To Become Unstoppable

Chapter 8: Ch-8-Fighting and Stalling

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'Hehe, I'm in danger,' Eiji chuckled at his situation.


Eiji avoided a stab and moved in with a jab, leg sweep and a kick stomping the villain's face. He was quick about it, knocking the villain out.

Another appeared behind him. His two hands were metal drills, "DIE!" He screamed and stabbed Eiji's back!


The drill screeched, unable to get through his defence, "Ah fuck." The villain stepped back, its drill cracking. Eiji took the chance to get close, grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder.


He looked up around the burning building, seeing two more villains remain, one with a venus fly trap arms and face and the other had guns for fingers.

"What's with this kid!?" the gun guy said, stepping back and blasting his fingers.

The hit against his body doing nothing, '!' on instinct Eiji turned back punching the space behind him, his fist connected with something.

He charged, kneeing the invisible figure, and dived in, grabbing the villain and crushing him with a suplex!

"Nothing you guys can do will take me down!" He slammed his fist and charged at the other remaining the gun guy moved back, constantly shooting at him and the other also went in for close combat.


"Aizawa, we have a situation. One student, Eijiro, has been transported to an unknown location. We don't know what. to do we also have the teleporting black mist villain captured, but he refuses to answer." No 13 spoke to him through an earpiece.


Eraserhead kneed another villain in the face before flipping back and tangling another up, pulling him in and punching him in the face.

'I'm too busy dealing with these goons, and 13 cannot help search herself...'

"Uh, first evacuate the children. Keep Bakugo on the teleporter, and ah," he dodged fist and counted with a leg sweep before stomping the villain's face.

"Take care of them first, then come back and search for Eijiro," He grunted, facing off against more villains.

On the other side, the Midoriya and Mina who heard shook their heads, "no we can't leave him out there didn't you hear he's out there with villains running around killing him!"

"No 13, we can defend ourselves and go look for him. Please let us know. We can't stand back and watch this! Eijiro didn't he acted almost immediately and now he's out there and needs help!"



Eijiro crashed through a wall. He coughed. Getting up on the other side was a mutant villain with grey rocky skin and four arms.

"Urgh," he grunted and got up, spitting blood with a deep breath and slammed his fist going bulletproof. "Come on!"

He kicked off, charging at the man!


"Whether you allow it I'm going down there," Todoroki said and began walking away, "They came here with a plan and that guy," he pointed to black mist, "wanted to separate us and feed us to wolves, meaning any of the disaster areas are filled with villains waiting for us."

"I'm going with you!" Mina said as the others shared a contemplating look before nodding.

"T-this is crazy guys, but you're right," Mineta gulped, clenching his fists.

"..." No 13 was at a loss and contemplating, 'this goes against the teacher's conduct but we don't know how much time it'll take for backup to arrive.'

"Alright, I understand your reasoning, so listen carefully," 13 said, drawing everyone's attention.


"Hah huff," Eiji kneed outside the building huffing. He looked behind him, seeing the villain from before through a wall and unconscious.

With a deep breath, he got up and started moving. 'I think this is the zone of the ruins,' he looked around as the name suggested. He saw destroyed buildings around him. The fire in the one he was in died out.

"DIE!" A wild shout came from behind him. A green-scaled villain appeared with a metal bat. He swung it smashing him in the back of the head as a loud clang echoed the area, "finally he's what!?"

Eiji only bent down slightly from the force, "look at your bat," Eiji said pointing to the weapon, bent the other way.

"I'm not gonna act that didn't hurt because it did. If it was anyone else, they would've died or gotten hurt," he chuckled, blood spurting from his forehead, "hurt like a bitch."


Back in the central plaza, Aizawa was maintaining his fight but, 'with so many villains it had to plan.'

"Aah!" a villain screamed behind him as a wave of ice flowed, freezing half the villains in the area.

"Todoroki, you were told to evacuate!" he shouted.

"There's been a change of plans," he said as Rikido dashed beside him towards another villain. "Sugar rush!"

He shouted, bombarding them with his fists.

"We've split into groups and took the quick passages to the zones trying to find Eijiro." Todoroki said, looking ahead, "everyone is looking for him."

