Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 908: v10 Chapter 327: Flying disaster

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These Skuru, who are a bit like Goblin and Orc complex, are actually a scientific research team. Their duty is to find a resource planet and a livable planet for the Skuru civilization.

Although the Skuru civilization already has the ability to transform the planet and adapt it to its own habitation. But most Skuru people still like to live on a natural and ecological planet.

Skuru is a huge interstellar empire. It is normal for those wealthy merchants and nobles to have several or even dozens of stellar estates.

Some Skuru nobles also like to play Tenjin role-playing games. To give a more practical example, for example, the investigation team found a civilization with a relatively backward civilization form.

A planet whose civilization progress is still in the primary civilization stage of 0.2 ~ 0.3 universe (approximately equal to the ancient times of the earth one or two thousand years ago) The civilization on this planet still has no idea why the sun, the moon and the stars rise and fall, and it is not known that the earth underfoot is actually a sphere. They also blamed the natural disaster on God's punishment or something.

In the eyes of the Skuru people, although these civilizations have their own words and their own cultural customs. But in fact it is no different from wild animals.

In fact, all civilizations whose civilization level is lower than the primary form of the universe, the Skuru people regard them as beasts. Civilizations that cannot perform interplanetary navigation are not worthy of talking to them about civilization.

Have you seen how people on earth keep pets? Give a little water, give a little food, give a little toy. When you're happy, just tease them, and when you're unhappy, let them roll away.

It's just that most of the pets raised by the Earth are cats, dogs, and dogs, and the pets raised by the Skuru nobility are those primitive civilizations. They are acting as the gods of this civilization, killing and killing on these civilizations.

Because for these civilizations with only 0.2-0.3 civilizations, there is no difference between the scientific level of the Skuru and the gods.

The Skuru civilization is a civilization lacking entertainment, so this god-playing game is very popular among big nobles and big merchants. Although the Nova Corps has explicitly stated that any forced interference in the progress of civilization below level 1 (universe primary) is a serious illegal act.

However, the main strength of the Nova Corps is concentrated in the Milky Way, and the jurisdiction of the fairy system is actually not so strong. So many Skuru nobles still do it secretly. They also need to have some fun in their lives!

There is also a completely different concept of the Sukuru people's residence. Like the people of the earth, the fact that several people are crowded into a small house of only a few tens of square meters is completely unreasonable to the Skuru.

As the center of Skuru's civilization, Skuru has only lived tens of millions of people on the planet for a long time. Some other livable planets may only have millions or even hundreds of thousands of people.

Each of the Sukuru people ’s own material resources is unimaginable to the earth. Even an ordinary Skuru born on a resource-rich planet has more resources at birth than many countries on earth can have!

The lives of the Skuru people are more decentralized and more egoistic. But from another aspect, the Skuru people are even more bored.

Think about it, get up in the morning and push open the window. Your front garden is as big as Australia. The Aegean Sea is the swimming pool in your back garden. The Sahara Desert is a bunker where your children play with sand and pile up sand.

Your material is indeed rich. Even if a Skuru has several mechanical butlers to help him deal with the problem of resource exploitation, then he can live forever without anyone. Simply put, it can become an ultimate dead mansion!

Thoughts lacking communication are hard to spark, like the three-body star in that famous science fiction novel. Their civilization can hang the earth countless times, but they have not yet produced a charming art.

This is also true of the Skuru people. In addition to playing the gods on the lower civilization planets they bought, their entertainment activities are left to watch the wrestling. Among the several famous gladiator planets in the universe, the Skuru people are all high-spirited high-rollers.

Scientific development and artistic development are not equal. The birth of art is often a flash of light for some people, which is like an incident. Sometimes there can be constant flashes of light. Of course, sometimes there may not be an inspiration for thousands of years. It's like not everyone can be a painter or a novel.

These Skuru people are shouldering the mission of the Skuru empire to find a suitable resource planet for their country, a livable planet, and even an entertainment planet used to play gods and have fun.

But apart from a little accident during the space voyage, a cosmic tide entrapped them into a small wormhole. This is like the danger of entering a vortex while sailing in the sea.

I do n’t know how long I sailed in the wormhole or where I ’m going. The captain decisively ordered the jump escape device, and he and his dozen crew were transported to this place.

