To Continue Living

Chapter 5: Chapter 05: The Deal Part 1

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Once again, Leon woke up wondering why he was still alive.

Feeling the presence by his side, he turned to see that the protagonist had saved him once again.

The protagonist was unconscious, so he could definitely make his getaway now.

Leon easily sat up and took a step forward, only to fall to the ground.

His leg was unfortunately sprained, if not broken.

It was also at this time that he realized that they were no longer surrounded by bodies of wolves. Instead, they were in a little cottage with designs that he had never seen before.

Leon scoffed, it seemed that someone had decided to save them out of the goodness of their heart.

How wonderful, the protagonist is truly a lucky person.

Leon didn't feel like escaping anymore.

So, he just sat there.

On the ground.


Maybe death would come sooner this way.

If he just did nothing.

It was at that exact moment that he heard a person come into the room.

But Leon didn't bother to look. How could he be thankful to this savior?

He continued to stare aimlessly at the ground.

It wasn't until their savior went to touch his head that he looked up.

And immediately, a burst of hope and energy coursed through Leon.

It was beautiful woman. She was tall and slim with flowing brown hair and soft, almond eyes. But it wasn't her looks that revived the lost Leon, it was the elf-like ears and the beautiful, sparkling transparent wings on her back.

She was a fairy.

Fairies were healers.

But they could also grant wishes.

Leon knew this, because there was only one fairy that ever appeared in the book.

She was captured from a faraway land and was to be sold in the black market. During this time, the protagonist had just lost his one true love and was in the stage of blackening. And due to the discovery of his half-demon origins, he was being chased down by many enemies and had to part ways with Leon early on.

Along the way, the protagonist had met friends who he thought he could trust, but was soon betrayed afterwards.

In the end, he was captured and put in the black market to be sold.

That was how he met the fairy.

Emilia was the name she went by.

They became close in the cell. Emilia told him the stories of the fairies and the protagonist told her of his adventures with his one true love.

Being the protagonist, of course Emilia would fall in love with him. And that was when she told him her real name. A name no one would ever know to this day. A name only for the protagonist's ears.

This made her one of the very few women that the protagonist actually made love with.

It wasn't until the day they were being sold that Emilia asked the protagonist to make a wish. Obviously, his wish was for her to be free.

There was a reason why fairies don't give out their real names, because saying their name is like casting a spell that forces them to granting your wish. And once a fairy grants a wish, they burst into flames and disappear.

Not knowing this, the protagonist watched as Emilia disintegrated before his eyes.

It was a wish that served absolutely no purpose.

It was after this moment that the protagonist had truly blackened.

So, here Leon was, hopeful once again.

The system may no longer be able to send him home, but there was magic that existed in this world!

Leon could still go home!

He tried to get up to talk to the fairy.

"Rest," the fairy said in a calming voice, "You'll get better soon,"

That didn't stop him from standing up and making his way towards her though.

He quietly followed the fairy around the cottage as she was selecting herbs and substances to make medicine.

It was slightly annoying, but the fairy didn't see any problem with it.

If he didn't want to rest, then she wasn't going to force him.

At least, that's what she thought.

"Your name," Leon said, "What's your name?"

"You can call me Fay,"

Leon knows that wasn't her real name, but he had to start somewhere.

"I'm Leon,"

"Well, hello Leon,"

Fay continued to mix medicine as Leon stood there watching her.

" . . . Fay,"


"I heard fairies can grant wishes, is that true?"

She paused.

Leon knew it was too early, too risky, to have this conversation. But he was desperate. He needed confirmation and her silence gave him just that.

The fairy seemed to sense his distress. All the more reason to not answer the question.

So, she pulled Leon towards the bed where Rey slept and told him to rest once more.

But seeing how he refused, Fay forcefully made him sleep with a flick of her fingers. It was easy since Leon didn't even bother trying to fight back. She swiftly caught him and laid him back down, careful of his injured leg.


When Rey woke up, he was facing an unconscious Leon.

He frantically checked to see if Leon was still alive.

Bu-thump, bu-thump, bu-thump

Hearing the heartbeat, Rey gave a deep sigh of relief.

He then sat up from the bed. He still felt exhausted and it wasn't helping that he was depleted of mana. But despite this, he observed his surroundings, defenses up if something were to happen.

He, too, had no idea where he was. Which was fine, because Rey originally wanted to wander across the world anyway.

"You're awake,"

Rey immediately used his sword to stab at the being who startled him.

His mana was low if not depleted, Leon was unconscious, he didn't know where they were. It was better to be safe than sorry.

But seeing how his sword didn't harm the person, or fairy he realized, it seems like he attacked for no reason.

The fairy continue to smile at him, unbothered by the fact that he had just tried to kill her.

"I found you and your friend in the forest. It's very dangerous out there, so I brought you here to heal,"

She signaled at Rey to sit in the chair across from her. He was skeptical, but still did as what he was told.

If she saved them and the sword didn't harm her, then she must be benevolent.

Fay undressed his bandages and began spreading medicine across his wounds. This bite wound was nothing to him, he experienced worse, but it was still better to treat it than wander around injured.