Aizawa huffed, kicking a nearby villain in the face before tying him up and throwing him into someone else. He was about to wind another villain when tape soared past him, doing the job for him.

"I'm here too," Sero said, binding the villains that Rikido was beating up.

On the other side of the plaza, Shigaraki was scratching himself. 'No, no no! This isn't how it's supposed to go! Black mist failed, but they're going to call for help so Allmight must be on his way.'

"Nomu, take care of them."

The brained monster screeched, drawing everyone's attention! It disappeared, repeating beside Rikido first.

"Huh?" He looked back, shocked, as Nomu slammed his fist against him, sending him flying back.

"Gah!" He coughed up blood, unable to move.

"Get back now!" Aizawa activated his quirk on him, but nothing changed as it appeared next to Sero, grabbing him and throwing him onto the staircase.

"Todoroki get back!" He said, trying to bind Nomu, but it already disappeared. Todoroki formed a wall of ice behind him as it appeared, punching it.

He slid back and launched a wave of ice towards Nomu. It caught the bird-brained monster making it howl, but it broke off the ice and regenerated its limbs.

It screeched, charging Todoroki faster than he could see and, like the others, sent flying into the staircase.

"Surprise~ This is the creation to destroy the symbol of peace, Nomu. If you're wondering why you can't erase his quirk, Eraserhead, it's because he's an artificial Lifeform with multiple quirks, the anti-symbol of peace."

'Artificial Lifeform!? This is bad. The kids are unconscious or in danger. I need to take him out immediately!' He dashed towards Shigaraki, only for Nomu to appear, grabbing his hand and twisting it.


He held in his scream and Nomu grabbed and threw him into the staircase.

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"They have captured black mist. The villains are being beaten by the next generation of heroes and no Allmight... maybe if we make the kids scream, will he arrive at Nomu break them?"

"Reee!" He screeched, dashing towards Sero who was the closest ready to pummel him in.

'N-no, please!' Sero closed his eyes. Aizawa got up to move but was too slow. Nomu's fist slammed against something exploding in the air around.


"... I'm alive?" Sero opened his eyes, seeing Eiji in front of him blocking the fist.

"Get moving, Sero!" Eiji shouted at him.

Nomu screeched, slamming its fist against Eijiro as the Shockwave snapped Sero out of it and started running back.


"Cough! I-Is that all you got?" Eijiro stumbled back but didn't fall. Cracks spread through his whole armour as a small trail of blood seeped out, and his mind and body went partially numb.

'What a heroic entrance,' Shigaraki said nothing, snapping his fingers until Nomu dashed close, reeling his fist back.

"Eijiro, get away from him!" Aizawa shouted.

"I don't think I can!" He shouted, dodging the punch and going for an uppercut, but Nomu barely reacted by going for another punch. Eiji barely dodged the hit with a back flip before Nomu's fist cracked into the ground floor.

'I can't take that many hits from them, maybe one or two more. Why isn't Allmight here!?' Eiji thought, avoiding Nomu's punches.

"Eijiro!" Midoriya yelled, jumping from the other side of the place. There stood Mina, Tsuyu and Mineta, who were frozen in fear, "get away from him! SMASH!"


His punch landed, unlike his leg. His arm didn't break, but Nomu didn't falter. It glanced to Midoriya, going to smash his face.

Eiji acted throwing him back and taking the brunt of the punch. The force sent him flying back a few feet.

-Boom! -Crack!

"Cough! Ah! Are you okay?" He huffed, pieces of his armour falling off. He was feeling light-headed. Nothing could be done, and he wasn't sure if he could take another punch. Why wasn't Allmight here?

It was then Aizawa got in front of them. "You two need to get back now."

"And another hero joins in because why not? Nomu, take your time with them. I want Allmight to come in knowing he was too late, to see their faces right before they die," Shigaraki commanded.


"It's coming towards us," Eiji said with a hoarse voice, his body shaking. 'It hurts,' he thought, looking for any signs of backup or Allmight, but nothing.

Eraserhead can't fight his arm is twisted and he can't erase his quirk, Midoriya's a sitting duck he's barely standing with one leg shattered.

