To Be a Bride

Chapter 3: Dinner and a Shopping Trip

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Finally, the highly-anticipated wedding banquet had arrived for all of their family and friends to enjoy. Yan Lin, who the guests gossiped about being ever radiant, did the usual bouquet toss amongst the eager and single young women. The guests then indulged in a scrumptious dinner, where the couple received an abundance of gifts, accompanied by overly long and vacantly emotional wedding toasts. Both the bride and groomed presented joyful smiles, but if one looked closely, it was clear to see both were putting up a front.

During the chaos of the reception, the newlyweds didn't get a single moment after the ceremony to themselves, just like it had been in the novel. The constant attention and well-wishers who blessed their union made it hard for them to have any type of private conversation. It wasn't until they were led up to their luxurious wedding suite that they were finally able to bask in blissful silence.

As Zhen Zhu strode into the dimly lit bedroom, Yan Lin's heart did a flop of relief as her lawfully wedded husband ignored her presence completely and began to ready himself for bed. She was almost worried that he would start reprimanding her. Trying to disregard him as well, she began the tedious task of undoing her braided hair and slipping out of her intricately embroidered wedding dress. It had seemed so much easier getting it all done just a few hours earlier. As Yan Lin changed into her nightgown, she could hear the sound of the shower running, signaling Zhen Zhu's turn to prepare for bed.

After an uncomfortable silence and lengthy routine with both members trying to stay as far away from one another, the newlyweds finally found themselves alone in the spacious room with nothing else to distract them.

Just as Zhen Zhu was about to lay out the terms of their contract marriage, Yan Lin once again took him by surprise by retrieving an extra pillow and blanket from the bed. She made it clear that they would not be sleeping together under any circumstance and that she was entirely aware that their arrangement was only a contract and nothing more, there would be no love between them. Yan Lin reassured Zhen Zhu that he need not concern himself with her and, with that, she retired to the couch to sleep.

Zhen Zhu was left in a state of bafflement and slight annoyance, as he had expected an entirely different reaction, and the fact that she had preempted his own intentions left him feeling emasculated. He had never met anyone before who had been able to silence him like this before.

Without any hesitation whatsoever, Yan Lin made her way over to the plush couch in the next room and firmly shut the door that separated her from Zhen Zhu. She was already well aware that he would be the one to set the tone of their relationship and act aloof, but she couldn't bring herself to care. She had no feelings for the man and was determined to play by her own rules, rather than his.

As she settled onto the soft cushions of the couch, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of having thrown him off with her actions. A sly smirk creeping across her face, she couldn't help but chuckle at the shocked expression that no doubt adorned his face. This was definitely not the reaction he had expected from his newly wedded wife.

The following morning, Yan Lin was up with the birds, her body clock perfectly synced to the rise of the sun and ready to face the day while Zhen Zhu still slumbered. Or at least, that's the impression Zhen Zhu had gotten when he had awakened that morning. He had expected to be the one to wake her up, planning to make a pointed effort to irritate her with his demands for her to rise and not linger in bed.

But to his surprise and ire, Yan Lin was already awake, fully dressed, and enjoying a steaming cup of coffee by the time he emerged from his bedroom. As he made his way to the kitchen, he caught sight of her, lounging on the couch, her gaze lazily tracking his movements. Her expression was one of nonchalant expectation, almost as if she was waiting for him to lash out at her for not being awake to greet him. But she greeted him with a polite "Good morning" and to his chagrin, he could only mutter a gruff reply in return.

Zhen Zhu, his demeanor as cold as ice, informed Yan Lin that it was time for them to depart soon. He still had important business to attend even if he had gotten married and he expected her to accompany him so he could drop her off. Yan Lin simply nodded in agreement and rose from her seat to follow him out of the luxurious hotel room.

As they walked out of the hotel, the contrasting figures were quite striking, with Zhen Zhu attired in a sleek and stylish, tailor-made suit, exuding confidence and power. Yan Lin, on the other hand, was dressed simply in a plain grey dress, adorned with a pattern reminiscent of school uniforms, her demeanor more subdued. As they got in the black car, he conveyed to her that he'd be back later in the day to pick her up when she was finished.

