To You: Who Seats Next To Me (Oneshot)

Chapter 1: Oneshot – To You: Who Seats Next To Me

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What are your thoughts regarding sitting arrangements?

Are you scared? Because your seat will be surrounded by classmates you don't know?


Are you intrigued? By the fact you may be able to get to know other people outside your current circle?

If you ask me, Sui Ishizaki, I'll answer that I'm the latter. Something about such an event really fills me with excitement for some reason.

Maybe it's because depending on the one who seats next to you, the outcome you will get, will be totally different.

Someone shy.

Someone outgoing.

Someone carefree.

Or someone who's a mix of the formers.

You can get to know different people even more deeply if you think about it.

Maybe that's when my fate started to change, when I took initiative to talk to those beside me, I mean.

"Areh? If it isn't Sayaka! I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now. Nice to meet you! Again." (Sui)

And that didn't change with the one who sat beside me on the first quarter of my 2nd Year. A beautiful girl who was also my classmate, Sayaka Suzurikawa.

We were never seatmates during our 1st Year, which was quite odd, regarding the fact that the seat changes happened very often. Still, It was nice to finally talk to her.

Long and beautiful black hair, along with glittering cyan-colored eyes. She was one of the few classmates I still haven't interacted deeply enough.

"You were... Sui, right? Let's get along." (Sayaka)

She said while grabbing my stretched hand, returning the handshake.




We continued talking, and we started to know more about each other. It seemed like we both had something in common, books.

Honestly, I was overjoyed, because most of my friends don't read any books. 

So I never had anyone to recommend or get any recommendations from, nor someone to talk about my favorite books or thoughts regarding them.

"Oh! Have you read this one?" (Sui)

"Ah! Yes! If I remembered correctly, the author wrote it back when he was a highschool student! It's actually amazing." (Sayaka)

"Right!? I've always admired authors that started out early, even more those who made an effort at such a young age... I wish I could be like them someday..." (Sui)

"Do you want to be a writer, Sui?" (Sayaka)

"Unn... It's been a dream of mine ever since I was a child... How do I put it. For me, books were like the light at the end of the tunnel." (Sui)

I said, while clenching the book I had in my chest as tight as I could.

"How so?" (Sayaka)

"Well, you see. During elementary school, I went through a bit of a hard time. I was usually alone. I was the so called 'weirdo' back then..." (Sui)

"You are quite a weirdo though..." (Sayaka)

"Haha, shut it!" (Sui)

Laughing at Sayaka's reply, looked out the window, which showed the afterschool view outside of the library, a scenery which was already dyed in a vermillion color..

"...Anyway, that was until a teacher gifted me a book, he said that I wasn't weird. I was just 'myself' and that people could have many different personalities... He gave me a book about a boy who wanted to make friends, yet he couldn't properly talk to others..." (Sui)

Sayaka stayed silent, as I continued. That was something that made me feel welcomed whenever I was with her, she was a good listener.

"...that was until he met a girl, who helped him get out of his shell. Then, little by little... he could properly talk to those around him... That book was the sole reason I decided to change... That's why I am who I am today..." (Sui)

"Hey... Sui. What happened to the teacher?" (Sayaka)

"Ah... He got transferred due to family reasons... At least, that's what I heard... I hope he is doing well... wherever he is..." (Sui)

"...I'm sure that he is probably out there, helping other children like your past self." (Sayaka)

You will eventually find someone whose kind heart will melt any type of ice, melting away any type of concern.

Teacher, it was like you said—

"And... Sui. About your dream—" (Sayaka)

Someone who will be there to support you... and who may never leave your side... at your lowest.

—Yes, it was like you said. I think I finally—

"—Don't ever dare give up! I'm rooting for you, okay? I will support you wholeheartedly!" (Sayaka)

—Fell In Love.




Just like that... days became weeks... and weeks became months... 

Before I knew it, my 3rd Year started... However, even though there was a big chance my seatmate won't be Sayaka again, our relationship didn't change... Yes, it's been about seven or eight months since I realized my feelings for her, yet I haven't confessed...

Maybe it was because I was scared.

Scared of destroying this relationship I had with her...

However, every part of me wanted to spend my last school year with her—

—as her lover.




"Hm? My, looks like we are seatmates again this year, huh? It's been a while. I look forward to working with you again!" (Sayaka)

"...! Y-yes!" (Sui)

"Eh~? You look happier than usual~ Glad to see me~?" (Sayaka)

"Geh–" (Sui)

"Haha... I'm kidding~" (Sayaka)

Yes, I was overjoyed by the fact that Sayaka and I became seatmates again. However, there was no way I could tell her that... yet...




It was the second week of my 3rd Year... and... I made up my mind. Someone may come and take her away if I don't act quick... That's why—

"It's rare for you to call me all the way over here~ What's up?" (Sayaka)

—I planned to confess today.

"Y-you know... u-uhm... I—" (Sui)

I can't say it...

No matter how much I want to... I can't say it...

Why must I be such a coward...?

Even if she were to reject me... neither of us will make it awkward...


Believe in her...

Believe in the girl infront of you...


Wait...? What's with that devilish grin...?

Don't tell me—

"Let me guess..." (Sayaka)


"You like me, don't you?" (Sayaka)

Yes... Sayaka Suzurikawa knew about my feelings already...

Sayaka's POV~

I was never the type of person to get 'attached' to someone. Rather, I was used to create a barrier between them and myself, because I was scared.

