Three-Point Field

Chapter 45: Chapter 45

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The suit is from Dior, and the whole set cost less than 80,000 yuan. A few days ago, a certain popular little fresh meat wore it at the national drama award ceremony, and it was even searched. Xiang Yuan didn't spend a dime, so Xu Yuan asked someone to borrow it from the brand dealer, and sent it from Beijing together with her evening dress.

Xu Yuan sent her a WeChat message on the day she got the goods: "The person from the brand just told me that this set is the one that Xiao Ran wore at the event a few days ago. Xu Yanshi has a good figure, and he is actually the same size as my male god."

Xiang Yuan: "That's called yardage."

Xu Yuan: "In front of these mature women outside, size = size. Just right, when you can test Xu Yan, there is a saying in the circle that a man who can dress into Dior is a real gentleman." Speaking of this, Xu Yan Yuan was still a little excited, and couldn't help but sent another one: "Remember to take pictures, I think Xu Yan will be amazing when she wears it."

Xiang Yuan: "Wipe your drool, don't flirt."

Xu Yuan: "A friendly reminder, tell Xu Yanshi not to smoke while wearing it. If this thing burns a hole, I won't be able to afford it."

Xiang Yuan: "I will pay."

Xu Yuan: "You said you two didn't order anything, I really believed your evil. Don't come back next time, you have a big belly?"

Xiang Yuan: "..."

Xu Yuan: "Have you slept yet? Such a cold man, how does he behave in bed? Can he move? Won't he let you move?"

"..." It was too dirty to see, and Xiang Yuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, "Happy New Year, contact me with the drifting bottle."

Xu Yuan laughed to death, and stopped teasing her: "Come back during the Chinese New Year? The class monitor said he would organize a class reunion, and I'll tell you when the time is fixed."

Xiang Yuan responded, looked at the suit and evening dress for a while, and took advantage of the lunch break to go to the shopping mall next door to buy a cufflink. It happened to be a couple series with her necklace, which she bought a few years ago. Unexpectedly, the cufflinks of the same style can be bought at the counter here. Xiang Yuan thought about it, and no matter how much he paid, he swiped his card amidst the enthusiastic compliments from the lady at the counter.

Saturday is the annual new product release conference of Xi'an Wellin Electronic Technology Branch.

Chen Shu repeatedly explained to her the interests of this press conference, "This car networking system is also the last time we cooperate with Fengrui Automobile. If the effect of this press conference is average, Fengrui may not cooperate with Fengrui next year We have cooperated. Losing Fengrui is more terrifying than losing Huang Qiming, which means that our branch may face the risk of direct closure, and the headquarters may directly transform into medicine in the future. The car networking navigation will be abandoned. "

Xiang Yuan made an OK gesture, otherwise, why would she take such a big risk and clear up those two scandal-ridden ancestors.

"In the afternoon, you can pick up two people for me. I have to rehearse the speech in the afternoon, so I can't go away." Xiang Yuan asked without looking up while watching the press conference, "Did Xu Yanshi's speech match yours?" Pass?"

Chen Shu was taken aback, "I don't care about his affairs at all, I thought you told him about it."

Xiang Yuan tightened his head, glanced at Chen Shu, and the two said at the same time with anxious eyes: "Could it be that you haven't written it yet?"

"Forget it, he improvised every time and didn't see any trouble with him." Chen Shu waved his hand a little habitually, and the topic went back to the beginning, "Who do you want me to pick up this afternoon?"

"Do you know Few from the BUA team?"

Chen Shu's eyes lit up, "Just that KPL player who is very popular recently? I fucking like him all the time, but isn't he a bit too much lately? How did you get in touch? How much did you pay? Li Yongbiao actually agree?"

"I'll explain this to you later," Xiang Yuan turned to the last page, and replied while taking notes: "By the way, I also invited his girlfriend Xiaoxiao. Few will announce today on Weibo later." He will also do a live broadcast on the specific content of our press conference in the evening.”

"The divorced e-sports commentator Xiaoxiao? Damn, are you going to blow up this press conference?" Chen Shu showed some interesting eyes, and glanced back and forth at her, "You little girl, keep quiet Yes, how many things are hidden behind the scenes?"

