Throwaway Villain

Chapter 20: 21. Slaves (2)

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Walking down the hall with the spirits hiding him. Leko started entering each room. He didn’t have a layout of the building. 

Didn’t know where the important rooms were. 

Jaika is curious.

Jaika wants to know what her hunter is looking for?

“Anything valuable. I’m burning the place to the ground. Might as well take whatever is worth anything.”

Free money. Leko needed more anyway. It was going to be burnt, so he should liberate it and put it to good use. 

Was it stealing? Probably. 

Did he care? Not at all.

Jaika says the spirits can guide you to the treasury

“Hey, spirits. Can you show me to the treasury, please?” He spoke politely to the spirits. They didn’t need to help him; it was best to be as polite as possible. They’ve been willing so far, but he better not test his luck. 

A line formed in front of him. Leko walked after the spirits. The building having a treasury surprised him. It didn’t look important enough. It took them a solid two minutes to get to the right door. Leko might have speed walked a bit. There was a time limit, after all.

Most people kept their liquid assets in Star Zone. It was essentially a bank. The only one in Droitt. It was also a very big pawn shop. You give them anything; they give you money. There was only one branch of Star Zone in each territory, with the main branch being in the kingdom's capital city. 

You couldn’t keep physical assets there. They don’t have vaults or anything. Whatever you hand to Star Zone was considered sold to them. You don’t get it back. Due to this, people have private treasuries. Any physical items that are worth something they keep in their treasury. Smart and wealthy people hire warders to secure their treasuries. Not everyone was smart or wealthy enough for it. Mostly it was really wealthy viscounts with big cities or higher ranked nobles.

There was a small chance this building belonged to the viscount. A common tactic was staying in one place but hiding your treasury somewhere else. There was also a chance it simply belonged to a wealthy citizen. It wasn’t just the nobles who carried a lot of wealth. Either way, Leko doubted it was warded. As stunning as this city may look, it was in a state. The buildings were more worn than they should be for the center and most lively place of the city. Some of the stalls are more empty than they should be. The quality of the products was a bit less. No matter how much the viscount may try to hide it. Lecorreno was not doing well. 

The city was beautiful. It was on the direct path to the capital city of Hosyn. There should be a lot of traffic from travelers. Lecorreno was also well known in Hosyn. It should not be like this at all. Leko was certain that enough money was accumulated for the city's needs. It was simply not being used on the city. 

He sighed and stepped into the room. No guards, no wards. The viscount was either really sure that this place was well hidden or plain stupid. Leko leaned more towards plain stupid. He felt like bad luck was going to come roaring and bite him in the butt at some point because of how easy this was.

Leko’s lips dragged down, and he muttered curses. The room was full. Gold and jewels blinked under the lights. Artifacts were neatly arranged in display cases. The room housed a fortune. A critical eye of what was lying around made Leko think that the worth was larger than he expected anyone in this city should have.

Leko smiled bitterly as he started rummaging through the place. He needed to work on an inventory ability. For now, there should be a portable inventory somewhere. It was necessary for people to move the treasury in case of an emergency. 

It was stored inside the treasury. A stupid move, it made stealing everything easier.

A spirit flew in front of Leko’s face. He stopped his search and followed the little guy. Inventories were beacons. They housed a lot of mana. Humans could develop an ability to feel mana, but creatures are mana, their existence was created from it. Unlike humans, they could also tell what type of mana was being used. For an inventory, you use dimensional mana or void mana. It’s the main aspect of mana needed to create a pocket space for everything to be stored. 

Spirits, like all other creatures, could tell. 

Leko played with the small cube. His thumb brushed over a piece of the metal surface that was raised. Leko put the cube on the floor and pressed against the slightly raised surface. The cube expanded and a bigger box sat in front of Him. He hummed in satisfaction before starting his job of cleaning out the place. His bitterness grew the more he packed the stuff away.

After a solid ten minutes of rushing around and throwing everything he could into the inventory, Leko was pissed. He’d been right in his assessment when he entered the room. The worth of the collected stuff was far more than an average Viscount could afford. This building couldn’t belong to anyone other than the Viscount with this treasury. No regular civilian would have this amount of accumulated wealth just sitting around.

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With a harsh jab at the button, the cube shrunk back to its smaller size. Leko grabbed it and marched his way to the front gate. There was still plenty left in the room. He didn’t have the time to grab everything. Leko took the most valuable things he could find. Having the spirits help him pick out anything with mana. Gold and jewels were nice, but mana-infused artifacts were better. More expensive and more useful.

He made his way down the hall, tracing his steps back to the front door.

“Young Master,” Lance called. Leko flicked his eyes to the redhead walking up a few steps behind him. 

“Hide him, please,” Leko asked. His voice was a bare whisper so Lance wouldn’t hear. A few spirits surrounded Lance. “You finished?” He asked the knight.

“Yes,” Lance answered. 

The two stayed quiet as they made their way out of the house. The other knights stood by the gate. Leko’s lips twitched for a second as he noticed the little lights surrounding them. The spirits were really helpful. 

“Jaika, are my servants and the creatures out of the building?”

Jaika says they’re all out.

“Let’s go,” He said.

Originally he was planning on killing off any survivors that might have escaped but with grade 5 seals that wasn't needed. Anyone who made it out of the building alive would be far more powerful than Leko could handle at his current rank. It was better to get the party further away so they didn’t end up being caught in the blast.

He eyed the flashing lights above the buildings in the distance. The festival was still going strong. Leko felt a little bad for destroying the good atmosphere. There was no way that the people won’t hear the explosion. He wanted them to hear the explosion. He’d rather not have anyone trying to cover up what was going on. 

Yes, knowing there was a slave trade happening in Hosyn was a bad reputation, but the next heir discovered it and swiftly took care of the problem. Saving the would-be slaves and punishing the slavers. The brutality of killing everyone involved also matched the Hosyn family’s reputation.

This was what Leko decided was the best move to make.

It would also discredit the viscount. If the viscount didn’t have anything to do with this, Leko still had to get rid of him. He was doing a terrible job of taking care of the city. The man’s greed clearly interfered with his duty. Being greedy was fine, as long as you kept a good head and did your job to the best of your ability.

The viscount would be replaced before Leko and the party left the city. 

The ground shook. Leko heard the thunderous sound of the explosion and watched the building be engulfed in flames. The searing heat still reached them, even with the distance they put between themselves and the building. The flames bellowed and crackled, towering over the surrounding buildings. A barrier shined, and the flames were trapped inside. 

Each city required a basic ward to be placed around a building. In case of situations like this, it wouldn’t spread.

Feeling that they were at a safe enough distance. Leko stood and enjoyed the sight. He needed to contact the count first thing in the morning, but for tonight. Leko would handle the drawbacks of his actions. 

“Let’s go back to the inn.”

Leko was a little curious about whether the viscount was involved or not. Buni would have the answer for him. He also needed to check on the creatures. 

He wasn’t going to be sleeping tonight

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