To Continue Living

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Finally

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He needs to be discreet, believable. To catch them when they least expect it.

So, Leon waited another two weeks.

Leaves have started falling, drowning the ground in an ocean of warm colors. It hasn't yet gotten dry and crispy, still keeping its vibrancy and vitality.

It was absolutely hideous.

At least, that's what Leon thought.

There was nothing beautiful in this world.

Not anymore.

But that's not what's important right now.

Though the fairy had grown to trust him in someway. Leon still couldn't seem to find a way to get the fairy to go on a date with him. Specifically to get her alone with him.

Which makes sense, she's not into him.

But still, he has goals to complete.

"Rey," Leon called from the very same spot he sat in everyday.

"Hmm," Rey replied as he swept around the cottage.

"I need a date,"

Rey snickered, "I thought you didn't want my help,"

"He he, well, y'know . . ."

Rey sighed, "What are you planning?"

Leon quickly stood up with the proudest smile and dramatically wrapped an arm around Rey, "So, listen to this. Tonight, when the moon is high-"

"-I don't think so. It's cold now,"

". . . Right. How 'bout this, tomorrow morning, right at dawn-"

"-You think you can wake up?"

". . . Then tomorrow afternoon-"

"-We have lunch,"


". . . ." Rey sighed, "So, tomorrow at lunch,"

Leon grinned.

He glamorized his plan, made it as romantic as possible.

Of course, only with the help of the protagonist.

Everything will be great.

It will be perfect.

All he had to do was wait.

He did his normal passes at the fairy.

Lazed around all day.

Ate when needed.

And poked fun at Rey every so often.

There was nothing amiss.

Other than the fact that today felt slower than any other day. Every other day was already slow enough, why couldn't this one day just be a bit faster? This world truly hates him.

No matter, it'll pass.

And like everyday, the sun went down and the moon rose high.

Leon laid quietly in bed, unable to sleep. So, he stared silently at Rey's sleeping profile.

It wasn't the first time they have shared a bed, but it was the first time they have shared a bed for this long. It was uncomfortable. This bed was narrow. They were shoulder to shoulder. But it was the only space that the fairy had for them.

Leon was only thinking of this now, because he thought he should at least try to remember the face of the main character so he can draw it back at home and remember that nothing could be as bad transmigrating into another world.

It would be his reminder, his inspiration when things get too hard.

He can even throw darts at it too.

Not only that, but this will also be his last time to watch over the protagonist.

Kind of.

Back then, right after Rey had come to terms that his one true love was really gone, they were constantly on the run. They would take turns throughout the night to keep watch. Luckily, though very few times, they had their beauty sleep in some sort of cave.

But other than that, it was an exhausting cycle of run, fight, and hide. There were many sleepless nights and barely anytime to eat.

Leon can't even remember how he survived. All that went through his head at the time was that he wanted this to end. It was so tiring. He wasn't raised for this!

He's an art student, not an athlete!

He was constantly acting out whatever the system demanded. From what he should do to how he should act and what he should say. Even down to where he should step and how he should swing his sword.

As much as it was helpful, it was also exhausting and irritating.

There is no way one wrong step could cause the end of the protagonist!

Addition to that, 'Leon' was such a positive person throughout the entire thing. Smiling and goofing around like he had endless amount of energy. Somehow, he even managed to be a therapist at the same time, listening to the protagonist and trying to work things out.

It was so tiring.

But soon, that will end.

He won't ever have to see the protagonist ever again.

This protagonist, who was someone he used to like, but not anymore.

There's a difference between liking a character to actually liking them as a person.

A character is fake, make-believe. They can be as horrible as they want and people will still like them.

But a person.

A person who you can actually interact with?

A person like the protagonist?

Absolutely revolting.

Who can have a numerous amount of women by just doing nothing?

Who tortures and kills, but is still considered kind?

Who continuously hits their best and only friend when they're down?

The list goes on, but this is why Leon can only ever see Rey as just a protagonist. Just a character, because no real person would actually do those things. And if such a person exist, well, obviously, they must not be a person but a monster.

Not just that but the protagonist is short-tempered, self-centered, arrogant, and impulsive. Traits that literally exist in an unpleasant person.

If anything, the protagonist should be in jail with a lifetime sentence or even death by now.

Suddenly, Rey opened his eyes, making Leon jump.

"What is it?" Rey asked.

"Eheh," Leon chuckled.

He must have lost control of his emotions for just a bit.

"Just jealous,"

"Stop thinking useless thoughts and go to sleep,"

Leon turned his head to look at the ceiling, "You think she'll be there?"

Rey sighed, "Yes,"


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"Go to sleep,"

"You remember what to do, right?"

Rey groaned, "Leon, we went over this ten million times today, there's no way I can forget even if I wanted to,"

"I just want this to be perfect,"

Rey turned his back towards Leon, hoping this will end the conversation.

And he was right.

Leon slowly closed his eyes and it didn't take long before he was off into wonderland.

