Three-Point Field

Chapter 43: Chapter 43

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He experienced two things in Shanghai. The first thing was meeting Feng Jun.

On the third day of the Shanghai meeting, Feng Jun attended on behalf of a foreign software giant company. Xu Yanshi was sitting under the stage at that time, and Bi Yuntao excitedly tugged at his arm and said incoherently: "Damn it, even Will even came to this meeting?"

Well, the top eight foreign IT.

"This guy is quite handsome, and his name is quite appropriate, Feng Jun?"

Xu Yan raised her head subconsciously, and she saw a familiar face. He was a little dazed at the moment, and his thoughts were messy.

After the meeting was over in the brightly lit conference hall, the two met each other. Xu Yan stopped unconsciously. Feng Jun greeted him heartlessly. A firm big hug, but as if it wasn't enough, he punched him hard on the shoulder a few times.

"I didn't expect you to come too."

Xu Yanshi was held tightly in his arms by him, with his hands in his pockets, he bowed his head and hummed. The two found a place to eat, Xu Yanshi didn't talk much the whole time, and didn't eat much.

Feng Jun is still the same as before, nothing has changed, he is a chatterbox, talking nonsense, without asking a single point.

The restaurant is on the top floor, a glass building. Looking out from the inside, you can directly see the Oriental Pearl Tower and the flashing neon lights.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, Feng Jun followed his line of sight, looked out, and suddenly asked him in a deep voice: "Are you interested in going to a foreign company? There is no way to stay there. Believe me, if you come, I can help you." Do you recommend—"

He always talks like this, believe me, balabala, I really believe him, I can't do it, he admits it faster than a rocket launch, I'm sorry, what happened this time. It's all the stink of the rich kids, and the parents are used to it.

Xu Yanshi used to think it was nothing. When she was young, it was fine to be impetuous or unreliable. They are almost thirty now, and they still speak in the same tone. He frowned slightly, "Feng Jun, I'm not interested in foreign IT companies."

The two quarreled several times over this matter, and broke up unhappy each time.

To put it bluntly, Feng Jun is a bit xenophobic, and always feels that the moon in foreign countries is rounder. He has a contemptuous attitude towards Chinese research and design, and what he talks about will always be Zuckerberg's entrepreneurial history. I want to be China's Zuckerberg.

This old-fashioned topic, as expected, is still the same as usual, making the already tense atmosphere even more tense.

"Why?" Feng Jun had an ABC accent, "Your mother is also in the United States."

Even the habit of talking in English has not changed. Xu Yanshi turned his eyes to the bizarre city outside the window, his face was completely cold, the side of his face was tense, and his jawline was cold and hard. After a while, he turned his head and looked directly at him: "She Not my mother, I repeat, I have no interest in foreign IT companies."

"Do you know how many Baidus in China Weier's annual income is?"

"Do you remember what Professor Liang said?"

Feng Jun didn't speak.

Xu Yanshi: "Do you know how many scientists in China are willing to give up high salaries abroad and return to China for development?"

Feng Jun is an egoist, "So, even if you have a high salary and a green card abroad, you don't go? The medical conditions, educational facilities, etc. are not better than those in China?"

Xu Yanshi lowered her head with a sneer, "Maybe I don't have any ambitions."

"Okay," Feng Jun nodded repeatedly as if in recognition, "You have to get married, right? With your current conditions, how can you get married? What can you give her? I know, you look down on me like this, I admit that I don't have you So mature and stable, not as handsome as you, but if, you and me, two people, with the existing conditions, let the girl choose you, do you think someone will choose you? Even if the girl chooses you, are you willing to let the girl choose you? Will she follow you? Ten years later, will she regret it, will she blame you? What's the use of a good character? Children don't need money for medical treatment? Children don't need money for schooling? Think about it, if you quarrel over these trivial things After all the love and patience for each other, will this girl think of me at that time? Will she regret until she dies that she didn't choose me? Are you willing?"

