Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 553: v8 Chapter 24: The grid was destroyed, Thor asked for electricity, and Bruce leaped into the Pacific

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There is no doubt that this dead helicopter pilot interrupted all of Li Jie's plans. No advertising site. Red Hulk like the angry bull who was provoked by the red cloth now.

Three blocks away, this angry beast has begun to show his destructive power.

Boom ~! As dull as the sound of the giant drum being knocked, the glass on the outer wall of the building shattered one by one as the sound wave passed through. A rain of glass started on the streets of New York City.

The source of the sound was the devastation caused by Red Hulk. He set off several cars and caused a serial explosion on the roadside. He was venting, venting Hulk ’s inherent desire to destroy, all reason was overwhelmed by anger, leaving only the anger that was hard to eliminate in his eyes and the desire to destroy from the blood.

Li Jie felt that he could not be allowed to continue to destroy because he was too dangerous. If you let Hulk vent his anger in New York City, then I am afraid New York will be demolished into a ruin.

Li Jie decided to attract his hatred first and lead him out of New York City. Then throw him to the South Pole or North Pole to calm him down.

"The situation has changed, guys. I'm going to draw the attention of this big guy first. But I don't guarantee how much danger there is, so I hope everyone can alternate me to attract his hatred, otherwise I will definitely die." Li Jie has conveyed the information through the communicator.

"I will continue to lead him away from the northeast corner of the city. Everyone is ready to take my place at any time. In addition, someone has an idea in the northeast direction to guide the refuge. Captain! Ask all the troops and police officers to evacuate on this road , This is not a joke. "

"I will inform everyone." Captain Rogers has responded to what Li Jie said.

"Really XXXXX." Li Jie whispered a **** that was hard to hear. This is completely unexpected. If it was just that the Red Hulk appeared when the Star Fleet was still there. You can also use various excuses to make the Star Fleet go out to clean up the Red Hulk.

Even if he could not die, he could find a way to put Hulk on the battleship, and then jump out of the earth directly, let him calm down in space. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the earth, Li Jie did not believe Hulk could jump back with a stomp.

"Big monster, look here!" Li Jie quickly approached the red holocaust that was being ruined on the street. In just ten or more seconds, the red hockey had demolished a 20-story tall building. And caused serious damage to the adjacent building. If it were not for the evacuation of all the people in the building, then I am afraid that just that attack would cause huge casualties.

Li Jie didn't think about it. He directly exchanged dozens of explosive flying knives from the system, and fell out directly with the now more and more sophisticated hidden weapon technique.

More than a dozen flying knives made a beautiful arc in the air, and then hit the back of the Red Hulk fiercely. The power of a dozen explosive flying knives was about equal to the same number of powerful attack grenades. A dozen serial explosions came.

This powerful explosion is undoubtedly mortal for ordinary people, and even some powerful mutants who are not good at defense can also die in this explosion, such as Professor X and the laser eye. Although they are strong, physical defense is still normal.

But Hulk is different, this is a monster with a physical defense resistance of 100%. Physical strikes can't hurt him at all, except for making him more and more angry and more powerful, there is no use.

But Li Jie did not plan to kill him in this way. He was just attracting the attention of Red Hulk. Just like now, the red hockey who was working as a demolition team was immediately attracted by Li Jie.

His eyes flashing with anger and flame immediately turned to stare at Li Jie.

Well, it's time to run away. Li Jie does not have confidence and Huogang Gang is positive, and Huogang Gang is very dangerous at any time.

As for the way to escape, Li Jie is not going to use the wing or rely on light work to run the road, which is probably too slow. Since the last time he exchanged the follow-up moves of Purple Thunder Nine Strikes, he has mastered the magic knife.

Last time, he used a knife to destroy dozens of destroyer mechas made by Hanmer's military industry, which helped Tony.

After mastering the magic knife technique, Li Jie also developed another attribute of mine knife. That is flying.

