To Help You Understand

Chapter 35: 32

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Chapter 32

The couple, who did not have a chance to enjoy their meal leisurely due to the suspension of the sponsorship party, felt hungry again when they arrived home late at night.

Winter headed to the kitchen and asked Violet.

“Are you not hungry? I’m dying.”

“I’m kind of hungry. But waking people up because of that is just..….”

“Let’s eat something simple.”

Winter rummage through the kitchen for the ingredients. Then he stretched out the ingredients, and rolled up his sleeves.

“It’s a difficult concept for a princess to understand, but they’re called leftovers.”

Violet narrowed her eyebrows slightly at Winter’s mischievous words. Then, Winter asked, stretching the corners of his mouth.

“Have you ever tried leftovers?”

“Not in the world. It was decided by law that royalties shouldn’t get food poisoning.”

“What about after marriage?”

“I think you’re paying me too much for the living.”

Winter laughed pleasantly as if Violet’s excuse was funny. Then he took out the vegetables and said,

“It would be worth seeing if a couple were suffering from food poisoning together.”

“It looks fresh and you’re good at cutting.”

“I was a server at a restaurant until I was twelve.”

Winter cleaned the vegetables and started frying them in a heavy-looking pan. She can’t take her eyes off him because he looked amazing while seasoning it and pouring the sauce randomly. In the meantime, his thick forearm, which moves a heavy fan lightly, casually drew attention.

The stir-fried food was put in a large bowl, cheese was shredded until the vegetables were not visible.

When he handed the fork, Violet picked up the melting cheese and vegetables and put them in her mouth. It was a strange taste, but she liked it more than she thought.

“It’s delicious.”

Above all, her husband who’s cooking was so lovely to Violet’s eyes that she thought it would have been better if she knew it sooner.

Winter, who was relieved when his wife was satisfied, said , eating with ease.

“If you don’t know where anything was placed in the restaurant, you’ll be in big trouble. There’s sugar in the place where the salt was, if you add the wrong ingredient, it ruins the food.”

“I see.”

“So, I had a hard time coming in the Blooming’s for the first time. The location of the products keeps changing, but it’s not my job to organize it, so I can’t move it back. I’m as nervous as a paranoid person, but I can’t show it because if I show it, I’m going to be just like the little kid back in the restaurant.”

The story about Winter was both welcoming and heartbreaking for Violet. She murmured to herself.

“I wish I could have given you what you want. Honor too, money too.”

“I’m not saying this for you to pity me.”

“It’s not a pity.….. I would have been able to get along a bit faster if we did this sooner.”

Being happy at this moment, Violet felt ashamed.

All she could give was her heart, and she didn’t have the things that Winter Blooming really wanted.

Winter shrugged his shoulders  and continued eating.


Winter was busy for a while because things went well at Cantus Monastery.

The monastery and his own brewery were also in and out. Fortunately, the monastery accepted the technology agreement when it was poked with information obtained while going around the monastery brewery once. It wasn’t a bad deal for them either.

Winter expected that if this was done, he would be happy, but even if things went well, it was not as exciting as he thought. Rather, he wanted to finish quickly and go home.

His wife used to not talk carelessly, but these days, her words are even better. Her voice was good, and it was fun to notice the facial expressions that change every time she speaks.

When he went home three days later, he was thinking about what to wear in advance, so he wore his best clothes and took them off.

Hayel entered with a tense look.

“Lord, the telegraph from Alika, where the Canic clan lives, has returned.”

“How did it go?”

Looking at Hayel’s expression, there seemed to be no way for a mixed race like Winter to have children.

Winter, who had no high expectations anyway, thought it was not a big deal while releasing the vest button, and Hayel said carefully.

“That…… There is no half-blood. The Alika area is a closed area where people can’t live without the Canic clan, and even mixed-race people can’t migrate.”

“Damn it. It’s not working.”

Winter nervously took off his vest and threw it on the ground. Knowing that his anger was at its limit, Hayel closed his eyes tightly because he thought it would be better to say it at once.

“And what I found out together.…..the Lord’s biological mother…… She’s in Alikca.”


“Got it? If you’ll eat that, mom will pick you up soon. I’ll be right back.”

“Yes! Hurry up and come back.”

He waved his hand and sent his mother like that. Even if she didn’t come back, he tried to understand his mother until now.

How hard it must have been to raise him alone. That’s probably why she did that in order to live.

So he thought everything would be solved if he had money. He thought she was dead or shameless to appear in front of him, seeing that she did not come even though he was famous for his wealth.

But he found her. At least he wanted to repay her for giving birth to him, and he wanted to compensate for the difficulties she had in taking care of him until he was five years old.

But it was not a matter of living and eating.

She threw him away because he could not enter the place where her clan was. She only considered her own safety.

Winter burst into laughter.

“There’s something else to believe. I trusted a woman who abandoned her child.”

“My Lord……”

“That’s enough. I can’t fit in here or there. It’s not like I didn’t know.”

He swiped his face once with his hands and continued.

“Put out everything I bought for my mother, and cancel the schedules.”

“Huh? Oh, yes, sir.”

There were a series of schedules that would cause a big trouble if canceled, but Hayel knew that the situation would only worsen if he stopped him here. Hayel quickly picked up the vest that fell on the floor, putting it in the trash, he asked,

“Where are you going?”