At that moment, it would be a lie to say that he was impassive, not to mention that what he wanted to chase after was Xiang Yuan, this girl, from head to toe, from hair to toes, every inch of her body was full of preciousness.

He wanted to raise her, a delicate one, and he couldn't lower the quality of life just because he followed him.

This is too unmanly.

After the meeting, Feng Jun returned to the United States. Xu Yanshi's attitude towards him was always lukewarm. Feng Jun didn't bring up the matter of going abroad because he was making fun of himself. In the end, he only left a sentence, if you come to the United States, remember to find me .

The second thing was that Chen Shan decided to resign late on the return trip and told him a secret. He said that Xiang Yuan was the granddaughter of the old chairman, and her mother was indeed her teacher, a famous aerospace scientist. In fact, Xu Yanshi can mostly guess a little bit of the previous information points. It's just that I didn't dare to guess there, and I wasn't too surprised when I found out.

"The little girl Xiangyuan is quite pitiful," Chen Shan said. "My mother only cares about her scientific research results, and my father only cares about whether his paintings are selling well. Every time she wins an award or draws a painting, she wants to talk to me about it." Let me share it with the teacher, and the teacher doesn't even bother to listen, so if you deal with it in a few or twos, you don't care about anything."

When the two were returning to the hotel from the dinner, Xu Yan asked, "Where's her father?"

"Her father is even more so. Once, his painting was plagiarized, and he lost his temper in the studio. The little girl was very sensible. To comfort her father, she brought in a basin of freshly washed fruit and was directly given by her father. I fell. How should I put it, the two are still too young. Her father was only 25 years old at the time, three years younger than her mother. I am not mature, let alone ready to be parents. My emotions I can't even take care of it, and I can't care about the children's emotions. The grandparents couldn't see it, so they took the two children over to raise them."

"I have seen a research data before, saying that people who have special skills in a certain field, or, similar to zero scores in the Chinese test and full scores in mathematics, this kind of partial subject geniuses, they will be more impatient than ordinary people Rather selfish."

Chen Shan nodded in agreement, "You're right. My teacher retired to the second line and was diagnosed with uterine cancer one year. She often told us while lying on the hospital bed that she finally realized her problem. But the relationship between Xiangyuan and her is not very close. On the night of her death, she was holding a drawing card in her hand. It was drawn by Xiangyuan when she was in elementary school. She took it home and showed it to her. She didn't read it and threw it away. On the side."

"What did you draw?"

"The ideal world," Chen Shan laughed, and she still feels surprised when thinking about it now, "The ideal world in the eyes of a child, we all thought it was a scene of singing birds and flowers, and a family of three holding hands in harmony. Can you imagine, a seven or eight-year-old My child, the ideal world I painted is actually an earth, surrounded by several satellites, and her mother is holding the satellites." Chen Shan also gestured with her hand, "Then draw it on a place about the size of a fingernail. I got myself. Later, we saw a line of crooked characters and pinyin behind the painting—how I wish I was that satellite.”

Xu Yan couldn't help laughing, she didn't pay attention when she opened her mouth, her voice was a bit rough: "Are you so stupid?"

"I said it too," Chen Shan didn't notice his abnormality, "How is your talk with Mr. Lin going? What conditions does Mr. Lin give?"

Xu Yanshi didn't hide it, "A base salary of 600,000 yuan, project commission plus year-end dividends."

Chen Shan: "That's right. I've been the head of the technical department for so many years. The conditions offered by Weilan are the same as yours? Why doesn't Lin Kairui play cards according to common sense and destroy the market?"

Xu Yan smiled, and casually looked at the night scene outside the window: "I still think it's too little, and I'm going to raise the price again."

