Three-Point Field

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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Shi Tianyou sat on the chair, seeing Xiang Yuan slipping away, he moved the chair quietly and slid in front of Xu Yanshi.

"I got to know you from the side yesterday. This girl probably doesn't have much money. Although she seems to be dressed in high-end clothes, I think she should be similar to Lin Qingqing. Her family conditions are not particularly good, and she is a little vain. , Such a girl has strong self-esteem, loves to carry luxury goods when she goes out, credit card bills are flying all over the sky, tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall..."

Xu Yanshi: "Are you in charge of others?"

It's over, the boss's love is deeply rooted, Shi Tianyou said as if seeing his heart: "Did you have a crush on him when you were in school?"

Xu Yanshi leaned back on the work chair, threw two lollipops into the pen holder at the corner of the table as if throwing a ball, and looked at Shi Tianyou with a sneer, "You are really boring."

Li Chi slid over from the side and put his head together: "Hey, boss, you two are really classmates? By the way, how was she when she was in school?"

Xu Yanshi actually answered the question: "Which aspect?"

"Of course it's all aspects." Li Chi climbed along the pole, smiling meaningfully, "Which student nowadays doesn't pay attention to the development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor. For example, how is your study? Have you ever talked to a boyfriend? what?"

"Study is average, boyfriend..." Xu Yan paused for a moment, then gently pushed down her glasses: "A lot."

Li Chi had an expression he had guessed, and was inexplicably excited, "How is the family condition? I heard from You Zhi yesterday that she still has to borrow two hundred yuan from Gao Leng."

Xu Yanshi: "Two hundred yuan?"

Because of Ying Yinyin's relationship, Li Chi actually had a prejudice against Xiang Yuan: "Yes, You Zhi took a screenshot of the message you withdrew at that time. Seeing that money was open, he asked Xiang Yuan for two hundred yuan." For the information fee, Xiangyuan had no money, so at first he said he would not read it, but then he borrowed it from Gao Leng privately."

Xu Yanshi leaned on the back of the chair and raised her eyebrows: "Did Gao Leng borrow it?"

Li Chi shook his head and said regretfully: "Gao Leng has no money. But I heard that Sister Shu borrowed it later, but Xiang Yuan suddenly didn't want it anymore. Anyway, I don't understand what these women are thinking."

"Oh," Xu Yan lowered her head, casually tapped on the keyboard, and turned on the computer, "I don't know much about her family."

He really didn't know much about it, he only knew that Feng Jun's family was quite rich, so he automatically skipped Xiang Yuan.

After finishing speaking, Xu Yanshi glanced at the two people in front of her impatiently: "Have you finished asking? Then get out and write the data."

Li Chi slid his chair back to his desk, Shi Tianyou was not afraid to add a sentence: "So, boss, after this analysis, Xiangyuan probably lives decently, and his savings may not be as much as yours. You two You have to think carefully about this situation, don't get stuck in the mud—”

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Yanshi kicked him back.

Immediately afterwards, You Zhi, who was humming "little boy, rarely worries..." happened to walk in from the door with a happy face, but unexpectedly, the next second, the boss who was a head taller than him lifted his back collar Without further ado, he was dragged into the toilet.

You Zhi is the youngest of all, and the most beautiful looking except for Xu Yanshi, and the second shortest in height after Gao Leng.

Xu Yanshi has the charm of a mature man, but on the dividing line between mature and immature, he can still feel his youthful feeling. And You Zhi is a purebred young man in the 21st century.

To put it bluntly, he was over twenty-five years old, hadn't lost his virginity, and his whole body was filled with a kind of innocence.

You Zhi's back was pressed against the cold toilet wall, he had a little psychological shadow of the company's men's toilet, subconsciously protected his crotch, and said tremblingly: " did you drag me to the toilet..."

Xu Yan said impatiently, "I didn't come here to compare your size."

Pfft... This thing is also a joke.

Boys are especially concerned about things like length and size, so not long after joining the department, we chatted about some private things in order to get to know each other better. Naturally, I asked some more secretive third-level topics, such as the first time, durability, length, and size. To make friends, be honest.

You Zhi boasted at the time that he was 20 centimeters tall. Gao Leng was not convinced, so he dragged him to the toilet for a competition, and then competed in a whole circle. You Zhi was the smallest, leaving a psychological shadow from then on. Although everyone comforted him, you just didn’t grow up That's all. However, Xu Yan was the only one who refused to compare at that time, so everyone is curious about his size until now.

You Zhi felt relieved, "Then what do you want?"

Xu Yanshi: "Screenshot."

You Zhi was taken aback for a moment, he hesitated and said: "Actually, I don't have a screenshot, I lied to Yuan."


"But I plan to buy one, if Xiang Yuan really wants it."

Xu Yanshi: "Then do you want us to compare?"

