To Continue Living

Chapter 8: Chapter 08: The Deal Part 4

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Thinking back, Leon could only think about how dramatic it all had been. How could anyone read something like this?

Then again, he did read this book till finish, so he must have enjoyed it somehow.

But reading and experiencing are two different things.

"Leon?" Fay interrupted his thoughts.

"What?" Leon replied, listlessly.

Fay could tell Leon was in one of his many changing moods, "I was just asking about how you know about fairies,"

Rey glanced at Leon, bemused. He didn't know Leon knew anything about fairies. He certainly didn't tell him about Emilia.

"Fairies? I read about them in a book!" Leon cheerfully said.

Rey scoffed, "You read?"

"I did! Back at the academy!"

"The academy had books about fairies?"

". . . I went to the wrong part of the library,"

Rey continued his skeptical stare.

"You don't believe me?!"

"I'm just trying to wrap my head around you reading,"


This was the Leon that Rey remembered. Loud and annoying. Rey could almost believe that Leon was back to normal if it wasn't for the fact that they still had a deal going on.

"So what did the book have about fairies?" Fay continued.

"Nothing much. They have wings, they come in many sizes, they're healers, and they make wishes come true!"

Leon knew the fairy was skeptical of him, so with the brightest smile, he asked, "So, is it true? That fairies can grant wishes?!"

Fay was silent.

Just as she was about to answer, Rey suddenly stood up and slapped Leon across the face.

"Sorry Fay," Rey uttered with a menacing aura, "I have to talk to him,"

He dragged Leon outside and threw him across the ground.

Leon is beginning to see a repetition. Being slapped and thrown around like a ragdoll. This protagonist truly knows how to treat his friends.

"Where?!" Rey shouted, "Where did you learn that?!"

"I told you already-"

"Don't lie to me! You hate reading! You never touched a single book in that library!"

"And how would you know?!"

"You failed all your classes!"

"That doesn't mean I don't read!"

"If you read, you would know that that library doesn't have anything about fairies!"

Rey's eyes began burning red.

He hated this Leon.

This wasn't the Leon he knew.

The Leon he knows hated reading. He hated studying. He hated the library. Leon wouldn't know about fairies, he's sure of it. He's read all the books in that library already.

This Leon lies.

"Leon, don't lie to me,"

Leon only stared nonchalantly at him, with those lifeless eyes Rey hated seeing.


Leon sighed, "You slap me at least ten times a day, this is abuse,"

"Then why don't you fight back?! Dodge?! DO SOMETHING?!"

Leon sighed and turned away.

This act made Rey's anger rise more than ever.

With clenched fist, he sent a large tree falling down. Then, he calmed himself down, his eyes dimming.

"Just tell me Leon. Stop it with the deal and whatever you're trying to do. Just tell me what's making you act this way?"

Leon smiled, "I'll let you know when you win the deal,"

"You're so sure I'll win,"

"I know you will,"

"If you know I'll win, then just tell me now!"

"I don't want to,"

Ominous silence filled the air.

This Leon was difficult. He hated it.

Leon stood up and walked back towards the cottage.

"Leon," Rey stopped him in his tracks, "Fairies do grant wishes,"

Innocently, Leon beamed, "They do?!"

"Yes, but at a price. Do you know what it is?"

Leon shook his head.

Rey turned around and looked straight into Leon's eyes.

"It costs them their life,"

Rey walked towards Leon, "A life in exchange for a wish, don't stoop as low as I had,"

And Rey walked back to the cottage, leaving Leon to stare at his back.

Leon could almost laugh. This protagonist is so kind-hearted yet so violent at the same time.

Well, the protagonist shouldn't be worrying about him, because he will stoop even lower.

Leon looked towards the sky.

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The weather is getting colder.

Fall must be near.

He stood still, looking at the sky for a few more seconds before slowly making his way back to the cottage.

That should have given enough time for Rey to believe that he was truly taking in the information.

Inside, Leon could see that Rey and Fay had resumed eating. He wasn't hungry anymore, so he decided that he may as well go back to sleep.

Sleeping is nice.

He has good dreams when he sleeps.

The nightmare is when he wakes.

Soon, nightfall came.

Feeling that Leon wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, Rey took Fay by the wrist and led her outside. Fay followed obediently, knowing that Rey wouldn't do anything to harm her.

Once they were far from the cottage, Rey let her go.

"Was there something you needed to say?" Fay asked as she rubbed her wrist.

Rey nodded, "My friend is unwell,"

"I know,"

He handed her a little golden sphere, "If he does anything to you, please break this. It'll alert me,"

Fay nodded, she already knows she has to be wary of the human.

"It sounds like my life is in danger," she stated, "Is there something I should know?"

"I'm just taking extra precautions. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you,"

". . . Right,"

They looked at each other quietly, under a beautiful full moon that lit up the night sky. Fireflies began to glow and wander. Crickets chirped like music to the ears. And a slight cool breeze tousled their hair.

Fay went to sit on a rock in front of a beautiful view of vast open plains.

"Do you know about the Fairy's Touch?" Fay asked as she led Rey to sit beside her.

Rey shook his head.

"The Fairy's touch can only be seen by enchanted beings. It tells them who can be trusted,"

Rey was quiet, but he continued to listen.

"It can also only be given by a fairy who wanted to grant a wish for their loved one,"

He furrowed his eyebrows, knowing where this was going.

"She must have truly loved you, despite knowing you never felt the same," Fay smiled sadly, "What was your wish?"

Rey frowned, "I wished for her to be free,"

Fay widened her eyes before coming to a small smile.

Rey continued, "But that wish was futile, it ended her life instead. If I had known-"

She caressed Rey's cheek, "To have your beloved make a selfless wish is the best gift a fairy can ask for,"

Rey turned away, "It still ended her life in the end,"

Fay chuckled, "It's funny. You're a half-demon and a half-human, yet your heart is so much kinder than both of them combined,"

"I get that a lot, but I'm not as kind as you think I am,"

Fay laughed and then turned to look at Rey with a serious expression, "I know what your friend wants,"

Rey furrowed his eyebrows.

She stood up, "He wants you to get my name. He wants me to grant his wish,"

"I don't believe in exchanging a life for a wish,"

"And that's why you're kind, but your friend is different. I'm sure he has made a couple plans already, I can feel it,"

"He's not like that, he won't do it,"

"Then what are these precautions for? You're doubting him,"

Rey clenched his fist, "As long you don't tell us your name, nothing will happen,"

"That's true, then how are you going to get what you want from him? There is something, isn't there? The reason why you're both still here, the reason why you try to talk to me but with nothing to say,"

". . . It's why I brought you out here tonight,"

A moment of silence.

Fay giggled, "It makes sense now. The moon, the view, the mood-"

Rey pinched his nose bridge, "Just play along,"

"I don't have to," she glanced at Rey with a hurt expression, "It's already working,"

". . . I'm sorry,"

"I know," she went back to sit next to Rey, "So let's just sit in silence,"

And like that, they sat in comfortable silence, just staring out into the distance.

Hiding from afar, Leon listened closely, concealing his presence.

He slowly made his way back to the cottage, a small smile upon his face.

It took too long, but it seems that everything is finally going as planned.

Just a couple more days.

Just a couple more days and he'll be free from this nightmare.

He laid in bed and peacefully closed his eyes, falling back asleep.

Again, just like every other night, he dreamt of his home.

His parents will welcome him back with a hug.

His sister will cry tears of happiness.

His dog will jump into his arms.

And he won't forget to beat up his friend.

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