Ti Lepus Dies.

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine. Cami is Assessed.

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“Greetings, I am Derren ra Krispus, Assessor for the Trigon Club.” The stocky man dressed in the typical Tis Lepus fashion of a wide brimmed hat and cloak, gave a short bow as he introduced himself to Jarmel sis Nep. “My credential for your inspection.” He removed a satchel from over his shoulder, extracted a laminated card which Jarmel accepted. Camis father looked the assessor over, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. It was the tenth period of the first of two days off.

 “Welcome to our humble residence.” Jarmel returned the bow even as he noted the ‘ra’ which told him that the assessor held status high in the service class. I wonder if he will ever join the high status class, Jarmel though. “Please step in, Master Krispus.” Jarmel turned and spoke to Cami. “Cami, please verify the credentials,” he said as he passed her the identity card.

“Yes father,” Cami replied, taking the card and stepping to the table and activating the comm unit. Like the rest of the family, except Dar, Cami had dressed in her best clothes for this important occasion.

In his turn, the assessor quickly scanned the room as he entered. Removing his hat and cloak, which he handed to Kinna, he noted the various expressions of the family members as he did, looking for possible areas of conflict. With a twinge of concern, he noted that the oldest son, he had basic information on the whole family, was unable to conceal his dissatisfaction. The second oldest was calmly looking the assessor over. No trouble there, Krispus thought. The younger members of the family appeared neutral and the assessor felt that they would go along with whatever the parents accepted.

Quickly and unobtrusively gauging the parents’ attitudes, allayed any concerns with them as well. Good people of Ti Lepus. Was his conclusion. The two other daughters would be happy to get the extra room in this cramped apartment he felt. The youngest son, he dismissed as a factor. No, if there was to be any trouble, it would come from the oldest son.

Derren ra Krispus grey eyes followed Cami, watching her as she moved. He noted that apart from giving him a quick, curious glance she had not looked at him. He watched her movements with hidden satisfaction, holding his face expressionless from long practise.

“Master Krispus, if you please sir, the program needs your implant code.” Cami spoke in her most formal manner.

Noting with approval the manner in which the young girl spoke, the assessor moved to the comm unit, still watching the movements of Cami. Placing his arm at the implant reader, he listened to the audible acknowledgement. Cami read the result, turned and nodded to her father, still ignoring Krispus.

“So what happens now Master Krispus?”

“I do an interview, verify some information and take some images of Cami, in the standard costume of the club as well as in her normal dress.” The assessor replied. “All with your permission of course and all with members of her family as witnesses.”

Dars’ head came up at the mention of costumes but he did not say anything.

“With your permission Master Nep and Madam Nep, we will proceed?”

The parents looked at each other. Yives sis Nep nodded to her husband who nodded back. “Very well, if Cami is ready?”

“Yes mother, father, I am ready!” Cami stood erect, a smile on her face.

Derren ra Krispus did not smile, although he wanted to, instead he simply began unpacking his satchel saying, “Let’s start.”

The standard procedures were adhered to. Cami was measured and all her vital statistics were recorded; weight, height, hips, bust etc., all done with clothes penetrating laser recording of course, there was no touching. Also recorded was basic medical information as well, i.e. blood pressure, respiration etc. Camis answers to questions were recorded as she gave them. Accommodations were mentioned as well as a school, both of which were only for the girls of this and other clubs. The amount of pay was at the discretion of the club and would be revealed at the time of the interview. Means of communication were explained. The family watched with interest, vaguely aware that the questions were done to elicit a response but unaware just how skilled the questioner was.

 “Why do you want to go all the way to Lepus Mal, Cami?” Was asked near the end of the session.

“Well, I don’t,” Cami replied, “What does it have that we don’t have here?” She said. “If I wasn’t going to go to the Trigon Club, I wouldn’t think of it. Actually we have access to fresher food from local farms, so we are probably better off than you!”

