To Become Unstoppable

Chapter 6: Ch-6-Debut! Heroes’ vs Villains Training!

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[Eijiro Household]

By the time Eijiro returned home a package was left at the doorsteps, this was the same X-Ray tablet from Recovery girl, it cost extra for same-day delivery but he was fine with it.

'So I can harden my muscles increasing my strength as well I'll need to learn that as soon as possible,' he grabbed the device and walked.

"Eiji how was UA did you meet All Might!? Did you make friends!?" His mother was the first to welcome him with a tight hug.

"Haha yeah mom I made friends but I didn't meet All might not yet," he smiled.

"That's great son anyway it's just the beginning." His father said patting him.

"Mn!" He nodded back with a shark line grin.

After some dinner he went to his room and unboxed the tablet he set it up so it could take pictures after a minute passed, he took off his top and hardened to his utmost limit.

After that he went back and saw the results himself, it the was same all over the exterior of his muscles and showed very small signs of hardening. Which meant if he could harden his muscles completely he'd have stepped into a new realm of strength.

'How strong would I be if I could do that?' The thought excited him, 'I need a way to better train my quirk control, specific areas I can do, my whole body I can do as well but now I have to go deeper.'

The night-day went on as he practised trying to come up with a working training method.


[UA Academy]

'Let's do this!' Eiji walked into the academy as serious as he could be but the classes were just as he expected boring and ordinary.

Despite the normal lessons he still gave it his all which was tough when one teacher tried to make things exciting but even then he cheered with Present Mike the only one in class.

'God I wanna die already,' he could feel the judgement from his classmates even when Bakugo stared daggers at him it didn't bother but when everyone did it struck his pride. It didn't help when Mina was doing a bad job at holding her laughter.

But that's school life.

"Meat is the best thing there is!" He held up a meatball and ate it.

"Vegetarians would disagree," Iida countered.

"Vegetarians need to wake up to reality."

They were currently eating the menus from the chef hero. But soon classes sped up and it was the very class everyone was hoping for as they all waited in their seats. The daily foundation heroics studies.


"Here I come through the door like a normal person!!" Allmight burst through the door, not like a normal person.

Everyone was excited even Kirishima considering his heroic outfit and the fact that Allmight was their teacher.

"Foundational heroic studies! Through this, we'll build your foundation through the various trials the first being the trial of battle!"

"But no hero can go into battle without their gear! That's why we've prepared the gear you've sent in as requests! Now Suit up! And meet me at grounds B!"

'Alright, my hero costume!' Eijiro grinned as he and the others moved to put on their gears, his costume did not hold that much change it supported a utility belt he called the red rescue belt.

"Everyone looks so cool!" He cheered for everyone in their hero costume.

"Your's also cool, and dangerous!" Denki smiled patting his shoulders, "what's the R&R for?"

Eijiro looked down and pressed the symbol, "It's a flashlight, in case we have to deal with rescuing people in the dark or using it as a beacon."

"I see," Iida nodded listening in.

Eiji observed everyone's costumes eventually landing on Midoriyas stifling a laugh. But he still supported him calling it cool.

"I'm glad you're all here! Hahaha as you can see we'll be using the mock city for the exams, this will be an indoor battle as that's where most villain acts are committed, for this, you will be separated into villain and hero groups this will be a two-on-two battle!"

Everyone listened intently asking questions about how the team will be split the choice through a lottery, how this training will function was simple villains hold a doomsday weapon and have to keep the heroes away long enough to win.

"Alright now to decide teams!" Allmight grinned pulling out teams and to Eiji's surprise, it was mostly the same. Deku and Bakugo's team we're going against each other.

Allmight took them to another location where they can watch the two teams go at it. The exchange between Bakugo and Midoriya was mostly the same.

"Although Bakugo has great control and talent he needs to get over this complex of him being so great," Eijiro added as the group watched and commented on the fight.

"Yeah he gives off an I'm gonna kill you vibe," Mina added.

It was the fight was reaching its climax Midoriya punched the air exploding the roof above and Ochako showed her batting skills pinning Iida long enough to jump over and win.

"Heroes WIIN!"

It was after the bots came to get Midoriya and the critique of their performance mostly everyone praising Iidas as he was the only one taking it seriously. But that's not what's important what is important is it was Eijiro and Sero going up against Tokoyami and Tsuyu.

"Yo Sero you and I are in the same team! Villain!"


They fist-pumped as they made their way to the top floor there they saw the doomsday device.

"Alright, you got a plan?" Sero asked.

"I do and there are a few steps," Eijiro said looking out the window and seeing Tsui and Tokoyami converse and familiarise themselves with the map.

"So here's my plan first, we move the boom, outside set up traps and a decoy bomb and take them out," he explained falling into a shark grin.

"Mn that sounds better than mine but how and where are we moving this thing?" he said pointing to the bomb.

Eijiro grinned walking to a walk carefully he hardened his hands into blades and swung down, left, up and right, he cut a square through the wall and carefully pulled it inside setting it aside.

"Alright I'm going to drag this down I want you to set tape traps on this and the floor beneath us," he smiled and with a hefty breath lifted the doomsday bomb.

