To Become Unstoppable

Chapter 18: Ch-18-Fiery Spirits! Kiri vs Todoroki!

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Midnight, seeing the readiness between the two, nodded, "Begin!"

Both kicked off the ground as Eiji ran and Todoroki slid with his ice. As they came close to each other, Eiji reeled his fist and Todoroki swung his arm!


A wave of ice blasted Eiji as it pushed him back from Todoroki. The icicles shattered, clashing against his body.


He sharpened his hand and sliced the ice. He jumped to the side and charged forward, stopping as a wave of fire hit him!

'Hot!' His body may be fire resistant, but it didn't mean can't feel the flames burning him. "you can't stop me!" He shouted, hardening his fist he punched the ground, shattering it.

Air exploded, pushing the flames away.

"Fine, then I'll freeze you," he said, freezing the entire floor of the arena.

Eiji looked down. Getting out of blast-proof he used the gap to break free from the ice. He closed the distance between them.

Todoroki was about to launch another wave of ice. "Not this time!" Eiji raised his leg and brought it down hard with a powerful axe kick.

-Bam! -Swish!

The kick was enough to shatter the ice that was forming and release an explosion of air which pushed Todoroki back a meter distance. It was minor compared to Deku's finger flick.

Eiji dashed and launched a left hook! He smashed against the wall of ice, shattering it, but he didn't stop! He charged after Eijiro swinging the latter could only move back summoning his ice to freeze Eijiro.

-Bam! "You can't freeze me!" He punched through another icicle.

-BAM! "You can't burn me!"

He shattered every wall of ice and ground floor that was sent his way. The constant pursuit had them moving everywhere in the battleground before Eiji closed the gap.

Seeing Eijiro, he reeled his fist back and swung as Eiji did the same.

-Swish! The air exploded, his fist hitting nothing.


Todoroki blasted him with his flames, not with enough force to send himself flying back, making the distance between the two.

He huffed, looking as the flames died down. Eiji walked through them as if nothing bothered him. "this is going to be tougher than I expected."

He grunted and touched the floor. Eiji felt an awful premonition and quickly grabbed his hair and covered himself.

Eiji was right as Shoto unleashed a massive blast of ice his way a third the size of what he used against Sero.

Todoroki didn't stop there though as then unleashed his flames wildly toward the ice!


The flames grew quickly, swallowing the ice. The rapid expiration caused it to explode. He huffed, expecting to have broken through his armour, but lo-and-behold, Eijiro got up huffing.

"That was huff hot." he felt the pain of the flames but it didn't show on his skin.

["What a marvellous display! Shoto uses both his ice and fire but still Eijiro's hardening is proving to be an unbreakable defence in the battle! But he still has to land a hit on Todoroki!"]

"I know!" He shouted to the Present Mic.


'He's right, Todoroki is faster than me. Eiji hummed before rolling his shoulders. He looked around at the destroyed ground. 'this should be enough.'

"Alright then! Get ready Todoroki because I'm gonna hit you with an uppercut! Then bash you like I did Bakugo!" Eiji grinned, slamming his fists together.

A loud "fuck you!" came from the stands.

["Eh! Eijiro revealed his next attack!?"]


"An uppercut, but he can't get close to him. Your kid is too confident in himself practically stupid, must run in the family," the same commentator from before taunted his parents.

Kushina said nothing, sending a death glare.

Rio only chuckles, "ma'am I want you to remember your words because you're the idiot."

"Pft his quirk can't blast Todoroki like that other boy. He's only good as a punching bag. If he lands an uppercut, then I'll leave this damn stadium."

"Deal, gentlemen?" Rio said to those around and they nodded as witnesses. Nobody liked the lady she brought the mood down.

In the 1A stands the class all gulped at his declaration.

"An uppercut?" Sero gave a nervous chuckle.

"It seems possible, but he can't get close enough to him," Midoriya said.

"He can do it," Mina said. The others turned to her. "If he says he'll land an uppercut, then he can." She gave a resolute smile.

In the hero stands Allmight is shocked at his bold claim and Endeavour too, but he wasn't there or the other heroes would see the frown on his face.

The heroes all commented, some playing it as a joke, others as manipulation, and some were curious about his plan.

Allmight gulped, his fist balled up. Seeing the fire in Eiji's eyes, he was sure he was going to do it!


"Ah, that's enough stretching for me, here I come Todoroki!" Eiji grinned and charged forward!

["Here we go!"]

'What's his plan!?' Todoroki was unsure, but he didn't care. As soon as Eiji got close, he launched a wave of ice toward him and used it to distance himself.

Everyone watched, waiting for the ice wasn't shattered. 'Huh?' everyone had the same look.

Eijiro vanished from the field! How everyone was looking again, nothing but ice!

Before anyone could question, the ground beneath Todoroki cracked.

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'What?' To slow Eiji burst through the first faster than he could react, his fist harden it smashed against Todoroki's chin!


He was sent flying up high. Eiji grabbed him by the leg and smashed him to the ground!


He did so four times before Todoroki hit him with a wall of ice. He let go and jumped back, his hair and hands dirty.

