Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 529: v8 Chapter 2: The time to push to the front desk (4700 words large

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After discussion at the Illumination Society, everyone decided to presuppose that the possible battlefield would be two hundred nautical miles outside New York Harbor. Because there are more than 20 million people in New York, and the destructive power of Manchu adults is beyond the reach of ordinary conventional weapons.

It is no exaggeration to say that his strength is not inferior to that of any Alpha-level mutants, and because of the blessing of the ten Lord of the Rings, adults may be weaker than the Omega-level mutants and may even be stronger (just to single out the strength To calculate, not purely destructive calculation).

So the farther the battlefield is from New York, the better. Calculated by the speed at which the ship is advancing on the sea. It took quite a long time to come to New York from Central Asia, which gave Tony Stark enough time to make arrangements.

The neutrino reconnaissance device is not only installed in the dock of New York Harbor, but also started to be placed on the offshore buoys (these buoys are used to detect the movement of ocean currents and water temperature.)

The Divine Spear Bureau and the SHIELD Bureau have reached a cooperation agreement. The Captain Rogers within the SHIELD Bureau temporarily persuaded Hawkeye and the Deadpool to get along peacefully. At least this time, the two should not "slip" in the important task.

Tony is making final preparations, including armor made for Thor to the final commissioning stage. Thor is also performing his own rehearsal, because this big show is also the debut of Thor.

As for Li Jie, more needs to be done about New York.

At the base of the night watchman, Li Jie summoned everyone to a meeting, and said that Manchu was about to come to New York to find trouble. As for the source of intelligence, it was pushed to Iron Man.

Everyone knows that nightwalkers make friends all over the world. Whether it is Iron Man, Professor X and Captain Rogers, or the legendary Supreme Master Gu Yi, he has a close relationship with him.

So he was not surprised that he got intelligence.

Li Jie printed out the information about Zhang Tong, the man, and distributed it to the members of the night watch.

Peter Parker, who had just returned from London, first asked his question: "This guy called Master is really ready to kill Tony Stark? Why?"

Li Jie pointed to the third page of the data: "It is very clear from the political point of view and personal grievances, no matter which angle he wants to get rid of Tony, which is very important to him."

Harry Osborne also participated in this meeting, he is also a member of the night watchman. Although there is no important thing, Li Jie does not agree with Harry's participation in various dangerous tasks. Because he is now getting married.

However, the important thing such as Manchu's attack must be notified to him, otherwise it will be easy to be separated from him. In addition, Harry now gave himself a very nickname: Dark Knight.

Li Jie feels very good, because Harry himself is a super rich, Osborne ’s manor has a black technology database, laboratory and weapon manufacturing plant, plus the second generation black knight armor improved after the original green demon armor .

All of this fits Harry's nickname: The Dark Knight. If he used a laser to engrave a bat logo on the chest of the armor, it would be even more perfect.

The Dark Knight Harry spoke: "I see the plan above is very detailed. This is a frontal battle, mainly based on the Divine Spear Bureau and the SHIELD Bureau. It even wrote about the possible battle in Central Asia, but That is based on Latvia. "

"I want to ask, if this is a frontal battle, what can we do? After all, directly participate in the frontal battlefield of the Aegis and the Spear Bureau. Not to mention the degree of danger, the other party may not need our help, and it is very likely Cause the other person to feel sick. "

What Harry said caused the nocturnal nods to agree.

Easily participating in the plans set by the two super organizations seems to be of little use to the night watchmen.

And Li Jie didn't want to put his partner into the frontal battlefield because of the steel army, the **** spear and the holy shield. If necessary, he will also dispatch Starship and Thor Thor.

With this lineup, Li Jie doesn't think this sniper battle will be useful when it comes to personal force on a single shot, unless it is a mutant close to the Omega level or someone of the same strength.

The task of the night watchman is not to be tough on the frontal battlefield, it is a waste of their ability.

As Li Jie said at the beginning, no matter how good the plan is, I'm not afraid of it. Because he still can't let go of the dragons that are full of adults. He always feels that adults will have a back hand.

So he has to be more prepared.

"It's not on the frontal battlefield, the task of the night watchman is to stabilize New York." Li Jie raised a finger and said: "Although the battlefield is preset to the high seas two hundred nautical miles away, there is no guarantee that it will not happen outside."

