Three-Point Field

Chapter 54: Chapter 54

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Chen Shu's scalp was numb, and everyone was shocked when she heard it. She looked around and confirmed with Xiang Yuan in a low voice: "You don't doubt that she was also involved in the press conference?"

Xiang Yuan didn't dare to think about it, but he boldly speculated in his heart, "Lin Qingqing was the props team that day, and all our props are in her hands. If she asks the hotel for a brand name for the reason of breakdown maintenance, it will be easier? You are everywhere When we were looking for us, if Lin Qingqing acted as a hindrance, wouldn't it guarantee the success rate of committing the crime that day? If so, then Li Qin must have promised her some benefits."


Chen Shu still found it inconceivable. After a while, she seemed to remember something, and she hurriedly left the rooftop: "If this is the case, Lin Qingqing is really scary. No way, I have to remind Gao Leng to be careful."

"She should really like Gao Leng." Xiang Yuan said.

Chen Shu was stunned for a moment, and laughed at himself: "That's right, she probably wouldn't attack that idiot. If it was really her, what are you going to do? We don't have any evidence in our hands, and the surveillance video can't explain anything. won't admit it."

That's right, how could Lin Qingqing admit something without any evidence.

But it's impossible to just let it go here in Xiangyuan.

On Monday, Xiang Yuan found Ying Yinyin and offered a cup of milk tea with both hands.

Ying Yinyin pursed her lips, glanced at it with disgust, and said with backbone, "Who will drink your milk tea?"

Xiang Yuan smiled, "You really don't want to drink it? For twins, I specially asked someone to add it."

Ying Yinyin's eyebrows loosened, and she took it with some hesitation: "Why are you so kind to invite me to drink milk tea?"

Xiang Yuan smiled and looked at her with his chin on his hands: "I invite the most beautiful girl in our company to drink milk tea, what's the problem?"

Ying Yinyin was very helpful, she immediately opened the milk tea, and communicated with her sincerely, "Actually, you are also very beautiful."

Girls like Ying Yinyin are actually stupid because they are a little bit stupid, but they are a little bit spoiled by others. If you really say they are bad, they are not really bad.

"Thank you," Xiang Yuan looked at her without blinking and said, "Why aren't you in the regularization quota this time?"

Ying Yinyin: "My uncle said that there are no places for interns this year."

Xiang Yuan nodded, looked at her innocently, and sighed: "Hey, I didn't expect Lin Qingqing to be involved."

Sure enough, Ying Yinyin stopped drinking her milk tea, "Lin Qingqing? What does she have to do with it?"

Since Li Chi left, Ying Yinyin's relationship status has returned to the number one position. She had let go of her hanging heart, but when she heard Xiang Yuan mentioning it, her heart tightened and she hung up again.

Xiang Yuan looked shocked, "I don't know either, don't you? I thought you knew, she was the one who transferred to the technical department this time. Don't say I said it, I also trust you in this matter I just told you."

Ying Yinyin nodded solemnly, and rushed away with the heart of meeting a strong enemy.

Chen Shu came out of the office, saw Xiang Yuan, looked at Ying Yinyin's back, and shook his head in disbelief: "I suddenly found that Ying Yinyin, this idiot, is kind of cute."

Xiang Yuan smiled: "How should I put it, in the workplace, meeting Ying Yinyin is considered a low-level model. In fact, she is not bad, but she is a bit stupid."

Ying Yinyin's ability to spread gossip is really strong. Within a few days, various versions of Lin Qingqing's relationship network were circulated in the office, plus Lin Qingqing's recent bag, and even some boys in the sales department viciously speculated that she was going to be a mistress. As a result, Gao Leng heard it, and directly clashed with the two of them, "Can you be more careful when you speak?"

Seeing that they were about to rush up and fight.

Chen Shu passed by and dragged Gao Leng into his office.

Gao Leng's collar was crooked and trembling, and he didn't pay any attention to Chen Shu at all. A while ago, she ignored how he approached her, but now Li Chi left to look for him. Gao Leng sneered and wanted to leave, but was dragged back by Chen Shu, who suddenly roared, "Get out."