"You've become a high-spirited little Baiyang again? Are you short of money now? I thought your edges and corners have been smoothed over the past few years," Chen Shan liked his self-confidence, and pretended to glance out of the car window casually , asked casually, "How about it, do you hate me? Back then, you were dragged into this deep pit. Even though you stayed in Wade according to your personality, it might not be a good place to go. Moreover, there were no return to that place. How many martyrs , died on the battlefield of science, with bones everywhere."

Regarding the latter question, Chen Shan didn't wait for him to answer, and said, "Forget it, it's pointless to ask."

He was quite confident at first, but that night, Chen Shan dealt him a heavy blow. No matter how much he drove with Lin Kairui, the old chairman is worth tens of billions. Currently, he cannot keep up. I really don't know what to use and how to chase her.

In those few days, it was the first time for Xu Yanshi to feel that it was difficult. When he met such a girl and liked her, he had to shed his skin first.

At this moment, he is like a wolf hiding in the bushes, waiting for an opportunity to ambush, whether it is her or those things that should belong to him in the past, he must take them back.


Three days later, good news came from Lao Qing, saying that Wade had passed the preliminaries and he was waiting for the rematch in Beijing.

Among the three groups, Xu Yanshi replied in the group: Thank you for your hard work, Lao Qing.

Xiang Yuan followed and said: Thank you for your hard work, Lao Qing.

xys: I haven't seen you these few days, where's the person?

Xiang Yuan: I was talking about business outside recently.

xys: what business?

Xiang Yuan: Keep it secret.

xys: Even I keep it a secret?

Lao Qing is not happy about this: You are not someone else's boyfriend, and you are not someone's leader, so why don't you keep it a secret from you? Right, Miss Xiaoyuan?

Xiang Yuan: Let me tell you when I come back.

Only then did Lao Qing realize: Damn, so you kept it a secret from me?

Xiang Yuan Shun Mao: The company is confidential, good boy.

Xu Yanshi added another one, not knowing who to tell: Be good.

But that day Xiangyuan didn't come back all day, Xu Yan was a little impatient when she waited until the afternoon, leaning on the chair, rubbing her shoulders and neck, moving her hands and feet, as if she wanted to tidy up.

Gao Leng Youzhi, even when they poured water past the door of his conference room, they deliberately bypassed the minefield exuding a strong and unpleasant aura, walking carefully and timidly, for fear that they would "bang!" when they stepped on it. up.

Xu Yanshi sent several WeChat messages to Xiang Yuan without replying.

Xu Yanshi's face was completely ugly, what kind of business would it take so long to talk about?

Five o'clock, off work, everyone evacuated the battlefield, Shi Tianyou shouted at the man in the blinds without fear of death, "Boss, it's off work."

The person inside hummed in a low voice, indicating that he already knew.

The next second, Gao Leng and the others heard what seemed to be a mobile phone WeChat sound from inside, and immediately after, Xu Yanshi opened the door and came out, carrying his coat and striding out of the office door.

When the car got on the road, he looked at the wechat navigation address on his phone again with worry, and the one on the top was just sent by Xiang Yuan.

"Come and pick me up."


Since Monday afternoon, Xiang Yuan has forced a smile on his face to accompany the two bosses across from him to eat, drink tea...soak their feet. For the foot bath, I soaked my feet with the two old men for two days. She also just heard from Lai Feibai that there is a drone project that has been tried out in Xi'an recently. This company has cooperated with Donghe for many years, and it is time to renew the contract once a year. Originally, this project should be the Shanghai branch. In charge, but Lai Feibai found out that their project this year was in Xi'an, discussed with the old man again and again, and decided to give this project to Xiang Yuan, which just happened to stabilize her as a new official.

The two bosses are not easy to serve. They have to drink tea after lunch, soak their feet after tea, and it’s time for dinner after soaking their feet. Today they eat Japanese food for dinner, and tomorrow they eat hot pot. For four days in a row, Xiang Yuan followed She was like a nanny, serving tea and water on the saddle, she endured all of this.

