Three-Point Field

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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Xiang Yuan turned off her phone after sending WeChat. She never thought that Xu Yan would call back to her. They needed to set up a tent and camp for the next two days. Lost contact, become a dry bone.

Gao Leng and Lin Qingqing finally knew that Xiang Yuan was here to work. No wonder, every time they went to a scenic spot, the two of them ran to play happily, and she sat in the car alone. It turned out to be recording the deviation of the positioning data.

Gao Leng re-examined Xiang Yuan. He felt a little ashamed when he thought of that phrase, he really thought he was out on a trip, and on the way to the airport, he even complained to Lin Qingqing that the new team leader must be trying to curry favor with them through this trip, and then replace the boss in their minds position in.

So in the taxi rushing to the airport, he vowed to send a WeChat message to Xu Yanshi to express his loyalty: We will not be bought easily, you will always be my boss.

As a result, the circle of friends slapped me in the face the next day.

On Mingsha Mountain that day, Gao Leng played sandboarding passionately with a group of eight and nine-year-old children, and held a short friendly match. After winning by a narrow margin, the children finally came to their senses. No sandboard! Not to mention rubbing their sandboards and bullying them, beat him up! Seven or eight children rushed forward, hurriedly buried Gao Leng's face in the icy golden sand field. It hadn't snowed yet, and the yellow sand was blowing finely, penetrating everywhere, and he was choked. .

When the fuss was over and he cleaned up, he saw Xiang Yuan sitting cross-legged on the top of the sandy hill, chatting with strangers with a smile on his face. Behind is the faint sunset, and the colorful but temperatureless sunset, quiet and beautiful. It was as if she was the only one left in the entire desert.

Gao Leng rubbed his nose and took a picture with his mobile phone, and posted it on Moments, saying that this is my new father.

He himself didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly, forget it, he was a fool in the first place. Comforting myself so heartlessly, I also feel comfortable. Maybe it was retribution, Gao Leng was caught off guard and sneezed.

He seems to have a cold.

Xiang Yuan was obviously not surprised. He took out a tissue and handed it to him. He opened the windows of the car and said to Lin Qingqing who was next to him, "There is a white medicine box in the trunk, and there is cold medicine in it for him."

Gao Leng was so moved that he burst into tears and almost called him father.

"You'd better pray that you don't have a fever at night, otherwise no one will save you." Xiang Yuan took a down jacket from the trunk and threw it to him, "Take off the coat, you should wear this, I hope you can go back alive."

"Okay, Dad."

Xiang Yuan put his hands on the steering wheel and looked back at him: "I only have one son so far, and his name is Champagne. Are you interested in becoming a brother with him?"

Putting on his coat, Gao Leng thought, "Is there someone with the surname Xiang?" Suddenly his brain exploded, and the light of the calcium carbide fire seemed to break through his roof, and his sharp male duck voice knocked over the roof of the car: "Are you married?" ?!!"

Xiang Yuan propped his elbows against the edge of the car window, his hair was disheveled by the wind covered in yellow sand, and stuck to his face like an octopus, his eyes were bright and clear, he smiled, the corners of his mouth slightly grinned, and his eyes fixed on Looking at Huangsha City in front of him, he cursed: "Idiot. That's a dog."

De-powder for one minute.

He decided not to mess with the ancestor any more, and concentrated on getting dressed.

Fortunately, Gao Leng is small and thin, and Xiang Yuan's wide version of MONCLER down jacket fits just right on his upper body, and it fits well. The only thing that is not harmonious is the two big black raw edges on the cuffs, which are obviously women's models.

Xiang Yuan kept putting the clothes in a bag and left them in the car, so when Lin Qingqing got into the car, she looked at Gao Leng and said, "Why are you..."

Gao Leng just lowered his head after taking a selfie, and sent it to the last circle of friends before the desert, without raising his head: "It's from the team leader."

Lin Qingqing recognized at a glance that it was EFFRAIE from Mengkou, and the price on the official website was 15,000. Because she also has the same one, but hers is a high imitation, bought for four thousand oceans. It cost her nearly a month's salary.

However, the idiot Gao Leng didn't know it at all. In order to show the cuteness of the out-of-fit cuffs, he deliberately made a rock (rock) gesture. Forced?

Shi Tianyou: No.

Zhang Jun: +1 for not watching.

Li Chi: Don't look at + ID number.

You Zhi: Do you think my avatar looks awesome?

This is an old joke, Gao Leng thought inertially replied: Pretty similar.

You Zhi replied to Gao Leng: He is very self-aware.