Few can be regarded as a relatively popular e-sports player in recent years, but the scandal with Xiaoxiao a while ago caused him to decline a little bit, and there was a lot of scolding on Weibo, but it is still a personal matter, as long as he plays well in the game, his appearance is still there , most of the fans still cheered for him with tears in their eyes.

Everyone in the circle knew what was going on with Xiaoxiao, and felt sorry for the two of them. Xiaoxiao's husband bought the navy to lead the rhythm. Without knowing the inside story, they saw that they hadn't divorced yet, and immediately scolded Xiaoxiao as a slut. However, it was obviously Xiaoxiao's husband who cheated first, and wanted Xiaoxiao to leave the house, but Xiaoxiao refused, so she separated for two years. Xiaoxiao was going to file a divorce lawsuit in court, but her husband found out, and preemptively broke the news of Xiaoxiao's cheating on Weibo. Public opinion is one-sided. And those who knew the inside story, looked uncomfortable, scratched their ears but couldn't exert any strength, krama couldn't help saying a word for Few on Weibo, and was directly ordered to shut up by fans.

Few also stopped asking his friends to talk to Xiaoxiao for him, and silently broadcasted and played games by himself.

When Xiangyuan invited him this time, Few actually subconsciously refused, fearing that his current reputation would hurt her, so he asked her to go to Krama. But obviously, Xiang Yuan is unwilling to find Krama, and Krama is indeed more suitable in all aspects, but when Krama comes, he always feels that he owes him a favor. Xiang Yuan didn't like to maintain such a disconnected relationship with her ex-boyfriend, so after thinking twice, she still chose Few and Xiaoxiao, who might have a certain risk of public opinion.

In the end, Xiaoxiao took the initiative to find Xiang Yuan and agreed to attend in friendship.

Chen Shu never imagined that Xiang Yuan was the Ashers. She was so full of thoughts that she must have spent a lot of money to invite these two ancestors. I guess Li Yongbiao didn't know about it at the moment, and I guess he would know about it later. He took off his Yierkang leather shoes and blasted Xiangyuan.

Chen Shu arranged the person to the hotel where the press conference was held at night, and sent a WeChat message to Xiang Yuan.

At that time, Xiang Yuan was seriously reviewing the evening speech with Xu Yan.

"I said, I invite the handsome and tall Team Leader Xu from our technical department, and then you stand up and wave to everyone..."

"..." Xu Yanshi had no expression on her face, "You are handsome and tall, I believe everyone is not blind."

Xiang Yuan ignored him, and made the next one: "There is a stalk here, you should remember it, and remember to answer it later, otherwise I will be very embarrassed by myself."

Xu Yanshi followed her speech and asked patiently, "What is it?"

Xiang Yuan scribbled on the paper and said, "I'll ask you if you have a girlfriend, and then you—"

Xu Yanshi raised her eyebrows while holding the speech, "Are you sure you want to ask this?"

Xiang Yuan suddenly raised her head, her heart skipped a beat, seeing his smiling eyes, her scalp was numb, she could already imagine what this man would say at that time, she decided not to ask for embarrassment: "Forget it. Change it, or I will ask you How did you choose to work in a company like Verin? You can just exaggerate."

Xu Yan raised her eyebrows again: "Can I praise you?"


Xiang Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, and waved to You Zhi who was outside the door, "Come here."

You Zhi ran over, and Xiang Yuan stuffed the speech into You Zhi's arms, "Here for you, you speak tonight."

You Zhi glanced at Xu Yanshi inexplicably. Xu Yanshi leaned on the seat and didn't speak. He raised his chin slightly to signal him to go out. They pretended not to hear, and disappeared at the door in a flash.

Xu Yan stopped teasing her, and slowly pressed the speech script under her computer, "Okay, I understand, I will cooperate with you seriously tonight."

Bowing his head to Yuan, he also hurriedly said in a low voice: "The press conference is over, I have something to tell you."

"Okay, I have something to tell you too."

Six o'clock, Beijing.

The old man ended the afternoon meeting early today, and set the time of the press conference with Lai Feibai for the eighteenth time in the car, "Is it eight o'clock? Tell Aunt Liu not to cook tonight, order some takeaway, and we will eat together. Yours Is the projector ready? The TV can’t connect to this kind of live broadcast software? What’s it called?”

