Three-Point Field

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

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This supper game was caught off guard.

Gao Leng was watching the live broadcast with great interest, when he heard Xiang Yuan say something about his boyfriend, and then the bullet screen began to frantically pop up on the screen. Before he looked carefully, WeChat began to "click, click, click" non-stop.

He opened it and saw that there were two in a row, all from the boss.

xys: Do you want to have supper?

xys: My treat.

Then everyone rushed forward, and five minutes later, they were already lined up neatly and meticulously in the food stalls downstairs of the company.

Gao Leng took the menu from the boss, and asked seriously: "Is it really the kind that you can order casually?"

Xu Yanshi came over with a white beach chair, straddled her long legs, sat down loosely, half-recumbently threw the phone on the table, and said without emotion: "It depends on your conscience."

Gao Leng silently recited "I have no conscience" and ordered everything he wanted to eat, then raised his head in great melancholy and said, "Hey, it's a pity that my team leader is not here."

Xu Yanshi didn't answer the call, she leaned lazily on the beach chair, stretched out her long hand, put her phone on the table, and took a bottle of Coke from the table.

The bright mobile phone screen is in front of Gao Leng, and the temptation is huge.

Gao Leng made up his mind, "Boss, I want to use your mobile phone to call our team leader."

Xu Yanshi had an expression of playing hard to get, "Oh?"

Gao Leng: "Although I know she's not in Xi'an, it's rare for you to invite a guest. We have to tell her? Do you know what she said about you last time? I said that the boss cooks for us, but he actually said you It's to save money!"

Xu Yanshi rarely hooked the corners of her mouth, lowered her head and pretended to look at the menu, and said extremely awkwardly: "Come on, let her order a few dishes she wants to eat remotely, and you help her eat, don't say I haven't invited her."

Gao Leng was shocked by the boss, do you really have a girlfriend like this?

However, every time he went out with the boss, he had genuinely felt the hungry eyes of those women. As long as a man is handsome, being stingy is not a shortcoming.

Compared with Xu Yanshi's monotonous men's gathering, Xiangyuan's feasting atmosphere is more ambiguous.

After Karma and the others left, the wine resumed normal business, and the rest were regular customers of Gongti. The hall was dim, full of melodious sounds, and the men and women on the dance floor indulged in lust, and every corner was full of extreme ambiguity that wanted to be concealed.

So even the casual and indifferent male voice on the phone, in her ears at the moment, is extremely tempting.

"When will you be back?" Xu Yan asked while looking down at the menu.

On the resident singing stage of the wine, the new female singer has a very nice voice, even hoarse than the previous male singer, and her English pronunciation is very standard.

I sang a song that Xiang Yuan likes very much recently, but the lyrics sound a bit lewd - "shape of you"

She wondered absently what it would be like if Xu Yan sang this song with his standard London accent? Ascetic and lustful?

Seeing her silent for a long time over there, "Are you dumb?"

Only then did Xiang Yuan regain his soul from this lewd song, "The earliest flight, the 7:00 plane, the high-speed train to Lizhou at 9:30."

Xu Yanshi casually closed the menu, threw it to Gao Leng, turned around and went to the freezer to get some wine, and said to the other end of the phone, "I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Xiang Yuan was taken aback, a little caught off guard, could it be that he really heard the words in the live broadcast room...

"Uh, just don't need to..."

"What?" Xu Yanshi pulled out four bottles of Budweiser from the freezer, holding them with one hand, calmly asked, "What do I need?"

"I was just in the live broadcast room..."

"I didn't listen," Xu Yanshi interrupted calmly, "I went out to eat with Gao Leng and the others after I sent you WeChat. What did you say? It's about me?"

"Don't, don't, I just cursed in the live broadcast room, and Karma has already deleted it for me. It's too embarrassing for our team! I will never come to a place like Gongti in the future!" Xiang Yuan made a sincere review, from the heart I repented, thinking that I would have to ask Karma to delete the video later, and I would pay as much as I wanted.

Xu Yan seemed to hum slightly.

Xiang Yuan began to look for something to say, "I remember you are also from Beijing?"

"Yeah. I've been in Xi'an for the past few years."

"Do you want to come back together during the Chinese New Year?"

"Let's talk about it." He didn't really want to talk about it.

Then there was a silence, and suddenly I didn't know what to say.

