To Continue Living

Chapter 3: Chapter 03: A Moment of Realization

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He liked to think he was smart.

Which was why he didn't immediately transport to The Lost.

Because he knew the protagonist was smart too.

He's the protagonist, what do you expect? He has helped all sorts of people in all sorts of situations. What makes the best friend any different?

The protagonist also has incredible luck. He won't ever be stuck between a rock and a hard place, there would always be some sort of hope that helps him push through. Whether or not that was a person, an artifact, a monster. There was always something that helped the protagonist.

He was the protagonist for a reason.

If you're thinking why Leon doesn't just go to The Lost directly and immediately off himself into the abyss. It would be because he already knows that the protagonist will be waiting for him there.

By this time, the protagonist will already realize that he's missing a transportation device. For safety measures, he will head to The Lost and guard it. Ever since his fall and lost of his one true love, he had promised himself to never lose another person. His best friend of ten years is obviously a person he doesn't plan lose.

So, instead of transporting directly to The Lost, Leon had transported two villages away from it. Two villages, because he was sure the protagonist would find him in the first one. He has known the protagonist for ten years, and apparently the author of The Fallen Hero's Rise likes to make his protagonist move in either ones or thirds.

If he was thinking this right, on the first day, the protagonist will wait for him at The Lost. Which was today.

By the third day, the protagonist will head to the closest village trying to find his whereabouts. If unable to find his whereabouts, he will head back to The Lost and wait for another three days.

So, during those three days that the protagonist is waiting at The Lost, Leon will start his journey directly towards The Lost, skipping the first village completely. By the forth day, the protagonist will be back in the first village and Leon will be at The Lost.

So yes, he liked to think that he was smart.

Unbeknownst to him though, the protagonist has been waiting at The Lost the entire time.


From the moment Rey checked his bag full of treasure, he instantly realized that he was missing a transportation device. He didn't have many to begin with. He only had three left, now two since one was missing.

His mind immediately went to the hunt for wild beasts.

He must have dropped it somewhere along the way.

He sighed, it was fine. It would be difficult, but he could always buy more.

And just as he was going to activate his transportation device, he hesitated.

He turned around to look at the small village that Leon resided in.

He didn't want to speculate.

Leon was his best friend. He trusted him. He's known him for ten years. If something was troubling him, he would definitely ask for help.

Thinking this, he went to activate his transportation device.

But once again stopped.

He took another glance back at the village.

Leon was fine. He said he was fine.

Then what was it that was making him feel so anxious. It's been a while since he's felt like this.

Rey stared at his transportation device. He only had two left.

"Young man, what seems to be troubling you?"

Turning around, he was met with a short old lady.

He was startled.

To not even recognize another presence, he must have really been troubled.

Contemplating on whether or not he should confide in this old lady, the old lady had already chosen to speak.

"If you can't bare to leave the village, then just don't go. We always need young men like you to help farm the land,"

". . . No, it isn't the village,"

The old lady laughed, "If it isn't the village, then you only have two choices. Either take the person with you or leave them behind. Didn't know one of our ladies had struct an eye of someone so handsome, ha ha ha,"

Seeing that Rey still hasn't moved out of her way, the old lady walked around him, continuing her path towards the village.

Rey stared silently at his transportation device before deciding to speak up, ". . . ma'am,"

The old lady continued to walk, but she had acknowledged his call.

"I have a bright friend, but recently I saw him do something unthinkable . . . . but I could also be mistaken, I want to believe his words,"

The old lady groaned. There wasn't enough information for anyone to actually help. And she had just wanted to get home soon, so she answered him with exactly what went through her mind, "Well I don't know! Do you trust your eyes or do you trust your ears?"

Hearing this, his mind went directly to the sight of that day on the cliffside.

It was an unbearable sight.

A memory he wished he could forget.

He was passing by another village when he had heard that someone was causing mayhem at the cliff of The Lost for many months. So, he went to go check it out. He was expecting a monster, a demon, or maybe even a cult.

But he was definitely not expecting his friend.

It had only been a couple months since he had parted with Leon.

He thought it would take at least two or three years before they met again. Yet, here he was on the cliff of The Lost.

Rey was frozen stiff at the sight.

His friend, who always had a smile on his face, was crying.

The cliff was filled with holes and cracks, some areas continuously burning and others struct with lightning. He was uncontrollably dispersing his powers in every way.

Even Leon's prized swords were laying scattered across the cliff like he had abandoned them.

Many times, Leon would yell. Always something about a system, a punishment, or a reward. Other times, Leon would whisper chants as if he was consoling himself. Then sometimes, he would laugh like he was going mad.

Rey didn't know what to do.

He's never seen his friend like this.

He didn't know whether or not Leon was sad, or mad, or in pain, or all of the above.

Sometimes he even wondered if that was Leon at all. It could just be someone who looked like him. Or maybe someone was possessing him.

It wasn't until he watch Leon take a step towards death that he instantly went to save him.

He knew then that it was definitely Leon.

But Leon didn't seem to know it was him.

