Together, Always and Forever

Chapter 1: Prologue: Crushes and Consequences (part 1)

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Malena’s POV


Malena hated the heat. 


She passionately, enthusiastically and zealously hated the way the sun shone down upon her tiny fragile mortal form to torture her like a helplessly tied rabbit being cooked over a fire surrounded by the hungry gazes of trashy teenage boys.


Her clothes clung to her figure from all the sweat and she wanted nothing more than to be at home and have a nice long rose bath. 


She loved art, honestly, and she’d been excited about going to this museum for weeks now despite having been here thrice already— but the heat.


It was sin.


She’d made the awful mistake of forgetting to factor in the fact that the museum proudly stood above a little hill amidst a vast greenery, and hence didn’t have a parking lot near it. She should have worn comfortable running shoes, goddammit!


All of the students thus had to suffer an additional half hour climb up a seemingly infinite stairway. 


“This school trip is quite mal-organised, honestly,” she hissed at her best friend, James, as they finally reached the top, standing behind their group of classmates as an old man came and introduced himself to their teacher.


She ignored the pang of disappointment as she realised he was probably their tour guide.


Predictably, her prat of a best friend rolled his eyes. Why was she friends with such an asshole again?


“Don’t blame Mrs. Conklin for your stupid decision of wearing impractical shoes.”


Heat bloomed on her cheeks and all the way down her neck. She must have looked like she’d gotten an awful sunburn right now. 


“My sandals are not impractical. They help with the heat!”


Uh huh.


She sneered, “You’re just defending Mrs. Conklin cuz you wanna get in her old grandma pants.”


She oofed as James jabbed her in the side with an elbow, but she felt vindicated as finally he joined her in her shit show of looking like a dreadfully red lobster. 


He glared at her after looking around in worry, scared that somebody heard them. Everybody was way ahead of them anyway, following the adults like little ducklings. She’d be the same if she didn’t already know every inch and corner this museum had to offer after her first two visits.


Her eyes then zeroed in on a young man speaking before a crowd of elderly people in front of a magnificent statue of embracing lovers, lingering on the bright smile on his face and the way his eyes shined the way it always did while talking about art.


Indeed, the reason why Malena kept coming and coming to this one museum was to explore all the hidden crevices of this certain young tour guide. 


As if feeling her gaze, his shining ocean eyes snapped to her own. She felt abruptly breathless.


He smiled and waved at her. Ugh, the things he did to her heart.


“And to your loins, don’t forget.” 


The spell ended. 


“Fuck you, Jamie.” 


“Don’t you mean: fuck me, Albert?”


She pursed her lips, ignoring her own amusement, as he roared in laughter, so annoyed she wanted to kick him where the sun didn’t shine and put him back into his proper place.


Down, on the ground, beneath her fantastic shoes whining in pain. 


But, with her heart fluttering, sh realised that Albert was still looking her way. She couldn’t embarrass herself before him.


“Just you wait, Jamie,” she said sweetly as she subtly dug her pointy manicured nails into the tender flesh of his arm, smiling wider at Albert as her group passed his own by.


Her best friend fell silent at her tone, raising his arms up in surrender as he spluttered apologies one after another to no avail, a scared look on his face.


Malena ignored him and glanced back, momentarily getting lost in deep blue waves.

James’ POV


Exiting the grocery store, James handed the bottled mango juice to his childhood best friend. They sat together on a bench as they waited at the bus stop in comfortable silence.


A nice breeze ruffled his black hair playfully as he gazed up, the sun having set a long time ago, one or two stars flickering in the young night sky. 


This was one of the best parts of their friendship, he thought contentedly as he sipped his own grape juice, sitting side by side with Malena, their shoulders touching and no pretences between them. Just familiarity and trust. 


He never wanted it to end.


A straw poked his cheek. He looked beside him to see Malena offering him a sip of her juice, a small smile on her face as she gazed at him with a raised brow.