"Damn it," You Zhi felt insulted, "Are you sure you're older than me? You haven't been in a relationship before, so what's the point?"

Xu Yanshi looked at him contemptuously.

You Zhi was a little unconfident, "Okay, if you don't p, you don't p, but why don't you want to show her? This sentence is actually nothing."

"It has nothing to do with you, let's ask back and compare the size."

You Zhi: "..."


Xiangyuan is really short of money recently, so much so that he thought it was a RMB symbol when he saw a sheep, sheep: 30000. She wowed sincerely and exclaimed how rich she was, which caused Lin Qingqing, who was sorting out the data compared with Xu Yan, couldn't help but look up, and glanced, "Leader Xiang, this is a sheep, not a RMB symbol."

Xiang Yuan took a closer look, oh, it's tricky. However, as soon as I lowered my head, the credit card payment bill on the mobile phone followed,... This month's bill: ¥45819.23.

Xiang Yuan was startled suddenly, his brain collapsed.

She couldn't believe it, more than 40,000 yuan for a trip on the northwest line? She seems to remember that she didn't spend that much, right?

Xiang Yuan was in a daze, thinking he read it wrong, and handed the phone to Lin Qingqing: "Xiao Qingqing, please confirm for me whether this is a RMB symbol or a sheep."

Lin Qingqing: "It's in the RMB symbol, and the debt is 45,000..."

"Stop it," Xiang Yuan waved his hand quickly, "Stop reading, my brain hurts."

Lin Qingqing wanted to ask her why you owed so much money, but seeing Xiang Yuan's face as if facing a formidable enemy, she also knew that the credit card was maxed out. Seeing that she was bewildered and didn't know where the money was spent, she squinted her eyes and reminded: "Leader, did you buy a bag?" She pointed the tip of her pen at the Chanel hanging behind the chair: "It seems to be Just bought it."

It was only then that Xiang Yuan suddenly realized, and withdrew from the chaos.

Oh, she seems to have bought a bag. Last weekend, she seemed to celebrate the start of a new relationship with Xu Yanshi. She went to the shopping mall on impulse. She wanted to buy a down jacket. In the end, she completely forgot. At this moment, I am already "without a colorful phoenix and two flying wings, and a plucked phoenix is not as good as a chicken", how can I have money to buy these things. It wasn't until she got home and bent over to take off her shoes that she realized something was wrong. She hurriedly took out her credit card and took a look. Damn, this card was given by her brother, and it wasn't bound to the old man's private account, that is, It means she has to pay it back by herself. She had planned to have the cheek to take it back and return it this weekend, but when she went to work on Monday, she forgot again and put the bag on her back.

The ancients said that it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.

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As soon as she saw Bao, she forgot who her real father was. When will she change her fault.

Xiang Yuan lay down listlessly for a while, took out his mobile phone and sent group messages to a few little sisters he had a good relationship with in the past.

——"The rivers and lakes are emergency, borrow money for plastic surgery."

However, no one replied except Xu Yuan.

Apart from eating, drinking and having fun, this group of people think about her, and when they get married and pay bills, they think about her, not to mention borrowing money, but they don’t even have a greeting text message during the holidays. How does Dad usually treat you! It was only at this moment that Xiang Yuan truly realized how indifferent the relationship between people is.

In fact, it’s not that Lai Feibai didn’t warn her. Most people in this circle have been tied up by the chain of interests. There is actually a reason why the old man doesn’t want her to play with those little sisters. The old man has already seen what kind of people their parents are. up. But Xiang Yuan grew up under such a halo since she was a child, and her friends all respected and feared her, so there was no frankness or sincerity. So when she was in high school, she had to live in the teacher's house, and she was unwilling to reveal her family background to others. Not many people really knew her background, so she made good friends like Xu Yuan. This is her only wealth and friend in this life.

But she herself is quite optimistic, one good friend is enough, why do you need so many.

In fact, I was also prepared.

So it wasn't that unexpected to her that the mobile phone was as quiet as a chicken, but it was just a little self-deprecating, which really made the old man hit the mark.

On the night he left home, the old man presented a few life mottos——

"Xiang Yuan, I hope you can learn two things in the next year."

"The first thing is, no matter what grievance or betrayal you suffer in the future, you can cry, complain, and drink away your sorrows, but you can't admit defeat, and you can't deny yourself because of it. Why did I give you this chance? You can see life and yourself clearly in reality, and you can have basic judgment ability.”

"The second thing is to learn to distinguish between people and good people. Your colleague clocks in on time every day to complete the work meticulously. If you ask him for help, he would rather play games than help you. This is a human being. Don't complain. If your colleague is on time every day It is a good person to help you on the premise of completing your own work on time. You should be grateful. There is another kind of person who is eager to help you if you don’t finish your work. This is stupid. I don’t want you to be The third type."