When Xiang Yuan was hesitating whether to hang up the phone, she heard Xu Yuan exclaim in a low voice in her ear. She pointed out the window, a little excited: "It's snowing! This year's first snow!"

Looking towards the garden, sure enough, the bustling streets are crowded with people, and the fine snowflakes are like catkins, flying all over the sky, and the sky and the earth are vast, as if they were drawn into a fairy tale world, dotted with blue sky branches.

Xu Yuan is a romanticist. Although she is a native of the north, she still feels romantic every year on the first snow day.

Xiang Yuan thought, today is really a bit special.

"Is it snowing in Xi'an?"

Xu Yan subconsciously raised her head to look at the sky, and there were also some white catkins drifting slowly.


It was indeed a bit special, even a materialist like her felt that the snow fell very romantic today, so she whispered, "Then see you tomorrow?"

Xu Yanshi hummed, opened Budweiser with one hand, and said:

"Send me the flight number."

It was quite romantic to hang up the phone, but Xiang Yuan heard Gao talking to someone in a cold manner.

"Is it snowing?"

"The days of worrying about having a bald head and getting chilblains every year are here again... hey."


Really ruins the aesthetic.


The food stall was just downstairs of the company, and a big tent was set up with colored strips of nylon webbing, and a dim yellow light was shining on the top, illuminating them all. At this point in the weather, they were not angry at all. Xu Yanshi and their table were regular customers, and the boss was very enthusiastic. After serving all the dishes, he even gave them a few plates of peanuts to accompany their drinks.

The boys took everything they ordered, and they had poor mouths, so they naturally coaxed the boss into a ecstasy.

Xu Yanshi seldom ate much, and leaned on the chair with her head lowered to play with her mobile phone the whole time.

Gao Leng and You Zhi find fault on a daily basis.

You Zhi didn't drink, so Gao Leng teased him, "You should drink more, there is a word called thermal expansion and cold contraction, do you understand? After drinking alcohol, the body will warm up, and when the body is warm, it will naturally grow bigger."

You Zhi didn't care if Xu Yan was still sitting in the middle, he just rushed over and hooked Gao Leng's head over, and strangled him in his arms.

Then Gao Leng was strangled until his eyes stared, and when he was about to foam at the mouth, when he saw Xu Yan, the phone interface seemed to be the king?

Gao Leng's face turned red and he rolled his eyes, but he was still so shocked that he choked out a dirty word.

"Fuck... look at the boss."

You Zhi thought that Gao Leng asked him to see the size of the boss, and became even angrier, and wanted to strangle him to death.

Who knew that Gao Leng actually pointed at Xu Yanshi's crotch and said to him, "Chicken..."

Chicken your mother!

You Zhi was furious, and wanted to pour him wine to make him sober. As a result, Gao Leng took advantage of his distraction and struggled to break free, blushing, pointing at the boss with his head bowed and playing with the mobile phone between his legs, "Mobile phone, what is the boss playing with?! The king? You actually play the king?"

Everyone's attention was drawn.

Even Li Chi and Zhang Jun, who were focusing on the hot pot with their heads down, couldn't help raising their heads, Qi Qi looked at Xu Yanshi.

Gao Leng hung his head directly on Xu Yanshi's shoulder, "Damn it, you can do it, what number?"

Xu Yanshi's operation is quite fluent and smooth, and he also has a concept of positioning, knows how to develop indecently, and also knows how to sneak attack through bushes. The only thing he is not proficient in is skills. He is not particularly familiar with hero skills, so it is inevitable that he is unfamiliar.

"The second one." Xu Yanshi stared at the screen and said.

Gao Leng: "Secondly played you like this? I don't believe it?"

I think when he was playing the second game, a passer-by saw that he was still uncertain about choosing a hero, so he said to him: "It's so difficult to choose, play with a hammer."

Gao Leng thought he was swearing, so he hurled back all the swear words.

As a result, the passer-by replied in a very confused manner: "Brother, I will let you play Zhong Wuyan."

He didn't know until then, oh, it turned out that Zhong Wuyan's hero skill used a hammer.

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So Gao Leng couldn't believe it when he was beaten to death, Xu Yanshi actually played it so slippery the second time, how could it be like he just played it? After he finished playing, Gao Leng snatched his mobile phone and looked through the historical record and all the game records.

There are really only two records.

