Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 847: v10 Chapter 267: Hiccup?

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Nick Fury was cruising around the town. He chose this place just because he had no one here. Some inland towns in the United States (generally referring to small towns with a population of several thousand people) tend to rise because of traffic, but also decline due to traffic.

The national highway on the wheel of this car is one of the most important national resources. They connect the economic lifeline of the entire country. The proportion of train transportation and air transportation in this country is far less than that of cars (motorcycles) traveling on the ground.

This is a country with a very strong car culture. In the United States, in addition to social security numbers and passports, vehicle driving licenses are the most used to prove their identity.

Many people like cars, such as Tony Stark. Various classic cars and classic cars parked in his underground garage can be worth tens of millions of dollars. Because Tony is well maintained, these old cars are in the same condition as the new cars.

And Captain Rogers also has several Harley heavy locomotives. The two vehicles he used most frequently during World War II were jeep and motorcycle. However, Captain Rogers prefers motorcycles to Jeep, who can sit up and shake off all-steel frames. For example, the old-school Harley is Rogers' favorite.

When riding Harley Rogers can feel a feeling of old days.

The car is one of the most important things in this country. But all this may have changed. Nick Fury pulled out a flat stainless steel jug from his arms, opened the lid and gently took a sip of the gin contained in it, and finally shook his head.

The waste of this city is due to the reconstruction of the highway, and the traffic is no longer passing through the city, so all the residents here have finally moved away.

In the future, there may be more and more such cities. Nick trampled on the asphalt road which has not been maintained for more than ten years. The quality of the road is very good. The solid and large friction coefficient is actually a good road.

I'm afraid you don't have to worry about the quality of the road when driving fast on this road. Nick looked far away, and straight roads traversed the north and south ends of the city, each extending towards the endless distance. To the naked eye, only a black asphalt road disappeared between the deserts of Nevada.

"I'm afraid there will be more and more such cities in the future." Nick Fury said to himself. This is not something that is alarmist, but what is really happening.

Because Randall Corporation (Tekken Daniel's company) is trying to persuade Congress to promote the implementation of the U.S. super-high-speed rail program.

The integration of super high-speed rail in Eastern Europe and East Asia has begun to show its initial shape. For various reasons and purposes, China is willing to provide low-interest loans (with much lower interest rates than international banks) to many Eastern European countries to push them to build this super high-speed railway together.

Randall also handed over a considerable portion of infrastructure work to the Chinese infrastructure engineering team. There is now a surge of vitality throughout Eastern Europe.

The social anxiety caused by the war due to economic turmoil is slowly getting better. Take Ukraine as an example. Nearly half of the banks in this country have gone bankrupt. The bankruptcy of bank funds will cause a terrible chain reaction. The industrial system that affects the entire country affects social stability.

Bankruptcy will drive some companies to bankruptcy, and bankruptcy will trigger a layoff. A large number of people will lose their jobs and have no income. Wandering on the streets will affect public security issues. In the end, if this series of issues is brewed, it will eventually cause a terrible social problem.

The Ukrainian government is helpless in this matter, and the national minimum wage has been adjusted to more than sixty dollars per month. It is difficult for this salary to be mixed with food and clothing.

However, it happened that the construction plan of the super high-speed railway was started by Latvia at this time, and a large number of recruitments were carried out nationwide.

This greatly eased the pressure caused by the layoffs. In addition, China's entry into this super high-speed railway plan has brought a lot of low-interest loans, and some projects need to be more cost-effective locally. So it helped alleviate part of Ukraine.

A social crisis that might have broken out was suppressed. A large number of young workers poured into the railway construction. Such infrastructure needs to consume manpower most.

The per capita wages in Ukraine are even lower than in China, and Chinese infrastructure companies are willing to hire these Ukrainian locals.

The whole of Eastern Europe and East Asia is like being ignited by a fire. The super high-speed railway project has made countless people burst out with enthusiasm. Although many people, like Kurno from the Ukrainian countryside, wonder what the meaning behind this railway is. But this does not prevent them from building their hometown to change their enthusiasm.

