Ti Lepus Dies.

Chapter 3: Chapter Three. Lunch for Mother and a Test for Cami.

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Every time Cami sis Nep had to take a lunch to her mother where she worked as a cleaner in a house occupied by people of high status, it made her nervous. In particular, she worried that she might do something to affect her, and her family’s status which was already low enough, she felt. Status, status, status, she thought, control, I must remember self-control. The weather didn’t help. It was early late fall with steady rain punctuated by windy gusts that chilled her.

Reaching the front door of the dwelling that was her destination, Cami touched the annunciator and waited. All too soon the door slid open and a woman of middle age for the planet stood there, people tended to have long lives in the empire. “Yes.” She said, with an unspoken tone of disapproval Cami thought, knowing that the water dripping from her wide brimmed hat onto her wet cloak didn’t give the best image of her. She was glad that the cloak hid her wet shoes.

“I bring a lunch for my mother, madam.” Cami said keeping her head down in the approved manner for a member of the servant class. Steeping back, the woman waved Cami into the lobby.

“Hang your cloak on the hook, there.” A finger was extended. “Your hat and shoes may also go there.” Putting her mothers’ lunch container down, Cami complied quickly with the instructions. Underneath she wore a light blue, somewhat shapeless smock that was the accepted dress for a young girl a few months into her thirteenth year. A belt around her hips helped a little by revealing a trim waist.

Having divested the garments that were the required dress when a denizen of Ti Lepus appeared in the public eye, Cami picked up her mothers’ lunch and turned to face the somewhat intimidating presence of Madam Brackage, the mistress of the house. She was not really that fearsome, she just appeared to be due to the onerous strictures that bound the behaviours of all citizens of Ti Lepus.

“You know where the kitchen is, child?” She asked in what Cami took to be an imperious voice.

“I do madam.” Cami answered still using the submissive tones of her class.

“Off you go, child. Your mother is probably waiting.” Although Madam Brackage did not smile, she spoke in a kinder voice which relaxed Cami somewhat.

“Thank you madam.” Cami answered. As she left, she passed an elegantly dressed woman who raised an eyebrow at her. Covering her confusion at this unwonted semipublic display, Cami bowed as she passed. Not looking around as she walked through the dwelling, she entered the kitchen, going straight to her mother and passing the welcome container of food to her.

“Thank you Cami.” Her mother gave her the rare smile permissible between family members. An attractive woman of medium height, her brown hair, hazel and still slender figure showed where her daughter got her youthful good looks from. A still striking face brought the occasional look of approval, even though it reflected years of hard work. Her daughter had the same hair and eye colouring along with similar facial features, a slim body and slender legs.

“Thank you mother.” Cami answered politely.

“The walk wasn’t to long for you?” Yives sis Nep asked her daughter anxiously.

“No mother, I was able to use transport with my student pass.” Now with her mother, Cami could talk confidently. Only the two of them were in the kitchen, the families cook having the day off, the family would eat out tonight.

“That’s good dear, I am glad that you can do that now.” Before Cami turned thirteen, the school pass that she was assigned restricted her use of public transport only to school travel. This being the traditional two days off for most of the planets population, Cami was out of school for this day and the next.

While her mother ate, both of them sitting on tall stools at the counter, the pair chatted quietly together until an unexpected summons coming over the house intercom interrupted them. “Madam Nep, please prepare a tray with a jug of chilled water and two glasses.” Madam Brackage instructed, “You don’t need to interrupt your lunch, have your daughter bring it to us. We are in the private sitting room. Thank you.” A tone announced the end of the instructions

Never having been asked to provide such a personal service before, Cami’s mothers’ job was to clean the house, she was surprised at the request but felt that she could not say no. She was actually employed by a cleaning contractor providing services to a number of high status families so she worked in several different houses and apartments. Hesitating for a brief fraction, Yives collected a glass jug and two glasses that she felt were suitable. Filling the jug with filtered and chilled water she placed it and the two glasses on a tray which was passed to her daughter. “Be careful.” She cautioned Cami after giving her instructions on where in the house to go.

Navigating the unfamiliar route while balancing the tray and its contents was an ordeal for Cami but she arrived safely without any spills. Putting the tray down where indicated, she turned and gave a small bow to the two women, who were each sitting in their own comfortable chair. “Would there be anything else Ma’am?” She asked in her soft voice.

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 “Please pour two glasses and serve them.” Madam Brackage asked the young girl. She seemed to be rather less comfortable in her chair then her guest.

Slightly confused as she had never been tasked to perform any such service before although she had, of course, brought drinks to both her parents, Cami did as requested. Carefully she poured the water as requested, handing the glasses over with a certain unconscious youthful elegance as the two ladies watched. Finished, she stood waiting, her hands behind her back.

“Thank you,” Madam Brackage said, “Cami isn’t it?” The last coming with an enquiring look.

“Yes Madam,” Cami replied.

“How old are you Cami?”

“Thirteen Madam, Thirteen and six months.”

“Thank you Cami, you may go.” Cami gave a small bow and left, wondering casually about the other ladies silence. She was not really surprised, after all this was Madam Brackages’ dwelling, the strange woman was obviously a visitor and guest and these usually did not speak up at such times, unless necessary. Returning to the kitchen Cami assured her mother that everything was in order. She also reassured her mother that their employer seemed quite satisfied with what, she, Cami, had done.

“Really mother, they just had me bring the water to them, I put it down where they told me to, then I poured them a glass each and handed it to them. That was all.” Gathering up the now empty lunch container, Cami and her mother said their farewells and left the kitchen. At the main door she put on her outside garments and left. For a fraction, she wondered again at the strange episode with the jug of water. Then, with an unconscious shrug, as she left the house she put the whole thing out of her mind.


Back in the private lounge Madam Brackage considered her guest, the wife of an old friend of her husband. Master Brackage had slipped and been forced to accept a position with his employer in the far city of Libus Re, with also meant a loss of a certain amount of status although he retained his, and the families high class status. Meeting Cami in the hall, the guest had seen unusual potential in her for advancement. Anxious to regain their lost status, when her guest had proposed a test for Cami sis Nep, she had agreed.

“Did you get what you want?” Madam Brackage asked.

“Indeed, I think so. I will have to play the recording back to be sure, but it should be good.” The guest replied with a laugh, “I don’t want to do that again.”

“Indeed not.” Madam Brackage muttered.

“Don’t worry, we have done nothing wrong and Cami did nothing that she wouldn’t do normally. Anyway, since I will introduce her to the club, I cannot approach her for a month.” The guest took a sip of the chilled water. “She was perfect, even in that hideous smock!” The woman gave a slight but reassuring smile. “I will see that you get full credit and your status will improve.” Such promises were not made lightly in this society and had to be followed up on.

That last almost caused Madam Brackage to smile openly.

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