What annoyed Xiang Yuan the most was that the three of them were in Soaking City last night, and they didn't know what service they ordered, but they actually cost more than 3,000. ".

After arriving here, Xiang Yuan endured it. For the 20 million contract for the drone, she thought it was okay to order. Anyway, the report was the group's account, and she even thought about how to write it on the report.

As a result, tonight, the two bosses said in various ways that they would go to the bar street.

The co-author is traveling in a group, but at any rate, the other party explained that the contract will be sent to her mailbox in the morning, and Xiang Yuan looked at the bills for the past few days, eating, drinking and having fun, and adding up the sporadic and trivial consumption , rounded up to the garden, a full seventy-six thousand and eight.

She really felt sorry for the old man.

But since they are going, she can't stop her, she doesn't want to be with her tonight, thinking this way, Xiang Yuan poured herself a full glass, looked at the black heads on the table, and raised her head without saying a word Filling it in, enduring the piquant churning in his stomach, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call while complaining.

She called out Xu Yuan's number and said, "Mr. Wang and Mr. Li, I really can't go with you tonight. You give the bill to Xiao Liu, and I will ask the accountant to reimburse you tomorrow."

The answer over there was very fast, almost within seconds, but Xiang Yuan didn't expect Xu Yuan to answer the phone so quickly, and he usually didn't answer it for half a minute, so he was still talking nonsense to the other end: "Just now the nanny at home Call me and say that my child has a fever, and my husband is so anxious to divorce me. To be honest, divorce is nothing. Husband’s work is not important. I just can’t bear the child. The child is still young. Hurry to the hospital."

Originally, I wanted to pretend to call the nanny and ask about the child's situation. This kind of tactic was often used by Xu Yuan in the past, and both of them tacitly understood that, as long as the other party on the phone was still talking nonsense, they would be able to react and follow up.

As a result, there was a male voice at the other end, the voice was familiar and pleasant, and the voice was a little low, "I'm here."

Subconsciously looking down at Xiang Yuan, Xu Yanshi was stunned, and then added in a low voice: "I don't want a divorce because I don't want to bear the child."

There was a bang in the brain, fireworks were dazzling, sparks exploded in her heart, and the blood began to rush back.

"Wait for me below." Xiang Yuan hung up the phone and said, "I'll go to pay, you guys drink slowly."

On the opposite side, Mr. Mediterranean Wang suddenly said, "Okay, since Mr. Xiang is sick, we won't delay you." Finally, with a smile and obscenely, "Then I will ask Xiao Liu to send you the bill tomorrow?"

"it is good."

Xiang Yuan went downstairs, and the man was already waiting at the front desk of the hotel. He was tall and tall, and his back looked too pleasing to the eye. I am struggling with who to ask for WeChat.

The man didn't realize it. Walking over to Yuan, he slapped the bill on the table without saying a word.

"Bill, please!"

The two little girls were scared out of their wits in an instant, so... so fierce.

When Xu Yan heard the noise, she turned her head and walked to Xiang Yuan. The menu printer was jammed. When the little girl saw the man approaching, her mind was even more flustered, but she seemed to know this fierce and beautiful woman in front of her? Feeling a little lost, I bent down to find the paper.

Xu Yanshi glanced at the amount displayed above, six thousand and eight? ?

"Eating gold?" He asked casually, "Which unit?"

Xiang Yuan: "Soar and fly."

Xu Yan frowned, "What are you talking about?"

Xiang Yuan: "Just the drone positioning project launched in Xi'an recently."

"Are we done talking?"

"He said that the contract will be issued tomorrow."

"Is the person still up there?"

Xiang Yuan hummed, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm going to the toilet. You wait for me in the car." After Xu Yan finished speaking, she handed the car keys to her.


The soaring flying drone project is the first project Lin Kairui gave him. He will sign the contract next month and he will personally lead the team in the past. If he remembered correctly, Kairui Lin already had a contract with him, and if Kairui Lin didn't lie to him, then these two bosses played Xiangyuan.