For many years, it has been many years since I have seen such a situation in which many countries have a unified goal to stand together for a certain thing.

Some old-fashioned stubborn members of Congress recalled the 1920s and 1930s of the last century. Some people thought that it might be the comeback of the new Soviet Union. Of course, this comeback may not be called the new Soviet Union, because this is the beginning of another big country in the world and one of the few remaining socialist countries.

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Some people are accusing Randall of selling technology and putting the United States in a dangerous position. But Randall's negotiating delegation took the lead to the construction of North America.

"We also need to build such a super high-speed railway. Together with North and South America!" This is the original words of the Randall delegation. They lobbied continuously for the enlightened factions in Congress and made it clear that the United States can no longer justify itself.

And their delegation also went to Europe to persuade European countries to carry out European integration.

"Since you have all formed the EU, why not make the road clearer? Why did Prussia finally become Germany? Because they took the lead in eliminating tariff tolls and they opened up their traffic!"

The Super High Speed ​​Rail in Africa is also in progress, although the progress will be slower. But everyone clearly felt that there was a tendency, a tendency that some people wanted to connect the world together.

And the last straw overwhelming the camel came when the US Congress was swaying. Beijing sent a diplomatic mission, ostensibly to talk about the import of US corn and soybeans in business meetings.

But in fact, the real goal of the delegation is to talk about another thing. Beijing wants to build a super high-speed railway between China and the United States! They have convinced Russia that this railway will cross the Bering Strait of Russia along the Arctic route to Alaska. (This is one of the conditions for controlled nuclear fusion)

After reaching the North American continent, it extends from Alaska to the most important cities on the east and west coasts of the United States.

"Impossible! This is too dangerous for the United States! We are equivalent to exposing all our strategic points to China!" Some lawmakers jumped their feet to object.

Regarding this situation, the Chinese representative only responded lightly: "This is mutual. Because our open cities are Beijing and Shanghai. From Beijing to Washington, and from Shanghai to New York."

The parliamentarian who raised the objection was shocked by the conditions offered by the Chinese side, and it was a bit difficult to organize the language for a while.

In fact, China puts forward this concept with such courage, the very important reason is that the senior people have determined that the trend of the future era is no longer a cent on the ground territory, but a mining colony in the vast universe.

This is a new era, everyone is standing on the same starting line. Now it depends on who looks at the future first and prepares for the future first. Once you gave up the ocean, then this time you can't give up space. Otherwise, this group of leaders might be nailed to the post of shame forever.

Regardless of the considerations, the comments made by the Chinese side have caused the senior US leaders to start closed-door consultations. The US president is actually trying to avoid this kind of thing from happening in his office. He has less than a year left in his tenure. Why do this fart?

What you do well is the credit of the next president. This is really a dilemma.

Speaking of the candidate for the next president, someone has started to build momentum for Rogers, and his voice among the people is also very high. Steve Rogers is also highly praised internationally ~ ~ Everyone is looking forward to it. See who will enter the White House this year.

And because Captain Rogers's tendency to super high-speed rail is very obvious, some people who want to stand in advance have put forward intermediate opinions. That is to first spread the railway network in the United States.

Now the first railway has broken ground in Kansas in January. With the rise of super high-speed railways in the future, the American car culture and highways may gradually decline.

This is why Nick said that there will be more and more abandoned towns in the future. He couldn't determine whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. The merits of this matter could only be left to time and future generations to judge.

Nick took another sip of wine and murmured, "Maybe look at what they're talking about?" Nick Fury said and walked towards the previous fast food restaurant.

But just when he walked to the door, Nick Fury heard a voice that made him die.

The black bat king is sipping Jianlibao and eating chips. Kazkazkaz ~ ton ton ton ~ hiccup ~

Damn it, the Black Bat King hiccups!

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