Chen Shu was taken aback, and wanted to remind him not to meddle in other people's business, Lin Qingqing is not as simple as you seem on the surface.

But seeing being yelled at by him, he felt that he was being sentimental, so he let go, and made a gesture without saying a word, asking him to go easy.

In the next second, Gao Leng didn't know where his anger came from, and he kicked the door hard before he opened it and walked out.

Originally, Xiang Yuan thought that Lin Qingqing would not be able to bear these rumors and explain the cause and effect of the matter to her clearly. In fact, as long as she took the initiative to speak up, no matter what the reason was or what she had done, she would give her a chance, not like Li Chi like that.

But Lin Qingqing didn't, she didn't even take it seriously, and carried those bags to and from get off work as usual.

Until Friday, Xiang Yuan received a courier. At that time, Xiang Yuan thought it was a few boxes of facial tissue that he bought online a few days ago, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He threw it in Xu Yanshi's car and prepared to go home at night to open it.

When she got home from get off work, she just threw the courier on the shoe cabinet and shook it, and Xiang Yuan felt something was wrong when she heard the voice.

Without thinking too much, she took off her coat, sat on the sofa and slowly scraped the express, and gently lifted the cardboard——

A bloody woodland human skin mask appeared in front of her eyes, as if it had just been torn off from the face, dripping with blood, her eyes stared blankly at her...

There was a note under it, and a few big blood-red characters pierced into her eyes——

Torn face, ugly oh.

Although it was a dummy skin, it was made so realistically that Xiang Yuan was so frightened that he even forgot to scream. She stared blankly, without even reacting.

It wasn't until a surge of acidic water surged up in her stomach and flowed upstream along her esophagus, that she stumbled into the toilet and vomited upside down!

In the toilet, there was a rushing sound of water. After spitting into the garden, she scooped up handfuls of water and poured it on her face without any scruples one after another. The crystal clear drops of water flowed down her delicate neck. , kept sliding down, and even the eyelashes were filled with water drops, she blinked, and tried to open her eyes, trying to see the blurry world clearly, as if to confirm once again that she was not dreaming.

She pinched herself hard.

It hurts.

She supported the sink with both hands in a slumped manner. On her forehead, there were thin and dense beads of sweat or water, and the broken hair on her forehead was wet and stuck to her face. Looking at herself in the mirror, she fingered Gradually tightened, the knuckles deformed and turned white. She suddenly trembled uncontrollably, the scene of her father's tragic death many years ago, once again, clearly appeared in her mind! She was so frightened that her whole body went limp, her back stuck to her back, and she slid to the ground like a puddle of mud. She subconsciously bent her legs, and then tightly and continuously hugged herself with both hands until her arms caught several dented nails. print--

She finally couldn't take it anymore, broke down and cried loudly, that heart-piercing wail was mournful and majestic, like an eagle's howl, like a sharp knife, scraping on the flesh...

Xiang Yuan spent the whole night in a nightmare, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the whole bed was wet.

That night, Xu Yanshi called her, but she didn't answer.

Xu Yan thought she was asleep and didn't call her that night.

Xiang Yuan checked the courier number the next day, and found that there was no delivery, which meant that the courier had not dispatched an order, that was, it was directly wrapped up as a courier and placed at the guard's place. Xiang Yuan checked the monitoring of the day and found that That courier was delivered by a courier.

Xiang Yuan only told Chen Shu and Xue Yicheng about this matter.

On the third day, they found the courier who delivered the courier that day.

The courier didn't say a word, just said he didn't know.

Xue Yicheng asked Xiang Yuan weakly from the side: "Do you want to show him some color?"

The courier wants to say it's up to you, your thighs are not as thick as my arms.

Xiang Yuan and Chen Shu looked at each other and nodded.

The courier hadn't finished rolling his eyes, and he was hit hard on the eyes, and he fell straight down. Since Xue Yicheng found out that he was so good at beating Li Chi that day, he could switch between soft and tough guys with ease.

Xue Yicheng kicked the courier with his small feet, and said stammeringly, "You, don't pretend to be... dead, I haven't... tried hard yet."


