To be greater than the rest

Chapter 5: Chpater 4: Hit the grind pt 2

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First thing I noticed when I looked at the figure was the numbers above its head.


Its the zombie's lvl huh.

Hmmm Observe.

(A/N: From now, whenever he uses a skill it would be underlined)

Zombie- Lvl 1

-Its dead.

Well that's useless. Hmm I should lvl up Observe considering the fact that it would most likely get better and better.

But first I need a weapon.

What, you expect me to go hand to hand with the zombie?

Hell no

Considering the fact that this world is basically the same as the original, I quickly headed downstairs from the rooftop.

Thankfully there weren't any zombies inside the building or else I would be screwed.

Coming on to the 3rd floor I finally noticed something that would be very useful.

A metal pole

I quickly got a hold of it and used Observe

Metal pole-

Atk: +10

Durability: 60/60

Considering the fact that is a small hero agency, it made sense, kinda.

Now it's time for the dead to stay dead.

I stopped in my tracks as I realised that it contradicted my power but who cares.


I finally reached the front door as I found my first opponent.

Hmm he seems to be challenging me.

It was smaller than the one I saw earlier making it a bit more agile but it didn't matter as it came straight at me without doing some random move shit.

And guess what, with me gripping the metal pole tightly I swung right at its face.

*Crunch* -(Why did I add this?)

As it hit the zombie straight in the head, it kinda exploded.

I didn't except it so the blood that was released splashed me right in the chest.

Well... That was pretty easy.

As I started to think I suddenly heard a familiar ding noise


Hidden Quest: Complete

Objective: Kill any type of being.

Bonus: Make your first kill in the dungeon.

Reward: Any jutsu (Your choice)

Bonus Reward: 2 Mana replenishing Potions

Hmmm it's not bad.

System give me the rewards and make that Jutsu be Shadow clone.


Shadow clone: Lvl 1 (0%)

A shadow is a clone made by the User's chakra or mana in this case. When a clone is destroyed, the user receives it's memories.

Clones able to produce: 1

Mana needed: 40 Mp.

Mana replenishing Potion:

It does what it says.

Replenishes half of users total mana

Hmm this is good. Actually no, this is very good. I wasn't going to get a Jutsu I couldn't use like Flying Raijin or Rasenshuriken with my current mana levels-


System, if I got a Wood-Style Jutsu, would it mean I would get Mokuton?

Yes Host. 


Oh well I guess, shadow clone is still overpowered.

System what happens when my clone kills something.

Clone is tied to the User so it would be as if the User killed the thing.


Now to do something I have always wanted to do.

Bringing up my hands to the level of my chest I do a familiar cross sign.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu" I quietly say as I feel as if I lost quite a bit of my energy. A familiar popping sound leads me to look at my side where there was an exact copy of the current me.

Giving it the metal pole I quietly say, "Go, you know what to do. Just don't get destroyed"

It nodded to me and ran outside.

Now alone I decided to check out my stats even if they haven't changed much

Name: Shiro Kage (Izuku Midoriya)

Age: 14

Level: 1 (50%)

Race: Human/? Hybrid.

Alignment : Neutral Evil

Hp: 200 ( 25 regeneration per minute) (Vit x 25 -(Multiplier can be increased through quest)-)

Mp20/60 ( 5 regeneration per minute) (Int x 2-(Multiplier can be increased through quests)-)

Str : 8 ( Average human: 10)

Dex: 12 (Average human: 10)

Vit: 8 (Average human: 10)

Int: 30 (Average human: 10)

Wis: 18 (Average human: 10)

Luk: 50 (Average human: 5)

Usable points: 5

Coins: 0 (Can be turned into any type of money with the same amount. Except shop Points. 1 Shop point = 1 Million coins)

Whilst looking over though I hear a familiar ding sound and I can see my status changing.

It seemed I have gotten a level up.

With this, except luck, all of my stats increased by 2 which also made my total MP jump from 60-64 whilst my recovery for both health and MP increased by 5. My usable points was now 10.

Now to Afk grind for a while.

-One Eternity Later-

It's been 30 mins. And it would be an understatement to say that Shadow clones are the best.

Truly a fantastic way to level up my skills and level quickly.

My current stats are high, I think. Well compared to these Zombies.

My observe skill has also levelled up.

Observe: Lvl 5 (42%)

Allows for User to check targets information.

While it's description doesn't seemed to have changed, the results have.


