To Continue Living

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Please, I Beg of You

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"I'll kill you,"

"I'll kill you,"

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you-"

Leon chanted over and over again, a crazed smile on his lips.

If it wasn't for the fact that his exhaustion has finally caught up and that Rey was holding him back, the fairy would have already been long dead.




The punch to the face seemed to work. Now, Leon was just laying on the ground, quiet and frozen. He stared up into the sky. It was cloudy and gray. A snowflake slowly made its way down and melted on his nose.

Winter has come.

It has finally hit eleven years now.

Eleven years since he's been in this world.

It was summer in this world when Leon had arrived. But in his original world, it was winter. So, he based every winter as a year for how long he's been in this world. It made telling time easier so he wouldn't be confused.

But mainly, it worked as a reminder. A reminder that it was winter break, that he only had one more semester left before he graduated, and that he was on his way home to see his family.

Winter was his reminder.

His savior.

And now winter has come.

But he was still here in this world, unable to escape.

As Leon was lost in thought, Rey towered over him and grabbed him by the collar, "Talk, Leon. Just tell me what happened,"

This seemed to break Leon out of his turmoil and into a laughing fit.

"To shut up or to talk!" Leon cackled, "Which do you want?"

Rey yanked his collar, "I'm being serious!"

Leon laughed even harder, breaking into tears with his feet kicking under him and almost lost for breath.

This protagonist was ridiculous!

After all this time, with everything that happened, he still wanted to know!

His best friend literally just used him, broke his trust, and tried to kill him!

A smart person would've just ended the friendship right then and there, no explanation needed! Or in this case, in this make-believe world, just kill the best friend! End the problem! Quick as that!

But this protagonist still wanted to know!

Still wanted to believe!

It was absolutely . . .





Leon shoved the protagonist off of him and staggered to his feet.

"You win," he gave the protagonist a blank look, "I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything,"

The protagonist and fairy listened closely, their guard still up in case Leon did anything unexpected.

"You're not real," he stated, "none of you are, no one in this world is real,"

Fay raised her arm, ready to attack Leon, but Rey stopped her. In his hand, he held Everlasting Light. He only held it at his side, waiting for Leon to continue. He'll decide what to do afterward.

"Elaborate," Rey demanded, unbelievingly.

"This is a book. It's all a book," Then he pointed at Rey, "You're the protagonist. The hero of this world, the one gifted with everything!"

Rey glowered. It was nonsense. If he was truly gifted with everything, he wouldn't have gone through all these trials and hardships. He wouldn't have lost Evelyn. He wouldn't even be here trying to work things out with Leon.

The sword in his hand shook slightly, but that small detail caught Leon's eyes.

He brightened.

"You don't believe me?" Leon taunted, "Emilia? How do you think I know about Emilia?!"

Rey furrowed his eyebrows.

"How do you think I know about fairies?!"

Rey clenched his fist.

"And don't even get me started on Evelyn,"

Rey swung his sword, but it only hit Leon with a gush of wind.

"Don't you want to know?" Leon smirked and took a step towards the protagonist, "Evelyn's last words? I know them,"

Rey's eyes glowed red.

"I wasn't there, physically," Leon laughed, "But I know how she died. In fact, I already knew she was going to die, where she was going to die, and exactly when she was going to die!"


Rey's sword was a centimeter away from stabbing Leon's throat.

"I knew it all," Leon laughed with crazed eyes, "I could have saved her! I could have saved you! I could have saved many people, but I didn't,"

Leon leaned forward, the sword nicking his throat and making him bleed.

He glared at Rey with fierce eyes, "You're not my friend. You never were. I was just using you to get what I want,"

Rey gritted his teeth.

Everlasting Light trembled under his hold.

He slowly raised it.

Then, with a violent swing, his sword flew.

Leon had kept his eyes open the entire time, waiting, hoping that maybe Rey would finally go through with killing him.

But the protagonist had let him down once more.

Everlasting Light landed at a faraway tree, stabbing into its roots.

If Leon could no longer have his wish granted, he should at least be gifted with death.

The protagonist won't kill him nor would he let anything or anyone else kill him. He can't even kill himself.

Why was death so hard to attain?

"I hate you," Leon mumbled, "I hate you so much,"


Leon faltered a few steps back but didn't fall this time.

Rey sucked in a shaky breath, "You still didn't tell me why,"

Leon scoffed.

Stupid protagonist.

This stupid protagonist!

This f*cking stupid protagonist!

"Read between the lines!" Leon snapped, "This is a book! If this is a book, what do you think that makes me?! I'm the reader! I don't belong here! This isn't my world! This isn't even my real body!"

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His voice echoed throughout the destroyed forest.

"Leon isn't even my name! He isn't even a real person! Do you think a person can go through their entire life smiling?! Do you think a person would willingly devote their loyalty to someone like you?! Someone who hits even their best friend?! Someone who doesn't even have to try to get what they want?! Have you never found it weird that you were blessed with all good things?! Tell me Rey! Do you truly think that everything happened because you made it so?!"

Leon huffed, taking in a few short breaths.