"It's nine o'clock, eight o'clock is the time for the press conference, and the live broadcast will start at nine o'clock," Lai Feibai answered one by one: "I have already ordered takeaway, and the projector will be installed in the afternoon. In the audio-visual room, the live broadcast software is called Little Fat Duck. I already registered an account for you in the afternoon, and I asked Xiao Liu, you can push the popularity of the live broadcast room to the homepage by swiping gifts, so that more people will see it.”

Two days ago, Xiang Yuan called to invite the old man to attend, but the old man proudly refused on the phone: "What kind of disturbance can your little conference make, don't go."

Xiang Yuan hung up the phone angrily.

This time, Lai Feibai has called up the account he just registered to show the old man, the name is Situ Mingming, Chairman of Donghe Group.

The old man disliked: "You are too ostentatious, change one, change one that you young people often use, it looks very rich, not like the one hyped by your own people."

Half an hour later, Lai Feibai racked his brains to change a name that the old man was relatively satisfied with, wiped off his blushing sweat, and heard the old man say, "Let's make a million dollars first."

At 7:30, the fathers of the funders came in one after another, and the press conference entered the tense last half-hour countdown. Few and Xiaoxiao were also in their live broadcast room at 9:00.

Xiang Yuan was sitting in the dressing room wanting to cry but without tears.

She called Xu Yuan, "Tell me, you really did not take the wrong number?"

Xu Yuan was stunned, "Didn't you always wear a size 0 for this brand? What the hell, you can't wear it anymore?"

The evening dress is also Dior. The black mermaid long skirt drags the floor, revealing the delicate and delicate clavicle. The original slim and tight body curve.

Xiang Yuan has always been on the thin side, and usually wears too much commuting clothes, which doesn't show her figure very much. Comparing it now, the whole person is wrapped in this evening dress, which looks like a vase with a narrow neck and bumps from a distance.

In fact, her breasts were not too big, and now she was strangled by this evening dress, and she was white, and her collarbone was obvious. A man came into the dressing room and blew a whistle. Even Xiaoxiao couldn't help admiring, "It's so beautiful."

Xiang Yuan has always trusted Xu Yuan unconditionally, and never thought about the possibility of gaining weight during this period of time.

Xiang Yuan lifted the evening gown up, and asked Chen Shu to fix several places on her back with pins, which could cover the ditch. Chen Shu straddled her legs while pinning her, While saying: "I just met Xu Yan at the door, shit, I'm wearing a suit!"

"Wear it?" Xiang Yuan lifted the collar.

"Yeah, the female colleagues in the outfield are all crazy, screaming crazily, wanting to give birth to him."

Xiang Yuan smiled, "Can you not exaggerate, everyone has worked together for so many years, it is impossible for them not to have seen Xu Yan wearing a suit."

Chen Shupi smiled: "Dior hme, do you think everyone doesn't know the goods? I guessed that you gave it to me, let alone brand sponsorship. We haven't cooperated with this kind of brand before. Girl, you have a lot of connections." Ah. Miaoying Yinyin is a few streets away. I really see you tonight, if we can bring a few more sponsors, we might not have to close the doors next year."

At eight o'clock, Xiang Yuan dragged her skirt and carried a microphone, and walked slowly towards the stage. There were not many people in the conference hall, except for a few sponsor fathers, a few performers and company staff. But with a hundred people, this scene was not half as large as the various large-scale evening parties she had hosted at school before.

But Xiang Yuan was extremely nervous, every step he took, his footsteps became heavy.

She stood still in the center of the stage, all the lights in the hall were extinguished, and fell into darkness for a second, and the banquet hall fell silent for an instant.

Three seconds later, the first follow-spot came.

The figure on the stage suddenly showed her face, she smiled, clutched her chest gracefully and bowed slightly, and started directly——

"Dear gold master dads, I'm sorry to be a little nervous, I'll start again, respected leaders..."

The audience laughed softly. The scene was not big, so the atmosphere didn't need to be too tense. Xiang Yuan's hosting style was relatively humorous, and the content scale was also large, so he dared to ask anything.