Eiji grinned proudly. The crowd screamed, soon erupting into cheers of surprise and awe, and a single lade left the stadium.


"Cough! Cough!" Todoroki spat a lot of blood. He held his chin as an audible click resounded. His body was hurting all over. And Eijiro was prime not entirely, but he used the time to power down and recover stamina.

["What a strategy he dug as the ice was blocking his view of Todoroki so he wouldn't see him digging, the entire ground had been shattered by his punches even before we got here. Did he plan that from the start!?"]

Todoroki stood up, albeit shakingly, but disoriented from the smashing. He grabbed his head, seeing some blood.

"I should've seen that coming. You won't get a second chance." He grunted, slamming his foot down as the ice picked up and his flames roared to life.

"Good, I can finally get serious," Eiji chuckled, ripping the top half of his tracksuit and putting it on as a bandana.

Eiji got down into a running start. Blast-proof and Flexi hardening, he grinned, looking at him.

"Jet. Set. Run!" He kicked off, breaking the ground beneath him.

A wave of ice shot forward. Eiji didn't stop. He punched his way through. 'He's gotten faster!' only slightly. Todoroki slid to the side with his ice, but Eiji was right behind him.

They clashed again, Eiji smashing through his ice. He took the blast of flames that followed and, being close enough, he went for a kick. Todoroki raised his arms to block Eiji's kick.

But he didn't stop as he launched a flurry of punches, shattering the ice. Landing some hits to his face, a left hook and a right one before the ice blasted him back.

Todoroki launched an even stronger wave, this time slamming into Eijiro.


With full force, cracking his armour, he was pushed back and had to harden his hair using it to stop him from being pushed out of bounds.

"Come on!" He smashed his fists, hardening the cracks, and charged again. Another blast of ice was coming he rolled out the way.

A wave of fire he grunted and ran through. Todoroki moved faster than Eijiro with his ice keeping the distance. He constantly blasted him with his fire.

"Aaah! Damn it!" Eiji punched the ground. The minor explosion of air pushed the flames back. He grunted and charged again.

The two went on having clashes, Eijiro catching up and able to strike Todoroki with kicks to the gut and punches, Todoroki using his flames to heat his body and using his ice able to keep distance and keep hitting Eijiro.

Eijiro took advantage of when he had to stop to cool down his ice and Todoroki used his speed to his advantage. The battle was continuous but Todoroki was getting tired of never having used his ice and fire together.

"Huff, hah," He wiped the sweat from his brows.

"Your getting tired Todoroki," Eiji said, standing across from him.

"It changes nothing. I'm still going to win!" He said, launching a blast of fire toward him.


Eiji punched the air, blowing it away. "I don't know about you, but I can do this all day." He laughed.

"But we have to finish it."

"I agree," he said, controlling his breath.

["It looks like both are ready to end this match. Who's going to stand out on top!? Are you watching because I am!"]

"Let's go!" Eiji charged ahead, 'right now all I can do is run!' "RAAAH!" He screamed, launching his fist.

Todoroki exhaled an icy breath. He swung his arm, Ice slamming against Eijiro! But he didn't stop there! The ice hit him hard. The force was gravity-defying as it launched him up in the air. It followed him, growing and spiralling.

Eiji grunted, tendrils of ice hitting him from behind. All around him it grew, blocking his view, smashing him further, to all who watched the structure resembled a flower with Eiji at the top. His armour cracked everywhere.

"Now I can let it all out," Todoroki said, his right side suffering from the ice backlash. His left side burst into flames as he thrust his hand up.

Eiji looking down was amazed and shocked, he wanted to win but his body was screaming at him, "he is strong, cough!" he chuckled, "ah it hurts to laugh."

Part of him knew his chances to win were small, but he put up a great fight, yeah...

'Fuck that!' He smashed his fists hardening his cracks as gravity pulled him down, 'go beyond!'

A massive ball of fire covered the ice, coming straight towards him. Todoroki shot all he had upwards so that no one would get hurt. The flame grew eating the Ice and was about to consume Eijiro.

At the same time down in 1A Stands.

"Holyshit!" Sero shouted, "How if Eijiro meant to beat that!?"

Mina looked as the flames devour the ice heading to Eiji. She wasn't sure why she got up but she did and took a deep breath, "EIJI PLUS ULTRAAA!!"


No one could see what was going on the size of the flame made Todoroki and Eijiro invisible.

"ORAAAAAH!" He roared, falling into the flames. He landed on the bits of ice that were evaporating and remained jumping on them to fall faster! He hardened his completely, making it almost impossible to move!

But something more even he couldn't spot was happening to his arm. Something grew inside his quirk that he was using at that moment. Something he would find out in the future.

Todoroki put all his strength into it. The fire became too hot. 'My limit!' he thought, looking up at a smiling Eijiro who came out of the flames with his fist swinging.


An enormous explosion followed and with a tremendous blast of wind, the flames spun into a tornado before turning to smoke. Stadium shook slightly from the force.

The same thoughts entered everyone's mind, 'what happened!? Who won!?'

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