Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 517: ~: Children's Day for Superheroes

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MR-LI restaurant in Manhattan Chinatown. Although the time had reached ten o'clock in the evening, the reception work for the restaurant's dinner had been completed, and the last wave of guests had also left ten minutes ago. But the back kitchen of the whole restaurant is still very busy.

Not only to complete the finale of the day, but also to prepare for an important festival. That is the Dragon Boat Festival.

Most Chinese attach great importance to traditional festivals, and some people, although they do not understand the meaning behind each festival, at least on the surface. Because various festivals in China are related to many delicious foods. Most people who like food will remember it.

Just like the Dragon Boat Festival, in fact many third-generation Chinese immigrants in the United States have no idea what the Dragon Boat Festival means. But many elders in the family will come to Chinatown to buy dumplings on this day.

The dumplings served in the MR-LI restaurant are very famous in Chinatown in Manhattan. Because Chef Wang, the chef of the restaurant, inherits Zhejiang and is himself a Chaozhou native, he is very researchful about Jiaxing pork dumplings.

At the same time, because Chaozhou is close to Fujian, it belongs to the intersection of Guangdong and Fujian culture. He has also studied Guangdong Cantonese Steamed Rice Dumpling and Fujian Quanzhou Big Meat Rice Dumpling.

So MR-LI's dumplings are doing very well. It is even better than many well-known rice dumplings in mainland China. It is also common for many Chinese who come to New York for the Dragon Boat Festival to eat rice dumplings from the MR-LI family and then buy more boxes to bring home.

So every time the Dragon Boat Festival is out of stock, the dumplings at the restaurant are almost every year. At this time of the year, people in the whole restaurant come to help make dumplings, even the small workers who play the lottery.

This year's task is even more difficult, because in addition to the number of dumplings to complete their own. Li Jie, the small boss of the restaurant, asked to make 700 more dumplings on the original basis. He needed to give it away.

This makes the restaurant more busy. However, although Li Jie gave the order, he didn't wait for everyone to do it. Instead, he also got his own bag and speeded up. So no one complains.

Li Jie is going to make more than 700 dumplings, of course, it is impossible to eat it by himself, but to give it away. Relatives and friends at home do not need him to manage, grandfather Li Rong will take care of it.

But Li Jie himself still has friends. Especially because of his identity as a night walker, he made friends all over the world. These are all human relations! Such things as human relations pay most attention to courtesy and reciprocity. In order to maintain the relationship between everyone, some necessary things need to be done. Seven hundred dumplings he didn't know was enough to be humane.

He prepared many kinds of dumplings. Including candied dates, red beans, bean paste, salted egg yolk fresh meat, dried pork belly pork, mushrooms, marinated eggs, prawns, braised pork, abalone, sea cucumber, etc.

It took an evening to work overtime and simmer in the restaurant's professional-grade pressure cooker. Fortunately, it was sent out at the Dragon Boat Festival the next day.


On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Li Jie, as the owner of his Marvel Comics company, drove his own dumplings that broke Ford's New York.

Stark Industrial Building.

"What is this thing called?" Tony looked at the rice dumplings wrapped in green rice dumplings in disgust.

"Zongzi, traditional Chinese food. I think you and Taipei can try it." Li Jie sent Toni and Peibo about five dumplings. Considering that they are not used to it, he didn't give them more.

The dumplings steamed from the best dumplings exuded a fragrance. Pei Bo liked the taste. She said, "Can you try it now?"

Li Jie helped Tony and Pebble strip two dumplings and said, "Of course!"

He chose Pei Bai a candied zongzi with a relatively fragrant taste and a relatively light taste, because Pei Bai has always been a light food idea. Rice dumplings that are too oily are not her dishes.

Tony is a heavy-duty braised dumpling of shiitake mushrooms, prawns, prawns and scallops. Well, Tony, who was recently shunned by the platinum tube, is very satisfied. He has n’t eaten this heavy-tasting and meaty food for a long time. Recently he eats oil and vinegar salad every day. Rabbit.