Gao Leng was a little annoyed by the fact that his boss was not handicapped. He is handsome, his hands are so good-looking, and he seems to be able to pick up the game quickly. Even You Zhi, who has the highest level of king here, gave a very pertinent evaluation, " Boss playing two more rounds should be about the same as Gao Leng."

In the third round, Xu Yanshi played Zhuge Liang. Zhuge is the most handsome character among the king characters in You Zhi’s opinion. It fits very well with the image of the boss himself. It feels inexplicably substituting when playing. When everyone else returns to their seats, they start sweeping up leftovers. You Zhi observed silently for a while, and asked inadvertently, "Has the boss played other games before?"

"How did you get it?"

You Zhi pushed his glasses and said: "You have a big picture, you don't blindly steal heads, and you know how to share the economy with your teammates. How do rookies know this when they play games? Thank God for not causing trouble to teammates. Look at the players in your team. Sagittarius, walk around completely blindly, every death counts, this round is going to be cold."

Sure enough, it was cold.

Less than a minute after saying this, the interface zoomed in and failed.

You Zhi looked at his record, although he lost, Zhuge Liang was still the MVP, the strongest output.

After everyone had eaten and drank enough, a group of boys started to fight a few kings, but Xu Yanshi refused to form a team with them.

Gao Leng asked him why, and he said, "The hero pool hasn't been figured out yet."

Gao Leng said, "You want to find out the hero pool overnight? Why don't you go to heaven?"

Xu Yanshi used to play Dota and Warcraft a lot, but he has basically never played the new mobile games released in recent years. After playing about three games, he knew that the game was roughly similar to Dota, and the operability was not as strong as Dota. For some hero skills, the computer directly and automatically locates them, so there is no need to think about card slots at all.

After You Zhi and the others lost three games in a row, they refused to fight against each other again.

Gao Leng: "Don't group me, are you grouping the boss? He is worse than me. He doesn't even have a rank."

When Xu Yan was called by name, she glanced at Gao Leng, "What rank are you?"

"Glory Gold."

It's like the king of diamonds.

Xu Yanshi curled her lips, turned off the hero skill video, leaned on the chair to find a comfortable sitting position, and said to You Zhi, "Pull me in the ranking."

In those eyes, there was actually some old air.

For no reason, You Zhi jumped up to his peripheral nerves with excitement, "Okay!"

Then Gao Leng stared at You Zhi and the boss tacitly, and the cooperation was perfect.

You Zhi: "Boss, if you are popular in the Eastern Emperor, beware of Han Xin coming to oppose you."

Xu Yanshi: "I know."

The voice just fell.

Han Xin was killed, Xu Yanshi harvested the head and continued to guard Hong.

After another round, Xu Yan said after a while: "You Zhi, start a team."

You Zhi subconsciously wants to guide Xu Yanshi’s tank hero Dian Wei, because the tank is a meat shield, in order to block the damage for the C position when starting a team, he must be the first to rush up and follow the opposite Gang, the position of Gang can’t wander around, in case Once the opponent's shooter took advantage of the loophole, Xu Yanshi did not wait for him to command, Dian Wei had already occupied an excellent position and just got up with him.

"Gao Leng, take a look. This is the difference between the boss and you, just the fucking Dian Wei, how many positions I taught you and you haven't learned yet!"

Li Chi smoked leisurely on the side, and spit out a sentence: "To be honest, every time we form a team with Gao Leng, if it weren't for the other party to kill you, You Zhi and I don't know how many times I want to kill you. Let alone the boss , Damn Zhang Jun has only played for a while, and he is better at playing than you."

Shi Tianyou stared at the phone, "Boss is so hot, playing in a group has never been so comfortable. As expected, people are afraid of comparison."

Gao Leng was not convinced: "What do you say, why are you not afraid of comparison? Pigs are also afraid of comparison, okay?"

"From another perspective, people and pigs are not afraid of comparison, because there is nothing to compare with."

Xu Yanshi added a sentence indifferently.

Gao Leng was so angry that he yelled loudly, and the dim tent was full of laughter one after another.

The corners of Xu Yan's lips curled up rarely, he didn't wear glasses, his whole face looked thinner, his outline was shrouded in dim lights, when he laughed, his dark pupils were brighter than the moon outside the tent, his eyebrows and eyes remained the same Clean and clear. The lighting is dim, and the environment is a bit rough, but these boys are all young and outstanding, and girls passing by can't help but take a look inside.