Krispus was silent for a brief fraction. Tremma kept his face blank but he wanted to smile, it seemed that his sister had surprised the experienced assessor.

“You may be right about the food, Cami.” Krispus finally acknowledged. “Have you checked out the Trigon Club?” Was the next question.

“Oh yes, it seems very impressive.” Cami nodded.

“It does?”

“Indeed, much better than the ones here and even better than other clubs in Lepus Mal.”

“So you would like to go there?”

“Oh yes!” Cami replied, “I just hope that I am good enough!”

The assessor nodded, than turned to Cami’s parents. “There is one last set of images I need, a set showing Cami in the dress that she will wear in the club. I will tell you now that it is revealing and I recommend that her brothers leave the room while she is wearing it.”

Dar surged to his feet, “No!” he spat out. “I forbid it!”

Jarmel paled, then stood himself. “Dar, go to the boys room.” He spoke so quietly it was clear that he was very angry.

“Father, this is demeaning! The whole thing is demeaning. It’s the high status people rubbing our noses in the dirt again.”

“Dar, leave this room now!” Jamel almost hissed. “We will discuss you lack of good manners later.”

Staring around the room, Dar saw that he had no support amongst the rest of the family. Also, the training that he had received up till now still held him in its grip. Tremma had a troubled look on his face while Cami was glaring at him. His mother’s face also wore a troubled look while the two younger girls were frowning and Damma just looked surprised. With a shake of his body he turned to the assessor, “I apologise for my outburst, Master Krispus, it was solely in defence of my sister,” was spoken in a wooden monotone.

 “Your apology is accepted, Master Nep, you are not the first brother to rise up in defence of his sister.” The polite words spoken as the assessor stood, took some of the tension out of the room.

With a look of surprise, he hadn’t expected the reply, Dar left the room, followed by Tremma and Damma, who also had surprise on his young face.

Reaching into the satchel, Krispus fumbled around before pulling out a slim package. After confirming a code on the package with his scanner, he handed it over to Yives sis Nep. “Madam Nep, if you would help Cami change. Afterwards she may keep the items, they cannot be returned.”

 “Change out here?” Yives face held a look of surprise.

“I think that the girls room would be more appropriate, madam.” The assessor replied courteously.

Koral and Kinna both giggled, their frowns gone, and followed their mother and sister to the girls’ room. After the door closed behind them, Krispus turned to Jarmel.

 “I meant what I said, your son is not the first brother or indeed father, to protest this stage. The reaction was anticipated.”

“I imagine so, but leave my son to me.” Jarmel replied coolly.

“Of course, Master Jarmel I meant no offence.”

“And I take none Master Krispus.”

“I have one request, Master Jarmel, your two younger daughters.” Krispus paused.

Jarmel stared. “I hope that you are not going to suggest an assessment of them.”

“Indeed not, what I was going to recommend was that the Trigon Club take an option on them, no more.” Krispus was quick to allay any concerns. An option would stop any other club from making a claim on the two sisters without permission from the other club. It also required the parents’ approval. Only the names were necessary, no images would be taken. Jarmel nodded in agreement.

The door to the girls’ room opened, slowly, shyly, Cami stepped out and stopped. Her mother and both sisters followed, the younger girls’ eyes wide and fascinated. Cami was wearing very brief, pale blue lingerie which left large parts of her body uncovered while accentuating her breasts and figure. She was also wearing a matching pair of slippers.

“Over here, please Cami.” Krispus tone and demeanor was solidly professional. “No, stop there,” Cami came to a stop well short of Krispus. “I am going to record you and take some images. Now keep still, you will only want to do this once I am sure. Hold your hands away from your sides, a little more, yes like that. When I tell you too, turn slowly all the way around, stopping when I tell you to.”

The professional tone and confidence of the assessor reassured both Cami and her family, especially Cami who had never worn anything so revealing in her life! She felt like she was naked. While the girls were used to seeing each other in various stages of undress, they had never seen anything like the scanty underwear that Cami was wearing right now, and in front of a stranger, no less!