While the two were eating dumplings, Li Jie greeted Tony: "Today May 30th and June 1st is International Children's Day. I want to have an event. I hope you can participate as an Iron Man. "

Now that Tony has licensed Iron Man's copyright to Marvel, it is understandable that he will attend the company's scheduled events.

"What activity?" Tony asked as he gnawed the meat dumplings, the look of glutinous rice with gravy on his beard.

"Naturally it's about children. I will send you a PPT later. Let's go!" Li Jie left the Stark group with words, and he still had a lot of dumplings to send.

The Osborne Group is three streets away from the Stark Group.

Harry and Peter also received the dumplings from Li Jie, and they got more. Because in the past few years, they have been more like the dumplings of Li Jie family.

No need of Li Jie's advice, the little green devil and the little spider skillfully find their favorite taste to eat. The little spider likes the taste of abalone and sea cucumber, and the little green devil likes the taste of bean paste.

While eating dumplings, Li Jie also mentioned to Peter about the activities on June 1st. He said that he would definitely participate if there were no problems.

Inside the base of the night watchman.

Li Jie brought more than fifty dumplings here. Except for Zeng Chu, the others at the base could not understand what this stuff was.

"This is food?" Mike said suspiciously, touching his beard.

"It should be food." Big dad said with a beard.

"It must be food," Frank the Punisher said firmly, stroking his beard.

"Don't bother you! Eat if you want!" Mindy was uncomfortable with the grinds of several old men. She had already picked up a dumpling and handed it to Barbara (an agent of SHIELD who had been secretly assigned by Nick Fury and reached an agreement with Frank.), And also got one for herself. She did not pick any taste.

Because it's almost Children's Day, and the festival can still be celebrated at Mindi's age, Li Jie asked: "What gift do you want the day after tomorrow?"

"Well, a butterfly knife made of Edelman alloy is best to use seven inches long, double-sided or single-sided. It can be decorated with crocodile leather in the position of the handle." Ming Di directly said what she wanted.

Well, this is not a gift for girls of this grade. Li Jie was a little entangled whether to give it to Mindy.

in Canada.

As the editor-in-chief of Marvel, Li Jie contacted the professor, let Blink come to New York, and brought the dumplings back.

Wolverine Logan was a little curious about these things. Li Jie let the flashing rumors come back. It was food, and also demonstrated how to eat. But before Logan waited for the flash to show how to eat these things, he bit down.

The dumplings were swallowed together with the dumpling leaves. He chewed and said, "Why is the skin of this thing so hard? Is it because he failed?"

Uh ..., flashing some tangled whether to tell Logan, in fact, no one eats dumplings. But looking at how Logan didn't care, the blinking also decided that she didn't need to worry about Logan's stomach. After all, the Wolverine shouldn't matter, as long as he was happy.

Aegis Bureau.

Li Jie is not qualified to enter here, but he commissioned Captain Rogers to bring the dumplings in. After all, the copyright of Captain Rogers is also in his hands, and he is also his own client.

Captain Rogers was a little surprised that Li Jie sent the dumplings to the Avengers for the Dragon Boat Festival, but he was also very happy to accept it.

When Captain Rogers came in with a bunch of dumplings in the Avengers' lounge, the first thing to smell was Iron Fist. Tiequan, who has practiced in Kunlun, China for 20 years, is very familiar with this taste.

"Zongzi? Captain, do you also have the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival?" Tekken Daniel was a little surprised.

"No, this is from Jason. It is the editor-in-chief of Marvel. This is a holiday gift for the Avengers." Captain Rogers put fifty dumplings on the long table for the players to use.

After Iron Fist pulled away a dumpling, the magician Luke Cage leaned over and said, "It smells pretty good."

"It's really good." Tiequan is very familiar with the taste of dumplings. In fact, because he grew up in Kunlun, he is more accustomed to eating Chinese food than American food.