At a glance, I saw the young man who was lazily leaning on the chair with his head bowed and playing games seriously, but his eyes were full of youthful spirit.

Then, Xu Yanshi was asked for WeChat.

The girl who came in was not shy at all, and walked in with a big smile, because she asked for it for her friend.

It was the first time for Xu Yanshi to be asked for WeChat by a girl.

When going out before, the girls would at most just look at him secretly, because the man had "don't get close to strangers" written on his face. He had a cold face and was very unfriendly. No matter how courageous the girl was, she would not dare to approach him Ask him for WeChat. Moreover, he always frowned, looking like someone owed him millions or he owed others millions, both of which scared everyone, no matter how handsome he was.

But tonight, it's different, even You Zhi and the others have noticed that the boss seems to be in a good mood? Maybe a little easygoing?

The girl who came in was very polite and spoke very politely.

"Hello, little brother, can you add your WeChat account for my friend? My friend just stood at the door for half an hour and didn't dare to come in to ask you for WeChat. As a result, he felt a little cold when he returned to the dormitory. After thinking about it, he felt uncomfortable. I am willing, I am afraid that if I miss you tonight, I will not meet again in the future, but she has a little fever, and our roommate has sent her to the hospital, so she asked me to come and ask me to get your WeChat."

Xu Yan frowned, just about to refuse.

The girl interrupted: "Excuse me, let me ask, do you have a girlfriend?"

The boys in the tent were booing, "No! Don't talk about girlfriends, I don't even have ex-girlfriends!"

Xu Yanshi glanced over with a cold look, and everyone shut up obediently.

He hadn't dealt with this situation at all, and a few thoughts flashed through his mind.

But the girl couldn't wait to ask: "Is it okay to add WeChat? My friend is really much prettier than me! It's really the first time she wants to add a boy's WeChat. Talking about it, I was afraid that I would regret it in the future, and decided to let me ask for it. Can you add her WeChat first, and then if you have anything to say, even if you refuse, please tell her in person. I am afraid that she will not believe me when I verbally tell her , if it affects our relationship, it will be a matter of a lifetime, I only have such a good friend as her, and I really want to help her."

Gao Leng was shocked by this girl's meticulous logical thinking. She is simply an expert negotiator, and moral kidnapping is used. It can't be fucked without it.

Xu Yanshi added it out of desperation.

The girl left happily, and the boys in the tent were all dumbfounded.

Li Chi: "Girls nowadays can say anything just to get WeChat."

You Zhi: "Then it's not necessarily you if it's you?"

Li Chi: "..."

Shi Tianyou: "Actually, it's very polite. After all, it's a little girl. It's said like this. It's not good to refuse people."

Gao Leng snorted, "I'll tell our team leader on Monday."

When Xu Yanshi came back from paying the bill with the boss, she put her wallet in her trouser pocket, put on her coat, and strode out, "It's up to you."

Got a little carried away tonight.

As he walked out, he laughed at himself.



Xu Yanshi went to the airport to pick up Xiang Yuan, but Xiang Yuan didn't wear glasses and took the wrong exit. The two met in the terminal building for half an hour. Xiang Yuan couldn't leave without glasses, so he could only keep sending Xu Yanshi WeChat messages.

Xiang Yuan: Die, I seem to have taken the wrong exit.


Xiang Yuan: I'm not familiar with this place. I can't distinguish between humans and animals within 50 meters. What should I do, Xu Yanshi, I really don't feel safe now.

xys: Turn on real-time positioning, you stand still, I will find you.

Xiang Yuan: Good. [beautiful.jpg]

Xys probably didn't know what to reply, so he replied: Hmm.

Xiangyuan's flight was early, and there were not many people in the airport terminal. The lobby was very empty, so Xiangyuan didn't move a step, just stood where she was, obediently waiting for Xu Yanshi to come to her.

As a result, when Xu Yanshi received the person, Xiang Yuan's sense of security had not yet landed. He was afraid of being abducted and sold, so Xu Yanshi was told to stand still, "Wait a minute, let me see if you are Xu Yanshi."

Then she held his face, tiptoed slightly, and moved her head up.

Seeing this appearance, the child on the side felt a little familiar, obviously very experienced, and suddenly covered his two glasses with his chubby hands, and the immature child's voice echoed unexpectedly in the empty hall——

"Mom! Someone wants to kiss!!"

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