-Dead zombie but smart,


Str: 10

Dex: 10

Vit: 10

Int: 10

Wis: 10

Luk: 0

So all in all my skill now allows me to see the target's stats. Though I doubt it would let me look at something that is a higher level than me.

I am also not going to have these Zombies in my army since they are too weak right now. Though I will definitely do it to the boss and possibly the other high rank zombies.

My shadow clone has probably made the most improvements.

Shadow clone: Lvl 8 (69%)

A shadow is a clone made by the User's chakra or mana in this case. When a clone is destroyed, the user receives it's memories.

Clones able to produce: 2

Mana needed: 40 Mp.

To be able to summon 2 shadow clones with just 40 Mp is hax.

Unfortunately though I didn't receive any skills or techniques regarding the metal pole I used but it didn't matter right now since I'm ready to go out to the real world and get a decent quirk without getting killed.

But I did get a quest!

Quest: Beat up those weak little zombies

Objective: Kill 200 low levelled zombies


Reward: Random Skill, 400 exp

It's not too bad I suppose, my stats are pretty good.

Name: Shiro Kage (Izuku Midoriya)

Age: 14

Level: 7 (66%)

Race: Human/? Hybrid.

Alignment : Neutral Evil

Hp: 550 ( 50regeneration per minute) (Vit x 25 -(Multiplier can be increased through quest)-)

Mp: 88( 20 regeneration per minute) (Int x 2-(Multiplier can be increased through quests)-)

Str : 22 ( Average human: 10)

Dex: 26 (Average human: 10)

Vit: 22 (Average human: 10)

Int: 44 (Average human: 10)

Wis: 32(Average human: 10)

Luk: 50 (Average human: 5)

You are reading story To be greater than the rest at

Usable points: 40

Coins: 0 (Can be turned into any type of money with the same amount. Except shop Points. 1 Shop point = 1 Million coins)

Now then you might be thinking these stats are super amazing right?

Yea no. Average human just means some random quirkless person who doesn't exercise or is smart.

That is basically just an ordinary human.

However, since lots of people have quirks their stats will be a lot different, especially those who constantly trained.

So while it's good for a weak villain or a very weak hero, it's horrible for someone stronger.

But it doesn't matter since I have just started.

Together with my shadow clones and my new quirk, I will be able to grind much faster gaining a lot of exp in a couple seconds.

Now to actually find a good quirk.


Coming back to he real world I noticed something, the time.

It seems for the near 40 minutes that I stayed in the Mirror world, only 10 minutes passed meaning the conversion rate was 4:1 from mirror to real.

This is getting better and better.

I also noticed that people seemed to not see me or rather not perceive my presence at all.

I didn't get a skill that does that did I?

Due to master just coming out of the dungeon, people will less likely be able to notice master appearing out of thin air. Though if it was a stronger person, they would immediately notice this change.

I see so this is quite advantageous I suppose.

Now to kill a per-


System, although I get that Gamer's Mind keeps me calm , cool and collected, shouldn't I feel some remorse when knowing I will be killing a person.

Gamer's Mind is very powerful, master. You underestimate the power of it. Though it is understandable since Master, while intelligent, is quite inexperienced.

Hmmm, I suppose.

Now where to go and where to find such a person.

There is no way I would be able to find a good quirk right now unless they were super weak.

You know what screw it.

System can my clones use my dungeon skill?

Hai, they are also able to do this.


Spending 40 Mp and summoning 2 clones, I gave them a brief nod and they simply left afterwards. I also asked the system to disable the notification system for only when I get levels.

They knew the plan. Kill as many as weak Zombies as they can without being hit.

Shadow clones are hax.

Turning off the notifications, I swiftly retreated back into the darkness that the alleyway provided to me.

Taking a big risk, I moved forward.

Walking silently to not make any loud noises, I noticed something odd.

No one was in the alley way.

If it was a normal alley way then I would've somewhat understood but considering that this connects to other ones, this is suspicious.

Suddenly I stopped after noticing a faint line in front of me.


A small weak string.


It has been noticed that this string was created by a quirk.


Quest Generated:

Objective: Find the quirk user of this string and take their quirk

Bonus Objective: ????

Reward: 1 Free Level up token, 10 stat points spread out randomly, Quirk

Bonus Reward:????


Can I take this guy alone?

Fighting a mindless zombie and this is is different.

But in the end, it doesn't matter.