A fraction later, Krispus nodded. Without looking at Cami, he said that she could go and get changed. Relief was plain on both Camis and  her parents’ faces’ as Cami left.

With a satisfied nod, Krispus packed away his comm unit into its case along with its specialised programs and all the files on Cami, carefully saved.

Turning to both her parents he assured them of the best. “I will have no hesitation in recommending your daughter to the club. When they make their decision, they will contact you in regards to the interview. I will also recommend options on both Koral and Kinna. But you shouldn’t tell them anything about that. Things could change and it would serve no good purpose.”

Jarmel glanced at the door to the boys’ room. “What about …”

Krispus raised a hand, “That is a matter for you to deal with. It won’t affect Cami.” Then with a formal bow and a word of farewell, Krispus left.

Out in the street, Krispus climbed into the conveyance that he had waiting for him. Entering a command to take him to the station where he could catch the overnight flyer back to the capital took a bare fraction. Only occasionally did assessors come out this far from the capital but Cami was a rare catch and fully deserved the trip. Finally sitting in his single occupancy room in the overnight coach, he sat back and relaxed in his comfortable seat as he considered the Nep family.

Typical of their status, he thought. But the girls could go far, and he smiled as he considered the three young ladies. The smile vanished as he revisited Dars outburst. I must send a message to Sessi Dark gen Wattar about him. He may lead us to the real trouble makers. Satisfied, he sat back in his seat. A frown crossed his face again as he thought back to the brief conversation with a stranger, clearly an off planet visitor although he was almost properly dressed, wearing as he was a dark cloak with a cowl covering his head.

“Ah, Master Derren ra Krispus, how go’s the day?” The man was sitting at one of the eating tables in the dining car where Krispus had gone to get a drink of beer.

Derren froze, how did this stranger, he was sure that they had never met, know his name?

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Collecting himself, he replied, “It go’s well, but do we know each other?”

At a soft laugh, a chill ran down Derrens back. “No, we have never exchanged greetings before this day.” The stranger slipped his cloak off and rose from the chair he was sitting on. The dark clothes revealed, reassured Derren somewhat, being normal wear for the planet. Derren wondered what the stranger wanted.

“Fear not, Assessor Krispus, I will detain you no longer.” A nod accompanied the smile that slid across the ordinary face of the stranger. Rather stiffly, Krispus returned the nod and left, throwing a look over his shoulder as he went to his room with the beer he had purchased.

Thinking back, Krispus decided to keep the encounter to himself. He was certain that anyone he discussed it with would listen politely then mentally just dismiss him, which would lead to loss of status.


Back at the Neps small apartment, the relief that had accompanied the departure of the assessor was brief. Cami had changed and her two sisters were still a gaga over the costume that she had to wear.

“That was brave Cami,” Koral looked at her sister with new found respect. “I would have been too scared to make an appearance!”

“Well, you may yet, that assessor, I saw the way he looked at you. Kinna too! He was interested.”

 “No, we’re too young!” Koral protested. “Kinna, anyway.” Then with hope in her eyes, “You mean it?”

“I do, he was really interested, I could see it although he was really professional.”

Their mother appeared at the door, “Girls come out please,” wiped the smiles from their faces. A glint appeared in Camis eyes and her chin came up.

Both Koral and Kinna observing this, exchanged glances. ‘Dar had better be ready, father is not the one he needs to be scared of!’ ran through both girls minds.

Back in the common living area, all members of the family stood facing their father.

“Dar, you should get a whipping. If it didn’t mean a trip to the local police station where it would be recorded as a public event, I would do just that. But that would impact on all our status. What do you have to say for yourself?” Jarmel was still angry and it was clear that if he had a whip, he would be using it!