"The most important of these is the stability of New York. This is a super city with a population of 25 million. Here are our relatives and friends. If 20 million people are in a panic, it is a very terrible thing." What Li Jie said made everyone begin to understand what Li Jie needed everyone to do.

"In case, I mean just in case. If the full man has the back hand and breaks through the defense line to bring harassment to New York, then harassment is likely to occur in New York City." Li Jie continued.

"We need to control these possible problems. New Yorkers have never experienced the baptism of war, who knows what will happen to them at that time. We will need to strengthen our patrol of New York City, and help the New York police to suppress all possible thug riots. . "

Mike is a former swat member, and Damon is also a former anti-black police officer. They thought more about it, and Mike said, "I am afraid that our manpower alone is not enough. New York is too big. Even if we and the New York police are all dispatched, it is impossible to control it."

Li Jie smiled: "So I will mention [Justice League], it is time for these New York police organizations to show a positive and positive meaning."

Since Li Jie and George launched the [New York Mass] plan, more and more ordinary people have participated in the plan.

There is a saying that many people sneer: the power of example is endless. But in many cases this sentence is still useful, and many times an example can inspire a generation.

In New York, after the popularity of street heroes such as night watchmen, especially after the video released by Li Jie [I am Everyone, Everyone is Me] became popular, many citizens wanted to do something for their living environment.

This does n’t need a big reason, because everyone wants the community where they live to be a positive and safe place. No one likes the days when doors and windows are closed and they dare not go out after 9pm.

And in the [New York Mass] program promoted by Li Jie and George, they do n’t need ordinary people to stand up to confront criminals. They just need to collect intelligence, and then inform the New York police about the information they get.

The final task will be handed over to the professional police.

In fact, when dealing with criminals, the hardest thing is not to catch them, but to collect their intelligence to master their laws of life. The emergence of the New York Volunteers means that the New York Police has instantly added countless pairs of eyes and can constantly stare at the streets of New York City. This greatly eases the trouble caused by the lack of police force.

The number of volunteers in the Night Watch Alliance has reached thousands. Because of the strict confidentiality system, the identities of these volunteers are mostly kept secret.

Of course, there are also quite a few who directly disclose their identities. Most of the public police officers who do public identities do common work in the community, and they do not intersect with criminals. Most of the things they choose to do are similar to community park repair work, or help neighbors repair fences or something.

Many people are already doing these things, but there was no unified organization before. Now that everyone has a unified organization and planning, the nature of work is higher and work efficiency is better.

In the Nightwatch League, it is roughly divided into two different types of volunteers.

One: Non-dangerous community work is similar to a neighborhood mutual aid association.

Two: Dangerous community patrol work, such as Moon Bird sending drunk girls home on Bar Street is a lightly dangerous job. The Haibian King David previously helped the New York police to crack down a few cases of theft gangs and was listed as a dangerous job.

Needless to say, the first kind of work, even the elderly lady can help. The second type of work is done by young people who have excellent physical fitness or special skills.

Obviously, if some young people with special skills do not bring their skills to the right path, then it is likely to cause harm to society.

This world pattern is so great that Li Jie also thought clearly that the outbreak of the civil war would not be a simple personal grudge between Captain Rogers and Tony Steck.

It is very likely that these little people also have a huge boost. Although a person's power is small, such a thing as getting together in sand is not a word.

Because of his personal position, Li Jie is firmly opposed to the Hero Registration Act. He doesn't like politicians, it's naked and undisguised, and he doesn't like being controlled by "big men." It can be seen from his words and deeds, and the way he arranges pieces.

No matter who signs the Superhero Registration Act, Li Jie will not sign it anyway.

In short, the document that I don't sign is for me to wipe the buttocks. Li Jie is thinking with such a simple concept.

Here, he also decided to make the actions of the volunteers public. Let more people see the benefits, of course, there must be disadvantages. In general, this kind of harm is easily caught by people and then attacked violently.

But if the political benefits are converted into cost-effective economics or game theory, then before every politician makes a move, he will inevitably think of how much money they can bet from the chips they bet.

Small inputs have small returns, and large inputs have big returns, and of course there are big risks. But there are no politicians who can only do stupid things that do n’t pay off. Is n’t this a waste of time and capital?

Li Jie chose to promote openness at this time naturally has his ideas. The most crucial point is that he wants Thor to appear in this incident.

