Time is subjective

Chapter 2: 2. A normal Christmas, and not so normal morning

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As Eldry stumbles out of her morning shower, having washed her sleepiness away, she notices how her fever is entirely gone, her throat no longer itch, and her nostrils extremely clear. Actually, she feels better than ever, if a little sore, probably from last night's thrashing. Now that she tries to remember the dream, the feeling she got from the entities in her dream wasn't a physically inflicted one, or whatever you call it in a dream, but entirely from her side, a feeling of revulsion of the entities, whatever they're called. For now, she dubs them Hallucinar, since they're from a form of hallucination. She doesn't know why she named them, but she did.

Eldry arrives to the dining room to the scene of her mom on top of her dad making out with him.

"Ahem..." (E)

"OH GOD! Oh, you are awake, little Elly." (M)

"Hey my little eldritch horror." (UrielUriel Neil Owen, or U. N. Owen for short. ????????????)

"Hey dad. You're home for Christmas?" (E)

"Yeah, all the works are done. I won't say the next part aloud since I don't wanna jinx it but you know what I mean." (U)

Her family is, to say the least, quirky, friendly and open. Thrice her dad had replaced a propeller of a failing plane when he went sky diving, and her mom talked a mall shooter into submission twice, as far as Eldry remembers. Of course, they themselves know how abnormal their actions are, so they can avoid breaking someone while talking to them. And though the difference in generation, both parents and child are able to converse as casually as friends can. That fact was what pushed Eldry into finding a part time job, to contribute to the family's economical gains.

"How are you feeling?" (M)

"I'm good actually. I think the fever is gone, but I was expecting to be coughing and having my breathing impaired for another few days." (E)

"So, family day?" (U)

"Family day." (M)


"""WOOOOOO!"""(E, M, U)

It has been almost half a year since the last family outing, so naturally they are excited. The family quickly changes and hops into their car. They go to a particularly violent beach to watch the water crash into the rocky shore, which gets them soaked to varying degree. The Owens have lunch at a small dinning on the road, then go to a windy meadow and fly their five meters wide kite, earning them envious looks of admiration from the people around. In the evening, after eating a nice simple meal, they play a game of DnD.

"... As Chronomancer Eld bashed her quaterstaff on the frozen troll, it's body shattered into a thousand motes of light. What was left was a note, saying..." (U)

"What does it say?" (E)

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Slowly, her dad opens his mouth, and what comes out enflicts utter horror on her.

"...We're no stranger to love..." (U)

"God damn it dad!" (E)

"Hahaha, it's time for bed, little time bender, you have school tomorow." (U)

"I know, I'm not a grade schooler." (E)

She goes to clean herself up, and crawls into her somewhat stiff bed, which usually isn't stiff at all. Maybe her senses are still messed up from the fever. Or maybe-

'Alright, I need to stop thinking too much when I'm alone.' (E)

She closes her eyes, and drifts into a deep sleep.

 Eldry is jolted awake in the early morning, hearing an uncomfortable sound coming from outside. It is a combination of continuous jackhammering and more jackhammering. Grumbling, she opens the window only to realize it has already been opened, by herself? It feels that way. She tries to look for the source but finds nothing of interest, except the very wierd lighting. It feels both bright and dark outside, and she can faintly see concentric almost circles of light surrounding a stationary point somewhere north and fading at two ends of a little bit more than each almost circle, and two bigger and brighter supposedly circles - if there is no ground - almost overlapping angled a little south from directly over her head.

"Ow! My head!" (E)

A piercing headache strikes her as she keeps staring at the scenary, partly because of the jackhammers.

'Right, who even do construction work this early in the morning?' (E)

She looks a round and see her neighbor... was? replacing his driveway. She looks around more and see her parents walking inside the house, dressing and acting like yesterday, but without her. But it wasn't actually walking, she... doesn't feel like they were moving, but she perceive a form of continuous deformation... or just a... tube? of every of her parents' postion-

"OW!" (E)

An excruciating pain rocks her body, forcing her to her knees, and every part of her feels hot, like when she skidded accross the gym floor with her exposed knees. Her eyes tear up, but the droplets don't fall to the ground. She feels weightless, like gravity doesn't exist. With each passing moments, her skin feels like it would peel, her flesh feels like it would burn, and her weight feels less and less relevant. She curls up on the floor in agony as she saw... sees... will see her door open slowly and her mom's frantic face peeks through the increasingly slowing opening door. She closes her eyes and tries her best to ignore the pain. It isn't until a few minutes later that the feeling of skidding stops, and she falls unconscious.

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