Gao Leng suddenly felt something was wrong, and reread it carefully, only to find that what he typed was "Do you think my 'head' looks awesome" instead of "Do you think my 'head' looks awesome". So Gao Leng immediately clicked on You Zhi's avatar, and found that this guy had changed his avatar. Instead of the photo he posted just now, he immediately went back and wanted to delete that post, only to find that it had been swiped by a group of people with "hahahahaha".

Gao Leng Gouji jumps over the wall: @那尔康李永燥, I report that this group of people play on their mobile phones at work.

Gao Leng waited for Li Yongbiao's reply while holding his mobile phone in frustration, but instead of waiting for Li Yongbiao's reply, he waited for Xu Yanshi who had not replied to Moments for a thousand years.

xys: General.

This usually means a lot.

You Zhi immediately interpreted: "Boss is a pun. This 'general' can be said to have two layers of meaning. Maybe I can help you to extend it again, 'Don't look, it's general.' At the same time, he also replied the literal meaning of the circle owner, 'Average, not very awesome.'666666666"

Li Chi replied to xys: Please! ! Stop showing off! ! ! ! ! !

Shi Tianyou replied to xys: I love you!

Zhang Jun: So here comes the question, what is Gao Leng like?

Gao Leng vomited blood, turned off the phone in embarrassment, and stuffed it casually into the gap in the back seat. Then she wrapped Xiang Yuan's down jacket tightly, and pulled out the hair on her cuffs, plucking out little by little. However, he didn't know that this pull was worth several hundred yuan.

Lin Qingqing hesitated to speak, trying to persuade him.

Gao Leng was disheartened, "Even the boss bullied me."

Xiang Yuan came back to his senses: "What?"

"Look at Moments for yourself."

Xiang Yuan turned on his phone again, only to see the concise and heart-wrenching reply. What's even more heartbreaking is that he replied to Gao Leng's circle of friends, but did not reply to her private message.


She turned off the phone, started the car and slammed the gas pedal, not giving Gao Leng, who was saddened behind him, a chance to buffer, and Gao Leng fell onto Lin Qingqing unexpectedly.

However, Lin Qingqing was also in a trance at the time, and the two of them bumped into each other suddenly, their breaths were similar, and their mouths almost touched each other by only one centimeter.

Embarrassed and angry, Gao Leng didn't dare to get angry, so he wrapped the down jacket his father gave him tightly and pressed it against the car door.

Seeing his disgusted look, Lin Qingqing turned her head calmly.


Throughout the desert trip, Xiang Yuan, Gao Leng, and Lin Qingqing did not update a single Moments. Entering Huangsha City, it was like turning into an endless time tunnel, and the world evaporated.

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Xiang Yuan took the members of the second team and disappeared for ten days. Li Yongbiao didn't know exactly what to do. He didn't approve the leave, but Chen Shan from the headquarters directly. How could he reject it after signing it.

So, the little niece of a certain president quit.

The youngest niece is Ying Yinyin, she is a bourgeoisie. Tall and handsome. I heard that she was born as a flight attendant, and her parents are executives of the cooperative company of the headquarters group. Because she did not pass the formal examination, she can only go here for an internship in the sales department.

Li Yongbiao, a sensible person, also knows that she will stay here for a short time, so how dare he offend her, he will follow her in every way, as long as he doesn't cause trouble for the company, he will turn a blind eye and close his eyes.

Who knew that this aunt aggressively questioned the manager of the HR department more than a dozen times in a group of hundreds of people in the company.

Fangcaoluyin: "@人事部小曹, why hasn't the new 'little princess' come to work yet?! It's been a few days, how can it disappear on the first day of reporting, when my sister got married and asked for a Fake, you are still moaning, insisting that my uncle call Mr. Li. Is her father Li Gang?"

Fangcao Lvyin: "@人事部小曹, I will also ask for leave in a few days. A little sister has given birth to a baby. If you disagree, I will report to my uncle."

Report report, is your uncle the prime minister? Report every day.

Li Yongbiao rolled his eyes, why is this woman so annoying, he actually still didn't understand which boss this uncle is. Originally, it would be fine for Ying Yinyin to shout a few words in the group alone. As a result, several women from other departments also swarmed out to get rid of the five evils, just like discussing it.

Xiaoling from the Information Department: "Mr. Cao, please explain, otherwise this is really inappropriate. We can't even ask for leave on weekdays, and overtime wages are still deducted. At this moment, people are playing outside for a while. God, everyone is a little out of balance, please understand."