Thor's first appearance must be shocking and gorgeous enough. It is best to be able to blind the 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of politicians all over the world.

Let them open their eyes and see how ridiculous they are arguing on earth. In the vast universe, humans are not the only civilization.

Thor's appearance this time was acting, and Li Jie prepared enough for him. Enough to show the passing of an alien prince.

At the same time, it will also lay the groundwork for the follow-up Dark Elves. If Thor is playing good this time, then the appearance of the Dark Elves represents evil.

When an alien civilization appears, who cares what the New York police do? Even if Thor only needs to show one face, he doesn't need to contact any government or speak to anyone, he just needs to show his existence.

Because this time the appearance is only foreshadowing, it is not the moment to reveal the cards. After all, the light will not have enough chips and cards in hand.

So the other thoughts are all afterwords, turning the topic back to the New York City Police.

After the meeting between Li Jie and the night watchmen, he specially met with King David of Haibian. Unlike the first time I saw David, he was rubbed randomly on the ground by a few gangsters.

And now, after more than a year, following the training of stick man has made great progress for David. In the innocence meeting, he not only received professional-level teaching, but also had a group of martial arts ninjas as an accompaniment.

Now David is not the same as Wuxia Amon. Measured by the force of ordinary people, David's force is almost breaking the table. Especially Stickman now decides to use David's teaching of qi. This is something that Master Brother and Master Matt have not learned.

David is very excited these days because he feels more and more like a superhero. This is a child with a little blood, but his nature is very good, because his heart of the naked child makes Gushou accept him as a disciple.

Just like when Li Jie asked him to meet now, the kid was happily patrolling a park in Brooklyn. Li Jie also met him in the park.

The Justice League is now close to hundreds of people, and almost all the alliance is performing dangerous tasks. This has given them considerable prestige within civil organizations.

For the general public, superheroes are not seen every day, but these [Justice League] people can be seen by many people.

"Before this park has been a place where many residents of Brooklyn come to cool off in the summer evening. There are also many people come to run and run this night." Li Jie followed David to patrol the park and listened to his enthusiastic saying .

"I remember when I was young, my parents often brought me here to play, and sometimes at night. But then the park started to get messy, and there were gangs and gangsters based here. Most of the residents I dare not come here. "

David pointed to a marble decorative wall in the park and said: "A lot of little **** came to this graffiti and made the park sullen. From the last few months, I have called on the [Justice League] companions to patrol here. "

"We also cooperated with the police and grabbed the gang members here. Now the park is back to quiet again. You see, people are taking a walk in the cold here again at night." Residents on a walk.

"This is a good change. You are a real superhero." Li Jie felt very comfortable with what David said. This is a real change. Not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top.

This kind of thing that David did [return the park to the residents] was actually a thing that could make many residents feel that they are immediately affordable.

David praised Li Jie very much, but he said modestly: "Nightwalkers do little more than what you do. This is to maintain law and order and help everyone have a more stable life. Unlike Nightwalkers. You can destroy all kinds of gangster dens, and Iron Man can wipe out terrorists in Central Asia. "

Li Jie shook his head: "In fact, all this is the same. Eliminating a group of terrorists is no more glorious than helping the community residents get a park. This is just a simple division of labor."

"Everyone does what they can. This does not mean that Iron Man or my Night Crawler are much better than you. I believe that even Tony Stark has time to visit the park. And I believe he absolutely does n’t like to see it. What a mess in the park. "Li Jie's words made David laugh openly.

"Let's go, I invite you to eat ice cream. By the way, I want to talk to you about important things." Li Jie patted David on the shoulder and motioned him to find a place to sit and talk.

ps: I received a design draft from a friend today and I cannot refute it. Is a set of jade jade design drawings, because it can not be completed and finally transferred to my side. Friends are open studios, if the design drawings can not be submitted to have a significant impact on their credibility.

So the special help friends rushed to work today to complete a set of jade jade design drawings, as the time to write the book was naturally crowded out. So there is only one more change today, don't blame everyone.

ps2: But there are more than 4,700 words in this chapter.