As Zhen Zhu's car came to a stop, Yan Lin let out a sigh as she looked out of the window, her eyes taking in the familiar sight of her workplace. She then gazed down at her ring, her thoughts turned inward as she considered her predicament. Did she really have to continue working, to keep up this charade of a life? She had no independent means of income... Leaving her job would mean that she wouldn't have to follow the storyline which would be good, but then she would have to deal with the daily reality of being stuck at home, at the mercy of Zhen Zhu's surly attitude, and giving him more ammunition to label her a gold-digger. With a heavy heart, she made her way inside the building, her steps feeling heavier than usual.

As Yan Lin made her way through the hushed and deserted office, her footsteps echoed eerily in the empty space. At this time, the only other soul present was Mu Tian who she waved good morning to before she focused her attention on her own work. She busied herself with the preparations for the upcoming spring launch. As she worked, all she could think about was how she was in the exact situation she swore she wasn't going to be in. She really had no choice in this matter, did she? She was trapped in an endless cycle, like a hamster running endlessly on a wheel it felt like.

The workday passed by in a blur of monotony, much as it had in the previous week. The tasks at hand were menial and uninspiring, and they felt much less stressful for Yan Lin. She was occupied with the tedious work of calling vendors and double-checking dates, tasks that required little creative input but still managed to keep her mind occupied. This was a far cry from the fast-paced and demanding nature of designing she was focused on the week prior. She almost dreaded having to return to sketching clothes when this was finished, but she knew she would have to eventually and that she still needed to practice her skills.

As the day came to a close, Yan Lin was met outside the office by Zhen Zhu, who remained engrossed in his work on his phone, not even bothering to spare her so much as a glance. She didn't let his behavior phase her out though as she climbed into the car, pulling out her sketchpad to begin her own work. The car was surprisingly smooth, providing the perfect environment for her to focus on her designs.

Yan Lin wasn't entirely sure what to design, but as she sat in the car, she glanced out the window and felt a sense of inspiration stirring within her. She spotted a particular plant that caught her eye, and the image of a bug that resembled the shape of leaves came to mind. She found herself captivated by the idea of blending the natural elements and began to sketch.

As Zhen Zhu lifted his gaze from the screen of his device, he expected to find Yan Lin sitting beside him, her attention focused on him, waiting for an opportunity to engage in conversation. However, to his utter disbelief, he discovered that she was completely disregarding him, her focus entirely absorbed by sketching on her drawing pad.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of rejection and anger as if she didn't care for him or his presence at all. In an effort to regain her attention, he coughed once, hoping to signal that he was free to converse. To his embarrassment, however, she either didn't hear him or chose to ignore him. He coughed again more loudly this time, yet she still didn't respond. He was about to speak when Yan Lin finally looked up, clearly surprised by his presence. She set aside her sketchpad, asking if something was caught in his throat.

Zhen Zhu, with an air of nonchalance, dismissed Yan Lin's concerns about his health and informed her that they would be going to his parents for dinner that evening. His gaze flickered over her plain outfit, disapproval etched upon his features before having the driver make a stop at a high-end department store. Without a word, he pulled Yan Lin out of the car and into the store.

Once inside, he proceeded to choose a new, stylish ensemble for her to wear, Yan Lin couldn't help but let out a sigh of resignation as she took the clothes from him. She stepped into the fitting room and slipped into the new dress, the fabrics were decadent and flowed elegantly against her body. She couldn't help but twirl around in front of the mirror, admiring how it fit her. She asked him if he approved of her new look. He gave a curt nod of approval before they left the store.

As the car continued on its journey, Yan Lin couldn't help but voice her curiosity and asked Zhen Zhu if he always cares so much about appearances and impressions. He replied with a confident affirmation, highlighting that as a successful businessman and son of the Ma family, people look up to him and all eyes are on him at all times. It was only natural for him to present himself in a certain way, as a leader, and as a figure for others to look up to, therefore his wife must also reflect that image.

