Throwaway Villain

Chapter 7: 7. kick off (2)

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“Ahh,” Leko sighed as he sunk further into his seat.

A steaming cup of chamomile with a rather decent book and blissful silence. Leko decided that this was his favorite spot in the entire city. He was definitely coming here every time he had enough free time for a break.

“Are you happy with this old man’s service, young master?”

“You’re the best old man,” Leko informed him with a light voice and a miniscule smile.

The smile on the man's face grew as he watched Leko.

“What a cute puppy.”

Leko froze at the mutter and felt a shiver run down his spine. He watched the Old man turn and walk away. Pretending he didn’t hear that this was the best option. The voice was sweet and kind, like an old man should be. He hadn’t sounded like a demon straight from hell. Nope.

-Quest Alert-


He watched the notification while sipping the splendid tea.

-Let’s go hunting!-

Leko raised an eyebrow at the quest title.

-follow the pretty lights to their destination-

-rewards: something special, EXP 10, a happy Jaika-

-failure: Jaika will be very disappointed-

Again with the stupid failure consequence. Leko shouldn’t complain. It’s better than repeated death threats.

“You think I care whether you’re happy or not?”

-Jaika is pouting-

“Hah, are you a god or a child?”

-Jaika is sticking out her tongue-

“A child then.”

Finishing his tea, Leko cursed the minimal amount of lazy time. He handed the book he had back to the old man.

“Keep it for me. I’ll be back, and thanks for the tea, old man.”

“I’ll wait for your return, young master.”

Standing outside the library, Leko looked around. His eyes zeroed in on a small ball of green light, he looked past it to find another ball not too far from it, and then another. A trail of green light goes down the street and Leko trudged after it at a lazy pace.

After a while, he wasn’t keeping track. Leko recognized the area. They were heading for the slums. A frown twitched on his lips. Buildings became more worn down. People became more tired and desperate looking, their clothes dirtier. Eyes that followed him went from curiosity to something darker, more wanting.

An annoyed huff slipped past his lips as he kept walking. Leko kept his gaze forward. This body wasn’t strong at all. It would be difficult to get out unharmed if they ganged up on him.

-Jaika feels sad-

“You’re a god. Are things like this supposed to bother you?”

-Jaika says that she has feelings too!-

“I guess.”

It wasn’t an unfamiliar sight, the downtrodden people and their homes. Leko grew up in a place like this. He knew how to handle this type of area. The only problem was the body. This was Leko Hosyn, the son of the Duke. They’d be stupid not to recognize him. A recognizable and wealthy figure was more in danger than a random nobody.

“How much further?”

-Jaika says you are almost there-

A slow sigh came from him as he kept his stroll forward. The people kept him in their sights as he passed. Their cautious eyes watched him, but made no move towards him. Leko supposed it was because of the consequences of touching the Duke’s son. Even if it was the worthless one.

-Jaika says Ta-Da!-

Scanning the building that Jaika led him to, Leko hummed in appreciation. Jaika was a strange god. The cracked oak doors chipped mud-painted walls. The sleeping dog statue on the corner of the veranda. This was the house Calen used for only a single night before he ran into Leko and beat the shit out of him. It was kind of funny how Calen found so many useful things without knowing.

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According to the novel, the house once belonged to an old healer back when the capital was first founded. The slums were the location of the ancient settlement. Most of the aged buildings in this area have been standing since the founding times.

-quest complete-

-reward: The Healers House, EXP 10, Jaika is very happy-

Snorting, Leko shook his head at the strange god. He opened the door and walked into the house. A loud sneeze slipped from him. Leko narrowed his eyes at the dirty room. How the hell did Calen sleep in this dusty ass place? Leko sneezed again.

He muttered complaints to himself as he walked through the house. According to the book, there was a hidden key in one of the rooms . If Leko gained access to the key, the Healer's House would belong to him. The house belonged to his family, but under the system, the ‘Healer's House’ had no official owner. The House itself was a divine item. A god blessed the old healer, which god the book never said.

[His sponsor favoured the old healer. So much that the sponsor turned what the healer considered his home into a blessed divine item. One that would boost all healing for those who entered.]

Anyone that entered the house would have their healing boosted. Like any other divine item, if it’s owned by someone, then that someone can control its properties to a degree. If Leko owned the house, he could control who the house healed and who it didn’t.

Leko observed a small office-like area. The furniture was moldy, and old, made from juniper wood according to the book. On the left stood a bookcase with rotten books, stuffed between them was a box. Leko grinned as made his way towards it.

-Jaika is cheering-

He tugged the box out, paying no mind to the books that fall. He removed the lid and eyed the gemstone key. Godstone was a unique gem created by the gods. Mining it was not possible. They are rewards gained through quests. You can buy them through merchants for a hefty sum. The real divine item is the key. It’s what gives the Healers' House its divine properties. If you destroy the key, the house will be a regular house.

They made all divine items that carry the divine properties of Godstone. The gem is tough, but not unbreakable.

Picking up the key, Leko threw the box onto the old table.

-New Item acquired-

-Key to the Healers' House-

-divine Item Healer's House now belongs to Leko Hosyn-

-Leko Hosyn can now set who the divine item Healer's house blesses-

“The house can heal anyone Loyal to the Hosyn Duchy, no other.”

-Owners command received-

-new rule for Healers House blessing activated-

-Healers' House restoration in progress-

Staring at the notification, Leko frowned. Restoring? There was no mention of that in the book. Leko flinched as a bright light surrounds him. When he opened his eyes again, Leko had to blink a few times to get the blurriness away.

“Ha,” He gasped at the once disgusting room. The wooden furniture shined with polish, the healthy wood had no cracks. He turned his head to the bookcase. All the books that had been rotten and broken apart stood in mint condition. Leko bent down and picked up one of the fallen books. He turned it and read the cover.

‘A basic guide to healing by Galia Terry.’

Holy shit, Leko gaped at the book. Opening it to the first page. He skimmed the contents before flipping to the next page and then the next. The Hero’s start line mentions Galia terry a few times. The ancient healer or the first human to have ever gained a healing ability from the gods. Healers were rare, even these days. Back in ancient times, it was damn near unheard of.

Galia Terry was a legend, and his books, which everyone knew he wrote, have craved after. There was only one of each book he wrote. Leko only knew of one person who had a single book. Leko’s attention snapped to the bookcase. He skimmed the spines of each of the ones he could see with hunger.

His heart beat with a wild rhythm in his chest. The grin slipping onto his face oozed his joy.

‘Magical and non-magical healing by Galia Terry.’

‘Using monsters for healing by Galia Terry.’

‘Divine healing by Galia Terry.’

‘Alchemy for healing by Galia Terry.’

‘Potions and how to make them by Galia Terry.’

‘Most potent poisons by Galia Terry.’

Jackpot. Leko had a new subject to study. He breathed out a laugh. There was nothing but Galia's works on the shelf.

-Laika is curious about this hunter-

Leko startled at the new notification. This time it had a faint pinkish glow.“

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