He lied to her for a week by using the contract to cheat food and drink.

Xu Yanshi called Lin Kairui, who was also a little shocked when he heard the news, "Damn, the old duan won't lie to me, we just finished matching the details of the contract this week. Let me tell you the truth, this project is indeed Donghe Shanghai Branch was responsible for it before, but I was taken over abruptly. It’s not my fault. The old Duan is very dissatisfied with Donghe now. Change, and this is the first time we have cooperated with Wade, I know you have experience, so I let you lead the team, how could I be joking with you. You give me the information of those two people."

Lin Kairui was efficient in handling affairs, and he made a call back not long after: "I asked, and the old Duan said that he didn't go to Xi'an this week, but went to the other two managers of the branch. Before the contract is terminated, take advantage of another group of girls. The contract is in the hands of the old duan. Where did they get the contract? Your girlfriend is probably being tricked. The two employees under the old duan love to take advantage of others. , Old Duan can't control it sometimes. Shall I come forward and teach you a lesson?"

You are reading story Three-Point Field at


A few minutes later, the people in Aoxiang's box were about to evacuate one after another, and everyone began to arrange their clothes in a rustling manner. Suddenly, the door of the box was opened, and a thin but handsome man walked in. Three bottles of red wine were held between the long hands, the joints were clean, slender and neat. A girl swallowed inexplicably.

Xu Yanshi put the wine on the table, three bottles, one size at a time, "We're getting married tonight, I'm happy, there are three bottles of wine left for you."

Some people have sharp eyes. The total price of these three bottles of wine is estimated to be more than 80,000. Is this handsome guy crazy? So happy to be married? What's the difference between this and the lunatic who lost money on the rooftop?

Mediterranean King: "Really?"

Xu Yan smiled, "No? No, I'll go next door and ask."

King Mediterranean couldn't believe that such a good thing happened. As a result, Xu Yanshi directly opened the wine and poured a glass for each of them. After opening, everyone's hanging hearts were put back in their stomachs. Mediterranean hurriedly put the cork back on the wine bottle, and hugged it into his arms like a baby, thinking that this man must be a fool, he must have drunk too much and entered the wrong room, and casually said a few words of blessing, "I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years, and a happy wedding." Send people away quickly.

Xu Yanshi went downstairs with her bag in her pocket. On the last two steps, he took two steps together, quickly weighed it down, and landed on the ground.

The waiter was beating his palms back and forth, with an anxious face on his face. When he saw him coming down, he immediately went up to him and wanted to ask who would pay for the wine. Unexpectedly, Xu Yanshi passed him, put his hand on his shoulder, and said with a slight bow: " The two fat guys who came down later bought it, and quickly asked a few people to block the door, because they drank too much and didn't remember anything."

The waiter didn't dare to let him go, and tried to stop him in panic. Xu Yanshi didn't know where to get a note and stuffed it into his hand: "They don't want to buy it. Here are their phone numbers and addresses, or you can find me in Weilin." .”

Wei Lin usually had dinner here, and the waiter also looked at Xu Yan familiarly, so he agreed.

After finishing speaking, he didn't stop for a single step, and walked directly to the door. Instead of waiting in the car, Xiang Yuan huddled and stood at the hotel door. Xu Yanshi made sure that the waiter behind him closed the door, and then walked straight towards Yuan, Go, taking off your coat.

With his back turned to Yuan, a sudden warmth hit his back, and in the next second, his whole body was enveloped in a hot man's breath.

When she froze, she suddenly became greedy for this inexplicable warmth, and subconsciously shrank into his arms, she was really freezing. Xu Yanshi put it on her from behind, pulled up the collar, and turned her around, facing herself, Xiang Yuan's brain froze, and looked up at him in a daze, Xu Yanshi lifted the collar for her, buttoned it up button.