His words were met with a roll of Yan Lin's eyes that he quickly caught, and he glared back immediately.

As the car pulled up to their destination, Yan Lin and Zhen Zhu quickly put on forced smiles, masking their true feelings as they stepped out of the vehicle. They were met by the warm and welcoming presence of Zhen Zhu's parents, Xu Yao and Wei Len, who greeted them with open arms and genuine delight. The older couple guided the newlyweds inside their home, where a large banquet of dinner was laid out for them.

As they sat down at the table, almost as if on cue, Zhen Huan, Zhen Zhu's brother shuffled into the room, apologizing for his tardiness. The atmosphere was cordial, but beneath the surface, Yan Lin couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being judged and evaluated. She wouldn't have said it to Zhen Zhu, but she was glad that he had made the stop to her change into something else.

The room was rich with the smell of savory dishes, and the table was filled with sparkling silverware and crystal glasses. The interior of the house was grand and tastefully decorated, with paintings adorning the walls, and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It indeed was the home of wealthy socialites.

Wei Len couldn't help but gush about how absolutely stunning Yan Lin was. Her delicate features, her striking eyes, and her striking poise all came together to create an image of beauty that was truly breathtaking. She couldn't help but wonder how talented Yan Lin must be to work at such a top fashion brand.

But Yan Lin, with a small purse of her lips, humbly bowed her head and insisted that she was not as beautiful as Wei Len thought. She also downplayed her own talents, instead praising the skill and success of her father-in-law Xu Yao and husband Zhen Zhu, who ran a multi-billion dollar international company. She mentioned how impressed she was with Zhen Zhu's recent hard work, specifically mentioning how he had worked late into the day before their wedding to close a major international deal.

Zhen Zhu is surprised by Yan Lin's words, as the deal had only been closed the day before. It had already been talked about on local news sites, but he didn't think she would have taken the time to look into his company's matters. He looked over at the ever-smiling Yan Lin who even smiles at him now as she says this and then continues eating.

The rest of the dinner is peaceful and filled with jovial laughter. Wei Len and Xu Yao felt a sense of contentment and satisfaction as they sat at the table, their plates now empty from a meal well had. They had been slightly apprehensive about the prospect of a daughter-in-law, but as they sat across from Yan Lin, all their doubts dissipated. She was the perfect fit for their stoic son, her quiet and gentle nature complementing his reserved demeanor. They were impressed by her attention to detail, and the way she paid attention to his matters, showing genuine interest and support in all that he did.

It was clear that Yan Lin had already started to make a place in their hearts and they were confident that everything would go well in the future. The parents felt a sense of gratitude for Yan Lin, for her presence, and for the way she seamlessly fit into their family. They hoped that with her by their son's side, that he would become a happier man.

Once the pair left the Ma's home, Yan Lin grasped tightly onto Zhen Zhu's arm as they made their way to their car. However, as soon as they were safely inside and pulling away from the residence, Yan Lin immediately let go of his arm, breathing a sigh of relief. She kicked off her heels, letting out a contented sigh as she sank into the plush leather seats.

Zhen Zhu couldn't help but be taken aback by Yan Lin's brazen and carefree actions, it was as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders as soon as they left the house. He commented on her acting skills and how she had done her homework, researching his company's matters to impress his parents. Yan Lin smiled slightly but didn't respond, a sense of satisfaction and pride in her accomplishment.

Zhen Zhu then mentioned how his parents were ecstatic about her and felt that they had made the right choice for him. Yan Lin leaned back and looked out the window as the car drove through the city, the bright lights and bustling streets passing them by in an instant.

As Zhen Zhu continued to drag on, he made it clear that despite Yan Lin's help, he was not interested in marriage at this time, his focus was solely on his work. Yan Lin nodded, her expression melting into one of stoicism as she wished he would hurry up this conversation. He went on to state that they would sleep in separate rooms and only interact with each other when necessary to maintain the appearance of their relationship.

With a nonchalant toss, Zhen Zhu handed Yan Lin a gold card, informing her that she would receive an allowance each month, and nothing more. He warned her not to overspend or else. Yan Lin couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance, but she slipped the card into her wallet nonetheless.

