To Live Again (For a Harem)

Chapter 20: Chapter 15: Rage:Solace

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It had been nearly a full day since we gathered our things and left the camp. Initially I was placed inside the wagon since I couldn't walk, but now I was walking to the right of it.

So far our journey had been peaceful, like the monsters just decided to leave us alone, not to mention the rain had finally let you.

Our little group was surrounding one of the wagons, since the other had been pillaged and there was nothing of much use left in it. What was useful just went into storage rings and, without anyone noticing, my inventory.

"Damian, Damian! What are we going to do once we reach Yale?" Elise was quite cheerful tonight, which was much better than her previous traumatized self. The girl was extremely happy so many people had survived, even if it was less than half of what we had started with.

"Hmm. Well first we will deal with The Militia, then we will register at the Adventurers Guild. After that we'll find an inn-" I cut myself off since I remembered something very important. I had no money. Better yet I had no knowledge of the economy, since I didn't ask the system for that info.

It quickly filled me in, and luckily it was simpler than I was expecting. It went by the standard Isekai copper silver gold system. 100 copper was the same as 1 silver and so on.

"Uh Elise, I hate to ask but, you don't happen to have some cash do you? It seems I lost my wallet..."

I could feel the men around us glaring at me, no doubt they thought I was using her.

Elise tilted her head, like she does when she's thinking or confused, and said, "What's cash? And this is the second time you've said 'wallet' what's that?"

I was caught a bit off guard by her questions, before remembering cash doesn't exist in this world, and neither do wallets.

"Well cash is a fancy way of saying money where I come from, and wallets are what carry said cash."

Elise's face lit up, "Ohhh. That's right you didn't have any coins in your pouch or uhm 'wallet'. But uhm yes I have some silver coins from what The Militia has payed me."

This was when the glares of all the men had sharpened to a dangerous level.

"Oh! You have to tell me all about your past soon!" Elise said.

"Y-yeah sure..."

Our conversation continued long into the night, which gave the guards something to distract them from Alex's sudden announcement.

That's right, before we left Alex informed everyone of her resignation from being Commander which, as expected, no one took lightly.

As it turns out, Yale was where Alex was posted, and where her superiors resided, which meant we could have her resign quickly.

Thing was, we were still a few days out.

After what happened previously Alex decided we wouldn't stop moving, unless we had been attacked. This meant anyone who was tired had to sleep inside the wagon, which the bastard who had planned the entire bandit attack was, and had to be watched by two people at all times.

After Elise had gone to sleep I walked up to Alex.

"Beautiful out tonight." I said as I gazed overhead. Stars had completely filled the night sky, it was so surreal I almost thought I had been dreaming since it was a sight I hadn't seen much in my past life. Pollution and all.

Alex too looked up. "It is. But I hardly believe you came to speak about the stars with me."

"Ever heard of small talk? Eh anyways I wanted to speak to you about something."

Alex looked into my eye, since she finally decided to give my left side a try, and it seemed she already knew what I was going to ask. "Later. Too many people around."

I nodded my head, since this was most likely a sensitive topic. I wanted to ask why she was muttering about her father while crying into my chest, or rather lower gut. While I don't dislike that type of play, I highly doubt Alex would be willing to call me daddy. (A/N Sadge)

"Alright, then I have something else to ask."

"Go ahead."

"How would you feel about joining my harem?"

There was a moment of silence where Alex held her head low, seemingly thinking.

After a moment she raised her head and asked, "You mean... One of your wives?"

The system informed me that the word "harem" didn't actually exist in this world, since only the pinnacle of society had one.

"Er well sort of. A harem is, well, what you call all of a single person's partners and spouses. So eventually I would like you to be my wife, but for now we can stay as partners. Just so you know beforehand, I intend to have plenty of partners Elise included."

"Ask Elise first. If she agrees to this 'harem' of yours then so shall I."

'Yes! Fuck yeah!'

"You seem pleased..." Alex said, breaking me out of my reverie. I quickly realized I had a silly grin on my face, but I did nothing to change it.

