Time or magic?

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 Continue Studying

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Having confirmed his guesses, Alex returned back to his room, in any case, in his opinion, the rollback is a temporary last resort.

Now he needs money, one of the ways to earn it is to become an adventurer or sell artifacts.

The job of an adventurer is basically to go to the Lost Continent to take quests or go hunting.

According to Nero's memoirs, the lost continent is a huge place that all races lost after a half-century war against demons, according to historical data, it was said that this continent was the largest, as well as the most developed, where there are now a lot of burials of magical tools and artifacts.

In this world, at the beginning there were 4 continents, at that time they were always at enmity with each other. And the central continent, which is now called the lost one, was very powerful, and according to some reports, they explored something.

And because of the failure, demons appeared, and after that a large-scale war began. The war was brutal, while the main races in this world began to lose to the furious advances of the demons.

In a moment of desperation, a certain artifact was created, after the use of which the war finally ended. But at the same time, the central continent was lost.

But now there are portals connecting the lost continent through which adventurers can go and complete tasks.

Maybe even they will be lucky and find something very valuable. This is how it became popular, the work of an adventurer and artifact seeker.

The rank of adventurers is divided as usual from E to SSS.

For Alex who has this skill, it is a very good thing to become an adventurer, and by saving money he can also learn magic, eat normally, and also start a harem.

Although Alex is now very interested in magic, but his perversion of thoughts once never left his head.

In the past, he had thoughts about it, but due to the nature, laws, and lack of money for deception, he did not have the opportunity.

But here his skill already makes him very powerful, there is even slavery, if he fails to start an ordinary harem, he can still buy a lot of slaves.

To do all this, he needs money, and the fastest way is to become an adventurer and quickly increase his rank.

After thinking about his plans, he realized that the best time is the weekend, when he can disguise himself and go to the guild.

Again, disguise is needed in order to strengthen himself, and after confirming some points, he will not need disguise.

After dinner he went to the library.


<<.......manna consists of many particles, the properties of most of which we do not know. It's not that no one has researched it, but that it's a dangerous business. There are frequent cases when, when connecting some unknown particles, attempts to become famous were fatal, poisoning, an explosion, or, for example, summoning the undead. The call of the undead happened almost three hundred years ago, at that time one of the nobles, having studied manna, inadvertently made himself undead using unknown particles. This is why, from that time on, the private study of manna was forbidden.

Mostly senior magicians do this, but sometimes there are some ignorant and stubborn people. But because most of them are junior mages or average, they couldn't cause much of a stir. Although they still do some damage, that's why students must first sign a magic contract when entering the academy......>>

Alec gradually studied both magic and history at the same time, it turned out that magic is more dangerous than he previously imagined, the fact that someone inadvertently became undead is already something.

The book also described some incidents, such as the use of demon blood and the resulting creation of a vampire. These stories are very interesting, and kind of presented in such a way that those who want to become a magician do not use manna carelessly.

Reading further, he learned that manna consists primarily of particles, but in order to use, for example, fire. The magician must first find fire-type particles to use further.

With a simple concept, a novice magician cannot distinguish one particle from another, in this area the warriors are much better off. Because when using manna to strengthen the body, no bad effects happen. And some even not only increase their reflexes, strength and speed, but also have exceptional characteristics.

For example, increasing survivability, or strength, and so on.

The easiest way to use manna and find out the type of particles is to use a catalyst that exists in nature or artifacts.

The second way is that one person helps to distinguish the properties of particles to another, this is in most cases used by large families to pass on their knowledge and magic to the next generation.

And the third is by touch, as a result of which in most cases they cause a disaster.

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But if the third method succeeds, then the one who did this will instinctively distinguish between those elements that he was able to use.

In this way, one of the magics created is the cold fire of the Irwin family, cold fire has a very high temperature than ordinary fire.

The creation of this magic brought fame and fortune to this family. Although there was punishment due to the experiment with particles in private.

The more Alex read, the brighter his eyes became, because unlike others, he has a very good tool for researching magic.

But before using time control for research, he still needs to study magic in depth. In addition, you also need to find out the limit of the skill, for example, whether the rollback of time can make him back into a person if he turns into an undead.

But now he does not need to rush, he has a lot of time for this. Or maybe there are artifacts for research, so again, the main thing at the moment is money.

Looking at it, he realized that again, he was immersed and did not notice how time passed, it was already too late. He had to leave the library.


Leaving the library, he had to first go to the dining room.

Also finding an inconspicuous eating corner, he wanted to finish quickly and return to his room.

But this time, apparently, it was not destined to simply leave here, because at the moment several people sat down at the same table in front of him.

And the face of one made Alex remember the black eye, it was some kind of bully. He also bullied Nero frequently, Alex speculating that he most likely wants to feel better.

Saying that look, even the son of celebrities is worse in talent than him, well, his potential is also not far gone. But still much better than Nero, it had 3 star potential.

- Oh, look, our esteemed Nero Adriana, the son is posing for the name of his parents, ha ha.......

Watching the three of them talk and laugh, Alex didn't have any mood swings, although he complained a little what why now.

He simply ignored them and continued to eat, but as usual, such people are much more annoyed by this.

When they noticed that they were being ignored, their faces gradually became grim.

- Look, our friend's arrogance returned, and we didn't even notice.

Alex again ignored him, which made the other party even more angry and his hand violently wanted to slam on his plate of food.

But as soon as he made the moves, Alex immediately entered an accelerated state, he was ready from the very beginning, since the other side of the physicaly is stronger than him.

The only way is to use the skill. At first, he thought that the other side wanted to hit him. But when he saw that his target was not a face, but a plate, he remembered that you can't fight in the academy except in the training arena.

So, under acceleration, he calmly took a plate, waited for the hand of the other side to pass by, then put his food back and continued to eat.

All these actions took him several tens of seconds, but from the point of view of the other side, Alex did not move at all. And the hand just went through the plate of food.

This incident caused the three to get stuck for a short time before the one who hit realized what had happened and swung his hand again.

But, as before, the result was the same.

After making a few more attempts, three people were stunned and sat down in their places with uncomprehending faces.

After finishing the meal, Alex took the plate and returned to return the plate.

At that moment, three woke up and ran after him.

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