To Burn a Kingdom

Chapter 15: 15. Bloodstains

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I suffer a splintering headache and nausea as I come to. Telltale symptoms of a concussion. Everything aches. I wish I could say that this is a new sensation. Water trickles somewhere nearby. I smell the dampness, the mould and the rot; everything is unpleasant. I know I am in the dungeons.

I hear sounds of feet shuffling and murmur of voices. My forearms ache from something sharp digging into my skin. I realise I am sitting in a hard chair; rope binds my wrists to the small of my back. The splintered corner of the wood digs into my skin. I feel groggy as I peel apart my eyes and blink hard.

A small wooden table sits in front of me, stained with old blood and scratches. Several steel tools are scattered on top. My blood runs cold. An insidiously handsome man with high cheekbones and bronze skin sits at the other end of the table. He looks interminably bored.

Behind him stands three of his loyal imperial dogs, their armour shiny and flamboyant, made for showing off. They are bullies, brutes trained only for minor squabbles and intimidation. I wonder how well they will do in a war. I'm betting they would shit themselves at the sight of carnage. I try to laugh but it is hard with all the blood in my mouth.

Nauseating fear turns my belly into knots as a huge nightmare of a man stalks from behind me into my field of vision. He is the biggest man I have ever seen. At least two heads taller than Ghukar, his skin tone is deep and dark, free of blemishes and scars, and a permanent scowl is etched across his face. He adjusts the tools in front of me with utmost tenderness and care, ensuring they sit prettily before he tortures me to death with them.

"The dog wakes," Vasilis says in a low voice. "You scared me. I thought my guards went too far and you had died. I am glad you are stronger than that," He leans forward, chin resting on his hand. His smile makes my stomach churn. I watch the beast of a man like a hawk as he takes a leisurely stroll to a dark corner and out of my field of vision. There's hardly any light in this room but I notice a sconce at a wall beside the metal door that sits directly behind the prince. My only way out. By the direction of our shadows, there is a sconce behind me. It lights up Vasilis' flawless face. So, this place is to be my coffin.

There is no doubt that this wicked creature in front of me is Arellia's brother. Not only are they both astonishingly beautiful, but their features are also remarkably similar. However, there is something amiss about Vasilis, an unsettling air surrounds him, like a lion in sheep's clothing. The longer I stare at this man and his smirking smile, the more I want to shove a sword into his mouth.

This coup was orchestrated by the crown prince himself, I am sure. Using me as a scapegoat so that he can be crowned king. How convenient that the man who was knighted and promised to the crown princess turned out to be a Khronish traitor. But why? Why would a peaceful nation want to go to war with Khronir? Especially when their military far exceeds Illya? Illya may have imperial guards and an army, but they do not have half the numbers Khronir does. My brain is not made for politics. But, one thing is certain, I will not survive this.

"Did you bite off your tongue, peasant?" Vasilis picks up a small steel tool and fiddles with it, unbothered by the sharp edge. I don't answer him just yet. What is the point? I will die here anyway. But, before I die, perhaps I can get some answers.

"You are here because you have committed treason against a kingdom that has welcomed you with open arms," Vasilis wags his finger and the loyal dogs by the door leave without a sound. The metal door screeches as it closes. I open my mouth to speak, but I feel tongue-tied. Like there is cotton in my mouth.

"Get this beast some water, Ghan," I hear shuffling in the corner and when the monstrous man come back into my field of vision, a shiver travels down my spine. Then, he pulls my head back with such a force, my chair almost topples over. Roughly, he shoves a goblet against my lips and the cool water rushes down my throat. The liquid mixes with the blood in my mouth. I choke and lurch forward, coughing.

"Let me begin by telling you that I am a benevolent leader," Vasilis leans back comfortably against his chair, eyes fixed on me. I spit mucous at his feet, clearing my throat. Vasilis doesn't flinch nor does he react.

He merely continues, "For your act of treason, every person in this kingdom would love nothing more than to see you gutted and hanged, but I will make a bargain with you," He taps a finger on the table and smiles sweetly.

"There is nothing you can give me," I say, stretching my neck. He frowns animatedly and tilts his head.

"Oh, but there is." He says. I raise a brow, bored of this game he is playing.

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"Listen, prince," I drag the word out to anger him. "There is nothing I want, so just-"

"Dillon Azshker," He interrupts softly, without breaking eye contact. "Born on the remote mountains of Yrigtzé, northwest of Khronir. You had a mother, a father and a younger brother. Your mother tended sheep while your father worked as a blacksmith. You also had a lover, her name was Ifrie-"

"ENOUGH!" I bellow, my breathing shaky and uneven. My heart thumps wildly as I squeeze my eyes shut, memories come crashing into me like waves. I see their faces and hear their voices. I remember that day.

"Ah, the expression of the guilty." Vasilis chuckles softly. I breathe hard, anger rising in me uncontrollably. How could he possibly know of my small village? Of my family… And Ifrie.

"Would you like to know where I got my hands on this information? It was not cheap. I can tell you in detail if you wish, what happened on that dreaded day. The day your life changed."

I glare at him, I see a glint of amusement in his eyes. My life is but a game to him. Pieces on a board for him to control and manipulate to get what he desires. There's only one Angeldamned soul who knows the names of the people in my village and what happened that day, and that person is long dead. I made sure of it.

"What do you want?" I grimace. Vasilis' face stretches into a wide, sinister grin and he knows he's got me.

"Excellent choice!" Vasilis hops out of his chair in childish delight and skips over to my right. His soft, unscarred fingers pick gently at the lint and dirt on my suit.

"Well, you see, I have been searching for a very rare and valuable item. I am, somewhat, a collector."

"Why not just buy it, prince? Or are you not as rich as you pretend to be?" I scoff. Vasilis only smiles.

"There is no one more wealthy than I," He brings his face close, I can feel his breath at my ear and I flinch in disgust. "But, it is not something that money can buy. I have acquired the item, of course, but now it is information that I seek."

"My liege," I say, sarcastically. "I doubt I will have the information that you seek. So, just kill me already and be done with it."

"I have a very reliable source that confirmed you do know," He straightens suddenly and motions to the beast, Ghan, and taps the table. A dirty pouch is dropped in front of me, the noise is sharp and loud against the table, indicating that the object inside is heavy. My stomach turns. I realise what it is. Vasilis' eyes light up as he sees my expression.

"Wonderful!" He laughs in delight. Ghan loosens the leather strap of the pouch and pours out its contents. I hold my breath, willing my heart to calm. With a thump, the bloodred gem falls onto the table. The light of the sconce behind me shines into it, reflecting dim rays of red onto the table.

"Who is your reliable source?" I grit out the words, but I already know the answer. Vasilis smiles and rolls the gem between his long, slim fingers.

I squeeze my eyes shut. I remember his awkward compliments, unsightly smiles and uncomfortable affection. Handing me endless glasses of wine and strange pats on my back and side. That must be when he slipped the empty vial of poison into my pocket. I remember his orders to scout the shrine and the five men who were sacrificed for his selfish schemes. I wish it wasn't true, but I know better.

The man who betrayed me is the same man that took me in nine years ago when I had lost everything.


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