That's right, flying, but not relying on flesh flight, but relying on the combination of lightning knives and royal knives to let lightning knives fly with them.

As for the image of flying, it is very much like Thor in the movie. As a god, he can't fly by himself. Every time he pulls his flying Thor by the thunder hammer, a stupid look.

From Li Jie's personal aesthetics, the flying attitude is too ugly, so most of the time he prefers to fly with a wing. But Hulk is too fast, and relying on the slider may not be able to avoid him.

The benefits of flying with a lightning knife are shown at this time. The flying speed of the flying knife is very fast, which Li Jie has experimented in private.

It is still very easy to break through three times the speed of sound after laying a protective magnetic field around your body by relying on the energy of Purple Thunder Nine Strikes. If you squeeze it, you can fly faster, but the energy consumption rate in Li Jie's body will become faster.

But at this time, Li Jie could not care much anymore. He turned around and waved the thunder knife fiercely. With the drag of the thunder knife, he immediately left the place where he was and flew towards the northeast out of the city.

The Red Hulk has just made a huge hole in the place where Li Jie is fighting.

"Roar!" With an angry roar, Red Hulk had chased in the direction of Li Jie flying out.


In the Osborne Group Medical Center, just after the Red Hulk fell directly away from this block, the violent vibrations caused the people in the Medical Center to shake their feet beyond their control.

Fortunately, Dr. Strange was very experienced. He did not panic because of this sudden shock, and the scalpel in his hand did not cause an irreparable wound on Penny's body.

"Don't panic, let's continue the operation." Strange looked at the other parasitic doctors and nurses who were panicking around, and nodded to Dr. Otto.

The operation has entered a critical stage, and only the last excision and basic suture of the wound can be injected with regenerative medicine, so that Penny can enter the recovery period.

This is the most error-prone time, don't panic. Just as Strange was preparing to use a knife to start resection, the operation shadowless lamp that was originally used for illumination suddenly flickered. Although it quickly turned on, Strange still had a bad hunch.

He asked the monitoring staff outside the operating room: "What happened?"

The monitoring staff who have been responsible for monitoring various instrument indicators in the operating room have received bad news: "It seems that something happened just outside, and our power supply line was broken. It has now been switched to UPS power supply."

"Damn, isn't the Stark Group's Ark new energy source modified here? Then you don't need to rely on the grid!" Dr. Otto cursed. Although he didn't like Tony Stark, he had to admit that Ark New Energy still has great merits. For example, if we completely get rid of the power supply network, each building is independently powered. This will not cause a large-scale outage of the entire area or the entire city because of a problem with a certain power facility.

"No, Ph.D." the outside monitoring staff said: "Ark Energy is not compatible with the traditional power supply system, and the entire building needs to be renovated. We originally planned to carry out a comprehensive renovation in October."

The monitoring staff's statement prevented Dr. Otto and Dr. Strange from blaming anything, because the conversion plan was originally in the plan, but the time was not up.

Strange knew no one could blame anyone on this matter, he just asked quickly: "How long can the UPS power supply provide?"

"About fifteen minutes!" The monitor immediately replied: "I have turned off the unimportant power loss outside, and today there is only one operation here. This is the longest power that can be maintained."

"Turn off the air conditioner! There are other useless non-surgical power losses that have been turned off!" Strange quickly told the supervisor.

"This way we can support longer!"

Although this is said, after all, the power supply of the UPS power supply is not as stable as that transmitted by the power grid. Even if it saves electricity, it only supports a few more minutes. And only 20 minutes to complete the operation?

Can Strange and Otto complete the operation? Neither of them had any confidence.

Strange's psychology is empty, maybe this is the second time he has killed an innocent life on the operating table. His heart was like being pinched hard with a big hand, almost making him unable to breathe.

Because the last failure caused him to lose his only relative in the world, his sister died on his operating table. That is a shadow that cannot be wiped out in a lifetime.

Since then, he will never accept any surgery that may fail. And now, maybe I want to relive the nightmare I once had, and the nightmare I thought I had fled, but in fact has been eating my own soul.