Rey stood silent. His red eyes have dimmed. His expression unknown.

Snow began to fall heavily, covering everything in a sheet of white.

It reminded Rey of when he lost Evelyn. And as much as he hated what came out of Leon's mouth, of what Leon did, he still didn't want to lose his best friend too.

"Then why are you here?" Rey muttered, "Why were you here for ten years?"

Lean snorted, unbelievable.

"Don't you see? I was dropped here, in this damn body! I was forced to act as Leon for ten years! I did everything so I can go home!"

His voice slightly trembled, "And look where that got me. Now, I'm stuck. I'm stuck in this world. It lied to me, it left me behind. There was no grand prize, no award, all my hard work turned to nothing,"

He scratched at his chest, a painful ache filling inside, "The fairy was my chance to go home and you ruined it. And now I've been cursed, how can I . . . how . . . I can't . . . I . . ."

It hurts.

His breath quickened, "This world . . . This world-"

It hurts.

His nails ruthlessly dug into his skin as if he was trying to dig his way out of this body.

It hurts.

His body trembled and small tears began to fall from his eyes.

He hates it.

Not long after, he fell to his knees, wheezing, trying to catch his breath.

The pain just doesn't seem to stop.

Rey took a step close, "Leo-"

"Don't call me that!" he shouted, "It's not me! It's not my name!"

Rey stopped in his tracks and solemnly gazed at his friend, "Then what is it? Tell me your name,"

Leon opened his mouth to reply, but there was nothing. He laughed at his own pitiful self.

". . . I can't," his voice quivered, "I don't remember,"

He raised his head, a small smile graced his face as big tears rained down, "It's taking everything,"

Rey frowned.

He hated this.

He hated seeing Leon like this.

"This world is taking everything," Leon cried, "I can barely remember my family, my friends? What did I like? What did I do? How did I live?"

Rey pursed his lips.

What was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to help? His friend was crying and he didn't know what to do. Again.

Leon clutched his chest, the pain too much to bear, "It's going to take everything from me. So please, Rey. I beg of you. Please, please. Please kill me while I still have a piece of me left. Please,"

Rey walked towards him and kneeled down.

And this time, he wrapped his arms around his friend. No punches. No slaps. No yells. He just held him tightly, trying to keep him together.

And Leon cried.

He kept crying.

The tears never seemed to stop.

He would beg for death.

Beg to go home.

Beg to be free.

Sometimes he yelled at the fairy.

Many times he spat curses at the protagonist.

And Rey just held him. Quietly and tightly, not knowing what else to do.

And eventually, Leon passed out.

"Three days," Fay said, "I'll give you three days before you have to leave,"

Rey nodded, "Thank you,"

It was kind of Fay. One would usually kick out their guests immediately if something like this happened. Especially if your guest tried to kill you, but Fay still had room in her heart to give.

They made their way back to the cottage, soaking wet and exhausted. After taking a warm bath and filling their hungry stomachs, Fay had healed their wounds. Mostly Rey's wounds. She didn't trust Leon enough to heal his, but she did rub herbs on his wounds and wrapped him up in bandages.

It was almost scary to see Leon's wounds.

She thought that Leon was just as strong as Rey seeing how their fight was horrific, but she must've thought wrong. He held more injuries than Rey ever did.

Not counting his burns, his face was all bruised up. He was even carrying a mild concussion. His leg was fractured in three different areas and there were even four holes in his body where he was bleeding from.

It's almost funny.

Because when she first picked up Leon, Leon had similar symptoms. Rey must have a habit of hitting him in certain areas.

Fay wondered exactly how Leon was fighting this entire time, but then again, she knew Leon wasn't right in his head. So, she guesses that Leon just wasn't fighting at his best. Or maybe he just forgot about the pain. She never did see him flinch in pain. Maybe he doesn't even feel it anymore.

"He's strong for a human," Fay stated.

Rey nodded.

"It's dangerous for humans to be this strong. They're selfish and greedy,"

"Demons are also selfish and greedy,"

Fay sighed, "It's different though. Demons were born like that, it's in their nature, they can't help it even if they wanted to. But at least humans get to choose,"

Fay stood up and stretched, "Which continent are you from?"


"That makes sense now," she turned towards Rey, "If I'm correct, the main races there are humans, elves, dwarves, and demons. They are known for their high dislike of demons. But here, here in the Terole continent, it is the humans we don't like. I suggest you keep your friend hidden if you still want to save him,"

Rey nodded and glanced at the sleeping Leon, "Thank you,"

That night, Leon slept peacefully.

Or as peacefully as he can. He still tossed and turned, but that was about it.

Then sometime in the middle of the night, he woke up.

He searched around the room.

And soon, he realized that he was still a part of this world.

He screamed.

He yelled.

He choked on tears.

He kicked his legs, banged his head, and scratched at his chest, trying to dig himself out.

And Rey held him down, trying to keep him still. Eventually, Leon had stopped fighting and calmed down.

"Please kill me," Leon begged in a whisper, "Please. There's nothing to live for in this world,"

Rey caressed Leon's head, "We'll find one. Your reason to continue living, we'll find it,"

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