And not just that, but Leon was unwell. He needed help. And who knows, maybe this fairy knows what to do.

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"You're a half-demon," she stated.

He glared at her, defenses up again, "So?"

She smiled gently, "Nothing, it's my first time meeting one,"


How he wished Leon was awake right now. He was always better at starting conversations than he was.

". . . Thank you," Rey said awkwardly, "For saving me and my friend,"

The fairy raised her eyebrows and chuckled, "So, you're the sane one,"

Rey coughed.

The sane one?!

He glanced at the sleeping Leon.

Well, at the moment, yes, he was the sane one.

Which was a little worrying. Everyone, even Leon, had always called him crazy.

Now, it seems like things were turned around.

Sensing Rey's trouble, she spoke up, "He only has a mild concussion and a broken leg, nothing to worry about. He even woke up not too long ago-"

"-He was awake?!" Rey stood up abruptly, staring at the sleeping Leon as if he wasn't actually there, "Did he try to run? Did he hurt himself?!"

Fay gave him a confused look, "Uh, no. He just followed me around the house-"

"-With a broken leg?! This bastard,"

Luckily glares weren't knives, because if so, Leon would already been dead.

"If anything, I would be more worried about you," she led Rey to sit down once more, "You have internal injuries. You must have overused your mana,"

She was right. He did go over his mana limit, causing backlash to his body.

If only he hadn't teleported so far away, he wouldn't be in this situation at all. But he doesn't regret it. If it meant Leon was alive, then anywhere would have been fine.

"What's your name?" Fay's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Rey widened his eyes. He was told that fairies almost never ask for names, yet he was being asked for his.

". . . My name is Rey Atland,"

After dressing his wounds, she sat up straight, "You can call me Fay,"

She then stood up and checked on Leon, "I can tell your friend is in distress. As long you don't cause trouble, feel free to stay as long as you need,"

He nodded.

After watching Fay leave the room, he went to check on Leon.

Rey couldn't let Leon be alone now. Not until he was back to normal. Or at least, better. Or whatever it was that wasn't what Leon was now.

Staring silently at Leon's sleeping face, he wondered what could have happened?

He needed to know.

Just a couple months ago, they had defeated Val Valtine. Saved thousands of lives, humans, elves, dwarfs, etc.

They were considered heroes.

They literally celebrated their victory for seven days straight.

Leon was laughing and jumping with joy. He made his usual annoying jokes, continued to fail at picking up girls, and worshiped all his prized swords and possessions.

What could have possibly happened when he was gone?

Why had Leon changed?

Sighing, he went back to lay on the bed. He had to recuperate his mana and resting was the only way to do that.

He will talk to Leon when he wakes up.

If he doesn't wake up, he will forcefully wake him again.

Closing his eyes, he immediately fell asleep.

---time skip---

The next time that Leon woke up was in the middle of the night and he found himself laying face to face with the protagonist.

They were both laying in bed, silently staring at each.

It was then Leon broke into his goofy smile and laughed.

And immediately afterwards, the protagonist smashed his face with an open palm.

"Ow!" Leon dramatically cried, "My face, my face! Why are you so violent?!"

"Shut up," the protagonist stood up and dragged Leon outside.

"Ah! Stop pulling! My leg, leg! Rey!"

Leon whined the entire way outside.

Making sure they were far enough from the cottage, he threw Leon to the ground.

"What the hell?!" Leon pouted as he sat there.

The protagonist, as always, showed love through violence with his bros and love through touch with his women.

"Leon," Rey glowered, "That was the third time,"

Leon chuckled nervously, "You know me, I'm clumsy-"


'Ah,' Leon thought, 'here we go again,"

Grabbing the front of Leon's shirt, Rey scowled, "Do you think I'm dumb?!"

Ugh, Leon groaned, "Do we have to this now?"

"Yes, we do. You already know I hate waiting,"

And yes, Leon does know the protagonist hates waiting. In the past, waiting had always gone bad for him. So now, if there's a problem, the protagonist wants to deal with it right then and there.

"It doesn't involve you Rey," Leon glared at him, "Stop making it your problem,"

He threw Leon to the ground again, "It is my problem if my friend of ten years is trying kill himself-"

"-ten years? That doesn't mean anything. In the end, this doesn't concern you,"

Angered, Rey pulled him up by the shirt again, "It involves me if it involves you! Tell me what happened in those months I was gone. Why are you acting like this?  What happened?! What aren't you telling me?!"

Leon only stared at him listlessly, angering Rey even more.


"Speak Leon!"

Leon could almost laugh, 'You hate it when I talk and you hate it when I'm quiet,'

"There's only so many people that I trust and you're one of them, Leon. But you used that trust and turned it against me. I want an explanation,"

They've been friends for ten years, there were no secrets between them. Yet, Rey felt as if he was talking to a completely different person.

Leon looked at the sky. Maybe he'll find a shooting star that'll end his misery.

Rey realized that he was being ignored and forced Leon to look at him, "Leon, just tell me-"

"-Ah, the fairy," Leon suddenly remember.


Leon smiled and happily grabbed Rey by the shoulders, "Let's make a deal!"

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