It was freezing cold, the wind was howling, and snowflakes were dancing wildly under the street lamps.

Under the clear moonlight, his face was even sharper, but there was a gentleness in his eyes that could not be ignored.

The chill in Xiang Yuan's body was dispelled, "Why did you go there just now?"

Xu Yanshi didn't speak, a group of people came down from the closed door behind him, Xu Yanshi suddenly took Xiang Yuan's hand, and walked towards the direction where he parked, "They're coming down, they have to do a whole set of acting, right?"

In the middle of the walk, Xu Yan used five fingers to break her fingers, and clasped her fingers tightly.


The two walked to the car, and in the hotel behind them, someone suddenly slapped the table, screaming in disbelief: "Didn't pay?!!!"

Looking back at Yuan Xiang, he grabbed his hands worriedly, "What the hell did you do just now? Don't mess up my contract. I really swallowed my anger back and forth for more than a week. They went to wash the feet. I have endured all kinds of health care!!!”

Xu Yanshi sighed, and left the person on the car door, "I said you were cheated, do you believe me?"

Xiang Yuan looked at him calmly, "What's the reason?"

"I'll tell you the reason later, but I'm sure you've been cheated. They just want to cheat you for food and drink. If you don't believe me, wait for the contract tomorrow morning to see if you can receive it in your mailbox."

Xiang Yuan suddenly had a breakdown. She had worked so hard for a week, was it ruined? I can't believe it...

His eyes were full of disbelief.

"If you don't believe me, wait until tomorrow."

Xiang Yuan completely collapsed, and his eyes suddenly became watery.

Xu Yanshi turned to the side, leaned against the car door, looked at the entangled people at the hotel entrance, folded his arms, and said to Xiang Yuan: "You will meet all kinds of people in the future, they are just One of the various states of life. Can you not bear such a small blow?"

Xiang Yuan has almost drunk herself to death these few days, just for the sake of this new official taking office. If this can be negotiated here, at least next year's income will increase by three points. She can't figure it out, "Wang The boss clearly said that the contract will be sent over tomorrow?"

"There are still people who go back on the day of signing the contract. There is no certainty about what you will do tomorrow."

Xiang Yuan didn't speak, her eyes were red, probably because she was exhausted from days of exhaustion, her mind was so confused, it was as heavy as lead, and the contract that she said to sign in one second was gone in the next. Yellow, like falling into the hell of refining fire.

The little wine at night is now churning in my stomach, feeling like it's on fire.

Suddenly, in my mind, it was all about me these few days, having fun with these people, drinking glasses of hearty spirits one after another, nestling in the box singing her least favorite man's song, and her sitting in the city of washing feet. , braved the cold, and waited for their health care to be over before sending them back to the hotel.

One by one, one by one, the count is full of grievances.

Maybe it's the tiredness of the past few days, coupled with the messy incidents I encountered recently, which made her lack of energy to explore human nature, which completely let her down. Sometimes people are like this, they can't relax, and they have to work hard to the end. Once you relax, the previous efforts will be in vain, and you will even feel like a fool.

But Xiang Yuan didn't want Xu Yan to see her crying, it would make him think too much, even though her nasal cavity was so sore and her heart was so wronged, she was not used to showing her vulnerable side in front of anyone, let alone when she liked her. in front of the man.

However, women's grievances are easily magnified in front of the man they like. Xiang Yuan has a deep understanding at this moment. Some people like it, some people care about it, and all emotions are magnified at that moment. This is actually not good, you will lose yourself.

Xiang Yuan adjusted his mood, sniffed, got into the car pretending to be nonchalant, reported her home address to Xu Yan, and chatted with him as usual all the way.

"Why is the host's voice still like this?"

"It's being demolished over there? Why didn't I know it before?"

"Oh, I just came here. Sorry, I mistook this for Beijing."

"By the way, are you going back to Beijing for the Chinese New Year?"