"Of course. I already intended to bring Elise in first, just wanted to give you time to think about it."

I wrapped my arm around Alex's shoulder and brought her close to me. "But don't think that means I like her more than you..." I cooed into her ear, as I slid my hand down to her waist, and then to her butt, which was surprisingly soft. Well not entirely soft, it definitely had muscle definition giving it a perky and springy feel, but it still had the feminine softness all girls should have.

I thoroughly enjoyed every inch of her right cheek, squeezing and massaging it. I had hidden our little act with my body since I didn't want anyone to see my Alex getting felt up.

Alex pulled my hand away, just after the thirty seconds mark. "No more. Not here." She said, and to be honest I was very surprised she let me go on for so long.

'This is the greenlight of greenlights! Nothing could ruin this amazing night!'

With an extra pip in my step I ran a bit ahead of the caravan and pointed forwards.

"Onwards to the futur-" 


Unfortunately my words were cut short when the entire right side of my body started stinging, and then a literal fucking tree hit me. In the very short instant I had to react I used my two skills, Mana Enhancement and Martial Arts Mastery.

The impact from the very heavy tree made my very light body go flying through the air, where I just nicked another tree. This caused my body to start spinning in ways I didn't even know were possible and, for a moment, I couldn't tell which way was up or down.

I heard many shouts during my brief pilot lesson, one being from Alex who screamed my name, and the other being...

"Trolls! Shit!"

After finally colliding with the ground, and rolling a ways away, I tried moving my body.

Once I tried sitting up it was very obvious I had some broken ribs, but beyond that I was fine. Problem was, one of the guards screamed out "troll" which from my knowledge were very bad news for them.

As far as I knew trolls had absolutely absurd regen, and were only weak to fire. This meant that without me they were as good as dead, since the only other mages alive were clerics.

"Pyra guide my path!" I began my sprint back to the group. It took me a grand total of five seconds to reach them, and when I did I saw Alex and Gareth facing off against three giants.

[Troll: Level 47]

[Strength: 158]

[Constitution: 149]

[Magic: 0]

[Resistance: 89]

[Agility: 72]

Well shit.

There were three of these fuckers. Three! Three super giant, super ugly, and super strong trolls. Sure they didn't have a third of what boosted Igor had, but must I remind you there are three of them!?

I continued my rush, preparing to send out a Fireball the exact moment I got close enough, but before I could...



One of the trolls hit Alex, sending her through the air at an incredibly terrifying speed, where she hit a tree that wasn't all that far away.

I immediately stopped my run, bringing my hand down to the ground to slow myself down, and then dashed towards her.

I brought Alex into my arms while observing her current state. Her arms were all sorts of fucked up from trying to block the troll's attack, and she had blood leaking from both her mouth and gut.

"Alexa!" I heard someone call out but I was too focused on Alex's status.

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[Name: Alexandra Hart]

[Race: Human]

[Title: Righteous Knight]

[Level: 43]

[HP: 11/162]

[MP: 100%]

[Strength: 77]

[Constitution: 54]

[Magic: 32]

[Resistance: 25]

[Agility: 59]

My breathing had turned shallow, as a tear fell from my eye and landed on Alex's bloodied face. My heart has started beating so fast it felt like I had no pulse at all.

"O-oh no..." I recognized the voice that said those words.

I snapped my head towards her, "Can you heal her!?" I all but screamed out.

Elise, who had jumped a bit at my tone slowly shook her head. "I-I don't..."

I made a growl-esque sound at her words.

'Pyra! Ideas!?'

(I don't-)

"FUCK!" I roared out grabbing a fistful of my hair.

'What the fuck are you good for!?'

[Suggestion: Transfer MP to Party Member Elise Rosewell]

'Do it!'

[Host must be touching the t-

Before I even finished reading the notification I grabbed Elise's hand, since she had gotten on her knees and started casting her magic.

[Mana Transfer has begun]

"W-wha-" Elise was surprised by my sudden movement, and even more surprised by the surge of Mana flowing through her.

"Shut up and heal her!"" I shouted at her.