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The content of "The Years of Being a Superhero in Marvel" (Chapter Two: The Time to Push to the Front (4,700-word chapter)) is collected and provided by netizens, and is reprinted to Shufan Lou just to promote being a superhero in Marvel The hero's years let more fans know. The second chapter is the opportunity to push to the front desk (4,700-word chapter). Those fans who are superheroes in Marvel are upstairs. Return to the latest chapter list (Enter). For simultaneous reading please visit

After discussion at the Illumination Society, everyone decided to presuppose that the possible battlefield would be two hundred nautical miles outside New York Harbor. Because there are more than 20 million people in New York, and the destructive power of Manchu adults is beyond the reach of ordinary conventional weapons.

It is no exaggeration to say that his strength is not inferior to that of any Alpha-level mutants, and because of the blessing of the ten Lord of the Rings, adults may be weaker than the Omega-level mutants and may even be stronger (just to single out the strength To calculate, not purely destructive calculation).

So the farther the battlefield is from New York, the better. Calculated by the speed at which the ship is advancing on the sea. It took quite a long time to come to New York from Central Asia, which gave Tony Stark enough time to make arrangements.

The neutrino reconnaissance device is not only installed in the dock of New York Harbor, but also started to be placed on the offshore buoys (these buoys are used to detect the movement of ocean currents and water temperature.)

The Divine Spear Bureau and the SHIELD Bureau have reached a cooperation agreement. The Captain Rogers within the SHIELD Bureau temporarily persuaded Hawkeye and the Deadpool to get along peacefully. At least this time, the two should not "slip" in the important task.

Tony is making final preparations, including armor made for Thor to the final commissioning stage. Thor is also performing his own rehearsal, because this big show is also the debut of Thor.

As for Li Jie, more needs to be done about New York.

At the base of the night watchman, Li Jie summoned everyone to a meeting, and said that Manchu was about to come to New York to find trouble. As for the source of intelligence, it was pushed to Iron Man.

Everyone knows that nightwalkers make friends all over the world. Whether it is Iron Man, Professor X and Captain Rogers, or the legendary Supreme Master Gu Yi, he has a close relationship with him.

So he was not surprised that he got intelligence.

Li Jie printed out the information about Zhang Tong, the man, and distributed it to the members of the night watch.

Peter Parker, who had just returned from London, first asked his question: "This guy called Master is really ready to kill Tony Stark? Why?"

Li Jie pointed to the third page of the data: "It is very clear from the political point of view and personal grievances, no matter which angle he wants to get rid of Tony, which is very important to him."

Harry Osborne also participated in this meeting, he is also a member of the night watchman. Although there is no important thing, Li Jie does not agree with Harry's participation in various dangerous tasks. Because he is now getting married.

However, the important thing such as Manchu's attack must be notified to him, otherwise it will be easy to be separated from him. In addition, Harry now gave himself a very nickname: Dark Knight.

Li Jie feels very good, because Harry himself is a super rich, Osborne ’s manor has a black technology database, laboratory and weapon manufacturing plant, plus the second generation black knight armor improved after the original green demon armor .

All of this fits Harry's nickname: The Dark Knight. If he used a laser to engrave a bat logo on the chest of the armor, it would be even more perfect.

The Dark Knight Harry spoke: "I see the plan above is very detailed. This is a frontal battle, mainly based on the Divine Spear Bureau and the SHIELD Bureau. It even wrote about the possible battle in Central Asia, but That is based on Latvia. "

"I want to ask, if this is a frontal battle, what can we do? After all, directly participate in the frontal battlefield of the Aegis and the Spear Bureau. Not to mention the degree of danger, the other party may not need our help, and it is very likely Cause the other person to feel sick. "

What Harry said caused the nocturnal nods to agree.

Easily participating in the plans set by the two super organizations seems to be of little use to the night watchmen.

And Li Jie didn't want to put his partner into the frontal battlefield because of the steel army, the **** spear and the holy shield. If necessary, he will also dispatch Starship and Thor Thor.

With this lineup, Li Jie doesn't think this sniper battle will be useful when it comes to personal force on a single shot, unless it is a mutant close to the Omega level or someone of the same strength.

The task of the night watchman is not to be tough on the frontal battlefield, it is a waste of their ability.

As Li Jie said at the beginning, no matter how good the plan is, I'm not afraid of it. Because he still can't let go of the dragons that are full of adults. He always feels that adults will have a back hand.

So he has to be more prepared.