Half a minute later, the courier calmly got up from the ground with one panda eye on his face, this time his tone changed, "Three beauties..."

Xue Yicheng's face suddenly changed.

The courier immediately changed his words, with a bitter expression on his face: "You two beauties, I really don't know, and I don't know how this courier appeared in my car. , I thought I forgot it, so I let it go, and then I found it strange that I couldn't find the tracking number when I went back. You also know that the express delivery made a mistake, and we have to pay a fine. gone."

The thread is broken here.

The three of them went to the rooftop to smoke, but Xue Yicheng didn't smoke. Seeing the two women smoking happily, he became curious and took one from Xiang Yuan to learn.

Chen Shu took a deep breath and said, "Lin Qingqing is really impeccable in her work. It is too troublesome to deal with such a person."

Xue Yicheng was choked by the smoke, and coughed fiercely at the side. Seeing his bewildered face, the two women were quite interested, and couldn't help laughing.

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On this day, the morning meeting ended, Li Qin repeated his old tricks and proposed to make Lin Qingqing the deputy team leader.

Xiang Yuan sneered and said, "Boss Li is always staring at our technical department for vacancies, what's wrong, are you a fly?"

Li Qin smiled: "If you are not in a hurry, I can't help it."

Xiang Yuan: "Someone has been selected as the deputy team leader. I haven't reported this matter yet. The email and personnel affairs have been drawn up. I'm going to go to the headquarters next week. The deputy team leader is You Zhi."

That idiot Gao Leng answered, "I think Lin Qingqing is pretty good too."

Chen Shu: "Shut up."

Gao Leng shut up.

After the meeting was over, everyone evacuated, and Li Qin walked to Xiang Yuan with a smile step by step.

"What's the matter, Team Leader Xiang, have you been troubled recently?"

Xiang Yuan stared at her for a while, then asked directly, "Is the press conference unrelated to Li Chi?"

Li Qin was startled at first, "What are you talking about?"

Xiang Yuan: "I thought it was strange at first, since Li Chi was able to hide from the monitoring of that sign, why would he still appear on the stairs next door to catch people's attention? Knowing that I would definitely check the monitoring afterwards, then didn't he make it clear? Is the fire directed at yourself? Then what's the point of avoiding the surveillance where the sign is placed?"

"Go on."

"Did you bribe that hotel witness later? I asked Chen Shu yesterday. The witness Chen Shu found left the hotel two weeks ago." Xiang Yuan looked at her, "The sign for maintenance is Lin Qingqing, right? From 9:10 to 9:30 that day, she didn't appear in any surveillance video, but she was actually watching me and Few from the blind corner of the surveillance. Li Chi didn't know your plan at all, it was just a coincidence Smoking on the stairs, because he hated me, so he just ignored me. No one came to rescue me."

"anything else?"

"You bought Lin Qingqing just to teach me a lesson?"

Li Qin whispered in her ear, almost inaudible, like a mosquito, "It's not a lesson, but I want to tell you that in the workplace, there are no permanent friends, only interests, even the people around you, are not reliable. , Got it? Also, never trust superficial relationships—”

Xiang Yuan couldn't help trembling all over, Li Qin's voice almost chilled her heart.

Li Qin's perfume was strong, sprayed in her ears, and told her word by word: "Actually, I hate Li Chi more than you. Do you know what he threatened me with? He threatened me with the evidence that I had a good relationship with him. Let me be his backer. In fact, this plan was not aimed at you at the beginning, but it was just to teach you a lesson. With such a big investment, you must solve my hatred. With me, you are at best a Little boy. I know, according to your personality, you will definitely investigate this kind of thing to the end, and you will definitely check the monitoring. Another point is that you miscalculated. It’s not that Li Chi doesn’t know the plan at all. He knows, I I told him about the plan, and I asked him to guard there. I know that once the surveillance comes out, you will definitely suspect Li Chi, so I deliberately proposed to transfer him back to the technical department, forcing you to start him. Yes. Do you know why Ying Yinyin clamored for Li Chi to secretly take pictures last time? I told her."