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Without another word, Zhen Zhu got out of the card and headed up to the apartment by himself. Yan Lin stifled a yawn, her interest in the credit card briefly distracting her from the feeling of boredom and emptiness that now settled in her chest. She sat alone in the car for a moment, leaving the door open as she felt the cool night air on her skin.

As Yan Lin made her way to her room, she found that her suitcases had already been unpacked and everything else that Yu Jun had packed for her was neatly arranged on the bed. As she looked through the clothes, it was clear that they were actually Fei Fei's old clothes. The jewelry was also meticulously picked, but it was all the cheapest and most unwanted pieces of Fei Fei's collection. Yan Lin let out a frustrated groan as she took in the sight before her, feeling a wave of resentment wash over her. She didn't actually care, but she had hoped there would have been something usable in the trash that she was sent.

As Yan Lin sat on the edge of her new bed, she looked down at the gold card Zhen Zhu had given her, a sense of uncertainty creeping in. She didn't want to immediately spend money on frivolous things and prove him right in his assumptions, but she also couldn't bear the thought of going out looking like a clown on Valentine's Day in Fei Fei's cast-off wardrobe.

She carefully sifted through the clothes, picking out the most suitable pieces for everyday wear. She immediately shocked the rest of the clothes back into the suitcases, her mind made up. She would go shopping tomorrow and find clothes that better reflected her personal style and taste.

As she finished sorting through the clothes, she carefully hung the grey dress, the emerald green dress, and the dress that Zhen Zhu had just gifted her that night. These were the pieces that she knew she would keep, even after she refreshed her wardrobe.

The next day, Yan Lin woke up early and set out to work in her own car. She didn't wait for Zhen Zhu, nor did she really want to be seen with the man. The day passed by in a flurry of activity, as work was normal, if not a bit more hectic than usual.

She spent part of her time helping Mu Tian to stylize the models and photograph them for the new issue of their magazine. The studio was abuzz with activity, with the models getting their hair and makeup done, stylists bustling around with clothing racks, and photographers adjusting their equipment. The air was filled with the sound of chatter and the click of camera shutters.

As soon as the workday was over, Yan Lin made her way to a fashion outlet in search of new clothes. She was determined to refresh her wardrobe and make a statement of her own personal style. She had set a budget for herself, determined not to spend more than a few hundred dollars.

The fashion outlet was bustling with activity, as shoppers bustled around searching for the latest trends and styles. Yan Lin made her way through the racks of clothing, carefully considering each piece. She was determined to be frugal, despite the generous allowance Zhen Zhu had given her on the gold card, worth 20,000 yuan (about 3,100 USD) a month.

With a keen eye for detail and a clear vision in mind, Yan Lin scoured the clearance sections of various retail stores, looking for clothing items that would last and weren't too gaudy. She wanted to go for a somewhat simple and classic style.

She avoided the overpriced boutiques and designer stores, instead opting for more affordable options. The stores she visited were mostly budget and clearance stores, but she was sure she would find anything better than what she currently had in her closet.

In the end, Yan Lin chose a few things to fill up her wardrobe:

3 pairs of Slacks for 300 each

5 Tops for 200 each

2 Skirts for 250 each

3 Dresses for 350 each

2 pairs of Dress shoes for 300 each

1 pair of Athletic shoes for 200

1 pair of Sandals for 150

2 coats for 450 each

In the end, Yan Lin's shopping excursion proved to be a successful one, as she managed to acquire a decent amount of new clothing items at a total cost of 5300 yuan, or a little under 800 dollars. She had even been able to snag a discount, shaving off 200 yuan from the final cost. While the expenditure may have felt like a significant sum to Yan Lin, she knew that it was necessary and that these new clothes would serve her well for the foreseeable future.

As she looked over her purchases, Yan Lin couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction. Despite the initial hesitation, she had only spent a little over 5000 out of her allotted yuan for the month. She also wasn't planning on using the card again unless it was absolutely necessary.