In fact, Leon didn't seem to be fully conscious at all.

He was spitting incoherent words, fighting to throw himself into the abyss, yelling at something that wasn't there. The only thing he could make out was that Leon wanted to go home. Which was weird, because Leon knew exactly where home was.

Nonetheless, Rey struggled to keep Leon still. Leon may only be human, but he wasn't exactly weak. He had fought many battles beside him already. And Leon was also surprisingly tall for a human, he reached his eye level. So yes, Rey had struggled to keep Leon from offing himself.

But luckily, Leon was also malnourished at the time. So, while struggling, Rey had took advantage of that to take out his transportation device and quickly transfer them both to the edge of Leon's village.

It was definitely better once they made it to the village.

Leon had stopped fighting back, but now he was crying and laughing at the same time. One would think he was definitely insane.

So, Rey could only knock him out and carry him home.

And for the next couple of days, Leon never woke up.

It was as if he was perfectly happy living in his dream.

Rey actually had to use a spell to force the other to awaken. And when he did awaken, Rey could almost see a glimpse of disappointment in Leon's eyes.

Which was why he had slap him. He was trying to wipe that expression off his face. The expression that screamed why was he alive?

Remembering this traumatic memory, Rey swore at himself.

He was such an idiot.

How could he pretend as if what he saw never happened? How could he trust Leon's words when what he saw was despair?  How could he possibly 'lose' his transportation device just by chance?

Leon was on that cliff for many months.

He knew what Leon was going to do.

And even if he was wrong, he wouldn't take that chance.

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He already promised to never lose another person dear to him.

He only had two transportation devices left. He would wait at The Lost for him.


So, exactly as planned, Leon had made his way to The Lost.

The sun was high in the sky, the sky clear of clouds.

The birds chirped throughout the forest.

A light breeze rustled the leaves.

It was a beautiful morning.

A beautiful day.

A beautiful way to leave this world behind.

For every step he took, he could feel his spirits lift.

Even a small smile made its way to his lips.

He hasn't felt so relaxed in such a long time.

What a nice feeling.

This must really be the way back home.

He could almost see it.

Could almost feel it.

His mother's smile.

His father's laugh.

His sister's warmth.

Oh, how he misses them so.

Closing his eyes, he hummed a little song.

It was a happy song.

He doesn't remember where he's heard it from, but he knew it was a happy song.

A song from his world.

He doesn't know how long he's been walking, but when he opened his eyes, he was met with the beautiful sight of the cliff.

And below was where his heaven was waiting for him.

He took even strides towards the cliff.

This wasn't The Lost.

He already knew that.

Previously, when he had come up with his plan. He had also thought of Leon's family.

With the little kindness left in his heart, he should at least leave a body behind for them to find. Well, more specifically, for the protagonist to find and bring the body back to Leon's family.

So really, any cliff will do. It doesn't have to be The Lost. Just near The Lost so the protagonist can find the body.

Death is death.

Doesn't matter how you go.


He could hear the protagonist's voice, he sounds out of breath. He must have ran here.

But it doesn't matter, Leon doesn't care to turn around.


Rey is upset.

He knew something was wrong when Leon never showed up, but instead heard quiet humming in the forest.

He runs towards Leon only to realize that there's a barrier stopping him.

He knows this barrier all too well. It's a powerful defensive barrier. Leon uses it to save people. To keep them safe from harm.

And yet, he's using it to stop Rey from saving him.

"LEON!" he yells again.

He is panicking. He feels like he's having a heart attack.

He hasn't felt this way since the death of his one true love.

Using all sorts of powers and abilities, he tries to break the barrier.

Leon is already at the edge of the cliff.

He stares down below before glancing up at the sky.

"System," he says solemnly, "Are you there?"

No one replies.

He continues speaking.

"I have completed every task, every scenario, acted out every line and emotion down to it's smallest detail. Where is my promised reward?"


"Why have you abandoned me here?"


"Where have I gone wrong?"


He waits for a second, hoping that maybe. Just maybe, the system will answer him.

That hope, of course, is destroyed.

He laughs at his pitiful self and glances down the cliff once more.

He lets himself fall.


Rey watched as his best friend, once again, took a step towards death.

And with a burst energy, he finally broke through the defensive barrier. Of course, that burst of energy also caused backlash and made him spit out blood.

But that didn't matter, his friend was currently welcoming death.

Without hesitation, he too, jumped from the cliff.

Reaching out towards his friend, he could see Leon's expression.

Leon was already unconscious, awaiting his death.

He looked at peace.

As if he was leaving nothing behind. As if there was nothing to leave behind in the first place.

With a pained expression, Rey grabbed onto Leon's arm and pulled him close. With his other arm, he reached into his bag of treasure activated his transportation device.

It didn't matter where they were going.

As long as if it was far from The Lost.

And it seemed like the transportation device had answered his call.

It absorbed most, if not all, of Rey's mana and had sent them far, far away. And because of this, when they reached their destination, Rey too, was unconscious.

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