Sweat gradually oozes from Xiangyuan's back, and his entire scalp begins to tingle.

"Do you know what it's called?"

"It's called killing with a borrowed knife, kid."

Xiang Yuan left Xi'an that night and bought a plane ticket to Shanghai.

To be honest, she has never been to Shanghai since she was a child. She grew up in the hutongs and alleys of Beijing, but now she has developed similarly everywhere.

Xiang Yuan still felt that the Beijing city in his childhood was human. The alleys and alleys are full of familiar stalls, especially in winter, when there is a smell of warm and fragrant roast duck coming and going in the cold wind. In summer, the morning glory grows wildly around the fence, and the wall is full of greenery, with small horns hanging in the middle, like lamps. At night, the whole hutong courtyard is filled with the smell of rice. Walking through the blue-gray stone brick road, eating a mouthful of steaming food, and being scolded by parents, the day is considered complete.

I don't know if you can see morning glories all over the wall and delicious roast duck in that bustling international metropolis.

But she didn't see the roast duck.

After getting off the plane, we went straight to Kaisheng Building.

In the dark night, in the building with lights on all over, waves of chatting and laughing girls kept coming out, discussing where to go for supper later.

Xiang Yuan was standing downstairs with his suitcase.

Then he saw a familiar man coming out of the building. He didn't walk straight, probably because he was a little tall, and he was used to talking to people with a short body, so he looked a little loose and unruly. He was wearing a shirt, trousers, and a suit at the moment. Carrying it in his hand, he casually talked to the people around him.

It seems to be a smile. There were four or five people around him, some men and some women. He was tall, well-shaped, and eye-catching.

Someone gave him a cigarette, he took it and held it in his mouth, then he bent down to open the door, the hand on the door handle lit up in the dark night, it was the cufflinks she gave him.

A girl in a professional suit next to him smoked the cigarette from his mouth and said, "Don't smoke in the car."

Before the man could respond, he stuffed the cigarette butt into his mouth.


Xiang Yuan is sour.

She was really wronged. She was bullied in Xi'an and even jealous in Shanghai.

Xiang Yuan angrily turned around to leave, dragged the suitcase without paying attention, and slammed into the car next to him with a "smack".

This movement seemed to have attracted the attention of the other side, and several people all looked here.

With his back facing to Yuan, Heiye had a thin silhouette.

Kairui Lin was the first to react: "Fuck, my car."

Hearing this, Xiang Yuan subconsciously wanted to slip away, but was stopped by someone, "Hey, hey, wait a minute."

Lin Kairui rushed over, looking at her suitcase in disbelief, and at his Porsche for a while, "Your porcelain is a bit outrageous, luggage cart?"

After a while, several people came over.

Among a bunch of people, Xu Yan was leisurely leaning on her Porsche and watching her as if she was watching a movie. She had just seen a suitcase over there, and her heart skipped a beat, but she subconsciously thought it was impossible, and she recognized it within a few steps. . Leaning on his side, with his hands still on his chest, he looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

Xiang Yuanyu was still angry, and stared at him fiercely.

Lin Kairui saw that she was a beautiful woman, and began to openly ask for WeChat.

Xiang Yuan added with a smile, "Okay."

Xu Yan couldn't help but look at her coldly.

Lin Kairui shamelessly pointed at the white marks scratched by a tricycle some time ago, and molested the little girl: "This paint will cost a lot of money, it doesn't matter if you don't have money, brother, I'm very generous... as long as ..."

Xu Yan could not listen anymore.

"Lin Gourui, wait a moment."

"Damn, why don't you call me Gou Rui."

Xu Yanshi performed for him what is called "cutting the barbarian on the spot".

In the dark night, the man smiled and stared straight at Xiang Yuan, "Miss, will you be my girlfriend?"


Xiang Yuan really wanted to say it was bad, but in the end he gave some face. Let's settle the score in private.

At the moment, everyone's eyes, mouth and chin dropped to the ground.

Lin Kairui directly saved himself by pinching someone.

Gou Rui, you must hold on! !

Everyone shouted in unison!

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