"Why don't you talk? Don't you think you have to tell me? Or do you think I'm too stupid to talk to me?"

Xu Yanshi drove the car and glanced at her, "I'm listening."

"It was really cold when you were in high school, you know that?"

Xu Yanshi: "Is there?"

He just doesn't talk much, and his personality is not cold, but people who are not familiar with him will think he is a bit cold.

"But after contacting it recently, I think it's okay, and it's not that cold."

"I was actually very smart when I was young, and I could memorize quickly, but when I grow up, my brain seems to be rusted."

"Actually, I play the game quite well, thanks to the boyfriend I made when I was a freshman. You must not know, his name is Down, he is super good at playing World of Warcraft, fans call him Emperor D, I actually played the game very well at the beginning It was very bad, and later he taught me by hand."

It was a rare time for Xu Yanshi not to be disgusted, so she hummed.

"He just refused to make a video call with me. He only called once. He sounded a bit like you, but it seemed a little strange, and I couldn't tell."

"Then why did you break up?"

"He's so ugly."

Xu Yanshi: "...?"

Xiang Yuan said: "Once, I saw a selfie in his QQ space, and I didn't dislike him. I really liked him. If I want to say that he is ugly, he should be ugly, anyway. He played the game well, but he refused to meet or video. I was impatient to waste so much, so I said we broke up. As a result, he quit the circle directly."

Xu Yanshi suddenly remembered that she had just downloaded a photo from the Internet with the trumpet account she registered at the beginning, and there should be a watermark on it.

At that time, he really didn't want to meet her as a down. After all, after the incident in Xiaoshulin in the third year of high school, the two broke up. That time, he was actually helping Xiang Yuan to change his final grades in the black educational affairs system. He had done this for Feng Jun several times before, and he could just change it back after the holidays. The school would not check it at all. It is also because of this that Feng Jun became interested in programming. Later, when Xiang Yuan found out about it by accident, he pestered him to change it. He couldn't agree.

As a result, when he hacked into the educational administration system, he didn't know why the entire campus network was suddenly paralyzed that year. What's even more frightening is that in just a few seconds, the teacher's QQ group and the school's forum unexpectedly circulated several chat records between the principal and teacher XX. The content is extremely obscene and unhealthy.

That night, the two were arrested in the grove.

Xiang Yuan had no choice but to admit that he and Xu Yan were in a relationship, and they were watching a movie in the grove. Said he knew nothing about what happened at the school. The next day, the principal and the teacher were reported to the Education Bureau by their parents.

The principal was dismissed directly, and the teacher also resigned.

The two of them were rotten in their stomachs, and even Feng Jun didn't say anything about it. Taking the scapegoat of stealing his brother's wife, Xu Yanshi had no choice but to transfer to another school. It wasn't until the University met Feng Jun again that this matter was made clear, and Feng Jun also chose to believe that Xu Yanshi had nothing to do with Xiang Yuan. After all, he didn't agree to Xiang Yuan chasing him like that back then.

It's just that the only thing Xu Yanshi refused to admit and face up to at the time was his own heart. Later, he really liked Shang Xiangyuan, and even used the identity of Down to secretly date her online and teach her how to play games. In fact, Xiang Yuan forgot, the two had a video once.

The camera was aimed at his chest. It was the first time that Xiang Yuan forced him to break up. He had no choice but to agree.

But he was not ready at that time, and Xiang Yuan said that he would meet again. He had nothing at that time, and even worked three jobs a day to earn living expenses. He didn't want her to know about those embarrassing pasts.

So she said to break up for the second time, and after a day of silence, he agreed. A period of online dating in less than a month ended.

The car parked downstairs at Xiang Yuan's house.

A journey of thoughts and thoughts finally came to an end, and I said goodbye to Yuan and got off the car.