Some damn monsters dared touch something of mine?

I'll kill them. I'll kill them all.

After filling Elise's core to the brim I stood. It was only now that I saw a red drop fall on Alex's face. I found out, after touching the right side of my face, that my right eye cries blood. I may have made a joke about it if I weren't so pissed.

I turned to look at the trolls, which Gareth had been fighting single handedly. Then I moved.

It took only a second to reach them, and when I did I didn't hold back.

The first troll I targeted was the one who had hit Alex. It must've saw me approaching because it quickly tried striking me with the small tree in it's hand.

I bowed backwards, my body becoming parallel with the ground, and I watched as the tree glided harmlessly above me. I had the perfect chance to counter now.


I sent a Fireball straight into the bastards arm, and it blew completely off.

The troll roared out in pain and clawed at the flames that were slowly taking over it's entire upper arm. I watched patiently as the flame reached its shoulder then, with my control over fire magic, I made sure it wouldn't consume its head or heart. Instead I had the flame cover every inch of its body and turn it into nothing but ash.

The bastard was screaming out in pain. It was hurting.

It was crying. It made me happy. I remembered this feeling...

I missed it.

The other trolls saw the sight, and started fleeing. A single hit from me would ensure their death after all. I just sent a Fireball into their backs and left it at that.

Gareth was breathing heavily, and his nose had started bleeding, but I didn't pay much attention to him.

I ran back towards Alex and arrived in close to an instant. Elise had sweat dripping from her chin, but she didn't stop healing Alex.

Luckily Alex was looking much better. Her arms weren't broken in twenty different places anymore, and her breathing had become stable.

It was then I regained a certain sense of clarity I'm hadn't known I lost, and a sudden wave of guilt washed over my very being.

I fucked up big-time. Twice.

I put my hand on Elise's back and filled her with some more Mana.

"I'm sorry for snapping like that. I won't make any excuses since it was unacceptable behavior, but I will ask you to understand." I said softly into her ear. I wasn't above admitting when I was wrong.

[Creation of skill: Calm Mind has failed due to lack of knowledge and/or skill]

Elise shook her head slightly, "It-It is fine... You were w-worried for Alexa..."

I smiled softly, which she couldn't see, "I will apologize properly when we reach the city. For now let's focus on fixing Alex up." Elise nodded her head, yet I could see the tears falling from her face. Maybe they were because Alex was hurt, but I doubted that possibility, which made my heart twist inside my chest even more.

'Speaking of, I sho-'

(We already spoke of this Damian, there is no need for apologies.)

'Some stupid behavior bullshit doesn't excuse what I said, so I am sorry.

Roughly thirty minutes, a swap of clerics, and half of my reserves later Alex finally woke up.

I was the first to speak when her eyes opened. "Morning sleepyhead. Enjoy the nap?"

I was incredibly relieved Alex was indeed fine. I couldn't very well have one of my harem candidates die could I?

"...What?" Alex said as she looked around. She must've saw the limbs from the trolls behind me, that Gareth had severed and the trolls quickly healed back, because her eyes shot open as she tried to make herself stand to no avail.

"Eh don't worry. Yours truly saved the day." I said as I bowed in a very overdramatic fashion.

"You did..?" Alex paused for a second as she covered her face with one of her hands, before very quickly removing that hand and looking straight into my eye, "But you were hit and-"

"It'll take a bit more than a tree to stop me you know." I said chuckling a bit. "Anyways the point is everything's all good now. Except for Gareth, he's in pretty bad shape. That power of his is no joke." 

Gareth had the ability to boost his strength indefinitely, for a price that is. He would take increasing damage the more he used it, or the stronger he made himself. And since he had to boost himself to a level capable of taking on multiple trolls, and he had just recovered from his fight against Igor, he was in terrible condition.

I got on my knees and crept my hands under Alex's body, then raised her in the air in a traditional princess carry.

"And what is it you think you are doing?" Alex said as she glared into my eye.

"Would you prefer to walk?" I chuckled a bit since I knew she could, in fact, not walk at all.

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