It was at this moment Eiji stepped up, Todoroki was unconscious if they waited they were dead, he wanted to run but that isn't the way of a hero who protects!

'Harden, Harden the cracks and become harder, harden the muscles beneath and become stronger! If I can't become unbreakable yet, then I'll get as close as I can. If I can just take three or one more I can dodge, I can last long enough!'

He gave a shark-like smile, his body creaking, steeling, hardening, stopping the bleeding, his body rising to unbreakable heights. Forearms, thighs, chest, head and biceps were getting harder than ever before!

'I will be a chivalrous knight, a hero who protects!' He grabbed Aizawa by the scarf and Midoriya and threw them back a great distance.


"Ha!" He let out a battle cry and reeled his fist!

"Creaaaah!" Nomu, feeling the incoming attack, charged towards him, ready to crush!

-Boom! -Crack!

Their fists collided, exploding the surrounding air. 'One! My bones! I guess I'll harden them too!' He felt the snap of his bones under the pressure, but no pain because of his adrenaline.

"Creaaaah!" Nomu screeched and went for another swing, but Ejiro Limbowed beneath before getting back up and hitting it with a jab to the eyes. He slashed the eyes, blinding them.


'Just last long enough, dodge! Keep his attention on me, always,' He back stepped, avoiding the hit. It was punching wildly, so it allowed him to dodge with the capoeira he learned and counter with some jabs to its stomach, not sure if it did anything.

Just as he felt okay, he saw one eye focusing on him. Nomu screeched and threw his fist. Eiji was too slow to dodge. 'Bear it!' He grunted and countered with his own fist.

It was better to put some resistance than just take it all. Their fists collided again for the second time.

-BAM! -Crack!

There was no struggle. Eiji smashed into the stairs, his body burst with blood through the cracks and his arm was broken.

Eijiro stuttered small pieces of him falling off his body, and those who watched were feeling a pit of despair.

Eijiro was out of his hardened state, his body showing lines where his armour cracked and blood dripping down his body.

"Finish him," Shigaraki ordered. Nomu stood up, instantly reeling his fist back. It would be the third and final blow.

'Block!' He crossed his arms as the fist smashed into him, hardening with all the power he could in an instant. He felt a sudden weight shift and pain as he went further into the staircase.

-Boom! -Crack!

"Hah," Mina lost her breath and fell. Eijiro was too far deep to be seen. Aizawa had lost his calm demeanour, turning to the kids they were all in a state of shock.

"Now that it's finally over, take care of the rest," Shigaraki spoke and Nomu moved its direction towards Aizawa.

Inside the crater Eijiro was stuck in a wall he could barely feel with constant pain radiating across his body, 'I-I couldn't even take 10,' he could only take five hits from the monster and he was sure it wasn't using all its power.

But he did it. He bought time enough time, right? Eijiro thought he could stop. He looked out through the hole he was in. He could see Mina and the others while they couldn't see them.

The look of despair on their faces, Eijiro never wanted to see that, but he believed Allmight would arrive anytime now. He was tired, he can close his eyes right?

'Mina... no I'm not done yet,' he grunted and willed himself out of the wall, 'if I can't walk I'll crawl,' he limped himself out the hole, he couldn't hear but audible gasps were coming from everyone.

"Oi, you're leaving? Who decided that?" he coughed, blood glaring at Shigaraki. "You thought I was done, haha. Who decided that?"

Until Allmight arrived, he had to keep their attention on him. He wanted to scream but held it in. He willed himself to stand.

He looked seeing Mina with a shaken face, Todoroki showing a similar appearance. From his view, he spotted Mineta and Tsuyu with the same fear in their eyes.

"Is that all you got?" He grunted, raising his one fist and hardening again. It was a bluff he couldn't go any further. But if he had to, he will.

'This guy is pissing me off,' his fingers twitched before scratching his neck, "Nomu! Kill-"


The gate burst open, revealing the number one hero in all his furious rage. In a second, he blitzed any Villain he saw arriving at Eijiro. "Young Eijiro, you can rest now."

His words made him pass out gently. Allmight placed him down gently. "It's alright because I AM HERE!"

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