Sero helped tape the bomb to his back so he could scale down easier.

"Urgh," he adjusted to the weight, focusing on his tinger he began scaling down. All the while inside the building Tsui and Tokoyami were making their way up the first floor as Sero was finishing the second floor.

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Eijiro landed down and cut the tape off quickly placing the bomb down on the bottom floor, "climbing should be easier," he smiled and hardened his two hands climbing up faster.

"I'm back!" He said arriving to see Sero just about finishing his setting up lines of tape. Excluding a corner.

"Cool now how do we set a fake bomb?" he asked as Eijiro put the square he cut out back into its place.

"Can you tape these crack up, and for the decoy just tape a corner up to make it seem we're hiding something behind it."

Eijiro talked and went about the plan while the rest of the class witnessed.

"I see although it wasn't mentioned we didn't have to keep the bomb on the top floor in face moving it down serves as buying time," Iida tilted his glasses.

"He also seems to be able to perform combat while Sero's tape is in the way, the good compatibility between the two will make it hard for Tsuyu and Tokoyami to adapt since they don't know what they're planning," Momo said her finger on her chin.

"Shut up guys it's about to begin!" Mina yelled as everyone watched the screen.

Tokoyami and Tsuyu arrived on the floor beneath the two villains, "I see the setup obstacles, stand back and let Dark shadow handle this," he said as from the darkness of his cloak a living shadow manifested.

"Dark shadow destroy the tapes."

"Yeah!" The shadow moved to slash at the tapes all the while both heroes advanced slowly.

"Finally I hear slashing sounds," Eiji grinned smelling his fists.

"You're doing this bro? Hehe good luck," Sero smiled and stepped back.


Eijiro went bulletproof and got into a state, with his shark-like grin he raised his fist and punched down!


"FEAR BECAUSE I AM HERE! TO KILL YOU!" He burst through the floor among the falling rocks were small grey balls he pulled out from his belt. The two heroes were surprised unable to take their eyes away.


The balls exploded in bright light, "My eyes!" Dark shadow screeched, and the two heroes were temporarily blind, as Eiji landed he kicked off the ground and charged toward Tokoyami reeling his fist back.

The dark shadow retreated because of the light allowing him to get close, he slammed his fist into his chest sending him flying back into a wall. Knocked out he fell with a heavy thud.

"DIIE! HERO!" He roared charging toward Tsuyu and did a sidekick, the girl recovering jumped to the wall avoiding it.

"I AM HERE TOO! MUAHAHA!" Sero jumped down immediately going for Tokoyami taping him up, he fired at Tsuyu but she jumped over going to kick him.


Eijiro blocked and pushed her off he followed with a jab, left and right before following with a leg sweep which he followed with a cartwheel kick.


She dodged the two and jumped avoiding the sweep but the cartwheel kick was a surprise that struck her.

She was pushed back into a wall before he could recover Kiri was already in her personal space he went for a punch but missed she gripped his arm and hoisted him over her shoulder.

Being experienced he landed on his feet, "let me," he smirked grabbing her shoulder with a small step back unbalanced her and quickly turned around, maintaining a strong grip he lowered his body and threw her over his shoulder.


The perfect Tai Otoshi or Body Drop as she slammed and bounced off against the ground, allowing Sero to bind her.


"Holy moly that was awesome you were like a martial arts expert!"

"Yeah I'm in training," Eijiro grinned as he got down cutting Tsuyu and Tokoyami free, it took a while but the latter regained his senses.

"So we lost," he held his head down.

"Yeah but it was training better to learn and fail than to succeed and learn nothing," Kiri smiled offering his hand, "and I didn't hold back."

"Heh, I'd be ashamed if you did," he gladly took his hand.

It wasn't long before they all went back to the rooms for their evaluation.

"Kirishima you were awesome! The way you came in you were playing yet part!" Mina cheered for him.

"True you even had a backup plan set if they got past you by moving the bomb and creating a decoy," Iida nodded with the others.

"That's very right a villain's plan can never be simply because they aren't moving the bomb, waiting time, stalling is all thing you would encounter in a real situation, you both have shown great promise and so have you two heroes it was right to be cautious and take it slow but being too cautious will waste time and drag things out," Allmight said his smiling every stong.

"Mn!" They all nodded accepting the feedback.

The rest of the day went on as planned heroes vs villains, with the surprise of Todoroki revealing his ice quirk. But Kiri was more occupied thinking about himself.

'Karate, and boxing is good but I need to learn something that can make me agile, I should ask dad if it's possible for capoeira lessons and maybe MuayTai? I could learn these and develop my fighting style.'

He put those thoughts to the back of his head as the day ended, like before he met up with Midoriya before walking home with Mina.

"Hey, are you ok? I saw your arm through the screen it looked really bad," he looked down at his cast.

"I'm fine hehe it's nothing really," he said.

"Mn alright if it's training you need then I can help, I have some ideas on how you can level up your quirk," Kiri offered he wanted to help since he knew he could.

"Eh really!?"

"Yeah but we'll have to train together, I need to get strong and your punches are just the thing I need." He grinned offering a fist bump which Midorya shyly accepted.

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