Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 524: v7 Chapter 230: Full of adults

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Adult Manchu, or you can call him Zhang Tong. Reading at zero, but it does n’t matter how you call him, because in the past 100 years, he has used various pseudonyms and various identities to walk in this world.

As for his original name? Sorry, he has forgotten himself. Now more people call him by his code name Man.

A pseudonym he used frequently was Zhang Tong. So we might as well call this legendary figure directly by Zhang Tong.

He was born in the late Qing Dynasty and is said to be a descendant of the aristocracy. As for the aristocrats of the Manchu, Mongolian, or Han Eight Banners, there is no way to verify it. Because the age is too long, the insiders are dead. Zhang Tong is the only one alive. No matter how he likes to say, no one can refute him.

But the only certainty is that Zhang Tong must have been born of an aristocrat. He had the characteristics of an aristocrat of that era. Arrogant, arrogant, self-centered, and look down on the flow of civilians from the bottom of my heart.

But he also has things that the nobles of that era did not have. For example, he was serious and eager to learn, and he had considerable attainments in both aspects and martial arts.

This is an era when the nobles in Beijing are wearing rags and shirts and leading a group of pretend beggars to eat rotten meat noodles outside the front gate.

At that time, Zhang Tong showed extraordinary ability, although not as powerful as it is now. However, the nobles of the Qing dynasty always valued Wu Yong. In that decayed era, Zhang Tong was one of the few nobles who showed martial ability.

So he got a chance. At that time, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement was vigorous, and the control of the Manchu dynasty was in jeopardy. Zhang Tong led 5,000 soldiers in Tianjin to assist Jiangsu.

In the fierce battles in Jiangsu, Zhang Tong defeated several troops of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, which made him appreciated by the ruling class of Manchu.

Later, after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, under the leadership of Zhang Zhidong, Zuo Zongtang, and Li Hongzhang, the Qing Dynasty began the Westernization Movement. Among them, the training of the new army has become the most important thing for the ruling class.

Because in the battle against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Zeng Guofan's Xiang Army showed a fighting power to crush the Central Dynasty army. This made the ruling class feel a little threat.

After that, Zeng Guofan became even more coercive and became the first governor of the world. After that, the southeastern local officials headed by Zhang Zhidong even made it. Although they were nominally returned to the central government, they had actually torn apart the split.

The Manchu Qing ruling class was both angry and powerless because the Qing government at that time was facing various internal and external troubles and was unable to manage the southeast. As long as the southeast can still pay taxes every year, the central government is holding its nose.

Under this circumstance, Zhang Tong, who had outstanding performance in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom campaign, was once again brought up. It is too difficult to find a noble warrior when the Manqing roots are completely decaying.

Zhang Tong is an exception, so the Qing Dynasty prosperously tried their best to cultivate this noble warrior among the Qing nobles.

A large amount of real gold and silver and various weapons gathered in Zhang Tong's hands, he began to train a new army. However, the Qing dynasty did not know that what they did did buy the bane for themselves and even China in the future.

Zhang Tong has never been a simple person. Under his humble appearance, he has greater ambitions. Ministers and power ministers have even become ministers of auxiliary affairs and so on. This is already the highest achievement that a minister can achieve.

But this cannot satisfy Zhang Tong's ambitions, he wants to go further! As a nobleman born in feudal education, Zhang Tong called it a step further, that is, the supreme position of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

Zhang Tong, a traditional feudal education, cannot be measured by the standards of modern society.

He edited the new army not to protect the Manchu dynasty, but instead stood by while the dynasty was about to collapse. He regarded the new army as his own property and became his capital for hegemony.

At that time, it was a chaotic world, life was like a mustard, and a gun was king. Before the beginning of the First World War, China had entered the era of warlord separatism (this is the history of the Marvel World).

In the winter of 1909, the army led by Zhang Tong had captured the vast majority of Chinese territory. Because of his identity, the traditional noble forces naturally supported him.

The day of taking the world to the throne is just around the corner. At that time, the supremacy of imperial power was still very marketable. Not only China, but many European countries still practice monarchy.

That was the best time for Zhang Tong to become king, or the last good opportunity. But he missed it. Zhang Tong mysteriously disappeared on the eve of the unification of the country and the creation of a new dynasty.

His men don't know where he is. The supreme leader of a regime suddenly disappeared and disappeared. The damage caused by the power vacuum is fatal to an organization.

It is not an illusion that people say that the country cannot be without a king for a day.

After losing the full man, his men began to attack each other for rights and interests, and finally the good situation was ruined. The original hope of unifying China was completely defeated.