"It's much better than the dumplings I made from Xiao Liu in Kunlun."

The Vampire Hunter Blade also took a dumpling and asked, "Who is Xiao Liu?"

"Chef, graduated from New Oriental, the highest school of Chinese chefs. He is the youngest super chef in Chinese history. He once learned to cook in a hotel in Guangdong. He emerged in a dim sum contest in Guangzhou. He is best at Sichuan cuisine, and his mother Running a state-run restaurant in Sichuan, Ju Ju what floor is coming, I forgot. The Mapo tofu he made is delicious! But he is not good at making dumplings. "Tie Quan briefly said Xiao Liu's legendary experience.

Captain Rogers clapped his hands and said: "Everyone, the day after tomorrow is Children's Day. Jason hopes that we can participate in some activities organized by Marvel, mainly for children."

There is no objection to this proposal.


Through the New York Temple, Li Jie directly sent here, and also came here with the most dumplings. Because taking into account the number of Karma Taiji spiritual masters, even one person per dumpling will have hundreds.

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Li Jie found a large cardboard box directly from the back kitchen and put a large snakeskin bag to bring hundreds of dumplings to Kamateki.

In the surprised eyes of Master Gu Yi, he took out the dumplings and said to Gu Yi: "Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival!"

"Hahaha!" Gu Yi hasn't been so happy for a long time, although it's just dumplings. He asked Wang to move the dumplings to the kitchen, and at noon Kamataki ate the dumplings.

"Oh, by the way, there is a small box in it that was sent to Asgard's Rocky. You may need to trouble the Master Gu Yi. You run." Li Jie said while Gu Yi was in good mood .

"Oh? Why did you want to send rice dumplings to Asgard?" Gu Yi looked at Li Jie with a smile.

"It's not strange for Litoo! Rocky gave me a mine knife!" Li Jie said that he was a simple child, and the idea was very simple.

Gu Yi smiled and said nothing, but then he did communicate that Odin opened the Rainbow Bridge, and he went to Asgard to send the dumplings.

"Zongzi? What is this?" Odin and Guyi have known each other for many years. The two have been in good relations and have given each other many gifts, but this is the first time such a thing is food.

"This is a gift from Li Jie, who helped to discipline Thor, the dumplings made by their family. I tasted it and tasted good." Gu said to Odin.

"This pile is for Luo Ji."

Odin watched his old friend wink, but Gu Yi pretended not to see it. After he had finished speaking, he turned and left. Odin summoned Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, to take these dumplings to the front and give them to Luo Ji.

The front of the elven kingdom.

"Such ugly things can also be used as gifts?" Luo Ji disliked the plain dumplings very, very much. Think about it, she is the second favorite princess of Asgard who wears gold wool as a rug and an artifact as a regular dress. She really couldn't look down on the dumplings.

But Valkyrie still said: "This was sent by the mortal nightwalker. What special food is it? After all, I was bothered to send it over the Rainbow Bridge. And I had one before, It tastes good. "

Luo Ji shook his head helplessly and said, "Then leave one. The rest will be given to other martial arts. Presumably they haven't eaten it."

Valkyrie led away. Luo Ji looked at a lone dumpling left on the table and smiled silently. Then she walked to the map again, she still has a lot of things to do!


June 1, International Children's Day. This day is a festival for children all over the world. No matter where you are, children should be happy this day.

The children of Santa Maria Hospital should also be like this. This is a professional children's leukemia hospital. Leukemia is not terminally ill. It can be cured by finding a suitable bone marrow. But some people can't find the right one if they are unlucky.

Most children who have leukemia have lost their vitality because of the sickness that prevents them from running and playing.

Most of the time, they are not as lively and playful as ordinary children. But today, all children are staring out the window, and some children are constantly asking the nurses or parents around them, "Is Iron Man coming?"

Yes, this is one of the activities arranged by Li Jie today.

When all the children were eagerly looking forward, Tony Stark walked in and pushed away from the ward in a suit. He smiled and said, "Happy holidays to the children!"