When Yan Lin returned home, she was greeted by the sour sight of Zhen Zhu waiting for her with a smirk on his face. He immediately questioned her about the amount of money she had spent, demanding to see what she had purchased. To his surprise, the only item Yan Lin had in her hand was a simple pair of athletic shoes. However, the maids soon brought in the rest of Yan Lin's purchases and set them down in the living room, revealing a collection of clothing items.

Zhen Zhu couldn't help but feel confused as he looked through the clothes, which were all relatively simple and affordable. None of them looked to be overly expensive or that special in the slightest. He looked up at Yan Lin, his expression one of bemusement as he asked her what it all was.

As Yan Lin stood in front of Zhen Zhu, she explained to him her reasoning behind her recent shopping excursion. She told him that was the wife of Ma Zhen Zhu, she should not look like a 12-year-old who had fallen into a vat of pink hair dye, and that she should have a wardrobe that reflected her status. She went to her room and pulled out a pink frilly dress as an example, pointing out that it was not suitable for the image she wanted to present.

She carefully explained that she had chosen pieces that were suitable for many occasions and that were very versatile, ensuring that she would have a range of options to choose from for any event. Yan Lin also made it clear to Zhen Zhu that if he had any problems with the money she had spent, she would be more than happy to pay him back once she received her latest paycheck.

As Yan Lin presented her reasoning and purchases to Zhen Zhu, he found himself still thoroughly confused, but also in agreement with her. He was shocked by the dress that she showed him, and couldn't help but acknowledge the vast improvement in the clothing items she had chosen, even if they were quite plain in his opinion.

He nodded in approval of her choices and then made his way to the dining room, gesturing for Yan Lin to follow him. He expressed his hunger and requested for Yan Lin be quick in putting away her new clothes in her room. Yan Lin instructed the maids to simply set everything on the floor in her room and that she would put them away herself.

The dining room was much smaller than the one at the Ma's home, but the room was still quite elegant and tasteful. Yan Lin took her seat across from Zhen Zhu.

As they sat across from each other at the dinner table, Yan Lin and Zhen Zhu ate across from each other at the dinner table, eating their meals in silence, neither of them showing much interest in the other. But despite this, Zhen Zhu couldn't help but glance over at Yan Lin occasionally. He had heard so much about Bai Fei Fei in passing before the wedding, and yet she was nothing like the person he had imagined. She chose to dress conservatively and didn't focus on brands or spending a lot of money. She wasn't demanding anything of him and it seemed like she had been forced into the situation just as he had.

But still, he had expected her to be a rich, spoiled brat who would constantly start fights and arguments with him. Yet, she didn't. He had looked into her background to figure out who he was truly marrying, and yet he felt even more at a loss. He felt like he came into this relationship at a disadvantage as if she was the one who had read a portfolio on their spouse about everything. She had even brought up the deal he had closed on their wedding day. It made no sense to him. She was supposed to be lazy and selfish, but she put on the face of a loving wife perfectly in front of his parents. She was delightful, courteous, and knew exactly what to say to get in their good graces. As he tried to make sense of the woman sitting across from him, he just couldn't.

As Yan Lin excused herself from the dinner table and retreated to the sanctuary of her bedroom, Zhen Zhu couldn't help but ponder the question that had been plaguing him all evening: Just what kind of game was Bai Fei Fei playing? And what exactly did she want?

In her bedroom, Yan Lin breathed a sigh of relief as she closed the door behind her. She took a moment to survey her new purchases, and a sense of satisfaction washed over her as she looked over the clothing. She was pleased with her selections and knew that they would be enough to last her through the colder months. She would need to go shopping again when the weather warmed up, but for now, she had a good enough selection and there were quite a few pieces she could easily wear even in warmer weather.

Once she was done putting away her clothes, Yan Lin sat down on her bed to survey her new room. It was cozy and comfortable, decorated in warm shades of cream and beige, decorated with sleek and modern furnishings alongside a large window that would let in plenty of natural light in the morning. It was miles better than her room at the Bai's. She sank into bed that night, feeling a sense of relief for once.

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