---time skip---

By the time Leon woke up, the sun was high in the sky.

It was finally time.

As he slowly sat up, he could hear the protagonist and the fairy doing their daily chores. And as they did everyday, they left breakfast at the table for Leon.

He went to eat.

And like always, the food was bland.

He was sure it tasted good by how content the protagonist looked. But Leon just can't seem to find the tasty part. It's like his taste buds all of a sudden disappeared.

Maybe it was a sign that he was finally leaving soon?! And he guessed that his sense of taste was just the first to go.

After eating, he got freshened up for the day.

Today was a big day. He has to look his best. Be his best.

He peeked out the window and searched for Rey. Once Leon found him, he flicked a small pebble towards him. Rey caught it with his hands and turned around to frown at Leon. Leon grinned and gave him a thumbs up, signaling that he was ready. Rey could only roll his eyes and go after Fay to start Leon's magnificent plan.

It went like this.

The protagonist would ask the fairy to meet him in the open field. And along the way, as she walks through the forest, she will meet Leon. It'll be like a coincidence. Leon just happen to be going on a walk and stopped to admire the scenery.

During this time, the protagonist would set the scene. Create a slight breeze, a beautiful fall of leaves, and light an aroma of appealing scents. Then, he would go on his way to the open field waiting for the fairy to arrive.

It'll feel calm, innocent, and romantic.

They won't even know what hit them.

And so, here Leon was, surrounded by colorful trees with rays of sunlight peeking through the leaves.

How hideous.

Then, he heard the sound of rustle in the leaves.

The fairy must have arrived.

He slowly turned around and met the fairy's eyes.

She was surprised.

"I almost didn't recognize you," she stated.

Leon smiled brightly.

He knew what she meant.

As long as Leon wasn't standing next to the protagonist, he was considered as a handsome man. As a human, he was tall in height and his stature was admirable. He also had the brightest smile and was constantly blinding people's eyes. His blond hair and blue eyes only elevated that.

"Only seeing my good looks now?"

The fairy sighed, "What are you doing here?"

Leon smiled and turned back to look at the colorful trees, "I thought I should take walk, but then I came across this beautiful scene. I was just admiring it," he turned back to look at the fairy, "And you?"

". . . I'm meeting Rey,"

With a hurt look, Leon gave sad smile, "Oh,"

Seeing his pitiful state, the fairy felt a little guilty, "I guess . . . I could stay for just a few minutes, but nothing more,"

Leon beamed and took a step towards her, but she took a step back.

"I said nothing more,"

"Right," Leon smiled and went back to look at the hideous scenery.

As planned, a slight breeze rustled the leaves into falling. And along with it came a fresh scent that filled the air.

It was a subtle change, one wouldn't even realize it. Especially because it was the protagonist who did it.

Now, Leon just had to wait a few more minutes until Rey was out of here.

As they enjoyed the silence, the fairy observed Leon.

She didn't know that Leon could look like this. His hair was usually a mess, his clothes disheveled, and he was usually slouching.

This Leon looked at peace, calm. It was a lot better than his goofy grin and exaggerated expressions. The sun rays made Leon's hair glow gold and his eyes seemed to sparkle. His posture was fixed, as if he never slouched to begin with. And he seemed more confident than he ever was before. Overall, he was refreshing to look at.

If she had to describe him, he reminded her of the sun.

She wondered if this was the original Leon. If this was the Leon that Rey was trying to bring back.

Suddenly, Leon turned his head to look at her.

"See something you like?"

"No," she scoffed, "but you do look better this way,"

Leon tilted his head, "But I look like this all the time?"

Fay shook her head and made her way towards him, "No, you were more . . . less,"

Leon laughed, "Well, that's mean,"

"Rey is waiting for me, I'm going to start heading there now,"

As the fairy walked pass Leon, Leon swiftly grabbed the fairy's wrist and turned her around.

She was met with an expressionless Leon.

Gone was the brightness in Leon's eyes. Gone was the gold in his hair. And gone was his smile.

"Del Amira,"

The fairy was perplexed at first, but then quickly understood what was going to happen next.

She tried to get out of Leon's grip, but it was futile. She didn't know that Leon was actually pretty strong. But maybe that was the point. The reason why he was always slouching, always meek, and always letting Rey have his way with him.

"Let go of me-"

"-Shh," Leon shushed as he quickly and easily dislocated her jaw.

She was afraid.


And for the first time since she's met them, she fluttered her wings, trying to fly away. But Leon ended that too by harshly pinning her to the ground. She can feel pebbles scrapping across her back as she tried to fight back.

"Grant my wish,"

She reached for the little golden sphere in her pocket.


And Leon broke her wrists.

She cried, but glared at him with tears in her eyes.

Leon showed no remorse whatsoever and continued to hold her down.

"Del Amira," Leon said once more, "I wish to go home, back to my world, back to where I belong,"


Author's Note: I'm going on vacation! See you in two weeks! >_<

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