"It's not on the frontal battlefield, the task of the night watchman is to stabilize New York." Li Jie raised a finger and said: "Although the battlefield is preset to the high seas two hundred nautical miles away, there is no guarantee that it will not happen outside."

"The most important of these is the stability of New York. This is a super city with a population of 25 million. Here are our relatives and friends. If 20 million people are in a panic, it is a very terrible thing." What Li Jie said made everyone begin to understand what Li Jie needed everyone to do.

"In case, I mean just in case. If the full man has the back hand and breaks through the defense line to bring harassment to New York, then harassment is likely to occur in New York City." Li Jie continued.

"We need to control these possible problems. New Yorkers have never experienced the baptism of war, who knows what will happen to them at that time. We will need to strengthen our patrol of New York City, and help the New York police to suppress all possible thug riots. . "

Mike is a former swat member, and Damon is also a former anti-black police officer. They thought more about it, and Mike said, "I am afraid that our manpower alone is not enough. New York is too big. Even if we and the New York police are all dispatched, it is impossible to control it."

Li Jie smiled: "So I will mention [Justice League], it is time for these New York police organizations to show a positive and positive meaning."

Since Li Jie and George launched the [New York Mass] plan, more and more ordinary people have participated in the plan.

There is a saying that many people sneer: the power of example is endless. But in many cases this sentence is still useful, and many times an example can inspire a generation.

In New York, after the popularity of street heroes such as night watchmen, especially after the video released by Li Jie [I am Everyone, Everyone is Me] became popular, many citizens wanted to do something for their living environment.

This does n’t need a big reason, because everyone wants the community where they live to be a positive and safe place. No one likes the days when doors and windows are closed and they dare not go out after 9pm.

And in the [New York Mass] program promoted by Li Jie and George, they do n’t need ordinary people to stand up to confront criminals. They just need to collect intelligence, and then inform the New York police about the information they get.

The final task will be handed over to the professional police.

In fact, when dealing with criminals, the hardest thing is not to catch them, but to collect their intelligence to master their laws of life. The emergence of the New York Volunteers means that the New York Police has instantly added countless pairs of eyes and can constantly stare at the streets of New York City. This greatly eases the trouble caused by the lack of police force.

The number of volunteers in the Night Watch Alliance has reached thousands. Because of the strict confidentiality system, the identities of these volunteers are mostly kept secret.

Of course, there are also quite a few who directly disclose their identities. Most of the public police officers who do public identities do common work in the community, and they do not intersect with criminals. Most of the things they choose to do are similar to community park repair work, or help neighbors repair fences or something.

Many people are already doing these things, but there was no unified organization before. Now that everyone has a unified organization and planning, the nature of work is higher and work efficiency is better.

In the Nightwatch League, it is roughly divided into two different types of volunteers.

One: Non-dangerous community work is similar to a neighborhood mutual aid association.

Two: Dangerous community patrol work, such as Moon Bird sending drunk girls home on Bar Street is a lightly dangerous job. The Haibian King David previously helped the New York police to crack down a few cases of theft gangs and was listed as a dangerous job.

Needless to say, the first kind of work, even the elderly lady can help. The second type of work is done by young people who have excellent physical fitness or special skills.

Obviously, if some young people with special skills do not bring their skills to the right path, then it is likely to cause harm to society.

This world pattern is so great that Li Jie also thought clearly that the outbreak of the civil war would not be a simple personal grudge between Captain Rogers and Tony Steck.

It is very likely that these little people also have a huge boost. Although a person's power is small, such a thing as getting together in sand is not a word.

Because of his personal position, Li Jie is firmly opposed to the Hero Registration Act. He doesn't like politicians, it's naked and undisguised, and he doesn't like being controlled by "big men." It can be seen from his words and deeds, and the way he arranges pieces.

No matter who signs the Superhero Registration Act, Li Jie will not sign it anyway.

In short, the document that I don't sign is for me to wipe the buttocks. Li Jie is thinking with such a simple concept.

Here, he also decided to make the actions of the volunteers public. Let more people see the benefits, of course, there must be disadvantages. In general, this kind of harm is easily caught by people and then attacked violently.

But if the political benefits are converted into cost-effective economics or game theory, then before every politician makes a move, he will inevitably think of how much money they can bet from the chips they bet.

Small inputs have small returns, and large inputs have big returns, and of course there are big risks. But there are no politicians who can only do stupid things that do n’t pay off. Is n’t this a waste of time and capital?