Where did Master Man go then? He had many speculations at the time, and many of them were nonsense, but one person was right.

"Does the adult find a way to cultivate immortals and prepare to be a god?" The statement of the gods and ghosts was still very popular at the time.

This man's conjecture is a bit close, but not all right. Master Zhang Tong did not find any method of cultivation of immortals, but found a method of cultivation of Xuan Gong. Zhang Tong is a martial arts man himself.

Before his profound achievements were achieved, he was able to use his flesh to defend against the guns of that era. However, many foreign guns of that era used lead bullets, and their penetration was not strong.

Zhang Tong captured the capital and found a treasure map and a method of cultivation of Xuan Gong from the treasure house of the Qing dynasty. It was a legend about the dragon veins. Those who have the dragon veins have the world, and it sounds like a story in a small talking book.

But Zhang Tong believed a little, because along with the treasure map there was a ring, a ring full of magic. This was found by an emperor of the Qing Dynasty in search of the dragon veins.

For Zhang Tong, what is said in the treasure map is like a cat's claw scratching his heart, so he can't forget it all the time.

In the end he finally decided to find the legendary dragon vein and the whereabouts of the other nine rings. He believes that even if there is no dragon vein, just find a few other rings, he can rule the country more powerfully.

So he went to the western region of China according to the picture. At the border of the western region, which is today's western region, between Kazakhstan and Afghanistan, a legendary dragon vein was found between a high mountain and the remaining nine rings.

Zhang Tong found this place to be a good place to practice, and a blessing place for practicing Xuan Gong. So he decided to try to practice here one night and see how it worked.

But for a century, when he woke up from his cultivation, the time had come to 1969. Sixty years have passed since he closed his doors. During these sixty years, the whole world has undergone tremendous changes.

The organization he created disappeared, and the whole world was completely different from what he knew.

This is not an online fairy tale. The fairy people have been closed for hundreds of years, and the world has not changed in the same way as it was hundreds of years ago. In just sixty years, Zhang Tong felt that he could not understand the world.

The two world wars that swept the world, and planes that could fight in the sky, the United States dropped a terrible atomic bomb in the East. The Soviet Union detonated a frightening hydrogen bomb, and humans flew out of the earth, even leaving a footprint on the moon.

Okay, my mastery is great. But is it truly invincible? Zhang Tong did not have the confidence to resist head-on at the explosion center of the hydrogen bomb. He felt he would definitely die if he did so.

Xuan Gong is so great that he can fly, if in 1909. It is indeed a remarkable thing, but humans have now entered space. If he throws himself into outer space and does not wear a space suit, Zhang Tong feels that he will also die.

Zhang Tong is very strong, no matter what civilization he is in, what standards are used to measure him is a very strong warrior. Especially after the blessing of the Ten Lord of the Rings. Even Asgard, who is famous for his specialty Wushen, Zhang Tong is also quite powerful.

But this did not greatly help his plan to conquer the world. The world has changed, and it is no longer what Zhang Tong is familiar with.

In the past sixty years, the vicissitudes of life are right and wrong. Some people, his thoughts, his concepts have been eliminated by the times!


Time: Now.

Zhang Tong woke up from his memories, he is not a person who likes to miss the old. But this world always gives him an unreal feeling. The Ten Commandments are a crowd, and he knows it well.

But in this era, besides creating a terrorist organization, how can he subvert the Chinese regime?

Zhang Tong, with ten magic rings, walked in a special secret passage in the mountains of Central Asia. This place was called the Dragon Vessel by the Manchu Dynasty, and Zhang Tong originally thought it was the Dragon Vein. Especially after seeing it.

But after these years passed, he began to understand that some things might not be what he thought. For example, not necessarily.

In the deepest part of the secret road is a huge and open natural cave, which is more than one hundred size Beijing Capital Stadium. This is naturally formed by nature, this is the natural magical work.

In the place known as the dragon veins of the Manchu dynasty, a giant lizard-shaped creature crawled on the ground. It is more than a few hundred battles long, and every breath has the smell of sulfur and flame.

The scales on his body showed a dark green color, because the color was very deep, and even some blue. The huge wings are stowed, but once they are spread out, it must be a scene that covers the sky.

Yes, this is what the Qing Dynasty secretly known as what they called.

ps: Regarding the character design of Manchu, I used a part of Marvel's settings. But it also added a lot of my personal settings. Because Marvel's editors obviously have a lot of misunderstandings about Chinese culture.

What they think of Chinese culture is very different from what we think. Therefore, the introduction and characters of Master Man still follow my set, which is not incompatible.