When Hulk fell on the street, Thor had just entered the Osborne Group medical center. When the power supply line was destroyed, the entire medical center fell into darkness. This gave Thor a bad intuition.

Living as a mortal for so long, he naturally knows what it means for humans to lose electricity.

He ran quickly to Penny's operating room and happened to hear Strange's conversation with the monitoring staff. Only ten minutes of operation time?

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Looking at the expressions of Strange and Otto, it is obvious that the operation cannot be ended in more than ten minutes.

He needs electricity, Thor needs electricity!


The old fan squeaked on the old, moldy ceiling, bringing some air flow to the stuffy room.

A CRT TV produced in the 1990s is still working hard. Even if it is already 20 years old, it still broadcasts the various signals it can receive for the owner of the room, and then broadcasts it into a picture. And sound.

Although it's just a snowflake now, when the owner of the room adjusted the satellite signal receiving antenna outside the wall, there was a picture on the TV screen immediately.

"Here is a live report from ABC Television. The threat of the New York War and the alien invasion just now has been lifted by Captain Rogers. But the new threat is coming again." Almost all TV stations around the world are now broadcasting news about New York .

Even in Nepal, as far away as South Asia, this place is called the Kingdom of Thousand Buddhas. This is one of the poorest countries in the world and can hardly produce anything by itself. The biggest opportunity for people to earn income comes from tourism, because relying on the southern foothills of the Himalayas, many climbers come here to challenge the top of the world.

At the same time, there are many people who have lost their hearts to come here to seek the final spiritual comfort. Many people have written many travel notes, exaggerating this small East Asian country, calling it the last pure land on earth.

But most of them may not really have a deep understanding of the plight of Nepalese life. No matter how rich the soul is, it still cannot solve the problem of eating and dressing. Half of the people in this country live below the poverty line, and 70% of people have less than two dollars of disposable income per day.

Hunger is a problem that this country can never escape. Nepal is not a country that is more suitable for agriculture, especially modern agriculture. Because Nepal is a mountainous country and lacks suitable plains for planting.

Because of the inability to produce all kinds of people's livelihood supplies, the country's price level has not become cheaper because of poverty.

One hundred and fifty dollars in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, can only buy about 20 kilograms of lamb, equivalent to one kilogram of 7.5 dollars. This is very, very expensive in terms of Nepalese income.

And medical treatment is a terrible burden for the people of this country. The medicines produced in India are the main source of medicine in this country. India has strangled exports to Nepal.

As a result, the prices of medicines in Nepal have skyrocketed, and most people have no access to medical care after they become ill. This allows many temples to have a part-time job. That is, old monks with certain medical experience will mix various herbs and then give them to sick residents and believers at low prices or free of charge. You want to learn to be exceptionally strong if you want to live here.

A small temple on the outskirts of Kathmandu has recently become famous, because this temple, which originally had only an old monk and a small shami, gave half of the temple to a foreigner.

It is also the owner of the room mentioned earlier. He transformed half of the temple ’s space into a simple hospital.

He can get some cheap western medicine, and the effect of the herbal medicine is better than that of the old monks in ordinary temples. So more and more poor people come here to seek medical treatment.

In this country, it is almost impossible to find a doctor who has formal medical knowledge and is willing to see you at a low price or even free of charge.

This unknown temple became a holy place in the hearts of rural farmers in the suburbs.

The owner here is an elegant middle-aged white man with soft, fluffy chestnut hair. The gentle eyes and the expression of smiling forever make people feel uneasy.

He recently bought an old TV and some discarded parts from the Kathmandu second-hand market, relied on his electronic knowledge to repair the original scrapped TV, and also connected a satellite antenna.

Because in addition to opening this public welfare hospital, he is also preparing to open a small public welfare school to teach some basic knowledge to nearby children. At the same time, children need to open their eyes and see what the world looks like.