Xu Yanshi was sitting in the first row, and the venue was dimly lit. He was wearing a neat suit, and Xiang Yuan glanced over him inadvertently. That understated glance firmly attracted her attention. Next to him is Few. Few is about the same size as him, maybe a little thinner than him, but not as tall as him. He stays up all night playing games, his face is a little swollen, his figure is a little too thin, and his suit is a little thin, which doesn't hold him up. , but this face also belongs to the face value online in the e-sports circle.

However, Xu Yanshi has a well-proportioned figure, a relatively thin face, and thin eyebrows, but she is full of heroism. The suit fit his well-proportioned figure snugly, and every inch fit perfectly.

He unbuttoned his clothes, and rarely opened his legs without a big slap in the face. His posture was very clean.

Dior hme is commonly known as the "cold male god" in suits. He is really complete, interpreting the coldness and sexiness of Dior Hme to the extreme.

At that time, Xiang Yuan was a little distracted thinking that he would buy many, many suits for him in the future.

At the end of the first round of new product demonstrations, Xu Yanshi took the stage to speak, and Xiang Yuan finally turned his gaze to him openly and invited him to the stage.

Xu Yanshi was buttoning her suit and walking towards her. The white diamond cufflinks on her cuffs seemed to glisten slightly in the dim light.

Because the speech of the previous leader was delayed, this session should have ended at 8:50. After ten minutes of singing and dancing, Few's live broadcast room opened, and the most important content of the night began.

This year, Weilin and Fengrui jointly released a new function in the car networking navigation jointly released. The center console of the car can be connected to the Internet to play King of Glory. In the touch mode, a high-precision chip is added, which is even more comfortable to control than a mobile phone.

But most of the audience would feel that it is not reliable, and it is better to use a mobile phone, so Xiang Yuan decided to let Few do the on-site operation, and let Xiaoxiao explain a random passerby game on the spot.

However, the previous leader spoke for too long, and it is now past nine o'clock. Xiaoxiao had no choice but to open the live broadcast room in advance.

She pointed the camera at Xu Yanshi who had just come on stage.

The bullet screen is full in an instant.

"Damn it, Few didn't broadcast live for half a month, did he go for plastic surgery?"

"This guy is so handsome?!? Damn."

"Didn't Xiao Ran wear this suit on the red carpet a few days ago? It doesn't lose at all!!!"

"Suddenly there is an urge to spend money for Few!!! I will go to top it up right away."

As a result, in the next second, someone in the live broadcast room suddenly frantically brushed up gifts.


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Aircraft carrier*100

Xiaoxiao and Few looked dumbfounded, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

When they were broadcasting live, how could they have such crazy fans, just look at the ID - Buchuan Underwear.

I'm not an old fan, I'm not familiar with it.

The ID of this Buchuan Underwear has swiped a total of one million, and directly pushed his live broadcast room to the homepage, and it is still frantically popping up the screen.

Buchuan underwear: "Few!!!!!! You are so handsome!!! I like you so much!!!"

Buchuan Underwear: "Few!!! Give me popularity!!! You must kill me!!!"

Followed by a series of sour words.

Buchuan underwear: "At the end of the world, the light is shining, and the mountains and seas are churning. I will always be by your side."

Buchuan Underwear: "When the stars fall and the mountains and rivers collapse, I will always be your fan!"

With sweat on his forehead, Lai Feibai copied the love quotes from the Internet sentence by sentence to Baidu Encyclopedia. The old man calmly commanded, "Have you reached the homepage? Has the popularity of the live broadcast increased?"

"Come on, it's three million now. It was only one million just now." Lai Feibai said.

The old man was very pleased: "Yes, yes, the disguise is very successful, no one knows that we are Wade's people."


Xiaoxiao: "Shuijun should be bought by Wade's people. This account was just registered today."

Xu Yanshi didn't cooperate in the afternoon, but she cooperated in the evening. She asked and answered Xiang Yuan in a regular manner. She spoke very simply and her voice was very clear. After a quick introduction, she said, "I won't take up everyone's time..."