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Adult Manchu, or you can call him Zhang Tong. Reading at zero, but it does n’t matter how you call him, because in the past 100 years, he has used various pseudonyms and various identities to walk in this world.

As for his original name? Sorry, he has forgotten himself. Now more people call him by his code name Man.

A pseudonym he used frequently was Zhang Tong. So we might as well call this legendary figure directly by Zhang Tong.

He was born in the late Qing Dynasty and is said to be a descendant of the aristocracy. As for the aristocrats of the Manchu, Mongolian, or Han Eight Banners, there is no way to verify it. Because the age is too long, the insiders are dead. Zhang Tong is the only one alive. No matter how he likes to say, no one can refute him.

But the only certainty is that Zhang Tong must have been born of an aristocrat. He had the characteristics of an aristocrat of that era. Arrogant, arrogant, self-centered, and look down on the flow of civilians from the bottom of my heart.

But he also has things that the nobles of that era did not have. For example, he was serious and eager to learn, and he had considerable attainments in both aspects and martial arts.

This is an era when the nobles in Beijing are wearing rags and shirts and leading a group of pretend beggars to eat rotten meat noodles outside the front gate.

At that time, Zhang Tong showed extraordinary ability, although not as powerful as it is now. However, the nobles of the Qing dynasty always valued Wu Yong. In that decayed era, Zhang Tong was one of the few nobles who showed martial ability.

So he got a chance. At that time, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement was vigorous, and the control of the Manchu dynasty was in jeopardy. Zhang Tong led 5,000 soldiers in Tianjin to assist Jiangsu.

In the fierce battles in Jiangsu, Zhang Tong defeated several troops of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, which made him appreciated by the ruling class of Manchu.

Later, after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, under the leadership of Zhang Zhidong, Zuo Zongtang, and Li Hongzhang, the Qing Dynasty began the Westernization Movement. Among them, the training of the new army has become the most important thing for the ruling class.

Because in the battle against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Zeng Guofan's Xiang Army showed a fighting power to crush the Central Dynasty army. This made the ruling class feel a little threat.

After that, Zeng Guofan became even more coercive and became the first governor of the world. After that, the southeastern local officials headed by Zhang Zhidong even made it. Although they were nominally returned to the central government, they had actually torn apart the split.

The Manchu Qing ruling class was both angry and powerless because the Qing government at that time was facing various internal and external troubles and was unable to manage the southeast. As long as the southeast can still pay taxes every year, the central government is holding its nose.

Under this circumstance, Zhang Tong, who had outstanding performance in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom campaign, was once again brought up. It is too difficult to find a noble warrior when the Manqing roots are completely decaying.

Zhang Tong is an exception, so the Qing Dynasty prosperously tried their best to cultivate this noble warrior among the Qing nobles.

A large amount of real gold and silver and various weapons gathered in Zhang Tong's hands, he began to train a new army. However, the Qing dynasty did not know that what they did did buy the bane for themselves and even China in the future.

Zhang Tong has never been a simple person. Under his humble appearance, he has greater ambitions. Ministers and power ministers have even become ministers of auxiliary affairs and so on. This is already the highest achievement that a minister can achieve.

But this cannot satisfy Zhang Tong's ambitions, he wants to go further! As a nobleman born in feudal education, Zhang Tong called it a step further, that is, the supreme position of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

Zhang Tong, a traditional feudal education, cannot be measured by the standards of modern society.

He edited the new army not to protect the Manchu dynasty, but instead stood by while the dynasty was about to collapse. He regarded the new army as his own property and became his capital for hegemony.

At that time, it was a chaotic world, life was like a mustard, and a gun was king. Before the beginning of the First World War, China had entered the era of warlord separatism (this is the history of the Marvel World).

In the winter of 1909, the army led by Zhang Tong had captured the vast majority of Chinese territory. Because of his identity, the traditional noble forces naturally supported him.

The day of taking the world to the throne is just around the corner. At that time, the supremacy of imperial power was still very marketable. Not only China, but many European countries still practice monarchy.

That was the best time for Zhang Tong to become king, or the last good opportunity. But he missed it. Zhang Tong mysteriously disappeared on the eve of the unification of the country and the creation of a new dynasty.

His men don't know where he is. The supreme leader of a regime suddenly disappeared and disappeared. The damage caused by the power vacuum is fatal to an organization.

It is not an illusion that people say that the country cannot be without a king for a day.

After losing the full man, his men began to attack each other for rights and interests, and finally the good situation was ruined. The original hope of unifying China was completely defeated.