Satellite TV is a good choice. But today he has no mood to teach. His eyes fixed on the TV picture.

The destruction of a red giant in New York caused the elegant middle-aged white man to clenched his fists and burst into blue muscles.

"Teacher Banner, Teacher Banner?" A simple classroom is set at the other corner of the temple. Now the middle-aged man is talking about the small shami in this temple.

He saw that the gentle teacher seemed to have something to say: "Teacher Banner, how are you?"

This gentle, middle-aged white man, General Rose, has tried to capture the unsuccessful Bruce Banner for countless times, or he has another famous name: Hulk Hulk!

It has been two years since the battle of Rio in Brazil. He has also been incognito in this temple on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal for more than a year.

The original Dr. Banner was ready to be forgotten slowly in this barren land, forgetting those things in the past. Whether it is the Hulk or General Rose, or everything else is slowly forgotten.

You can do something meaningful, if you have the opportunity, you are trying to turn his girlfriend over. The two can do some really good things for these kind people in this poor country.

But until today, watching the picture on TV. That terrible Red Giant, Banner knew he could never let go of something. Some things need to be solved.

Like the previous hatred, the military, Ross, they have never given up!

Professor Banner took a deep breath and said to the twelve children in front of him: "This is the class today. The teacher has something to do."


In the dense jungle behind the temple, Bruce Banner walked slowly. He stopped suddenly and frowned: "Bahadur, come out!"

Behind a tree, she secretly followed Banner's Xiao Sha Mi and came out. As if he had done something wrong, he lowered his head and walked in front of Professor Banner, and said in a cautious voice: "Are you going to leave here? Teacher?" Xiao Sha Mi was small, only ten years old, but But he is very good at watching words and watching.

Banner looked at him and said, "Why do you say that?"

"Because you just had a bad complexion. The master said that you are an eagle. One day I will leave our little place. But I don't want you to leave. We don't have a teacher when you leave, and there are no real patients. Doctor. There are more people killed by witch doctors in the countryside than rescued. Without your words, then everyone will go to see the witch doctor again. "Little Shami Bahadur said with his head down.

Banner smiled and touched Xiao Shami's board position: "I really have to go to the United States, but it won't be long. Don't worry about me leaving, I will come back for dinner later."

"Are you going to the plane to the United States?" Bahadur, under Banner's teaching, still has some knowledge of the current society. He doesn't know anything like the ordinary rural children in Nepal's backcountry. He hasn't even seen a train. And cars.

"But it takes a long time to go to the United States from us ~ ~ Even if the plane flies, it will take a long time. You just said that you are going to come back for dinner?" Find out what Banner meant.

"It may take a lot of time for others, but it doesn't take long for me." Banner said with a smile: "I'm leaving Bahadur first, can you help me keep things secret for a while?"

Banner raised his little finger, and Bahadur nodded vigorously and confirmed with Banner.

Dr. Banner was about fifty meters away from Bahadur. His legs squatted slightly, then smiled slightly at Bahadur in the distance.

"Ross, you will not understand the power contained in the Hulk. And how to control this terrible power. This is not the power that should be possessed by mortals. Nor should it be used for the fratricidal killing of human beings. If necessary, I will let all your plans end here. "Professor Bruce Banner thought.

He glanced up at the direction of the sun, then when he squatted to a certain angle, a thunder sound exploded from the spine. The whole body is infused with the upper legs, this is a jump.

But it is different from the general jump. Fifty meters away, Xiao Sha Mi was blown to the ground by a strong air current, and he stood up for a long time.

He glanced in disbelief at the place where Bruce Banner had just stood. There was no trace of Bruce Banner except for a pothole.

Little Sami Bahadur's mouth was wide enough to fit a goose egg.

The teacher said that he didn't need to take a plane to go to the United States. Can he jump to America in one breath? !

Bahadur covered his mouth deadly, and he promised that the teacher could not say this to anyone!

PS: Five thousand eight hundred words chapter, ask for votes.

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