Shifting his feet and looking down at the worn but serviceable carpet, Dar considered his response. They were few he realised. “Father I apologise, what I said was unforgivable.” He turned to his sister. “Cami, I apologise to you as well. I hope that nothing I said was taken as a reflection on you.”

Before Cami could reply, her father spoke again. “That’s good as far as it go’s, Master Krispus made it clear that his report will not be influenced by your uncontrolled outburst. So that is good, as far as it goes.”

“Yes father,” Dar was still being very humble.

“Father,” Cami spoke up, “may I address Dar?”

Jamel, surprised by the formal way in which Cami addressed him, threw a questioning look at his oldest daughter. Puzzled and somewhat concerned, he felt that he could not say no, so he acquiesced with a nod. Tremma drew in his breath slowly as Cami turned to her puzzled older brother. Kinna and Koral exchanged looks and nudges, ‘this should be good!’ ran through their minds. Yives was also worried and exchanged a concerned look with her husband but also felt that there was little she could say. Damma, the youngest just looked on, oblivious to the undercurrents running through the family.

Stepping closer to her brother, Cami smiled. Uncertainly Dar, also puzzled, smiled back. He was not prepared for what happened next. To the astonishment of everyone, Cami smacked him in his chest and shouted, yes shouted at him.

 “What was in that tiny mind of your?” she yelled, “You don’t have the common sense of a propis, or the brains of a basticka! Don’t you realise that you almost ruined everything! He could have walked out and then no one would have touched me! You would have just dropped me in the ocean!” Cami hadn’t let up with hitting Dar in the chest as she berated him, driving him steadily backwards. Reaching the side of a couch in the families sitting area, he fell backwards on to the couch cushions, Cami did not let up, leaning over her much bigger brother, she continued to lash him verbally while the rest of the family watched in mixed amusement and shock.

“So you thought that you would be my defender? Ha! Big brother, defender of my virtue? Right! Well that was just an excuse to rant on against the high status lot! Anyone could have seen that! You made that perfectly clear. Well the jokes on you, master Dar that assessor is just as likely to be working for the secret police as well as the Trigon Club and I bet that your name is going on a list.” At this revelation, apart from Jarmel, the rest of the family stared in horror at the eldest daughter.

“It’s mentioned in our discussions on assessments. Very carefully and not at all clearly but some of us talk about it, not openly, that would be dangerous.” Cami explained to the family who wondered at her unnatural calm before she turned her attention back to her brother.

Dar had managed to sit up and opened his mouth but before he could say anything, Cami started in on him again, her anger still in control of her. “Now father isn’t going to whip you, but you better hope that I don’t get my hand on one or it will be the worse for you. I’ll …” Cami stopped as her father put his hand on her shoulder.

“I think that your brother is very clear about the way you feel right now, Cami.” Jarmel spoke quietly. “Indeed, I think that he should go to the boy’s room and stay there out of your way for the rest of the day.” As Dar stood, his mouth opening to speak, their father continued. “You also should go to your room, Cami.” When Cami turned to protest herself, Jarmel calmly continued. “I am sure that Leda and Ava will both be anxious to hear the results of the assessors visit.” The edited version of course, went unspoken.

 “Yes father,” Cami replied demurely. Lead by Dar, the family all threw quizzical looks at the oldest daughter however Dar was not convinced that he was safe as yet. Not looking at each other the two went to their respective rooms, Cami collecting the portable comm unit along the way. All were certain that Cami was not yet over her anger but felt that it would abate over time. Their brothers and sisters followed them.

With a sigh, Jarmel took his accustomed chair in the families sitting area, waving to his wife as he did so. “It seems that our daughter has not told us everything she has learnt in school.” He said with a mixture of amusement and annoyance.

Yives just shrugged. “I heard that same rumour when I was in school. I too was assessed but never got a contract. Too many girls, not enough openings.” Her worn face carried a faraway look.

“That was good luck for me, then.” Jarmel took his wife’s hand. She smiled, remembering that this kindness was why she joined with him.

