Throwaway Villain

Chapter 11: 12. training start and bait set (4)

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When Leko saw Buni for the first time, he wanted to melt. This was completely his feminine side talking and Leko had to fight the urge to squish Buni’s cheeks. The man had a boyish charm, his smile was soft and cute, and his eyes were round and so innocent looking. Leko damn near doubted that this man knew anything about assassination. A combination of blond hair and clear blue eyes reminded Leko of soft spring mornings.

The urge to hug was strong for this one.

Until he spoke.

By the end of the hour, Leko cursed the cute-looking man that activated his mothering instinct. Buni did not deserve it. Not one bit. He was a monster. Leko groaned from his spot on the floor.

“I look forward to our next lesson, young master.” The blond chirped with such a wide, innocent smile. If Leko hadn’t experienced an hour of hell, would have made him coddle the bastard. He’d struggled to keep himself from spewing his guts out for the entire hour. He damn near did close to the end.

“I will be serving you to the best of my ability from today onwards. Please take care of me, Young Master.” The sweet voice of the devil continued, and Leko withheld a whine. Was it too late to send him back to the pits of hell from where he crawled?

“Young master!?”

Kurio’s startled voice made Leko remember the state of his body. It wasn’t broken and he could move, there were only bruises. There was no need for Kurio to sound like he was dying. Leko sat up and waved Kurio’s hands away. Leko nodded to Buni.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Leko strolled out of the room. His muscles were stiff from the whole day's work and the last hour's beating. Stealth training had not been what he expected. They played a basic style of hide-and-seek with painful attacks if Buni found him. Which he did, every time. He’d laughed at first but regretted it not long after. The attacks were only enough to bruise, there was no other damage. It would have been a nuisance if they had to contact a healer.

“Do we have balms for bruising?” Leko asked the silent Kurio. The man nodded.

“Yes, young master,” his voice was softer than before. Leko looked at him for a second before dropping it. It wasn’t his problem.

“Take me to the library then fetch some of the balm, I expect you back to escort me to my room.”
It may have been three days, but Leko was still pretty much lost when it came to navigating the castle. It was too big.

“As you say, young master.”

With a happy hum, Leko sunk into his bed after a nice hot bath drawn for him by Faier. He already dismissed Faier and Kurio for the rest of the evening. Leko felt no need to keep them here when he wasn’t going to move from the bed.

Surrounding him on all sides were books that he’d brought from the library. Kurio hadn’t questioned the titles when he helped Leko carry, or more like he insisted he’d carry all of it. Leko wasn’t that weak. He hid his irritation with the butler, letting him do as he pleased. Leko’s energy was already spent, there was no point in wasting any more on pointless emotions.

“Young Master.”

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Leko lifted his head from the book on etiquette to blink at Tor standing by the door with a tray of food. He gestured for the chef to come in and stood from his bed. Tor placed the food on the table and bowed once before leaving. Leko flopped onto the couch and started nibbling on the food while he continued with the book. He flipped the pages every few seconds as he sped through.

-you’ve been poisoned-

“Can you please turn off the poisoning notifications? It’s annoying.”

-system has acknowledged Hunter Leko’s request-

-Poisoning notifications for Hunter Leko have been turned off-

-Jaika is asking if that is a good idea-

“It’s annoying, and who’s going to poison me here? I’ll turn it back on later.”

-Jaika is shaking her head.

“You’ve been missing for the whole day. Did you just pop back to criticize me?”

-Jaika was annoyed-

“Why?” Leko frowned at the notification. What did he do that annoyed the god? He thought back on his day but nothing popped up.

-Jaika thinks poisoning oneself is too much-

“It’s fine, it’s a non-lethal dose, just made me uncomfortable,” Leko sighed. What was with people having issues with a little poison? He wasn’t dying. “It’s better for me to build up an immunity now than die of poison later. A dose that could kill me would work slower if I had an immunity. It can save my life.”
Learning how to handle poison, he doubted it would be basic training. You don’t make it in this world on basics. Leko will need resistance to poison in case he got it in his system while he worked. It was a needed precaution if he wanted to jump into poison studies. Poison is great to combine with a crossbow. He can already picture how much easier it would be to take down people with poisoned arrows.

-Jaika understands-


Leko carried on with the book while eating his meal. By the time he finished the book, Tor came back and took the tray with the empty plates away. Leko nodded to him in thanks and stumbled to his bed. He fell straight into it and groaned as the soft mattress swallowed him. Leko propped the other books next to his bed and picked one of the history books to start. He could go for a few hours before sleeping.

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