“House, I need my wife.”

After hearing Winter’s words, which was more calm than Hayel thought, he brightened up a little.

It was the first time he heard such a thing from Winter.

He was worried that Winter would wipe out the Alika area with his low temper, but there was one person who had the power to control him.

“I’ll prepare right away!”

Hayel rushed out.


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While Winter was busy, Violet was preparing a small garden party.

She was going to have a garden party with her husband, only the two of them, and tell him that she’s pregnant.

Originally, Violet should have held dozens of parties, but there was no chance because the situation was not good. With little experience, it was so difficult to prepare a party for only two people.

Still, choosing flowers made the rest a little easier.

Fortunately, the people she got to know at the book club helped her a lot.

A white linen tablecloth, covered with a semicircle on the falling par, and a Mulley-centered centerpiece was placed around.

Violet asked Maureen, the owner of the silk shop.

“Maureen, what dress will be good for me to wear?”

“The green one is good.”

“Oh, green. That’s a good idea.”

Violet agreed.

After a while, after she changed into a green dress, Maureen made a fuss next to her.

“Oh, it looks good on you. I have a good eye, right?”

“Anyway, thanks for your help.”

It was, of course, good for merchants to make personal deals with wives of influential families, and even a deal with Winter Blooming’s wife, who doesn’t have a limit in budget, was lucky of luck.

But aside from that, Maureen was very fond of Violet. At first, she thought she was just a noble, but the more she knows her, the better she was.

When Maureen went back after meddling for a long time, Violet asked her to choose the right soup out of the three soups for her.

The carriage arrived while she was looking for something that matches the color and taste for the table.

Winter said he would not come until three days later. Violet couldn’t hide her embarrassment, because the main character of the party came while she was still preparing.

Whether or not, Winter walked in and hugged Violet.

“How did you know I’m coming?”

When Winter hugged her, the embarrassed Violet beckoned the crew away.

Winter’s condition looked too bad for her to tell him what kind of rudeness it was. Violet patted him on the back and asked.

“What’s wrong?”


Only after Winter found stability did he let her go and asked.

“Why did you prepare this? You don’t like things like this.”

“I need to tell you something. I don’t think I can put it off any longer.….. I was going to eat and talk after I finished preparing.”

“What do you mean? Do it now.”

At Winter’s urging, Violet sighed deeply and pulled herself together, but eventually shook her head.

“I’ll tell you in three days. You don’t look so happy..….”

“I’m not in a state of patience right now. So tell me, is it a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Well, it’s a good thing for me, and for you…… I don’t know what it’ll be.”

Violet took a deep breath so that her shoulders would flutter again and gaze at Winter. After saying, nothing happened. Winter’s eyes searched around her like a frenzy.

Violet opened her mouth because he had an expression that wouldn’t make her postpone it further.

“I’m pregnant.”


Winter didn’t answer. Violet continued calmly.

“Honestly, I was afraid to tell you at first I thought you wouldn’t like it, but you said ‘Let’s give birth when we get one’. That’s how I gained courage.”

Violet speaks as if to take control of Winter’s expression, which looked worse than expected, but Winter, who was staring at her, laughed.

“Good for you.”

“……Really? Do you really think it’s good?”

“Yeah. I guess you don’t have to listen to talks about children anymore.”

Violet’s expression which was anxious, at Winter’s words became slightly brighter, but it didn’t last very long.

“If you’re going to run away with someone else after giving birth, give up.”

“What are you talking about?”

Winter pointed at himself and his wife alternately with his index finger, as Violet asked back in confusion.

“There’s something I haven’t told you so far, but we can’t have children. I’m a half-blood, so I can’t have children unless it’s from the same family, but now that you’re pregnant, the child can’t be mine.”

“That’s ridiculous. Then I’m……”

“It’s another man’s child.”

Winter’s sarcastic remarks filled Violet’s watery eyes with complex emotions.

“I’m sure it’s your child.”

“Don’t lie.”

“I’m not lying.”

“You’re lying. I’m going to attach people to you from now on. I’ll make them follow you wherever you go. I’ve been through it, so I know. You can’t trust anyone who’s coming back.”

Violet laughed in vain as her voice mixed with feelings of betrayal in the past and present.

“You shouldn’t do that to me.”

“Why not? Think about what your family did to me. No matter what I do, you don’t deserve to refuse. I don’t want you to leave my house with my current mood. But I’ll watch you as much as I can.”


Winter laughed when Violet, who didn’t listen, raised her voice.

“You want me to be honest? You’re nothing, if you’re not my wife. In the end, you’re just a nobody with no money and no status. I can do anything to you.”

Violet was speechless by his sharp words.

Her chest raised and fell with unbearable anger and sadness.

Without the child, she would have repeatedly committed suicide several times until she eventually die.

But on the other hand, she was a woman of great restraint, so she forced herself to calm down for the child.

After a while, Violet saw Winter holding onto his passion with an absurdly aristocratic look.

“You’ll…… regret it.”


“The child will look like you when it’s born. You will surely regret saying that to me and not trusting me.”

She muttered as she turned around.

“A silly and stupid person.”

Violet walks into the mansion, and Winter stumbles and barely manages to sit on a chair.

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