He now has no idea what planet he is on, or even which galaxy he is in. Because this is an emergency, the captain is now most afraid of being on a planet without any civilization. It was completely over on that barren planet.

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"The ingredients in the air can breathe, we don't need to use armor, and there are water and microorganisms in the air. This is a living planet." The only one of the eight crew members who had not completely damaged the plug-in detection equipment was the captain. adjutant.

"My reconnaissance equipment will not work. I can't find anything more. The functions are missing a lot. The emergency jump just caused a huge impact." The captain had expected the adjutant to say more, but the adjutant was sorry It is very embarrassing to say so.

The captain nodded helplessly. This was an accident. The adjutant should not be blamed. However, if there is life in this world, civilization is very likely.

For example, now, the captain has detected the camping areas of Reed and Durm in the wild. There are lights where they camped, which is very conspicuous in the wild.

"Artificial light source?" The captain had determined that this was not a natural light source. Being able to have an artificial light source proves that at least this civilization has mastered ignition technology. Being able to master flames and tools is already the most primitive form of civilization.

However, the captain prayed that it would be better not to live with a group of primitive people. In that case, I am afraid that I ca n’t go home. Of course, don't live a group of civilizations with too high a civilization. The ghost knows whether a higher civilization similar to Skullu has the same hobbies as the Skull.

By then, a group of people would be in trouble if they were kept in pets. The captain ’s worries are not superfluous, but there are really many higher civilizations that have the habit of enslaving lower civilizations, even if this is a serious illegal act.

The captain and others prepared to quietly approach this artificial light source, and then observe the civilization level of these indigenous peoples.

It is best if it is a civilization planet with a civilization level of about 1. In this way, oneself and others can find ways to use the planet ’s resources. It can even contribute an entertainment planet to the empire.

Up to now, the captain has not forgotten his task. It is really a good captain who is devoted to his work and is a people of Skuru! Of course, if the Earthman knows what this Captain Skulu will think about, then it ’s not the captain ’s consideration.


A campground for Reed and others.

Reed is still arguing with Dum, they are arguing about whether this alternative ecosystem should be destroyed. Susan watched the two men quarrel and couldn't get in the mouth.

She could only turn on a portable projector brought by Reid and look for a film that was just released this year.

"The Man in Black" starring Will Smith tells the story of a group of secret black people who are responsible for managing the aliens who come to Earth. At this year's box office sales, Susan had a hunch that this film will definitely come out in the second and even third. Maybe there will be derivative cartoons or something.

"I said, this is a project that I have worked hard on. I can use it to create an ecosystem, a complete ecosystem!" Reed yelled at Dum.

In the face of Reed, Dum was also insatiable: "You alone? Do you think that as a student who is still studying at university, it is like copying an entire planet, or even the evolution of the entire civilization? Use your stimulant , Ten years to promote the evolution of civilizations thousands of thousands of years? Do you want to advance a little more, even a million years? Or simply create another intelligent race! ”

Reed is very annoyed ~ ~ He is usually not a male human who cannot listen to people's advice. But when this matter may involve his face in front of Susan, the mother human, he felt compelled to fight. The phrase love makes people irrational is not empty talk.

"But everything has to be tried. Do you know how good it is for us to do an evolutionary project of the entire ecosphere for our graduation defense? You can even be invited by a better academic institution to stay in the United States, you do n’t have to go back to that Poor and backward Latvian! "The young Reed said a little bit speechless.

"Don't you want to stay here? Or do you like that shabby Latvia so much ?!" Reed said with raised eyebrows, he was a bit domineering.

His attitude and his tone of despising his hometown made Dumu instantly angry. He pulled out the hot melt gun he had just made and aimed at Reed from the waist with little consideration, and pulled the trigger almost without thinking.

"No ~! Dum! Stop it!" Susan, who had been watching the two of them, flew over at the very first moment, and she bumped into Dum. This shifted Durm's muzzle.

The ray of the hot melt gun almost flew out of Reid's arm. Reed was shocked. He really didn't expect Dum to dare to shoot. He was so scared that he was sitting on the ground with instability.

And Reed is not the worst to be scared, the worst is Captain Skullu. He and his crew watched the quarreling aborigines from afar, and originally planned to continue to observe for some time.

As a result, a hot red ray flew, with a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, instantly burned the three strongest soldiers under his hands together with their equipment into a particle state.

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