Where did Master Man go then? He had many speculations at the time, and many of them were nonsense, but one person was right.

"Does the adult find a way to cultivate immortals and prepare to be a god?" The statement of the gods and ghosts was still very popular at the time.

This man's conjecture is a bit close, but not all right. Master Zhang Tong did not find any method of cultivation of immortals, but found a method of cultivation of Xuan Gong. Zhang Tong is a martial arts man himself.

Before his profound achievements were achieved, he was able to use his flesh to defend against the guns of that era. However, many foreign guns of that era used lead bullets, and their penetration was not strong.

Zhang Tong captured the capital and found a treasure map and a method of cultivation of Xuan Gong from the treasure house of the Qing dynasty. It was a legend about the dragon veins. Those who have the dragon veins have the world, and it sounds like a story in a small talking book.

But Zhang Tong believed a little, because along with the treasure map there was a ring, a ring full of magic. This was found by an emperor of the Qing Dynasty in search of the dragon veins.

For Zhang Tong, what is said in the treasure map is like a cat's claw scratching his heart, so he can't forget it all the time.

In the end he finally decided to find the legendary dragon vein and the whereabouts of the other nine rings. He believes that even if there is no dragon vein, just find a few other rings, he can rule the country more powerfully.

So he went to the western region of China according to the picture. At the border of the western region, which is today's western region, between Kazakhstan and Afghanistan, a legendary dragon vein was found between a high mountain and the remaining nine rings.

Zhang Tong found this place to be a good place to practice, and a blessing place for practicing Xuan Gong. So he decided to try to practice here one night and see how it worked.

But for a century, when he woke up from his cultivation, the time had come to 1969. Sixty years have passed since he closed his doors. During these sixty years, the whole world has undergone tremendous changes.

The organization he created disappeared, and the whole world was completely different from what he knew.

This is not an online fairy tale. The fairy people have been closed for hundreds of years, and the world has not changed in the same way as it was hundreds of years ago. In just sixty years, Zhang Tong felt that he could not understand the world.

The two world wars that swept the world, and planes that could fight in the sky, the United States dropped a terrible atomic bomb in the East. The Soviet Union detonated a frightening hydrogen bomb, and humans flew out of the earth, even leaving a footprint on the moon.

Okay, my mastery is great. But is it truly invincible? Zhang Tong did not have the confidence to resist head-on at the explosion center of the hydrogen bomb. He felt he would definitely die if he did so.

Xuan Gong is so great that he can fly, if in 1909. It is indeed a remarkable thing, but humans have now entered space. If he throws himself into outer space and does not wear a space suit, Zhang Tong feels that he will also die.

Zhang Tong is very strong, no matter what civilization he is in, what standards are used to measure him is a very strong warrior. Especially after the blessing of the Ten Lord of the Rings. Even Asgard, who is famous for his specialty Wushen, Zhang Tong is also quite powerful.

But this did not greatly help his plan to conquer the world. The world has changed, and it is no longer what Zhang Tong is familiar with.

In the past sixty years, the vicissitudes of life are right and wrong. Some people, his thoughts, his concepts have been eliminated by the times!


Time: Now.

Zhang Tong woke up from his memories, he is not a person who likes to miss the old ~ ~ but this world always gives him an unreal feeling. The Ten Commandments are a crowd, and he knows it well.

But in this era, besides creating a terrorist organization, how can he subvert the Chinese regime?

Zhang Tong, with ten magic rings, walked in a special secret passage in the mountains of Central Asia. This place was called the Dragon Vessel by the Manchu Dynasty, and Zhang Tong originally thought it was the Dragon Vein. Especially after seeing it.

But after these years passed, he began to understand that some things might not be what he thought. For example, not necessarily.

In the deepest part of the secret road is a huge and open natural cave, which is more than one hundred size Beijing Capital Stadium. This is naturally formed by nature, this is the natural magical work.

In the place known as the dragon veins of the Manchu dynasty, a giant lizard-shaped creature crawled on the ground. It is more than a few hundred battles long, and every breath has the smell of sulfur and flame.

The scales on his body showed a dark green color, because the color was very deep, and even some blue. The huge wings are stowed, but once they are spread out, it must be a scene that covers the sky.

Yes, this is what the Qing Dynasty secretly known as what they called.

ps: Regarding the character design of Manchu, I used a part of Marvel's settings. But it also added a lot of my personal settings. Because Marvel's editors obviously have a lot of misunderstandings about Chinese culture.

What they think of Chinese culture is very different from what we think. Therefore, the introduction and characters of Master Man still follow my set, which is not incompatible.


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