I will get that quirk no matter what.

Pov -> 3rd Person

Shiro continued to walk, pretending as if he hadn't seen that string, whilst spamming observe on everything to locate where this person is.

And it's a good thing he did that as it not only allowed Observe to level up but also find that the person was hiding amongst the trash.

Now the question is, how to approach this person. 

Satou KokaLvL 20

Rank: Average

-Likes to use his quirk to trap civilians and loot them.


Str: 40

Dex: 40

Vit: 80

Int: 20

Wis: 20

Luk: 5

This was manageable. 

He is certainly far stronger than what Shiro excepted though.  

 He won't be able to take on this Satou guy with his bare fists. 

The good thing to do in this case would to either keep walking on and, if he decides to attack, surprise him with shadow clones then kill him and take his quirk and hopefully some of his stats as well. 

However, why do that when one can use instant dungeon, well instantly and make it so that he is teleporting.

The moment Shiro said those words in his head, his body seemingly vanished causing the villain to widen his eyes. 

Then a second later he fell to the ground as Shiro once more came into view with two  of his clones detaining him and repeatedly smashing his head into the ground causing to eventually die moment later. 

Looking at this cruel scene, Shiro felt a bit of guilt penetrate his mind but it was quickly squashed by the Gamer's mind, effectively stopping him going into a panicked mode. 

Whilst Gamer's body stopped him from puking his guts out, it wasn't able to stop him from turning his head away.

He could've simply decided to stop now and simply live in his instant dungeon while getting stronger but he decided to come into terms of living with other humans. 

Plus there is the fact that he would most likely receive quest from that god thus forcefully removing from his comfort .

After all, until he gets stronger, he is essentially a slave to that bastard and is used as an entertainment source.

As such he once again looked at the deformed face of his ex-opponent. Taking a deep breath he held his palm out over him and spoke "Plunder" 

He felt his body being energised as his strength increased. And he also felt a new 'entity', if you can call it entering the body and attempting to destroy him. Though that was stopped very quickly by his Gamer's body. The quirk Wire was his. 

And it seems his levels are also increasing. In a much faster rate due to him now having 7 shadow clones in the dungeon fighting the Zombies. 

-Pov (First person)-

Name: Shiro Kage (Izuku Midoriya)

Age: 14

Level: 11 (96%)

Race: Human/? Hybrid.

Alignment : Neutral Evil

Hp: 1150( 100 regeneration per minute) (Vit x 25 -(Multiplier can be increased through quest)-)

Mp: 104( 22 regeneration per minute) (Int x 2-(Multiplier can be increased through quests)-)

Str : 40 ( Average human: 10)

Dex: 38 (Average human: 10)

Vit: 46 (Average human: 10)

Int: 52 (Average human: 10)

Wis: 48(Average human: 10)

Luk: 50 (Average human: 5)

Usable points: 60

Coins: 0 (Can be turned into any type of money with the same amount. Except shop Points. 1 Shop point = 1 Million coins)

That was much higher than I expected. 

I got 16 of his Vit, about 8 points of Str and 4 Dex. Plus my passive gain of having 2 points added every time I level up further enhanced my capabilities. Not only that but the quest helped me too.

Quest completed!

Objective: Find the quirk user of this string and take their quirk

Bonus Objective: Do it without being harmed

Reward: 1 Free Level up token, 10 stat points spread out randomly, Quirk

Bonus Reward: 1 summoning ticket

The rewards were fascinating, especially the summoning ticket and lvl up token. Though I will use them later on.

Either way.

I am getting stronger and stronger constantly.

Quest: Beat up those weak little zombies

Objective: Kill 200 low levelled zombies


Reward: Random Skill, 400 exp

My levelling up is getting slower and slower each level but that's to be expected.

My shadow clones are doing a fine job. 

Soon I will move onto Medium tier Zombies then higher then fight the lvl 150 Boss.

There is a much faster way to level up though. And that requires me to get a good AOE skill or max out my new quirk into doing this.

I wasn't planning on doing this so early on but its time to not hold back. 

System. Open shop and find the most suitable skill for me to use to commit a genocide. 


The skill that will be useful to host has been detected!

Mana Bomb: 6,000 Points

The user is able to create a bomb through his mana and can launch to at another point.

Buy it and send me to instant dungeon. 

Its time to make a mob farm and become op. 

A/N: Pls comment and tell me what you think.

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