Tony is ready to end this cleaning.

It's almost time to start the next step. He believes that what he has done now, and what he has done afterwards, will explode in popularity.

But just as Tony was about to leave, Jarvis caught another signal source, not far from here. And the news of his own attack should have been spread in the Ten Commandments.

Who else foolishly opened the signal source to expose the target location?

"It may be a trap." The professor reminded.

But Tony said indifferently: "Isn't there you? I guess the night walker is going to fall asleep when bored. I swear I just heard his snoring sound from the communicator. It's not good to do something for him !"

"Don't stigmatize me at will!" Li Jie retorted. While they were chatting, Tony was close to the source.

It just makes Tony feel a little strange that the location of this signal source is not a base. It's a person standing on top of the mountain.

Amudila turned his communicator signal to the maximum. He stood on the top of the mountain and watched Iron Man in black gold armor flying towards him excited.

He knew he was right. When Iron Man was not close to himself, he started shouting at him: "Iron Man! I can help you! You want to destroy the Ten Commandments, I can help you. I know the location of many bases of the Ten Commandments. There are important troops stationed! "

Amudila was afraid that Tony would shoot him without saying anything, so he spoke first.

Through Jarvis ’s translation, Tony understood what the guy shouted in his mouth.

He was a little puzzled, and instead of firing at the first time, he asked Professor Li Jiehe: "What do you think?"

Li Jie took a look at the time. Now it has been an hour and forty-five minutes since Tony has attacked the first base. This time has been very long. Staying here may lead to elite troops full of adults.

So he didn't say much, he simply said to Tony: "Stun him and shut him up. Send him to Venus. Let the professor verify the authenticity of what he said."

"If what he said is credible and valuable. It will be useful for our future cleaning plan."

Tony used the palm run to adjust to the anti-riot mode, stunned Amudila directly and flew in the direction of the battleship.

"Do I need to watch him go to Venus together?" Tony asked.

"Together, this is a bit more secure ~ ~ Li Jie agreed.

"However, after that, you can only leave it to the professor. We need to rush back to the earth. Do a performance that you are best at."

"What?" Tony didn't react quickly.

"Just hold a press conference and pull hatred! You are not very good at doing this. Taunting and pulling hatred, this seems to be your inherent skill of Iron Man Tony Stark." Li Jie controls a Viking The class-class warship opened the door and let Tony enter with Amudira.

"If you play games, you are the shield knight!"

Tony didn't agree with Li Jie's words at all: "Less, I'm an engineer!"

"Do you mean a goblin engineer?" Li Jie swears that he is not as tall as He Tony, although he is not really tall.

"Hey!" Tony was obviously annoyed.

"Okay, don't quarrel with the two. You still inform Jarvis and Pebble to prepare for the press conference." The professor interrupted the two helplessly.

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