About what they might think about me.

About what they might say about me.

Even though people looked at me like a 'sociable girl', beneath such a fake façade, only a girl with insecurities remained.

That was part of the reason why I acted indifferent to events such as the, back then, infamous 'sitting arrangements'.

However, that changed when my seatmate during my 2nd Year was—

"Areh? If it isn't Sayaka! I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now. Nice to meet you! Again." (Sui)

—my classmate, a black-haired boy with black eyes, Sui Ishizaki.



Before, I treated him the same as other people. I forced a 'barrier' between the two of us.

Until one day—

"Hey, Sayaka." (Sui)

"What is it?" (Sayaka)

"You read a lot of books, now that I think about it. Do you perhaps, like books?" (Sui)

Back then, I was scared.

"Y-yes... w-what of it...?" (Sayaka)

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What is he thinking?

What is he saying about me?

What is his impression about me?


"Eh!? Really!?" (Sui)

—Sui jumped with his eyes glittering. With a smile that thinking about it, was the cutest smile I've ever seen.

"You know! I also like books! However, none of my friends read books... so it's kind of hard to find someone with the same hobbies as mine..." (Sui)

I totally get you! Due to the unexpected side of Sui I was able to see, for some odd reason... I felt myself a little bit closer to him...




And like that, time went on, I found myself being more familiar with him, and then—

"Do you want to be a writer, Sui?" (Sayaka)

"Unn... It's been a dream of mine ever since I was a child... How do I put it. For me, books were like the light at the end of the tunnel." (Sui)

—I learned a bit about both, his passionate side and his past self.

He told me a bit about his past, how we was called a 'weirdo' back then, and how a teacher indirectly saved him by giving hin a book... which was his favorite...


What happened to me?

"And... Sui. About your dream—" (Sayaka)

When I unconsciously said these words, I realized.

I no longer needed to lie to myself... I wanted to see more of his smile...

I wanted to see every side of him...

"—Don't ever dare give up! I'm rooting for you, okay? I will support you wholeheartedly!" (Sayaka)

Yes... I was drawn to every single side about him...

His shy side...

His cheerful side...

His passionate side...

I knew that my love for him was stronger than anyone else's.

I knew that I wanted to make him look at me...

Before I knew it—


—I fell in love with him...




Sui's POV~

"You like me, don't you?" (Sayaka)

My whole body froze as Sayaka said that, with a devilish grin on her face.

S-she knows!?

What's going to happen?

I-is our relationship going to be okay...?

However, before I knew it—

"Eh!? S-S-SAYAKA!?" (Sui)

—Sayaka, who was infront of me not to long ago, was hugging me. As if I was a father that was about to go on a overseas trip.

"W-w-what are you—" (Sui)

"You were about to confess to me just know, weren't you?" (Sayaka)

"!?" (Sui)

S-she knows... 

But that means... I no longer need lie to myself..

I... can be honest...

Yes... this was the first step...

"Yes... I was..." (Sui)

"It... makes me happy, you know?" (Sayaka)

Sayaka said as she buried her face in my chest.

"I've been thinking about you for a while you know...? So, knowing you feel like that... really makes me happy..." (Sayaka)

She said, as the grip of her small hands tighten on my back...

"R-really?" (Sui)

"...yes..." (Sayaka)

I knew what I had to do...

"So. Will you go out with me?" (Sui)

"No." (Sayaka)

"Wait. What!? Didn't you say you also liked me just now!?" (Sui)

"Yes, i did." (Sayaka)

"T-then—" (Sui)

"However, Sui hasn't told me how he feels about me exactly~" (Sayaka)

She said as her teasing grin deepened...

This rascal—

"Haa~ okay..." (Sui)

I took a deep breath... and prepared for what I was about to say...

Back then, I never knew things will end like this. 

I was just getting along with my seatmate.

And yet, I ended up—

"Saya Suzurikawa. I—" (Sui)

—Yes... I , Sui Ishizaki—

"—I Love You. Will You Go Out With Me?" (Sui)

—confessed to the girl who sits next to me.


~10 Years later

"Hey, Sui! What do you say about this one!? Isn't it pretty!?" (Sayaka)

The woman who was standing beside me, overlooking a variety of engagement rings, asked me.

"Are you sure, Saya? There's still many that are left to look at. We can take that one into consideration and after– Unn?" (Sui)

"What's wrong, Sui?" (Sayaka)

"Say... Sayaka, what do you say about this one?" (Sui)

A beautiful pair of engagement rings, which had glittering blue diamonds embedded into their crowns, rested on the display windows.

"Let's take it!" (Sayaka)

Isn't that too fast!?

"H-hey... that's a bit too fast. That was only a suggestion, you know?" (Sui)

"It's fine~ You want to know why?" (Sayaka)

"Why?" (Sui)

"Because it's a pair that the boy, who once sat next to me, chose for me~" (Sayaka)

She said, as she covered her mouth with her phone, which was in her hands.

"!" (Sui)

"Eh~? Are you blushing~?" (Sayaka)

"Shut it..." (Sui)

I'm grateful to my past self...

For doing his best in changing...

For having the courage to talk to her during our sitting arrangement change...

For... having the courage, given by the woman next to him, to be selfish and confess.

And that's exactly why—

To You: Who Sits Next To Me—

—Thank you... and—

I Love You.



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