Wang Jingqi's big mushroom: "Forget it Yinyin, don't talk about it, Mr. Cao is also in trouble, we don't want to embarrass him. And Gao Leng and Lin Qingqing have both gone, it should be a group activity approved by the company, right?"

Fangcaoluyin: "Oh, the girls in the sales department sharpen their heads and work hard to accompany the leading customers to drink and work overtime for the company's performance. Why don't they have such good benefits? Take the company's money to travel? Why are we so exhausted? , All the money earned went to their technical department to enjoy themselves? Even if the money was given to Xu Yan, they would forget it. Why give it to a newcomer who has just been here for less than two days? I have no problem with the little brothers in the technical department , I just hope that the leader will give me an explanation, brothers don’t hit me. [cute]”

Look at the ones who speak righteously. Don't you just want the common people to have fun with the emperor? If you ask for a few more days off, you let Chen Shan come to find me. When you see Chen Shan, you all go into the cave like seeing Miejue Shitai. Li Yongbiao was like a bright mirror in his heart, the women in the sales department were all shrewd, and they didn't want to let go of any advantage.

He was scratching his head and thinking about how to solve it, when someone knocked on the door and came in, looked up——

Little Bai Yang came to the door.

Li Yongbiao looked at the man in the black down coat in front of him. The white tracksuit inside was zipped up to his chin, covering half of his face. The thin lenses rested on the bridge of his handsome nose. It is indeed like a clean and bright young poplar. He looked like some movie star, but couldn't remember the name either.

"Xu Yanshi, you came just in time, have you watched the group?" He said with a smile.


The technical department is as quiet as a chicken, and the atmosphere is quite serious.

The little brothers sat around together, everyone stared at their mobile phone screens, and then looked at each other, and no one spoke.

Zhang Jun, wearing black-rimmed glasses, was the first to break the silence. He hesitated and said, "If the boss is not here, we don't care who makes the decision? You Zhi, tell me."

You Zhi didn't speak, and stared at the phone silently, while Li Chi on the side spoke: "The boss doesn't speak, who dares to care. This woman, Ying Yinyin, will sue you to the headquarters if she doesn't like it. When the time comes, the headquarters will help you or help you." She? Didn't you dare to speak without looking at Li Yongbiao? And last time, didn't we argue with the sales department because of the year-end bonus distribution ratio? , didn’t make substantial contributions to the company. I was so mad because the boss came back. Without him, this small broken company would have closed down long ago. Doesn’t it mean that it will be closed at the end of the year? I think the boss is quite self-defeating now. He probably wished the company would close sooner."

Zhang Jun came late and didn't quite understand the meaning of Li Chi's words: "Why didn't the boss resign after being so wronged?"

"He can't resign," Li Chi said. "I don't know the exact reason. I just overheard Chen Shan say that the two seem to be engaged in some kind of project, and they can't resign within five years."

Zhang Jun sighed regretfully.

Shi Tianyou took a sip of his wife's Jingxin oral solution.

Li Chi was not surprised at all, and turned his head away speechlessly.

Zhang Jun was dumbfounded: "What is this?"

Shi Tianyou showed the label to him, "Can't read?"

"Why are you drinking this?"

Shi Tianyou sipped his mouth again, "Calm down and guard against villains."


Zhang Jun turned his head and saw You Zhi pressing the phone quickly without saying a word, "What are you doing?"

"Fuck, blah blah blah blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"

Zhang Jun's first reaction: "Huh? Has this Ying Yinyin chased after the boss?"

You Zhi corrected: "Actually, she chased the boss first, then me, and now she is chasing Li Chi."

"..." Zhang Jun suddenly looked at Li Chi.

Li Chi spread his hands: "Don't look at me, I haven't talked to her recently, I don't talk to her, I just don't want to care about women."

At this time, Shi Tianyou put down his wife's carefully prepared oral liquid with a "boom": "Oh my god! Look at your phone! The boss is crazy!"

Everyone looked at the screen in unison.

xys: Xiang Yuan is conducting field surveys on the Northwest Line, and she paid for the entire cost of this activity by herself. The following is the survey data she sent me. I just finished the comparison last night and it has been sent to your mailbox.

xys: The little princess didn't know how to go out to work and didn't ask everyone for leave. It was my dereliction of duty. Feel sorry.

Shi Tianyou just wanted to say that the boss is too fresh today.

Another one jumped out of the group.

xys: When she comes back, I will educate her well. But the family ugliness should not be publicized, that's all.

The meeting room exploded!

Boss is making a fuss! ! !

The author has something to say: Everyone in the Otaku Club: You can't be too coquettish.

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