He prepared candy and pastries and various toys and comic books for all the children, but the children were still very disappointed. Everyone wants to watch Iron Man, not Tony Stark.

Children will not hide their feelings, they directly write their disappointment on their faces.

Adults are not. After all, as a world's top rich person, it is already very good to be able to take the time to participate in this kind of activity while busy.

Tony saw the children's disappointed expression and knew exactly what they were for. After receiving Li Jie's PPT, he didn't sleep for two nights and worked overtime to get rid of some special {toys}.

He whispered softly: "Jarvis."

As soon as the words fell, a special team of Iron Man armor flew into the house from the balcony outside the window. They are small in size and completely different from the armor of adults. This is a team of children [steel armor].

"I know what you are expecting! Children!" Tony is tired, but with a smile on his face: "You want to watch Iron Man, but instead of watching Iron Man, how about you becoming Iron Man yourself!"

Between Tony's speeches, those children's steel armor had opened the door, showing a state of waiting for driving. The already excited children burst into a strong cheer.


At the Southern Cross Welfare Home.

Tekken and Luke Cage are performing a stage play. Well, after only two days of practice, their performance was still very strange. But the performance of superheroes still attracted many children.

This is a story in a comic, and the general content is the various difficulties that Iron Fist encountered in the practice, and then overcome the story. Luke Cage painted an ugly makeup to disguise the villain boss.

Tekken Daniel and Luke Cage are both people with real skills. Although the lines are not good enough, the fighting scenes are particularly beautiful. This caused a group of small audiences to scream out.


At Queen ’s Fourth Elementary School, Spider-Man Peter Parker is telling his story to his little fans.

As Marvel ’s top card, Spider-Man ’s comics have won the most audiences with ease and fun. At the same time, the artists used Spider-Man ’s main body as a variant to create children ’s Spider-Man comics.

It has attracted many children to become audiences. Spider-Man is really a super-age idol of all ages.


At Erranta Girls ’School, in addition to bringing festive sweets to the girls, the avenger member Bai Hu also taught the children some simple self-defense techniques and self-protection awareness.

The United States is the hardest hit by minor sexual assault, especially cases of young female assault. Baihu used the advantages of her women to give various explanations and self-protection to the girls.

Then interspersed with a little anecdote in the Avengers, which made the girls feel very good.


Blades went to another school, he participated in a school's June 1 activities. Although he didn't want to talk super cool, the children were still very happy.

Because sometimes this super cool image is also very attractive.


Captain Rogers is the busiest, and Li Jie has arranged quite a few activities for him. Whether it's a speech, a performance, or something else. He needs to go to various schools and children ’s organizations to make publicity.

At the same time, I have to go to a special school for problem teenagers to give a speech.

Even with the super strength of Captain Rogers, he felt a little tired running down today.

As the organizer of the event, Marvel editor Jason Li Yao has been on the scene. He handed a bottle of Gatorade to Captain Rogers who looked tired: "Is it okay?"

"Actually, I feel pretty good ~ ~ Captain Rogers took a sip of a sports drink." You have a good idea. In fact, doing so has brought us closer to the children and the people. "

Li Jie smiled: "I don't want this to be just an image engineering captain. This may be a long-term job in the future. The world is indifferent but lacks role models. We need to set an example for this world. Because this is the real hero Meaning! "

"Not how many villains have been defeated, not how many times the earth has been saved. Instead, it serves as a beacon when everyone loses direction, and points everyone in the dark." Li Jie's words made Captain Rogers listen.

"No matter how rugged the road ahead is, we must continue with firm conviction and unrepentance. Become a sword to break through the darkness, become a beacon in the mist. This is much harder than killing a few villains."

Rogers echoed: "Yeah, it's much harder."

"But after all, there are still people who have to do these things, otherwise why does this world need heroes?" Li Jie looked at Captain Rogers with a smile on his lips.

This sentence made Captain Rogers once again full of energy, yeah, this world needs such a hero!

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