The bullet screens in the entire live broadcast room began to frantically swipe the screen, and no one cared why Few had not started the live broadcast until now, and some fans even climbed the wall, "Sister Xiaoxiao, please point the camera firmly and firmly at me tonight. This little brother, we just want to see him tonight!"

Xiaoxiao smiled softly: "Then it's really not live broadcast?"

The bullet screen was all in unison: "We only look at this little brother, he is too gentle and abstinent!! The cufflinks are too gentlemanly, why do they look like a pair with the necklace on the host's neck?"

"No matter what, I want all the information about this little brother within ten minutes. Please give me Haidilao immediately!"

Few stood up from the seat, "I'll ask Xia Xiangyuan, what should I do with the money?"

As soon as Xiang Yuan walked off the stage with Xu Yanshi, he was called away by Few.

The two entered a small room casually, and Few told her straight to the point what happened just now: "What about the money? I know you want to spend money on the popular homepage, where there is a lot of traffic, but the money is not all from me. Pockets, have to go half way into the platform pocket—”

Xiang Yuan was taken aback, his eyes blinked, his false eyelashes were a bit thick, a bit like a black fan, flickering: "We didn't find someone to smash it?"

Few: "Not you?"

"Should be your fan?"

Few: "My fans haven't smashed so many for me so far, and this account was just registered today, and they posted some weird words on the bullet screen... I thought it was the troll army you bought."

Xiang Yuan took a sip of water, his head was sweating, his whole body was covered with powder, and his appearance was particularly attractive.

"You're stupid, we spent a million dollars to get you on the homepage? Why don't I spend this money to buy ads and popular searches?"

Few thinks so too, is it really his fan?

"Don't think about it yet, I'll ask the staff to debug the account for you, let's finish the test first."


The two turned around and twisted the door, but it didn't open.

Xiang Yuan twisted it hard again, but he didn't open it in a daze. Both of them were in a daze, and looked at each other, is it locked?

The two of them twisted it together again, it really couldn't be unscrewed!

The atmosphere was tense instantly, as if something froze in the air!

Xiang Yuan was in a hurry, and subconsciously felt all over his body, only then realized that he was wearing an evening dress and did not bring a mobile phone. She broke out in a cold sweat, and looked at Few anxiously. Seeing that he was still in a daze, she immediately asked, "Where's your phone?"

Few looked innocent: "Xiaoxiao took it and was doing a live broadcast. I didn't take it."


At 9:10, all the singing and dancing ended, Xiaoxiao held up her mobile phone, glanced back suspiciously, and found that neither Xiang Yuan nor Few had returned.

She asked Xu Yan who was sitting beside her: "Can you call Xiang Yuan's cell phone?"

Xu Yanshi shook the phone helplessly, "It's in my hand."

Xiaoxiao was also anxious, her eyes and eyebrows frowned, "Where did they go?"

There was a momentary silence at the end of the song and dance, and the stage went dark for a few seconds. Chen Shu ran over panting, "Where's Xiang Yuan?"

No one knows.

I don't even know where Few went.

Chen Shu had no choice but to grab an assistant on the side, and kicked onto the stage, "Go and control the field first, I'll have someone find it, let the process continue down, put the Few link at the end, and put the latter part first." Several new products were showcased."

The assistant had no choice but to bite the bullet and go on stage.

Xu Yanshi searched around but couldn't find anyone. Time passed by in a tense atmosphere. Some capital fathers couldn't sit still and started to leave early. Chen Shu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot holding a The walkie-talkie was spinning all over the place, "Fuck it for me!!! Find me all the men's and women's restrooms!!!"

Xu Yanshi took off his suit and held it in his hand. He leaned on the railing and looked at the brightly lit venue opposite him, watching the guests who were gradually evacuating. He smoked a cigarette slowly until the spark burned out. He pressed it on the trash can beside him, and then walked to the auditorium with his suit on.

Chen Shu was taken aback, and called him from behind against the wind: "Why are you going?"

"Help her save the field."

At 9:30, the presentation of the new product was finally over. Gao Leng glanced at him and asked him what he should do next as if asking for help. Xu Yanshi walked over without saying a word, unbuttoned his suit, bent down and sat in the demo car polished to a brighter tonight, Xiaoxiao seemed to know what he wanted to do, and stood up from the seat, walked to him, Turn on the co-pilot on the other side, bend down to get in, "Can you help me?"