“Don’t worry about the secret police, Jarmel. They have more to concern themselves with than one discontented youth.”

“One never knows what the greys are interested in, but they would soon see that Dar is just one of many such.” He laughed. “I should be an informer! You should hear what I listen to serving food! People just ignore me and talk away!”

There was no laughter on Yives face, “I don’t know what I would do if I was approached by a grey, I really don’t know. And I have such access to so many houses that I clean.”

“Well, let us not worry about it. If it happens we will have to deal with it then, but I doubt that it will. There are better candidates.” A rare smile touched his lips, as a thought occurred to him. “I wonder if Cami will have forgiven her brother by the time she goes for her interview?”

That brought a chuckle from his wife. “I am not at all sure,” she said. They got up and together went to the kitchen to prepare the noon tide meal.


In her room, Cami had called Leda and Ava who were both anxious and excited to hear the full story.

“You had to wear what?” Leda yelped in mixed horror and excitement. “I didn’t! I had to wear my own undergarments and that was bad enough!”

“In front of a complete stranger as well!” Ava giggled. She had just been contacted for an assessment so was eager to find out as much as possible. Like Leda, it was to a local club so she would continue to live at home. “Wish I was going with you.” She said wistfully.

“I wish that you both were.” Cami also sounded wistful, “But I aren’t going anywhere yet! I still have that interview with the club to pass.” Cami tried not to sound worried although she was.

“Oh you will have no trouble there.” Leda reassured her friend. Ava added her “Oh, no problem for you!”

“Do you have copies of the images?” Ava asked. “I would love to see them, I bet that you looked wonderful.”

“No, he took them all.” Cami answered, “And if he had left any, mother and father would keep them and they would lock them up! I wouldn’t be showing them anyway. No way, not to anyone! I felt naked, that’s because I was!” Both her friends giggled at Camis emphatic reply. Cami changed to another subject “Oh, I think that I have figured out how the Trigon Club heard about me!”  She proceed to describe to her friends the strange incident with serving the water to the two women in the house where her mother was working several months ago. Her friends listened with rapt interest. “Yes, the lady who was visiting looked really elegant. And she never spoke!” Cami finished, while her friends listened making gasping noises.

“Really Cami, that’s so weird!” Ava exclaimed.

 “So Cami, when do you go to the capital?” Leda asked.

“Sometime next month I think. I am not sure.” A frown wrinkled Camis smooth forehead. “They have to let us know.” There was silence for a fraction as the three girls pondered their futures. “Anyway, Leda, when do you start at Tremblers Place?”

“Oh, I start next week, I just got commed this morning.” Leda was almost dancing as she laid on her stomach, facing her comm unit. “I get ten Konna a month!”

‘Wows’ came from both girls. Kinna and Koral exchanged raised eyebrows from their bunk beds as they listened in without being obvious. They got a quick glare from Cami for their trouble.

“That’s great, Leda. That’ll really help your family.”

“Thanks Cami, they also are really excited.” Leda giggled again. “I am so excited and also a bit scared!”

“Ava, when is your assessment again?” Leda asked.

“Next month, the date has to be set.” Ava sounded a little despondent over the delay due to her being a couple of months younger than the others.

“Look Ava, you are as pretty as both of us. You’ll get a contract!” Both Leda and Cami were emphatic in their support for their friend. A knock at the door and Yives voice brought an end to the three way conversation. “Right mother.” Cami answered, then to her friends, “Talk to both of you tomorrow.” Here there was no sentimental talk even between girlfriends that was not the Ti Lepus way.

Delivering the comm unit to her mother, Cami asked if she could come out now. Without expression, her mother nodded and stepped aside. On leaving the girls room, Cami came to an immediate stop, staring at a pile of laundry in front of her.

“There are just a few chores for you, dear.” Her mother calmly informed her. Cami could have sworn that she heard Dar chuckling.

A small animal that is vermin.

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