Xiang Yuan sighed deeply. As a result, at this time, a little sister who hadn't contacted her for a long time sent her a transfer message. The amount was not much, five thousand yuan: "There is only so much recently, and you can still get an injection." of."

Xiang Yuan was so moved that she burst into tears, silently wrote down the name of the little sister, and decided that when she regained financial power in the future, she must repay her well.

Xu Yuan transferred another 5,000 to her, "Sisters really don't have any money these days, the 5,000 was advanced from the boss, you take it first."

Xiang Yuan: "TT family, you are all family!"

Xu Yuan: "It's unbelievable that the little goblin lent you money as a co-author. Who is it?"

Xiang Yuan: "A junior high school classmate, I haven't contacted for a long time. I was shocked when I received the transfer. I still have a good relationship with the classmate. But your boss still advances your salary? Your boss is so kind to you. I will look for it later. Yongbiao try."

Xu Yuan: Go, if you are not afraid of being beaten by Yongbiao.

Xiang Yuan has the courage, but not the face. Not only would Li Yongbiao not agree, but he would beat her with his Yierkang leather shoes until she was scratching her teeth.

She brainstormed about the scene and thought it was bloody, and suddenly—a flash of light flashed in her head, she suddenly remembered that Xu Yanshi seemed to have reposted a competition link last time, she immediately looked for her phone, only to find that Xu Yanshi had already deleted it.

She knocked on the table and asked Lin Qingqing who was clattering on the keyboard: "Where is Xu Yanshi?"

"In the main meeting room, Lao Liang just came, and the boss is discussing with him the follow-up of Wade's shipment."

Xiang Yuan: "Who is Old Liang?"

Lin Qingqing explained: "Liang Liang."

the name. Xiang Yuan complained silently in his heart.

Lin Qingqing: "Before Wade cooperated with us on a tracker product, it should not be exported. It was just a batch of preliminary products. Chen Shan talked with Wade for a long time before getting the order. It depends on the boss. After all, Wade wanted to sign the boss back then. But there was a mistake in this batch of goods, which made Wade very disappointed with the boss. Liang Liang is the general director of Wade's R&D department, and he actually doesn't care about things. It has been many years, and I have moved behind the scenes in the past few years, but this time, for the sake of the boss, I have been communicating with Wade's leadership."

"Why did it go wrong?"

"I don't know. There are always people who go to work thinking about falling in love. They painted the No. 1 screw as the No. 2 screw. The manufacturer doesn't understand this. Once they make it according to the design drawing, the whole batch of goods will go out like this." Lin Qingqing This is very ironic.

Xiang Yuan: "Aloof?"

Lin Qingqing: "Gao Leng is not qualified to do such a thing, Li Chi. But Gao Leng can't escape the responsibility, because he is the acceptance designer."

"Did Xu Yanshi ignore it?"

"The boss was in Beijing for a while, and Li Chi was directly responsible for it. It's just that everyone thought it was a small mistake at the time, and it was fine to take it back and correct it. But Wade didn't let him go, and pointed the finger at the boss. Anyway. The people in the group are all worried now."


Xiang Yuanba looked out of the glass door of the conference room, the blinds were not closed, she looked in through the crack. Sitting opposite Xu Yanshi was a man with a resolute face who looked to be nearly sixty years old, with white hair protruding from his forehead, which was especially conspicuous under the light.

Xu Yanshi was wearing a short camouflage jacket today, and the sweatpants were a little narrower, and they were tucked into his Martin boots, making his legs long and loose. He was sitting at the end of the conference table, the chair was slightly moved away, and he was talking to Liang Liang with an unassuming expression.

Until Liang Liang answered the phone and wanted to leave.

Xu Yan just stood up and sent the person out of the meeting room, and when she came back, Xiang Yuan stood at the door of the meeting room, holding a steaming disposable cup in her hand, and looked at the handsome man in camouflage with a flattering smile: "Team leader Xu? Are you thirsty?"

If you don't have anything to offer to Yin Yin, you can either rape or steal.

Xu Yanshi took it unceremoniously, thanked her in a nonchalant manner, and then didn't give her a chance to speak, just passed her and turned into the meeting room.

"Snap" locked the door.

Xiang Yuan who was locked outside the door: ...

The author has something to say: Today's Little Theater:

Xiaotangyuan was born on New Year's Day, so it was named Xiaotangyuan.

As a result, every New Year's Day, Xu Yanshi's devil father said, "Come on, it's the time of the year to earn our own living."

Tangyuan: I like Uncle Feng Jun.

Xu Yanshi: It's okay, I also like Lu Yili (the next door Lu Huaizheng Yu Hao).

"Without a colorful phoenix and wings, a plucked phoenix is not as good as a chicken" - from the Internet.

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