Li Jie chose to promote openness at this time naturally has his ideas. The most crucial point is that he wants Thor to appear in this incident.

Thor's first appearance must be shocking and gorgeous enough. It is best to be able to blind the 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of politicians all over the world.

Let them open their eyes and see how ridiculous they are arguing on earth. In the vast universe, humans are not the only civilization.

Thor's appearance this time was acting, and Li Jie prepared enough for him. Enough to show the passing of an alien prince.

At the same time, it will also lay the groundwork for the follow-up Dark Elves. If Thor is playing good this time, then the appearance of the Dark Elves represents evil.

When an alien civilization appears, who cares what the New York police do? Even if Thor only needs to show one face, he doesn't need to contact any government or speak to anyone, he just needs to show his existence.

Because this time the appearance is only foreshadowing, it is not the moment to reveal the cards. After all, the light will not have enough chips and cards in hand.

So the other thoughts are all afterwords, turning the topic back to the New York City Police.

After the meeting between Li Jie and the night watchmen, he specially met with King David of Haibian. Unlike the first time I saw David, he was rubbed randomly on the ground by a few gangsters.

And now, after more than a year, following the training of stick man has made great progress for David. In the innocence meeting, he not only received professional-level teaching, but also had a group of martial arts ninjas as an accompaniment.

Now David is not the same as Wuxia Amon. Measured by the force of ordinary people, David's force is almost breaking the table. Especially Stickman now decides to use David's teaching of qi. This is something that Master Brother and Master Matt have not learned.

David is very excited these days because he feels more and more like a superhero. This is a child with a little blood, but his nature is very good, because his heart of the naked child makes Gushou accept him as a disciple.

Just like when Li Jie asked him to meet now, the kid was happily patrolling a park in Brooklyn. Li Jie also met him in the park.

The Justice League is now close to hundreds of people, and almost all the alliance is performing dangerous tasks. This has given them considerable prestige within civil organizations.

For the general public, superheroes are not seen every day, but these [Justice League] people can be seen by many people.

"Before this park has been a place where many residents of Brooklyn come to cool off in the summer evening. There are also many people come to run and run this night." Li Jie followed David to patrol the park and listened to his enthusiastic saying .

"I remember when I was young, my parents often brought me here to play, and sometimes at night. But then the park started to get messy, and there were gangs and gangsters based here. Most of the residents I dare not come here. "

David pointed to a marble decorative wall in the park and said: "A lot of little **** came to this graffiti and made the park sullen. From the last few months, I have called on the [Justice League] companions to patrol here. "

"We also cooperated with the police and grabbed the gang members here. Now the park is back to quiet again. You see, people are taking a walk in the cold here again at night." Residents on a walk.

"This is a good change. You are a real superhero." Li Jie felt very comfortable with what David said. UU reading This is a real change. Not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top.

This kind of thing that David did [return the park to the residents] was actually a thing that could make many residents feel that they are immediately affordable.

David praised Li Jie very much, but he said modestly: "Nightwalkers do little more than what you do. This is to maintain law and order and help everyone have a more stable life. Unlike Nightwalkers. You can destroy all kinds of gangster dens, and Iron Man can wipe out terrorists in Central Asia. "

Li Jie shook his head: "In fact, all this is the same. Eliminating a group of terrorists is no more glorious than helping the community residents get a park. This is just a simple division of labor."

"Everyone does what they can. This does not mean that Iron Man or my Night Crawler are much better than you. I believe that even Tony Stark has time to visit the park. And I believe he absolutely does n’t like to see it. What a mess in the park. "Li Jie's words made David laugh openly.

"Let's go, I invite you to eat ice cream. By the way, I want to talk to you about important things." Li Jie patted David on the shoulder and motioned him to find a place to sit and talk.

ps: I received a design draft from a friend today and I cannot refute it. Is a set of jade jade design drawings, because it can not be completed and finally transferred to my side. Friends are open studios, if the design drawings can not be submitted to have a significant impact on their credibility.

So the special help friends rushed to work today to complete a set of jade jade design drawings, as the time to write the book was naturally crowded out. So there is only one more change today, don't blame everyone.

ps2: But there are more than 4,700 words in this chapter.

Book fan building is the fastest update, please read Book fan building () for reading without pop-up window.

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