Xiang Yuan poked straight into the door, threw his bag on the sofa, kicked his shoes away, went straight to the kitchen and brought out seven or eight bottles of beer, threw them on the sofa, turned on the TV, and sat cross-legged.

Staring at the TV with empty eyes, he opened seven or eight bottles with his teeth in one go, and was about to drink when the phone rang.

xys: "Come to the balcony."

Walking towards the garden, he found that the car downstairs was still parked, and there was no sign of it going to drive away. In front of her building was a large open space covered with a thin layer of snow, and the leaves and bushes on the side of the road were white here and there.

Xiang Yuan held a bottle of beer and looked down.

xys: "Open the phone navigation."

Xiang Yuan complied, and the car, which was as white as snow, drove slowly around the community. In order for Xiang Yuan to see him clearly, Xu Yan lowered the window of the car, and Xiang Yuan saw him turning the steering wheel with one hand and glanced this way. When the car disappeared at the gate of the community, Xiang Yuan's cell phone rang, trembling in the dark night, like her beating heart at the moment.

She took a sip of her wine and picked it up, "Hello?"

At 7 o'clock in the evening, when the lights came on and the city lights were noisy at night, Xu Yanshi's car quickly drove onto the main road in a smooth and smooth manner, and shuttled through the traffic. He connected the bluetooth and said to the girl on the other end of the phone while turning the steering wheel: I don’t blame you for this matter, they didn’t plan to cooperate with Donghe in the early morning. As for how I know, I will tell you in a few days. It is also a coincidence, very coincidental. Below, I remember all the places I mentioned one time."

Xiang Yuan thought it was another data test, immediately put down the beer in his hand, and said seriously, "Okay."

Xu Yan knew she was nervous when she heard her tense voice, so she smiled, "Relax, it's not work."

Xiang Yuan realized, "Are you driving? Still calling me?"

Over there comforted, "Turn on the Bluetooth, it's all right."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yan just turned into the first east street ahead, and Xu Yanshi turned the steering wheel, "The office and kindergarten are closed now, but there should be many children tomorrow."

Xiang Yuan looked up at the bright moon in the sky, surrounded by emptiness, rustling among the treetops, and his deep breath and voice in his ears.

She listened quietly.

"Baozipu, the children should have breakfast here tomorrow."

While talking, he turned into a straight street. Xu Yanshi glanced at the stationery store with the lights still on outside the window, "Stationery store, the children are picking out the pens for tomorrow's class."

While talking, the car quickly drove past the densely packed fence, a dim street lamp was lit inside, and inside the fence was a small basketball court, "Basketball court, the boys' battlefield..."

Then, he passed through junior high school, high school, swimming pool, shopping mall, Internet cafe, e-sports hall... the game hall.

"When he was in junior high school, he didn't understand anything and thought girls were troublesome."

"In high school, he went blind for a moment and rejected a girl he liked very much now."

"He used to love swimming too."

"He once stayed in an Internet cafe for two months to help his brother play games with a girl."

"He was also lost and felt that the world was very sad."

"He's regaining his dream now."

Finally, the car slowly stopped in front of the dark science and technology museum, with a few large characters above its head, which were very dazzling.

When Xu Yan lowered the car window, this side has completely deviated from the urban area, the shadows of the trees are dancing, it is not a noisy downtown area, the sound of the car is lonely, and occasionally there is a flash of a horn or two, leaving only the soft sound of the wind in my ears.

"He will climb back to the top and give that girl everything she wants. Xiangyuan, look at the navigation."

On the mobile phone, the navigation circles a full circle, and the grid lines in this circle are all the traces of his driving just now, like a plane map of the earth, and also like a satellite.

Xiang Yuan's tears, which had been held back all night, suddenly fell at this moment.

"Xiang Yuan, this is my world." Xu Yanshi hung one hand on the sill of the lowered car window, held the phone in the other, and said a few words while staring sideways at the bright red Science and Technology Museum outside the window.

You are welcome, my girl.

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