Xu Yanshi started the car with a relaxed expression: "I am extremely happy."

Xiaoxiao pointed the camera at his face, and as a result, the man's face was zoomed in, and the beauty bonus at close range really stood up to the strict quality inspection of this wave of fans.

The barrage is full of "I'm dead"

"Who said just now, don't look at Few, but look at this handsome guy. I'm doing it for you. Tonight he will show you the new functions of Fengrui's car. I heard that you can use the central control to beat the king. Xiaoxiao said half-jokingly, "I don't know, how is your technique?"

Xu Yanshi drove the car into the exhibition area, turned off the engine, and said modestly: "It's okay."

Xu Yanshi didn't say much all night, Xiaoxiao knew about it, and Xiang Yuan also told her that this man doesn't talk much, but his words are very poisonous.

It was also noticed on the bullet screen, "This little brother really cherishes words like gold!!! Indifferent wind!!!"

Xu Yanshi opened the king and logged into her account directly, but he didn't play very much, his rank was not high, and he didn't even get platinum, so Xiaoxiao suddenly looked at him worriedly, "Are you okay?"

At this time, the painting style of the barrage has changed, and everyone comforted themselves, "Look at the face, just look at the face."

Half an hour later, Xu Yanshi casually used the central console to connect with passers-by to form a ranking round. The barrage was lacking in interest from the beginning, and when she first entered the arena, she was a little worried that Xu Yanshi's poor skills would embarrass her fans. On the bullet screen, I pointed out the general’s style of play, and then the spirit was uplifted, and everyone stared at the handsome figure of the general Mo Xie on the screen, coming and going freely, stepping on the spot and moving in a unique way, a skill of escape can be described as It is used to perfection.

"Is the general so strong? Damn, what's the matter with this gold rank?"

"So I was just a bronze instructing the king to play games?"

Xiaoxiao: "How long have you been playing this gold?"

When Xu Yan was fully focused on the game, she subconsciously replied, "One night."


When Xu Yan played the game very quietly, her fingers were operating on the central control bottle, and her hand speed was very fast.

Barrage: "Little brother, tell me how fast you are, how many years have you been single!"

What was cut on the big screen was the live broadcast, and everyone present could see it clearly. Gao Leng's palms were sweating, but he was still a little worried, "Do you think this will work?"

You Zhi didn't know either, and shook his head blankly.

Only Shi Tianyou told the truth, "Invite Few to the minister, that is, he wants to use Few's fan effect. I heard that Few's male fans are very rich, but it's useless no matter how powerful the boss is. He has no fans and no fans." People would buy a car for him?"

The voice just fell.

A familiar but intense female voice came from the speakers——

penta kill

Five consecutive peerless!

Several people looked over together, and Xu Yan sat calmly in the car.

The fans on the bullet screen were all excited, and the screen was full of dazzling "66666666".

Xiaoxiao asked casually: "Have you really never played games before?"

Xu Yanshi was casual, but her gaze was still focused: "I played."

"What are you playing?"

"Warcraft for more than a year."

"Old player of Warcraft! Is there a ranking? With your hand speed, I feel like a master. Do you have an account?"

At the end of the round, Xu Yanshi pushed the touch screen back and said succinctly: "Down."

I thought he was just saying something like the end of the game, but after listening carefully, I realized that what he said was, is he Down?

Even Xiaoxiao was stunned, Down was almost an ancient god of their generation!

The bullet screen was still, and after a while, an explosion-like bullet screen was released. Of course, there were people who didn't know the truth and didn't know what these old fans were crying. Confused.

Everyone seems to have forgotten to verify or ask him to show proof. This man said he was Down. Everyone was so excited when they heard the name that the trigeminal nerve could be used to play the piano!


Now it's turned into a fan show for Down.

When Xu Yan leaned on the seat, she seemed to have an indescribable light and wantonness, as if she hadn't seen his long-lost old friend, and she was a little lazy, but the words in her mouth were light: "It's nothing, just I don’t want to play games. Well, stop chatting, the focus is not on me tonight, just watch the car.”

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