He took her bottle and gave his in turn, just like they always did ever since they met at the park near their houses when they were 6 years old.


“A penny for your thoughts?” she asked him softly.


He hummed and shrugged. “Just thinking about the future. Speaking of which…” he eyed her with a teasing smirk.


“How did it go with lover boy?” 


Malena grinned happily, a flush on her cheeks as her eyes lit up.


“Good, huh? That’s my girl!” he crowed as he ruffled and messed up her hair. Huh, it really must have gone well if Malena actually let him fool around with her hair. Heavens knew she took such pride in her lovely blond curls.


“Yeah, we’re going out this Saturday to rollerskate,” she freely admitted before her smile vanished and she fixed him with a Serious Gaze™. Uh oh. “And what about you? Are you gonna be helping Mrs. Conklin again tomorrow?”


He rolled his eyes and huffed. Again with this discussion.


“Jamie,” she said warningly as she took his hand, “You know I love you. It’s why I want to be sure that you are sure of your own decisions, especially about what you’re currently up to.”


“And what am I doing, Mal?” he asked in exasperation, running a hand through his hair. Nonetheless, he felt warm at her concern and held her hand as they stood up and entered the bus upon its stop.


Malena answered after they sat in the back. The bus was empty save for an old grandpa sitting by the front and three young teenage girls a few seats in front of them, chatting merrily.

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“I don’t know, that’s why I’m so worried,” she said in a low voice, “Mrs. Conklin seems to be going a bit out of bounds, Jamie. I don’t like it.”


He squeezed her hand in reassurance. “She’s going through a rough divorce, Mal. I think she’s just lonely…”


Malena frowned. “That doesn’t excuse her strange behaviour towards you, Jamie, and you know it.”


Yeah, Malena was right. Despite them occasionally joking about him having an affair with their young and hot teacher, they both knew of the possibilities and the consequences should it actually happen.


But the thing was, did he want it to happen?


Of course, he could be overthinking it, but Mrs. Conklin had dropped far too many hints like touching him so much, leaving the first buttons of her neat white shirts open to reveal some nice cleavage when it was only the two of them, and talking about intimate stuff a normal teacher and student pair would have never talked about with each other.


He couldn’t deny that he liked it. He sighed, but the consequences…


He thanked god he had Malena to keep him level-headed. He dropped his forehead on her shoulder, enjoying as she patted him softly. “Don’t worry, okay? Graduation is almost near, and soon we will go to university and all that nice shit.”


“Okay, I trust you, Jamie.”


Malena’s POV


James was like her brother. 


She cared for him as though they were family. She trusted him. She truly did… but more than that, Malena knew him.


He had a heart of gold and it was one of his most endearing traits, but he could also be reckless to the point of foolishness and easily tempted.


And what a temptation Mrs. Conklin was. 


Malena sighed as she hugged her favourite pillow to her chest, rolling around in her bed as she thought of the teacher.

She wasn’t a hypocrite, she knew that had her and James’ situations been reversed, she too would have a hard time denying her desire for their beautiful teacher, much less say no to her.


Add that to her being a forbidden apple and her proactiveness in seducing her best friend, and you got a recipe for disaster. 


She wasn’t blind, and despite James’ self-imposed obliviousness, she could see that both were terribly attracted to one another. 


She just hoped that should something truly happen, James would get away with it safe and sound. 


Her phone dinged, flashing as a notification popped up. Lazily, she reached for her phone, her eyes brightening when she saw that her favourite web novel had been updated. 


James was nearly an adult, he made a promise to her too so surely he could handle himself. For now, though, she had better things to do. 


James’ POV


James was playing with fire. 


He’d promised Malena that he’d be responsible yet it seemed like the only promise he’d be able to maintain was the recent and recklessly made one to pleasure Mrs. Conklin. 


Soft lips kissed his own as a hand carded through his hair, the other trailing down his chest until it reached the bulge beneath his pants. 


He groaned when Mrs. Conklin squeezed him, holding him in a delicious way. She played with him with deft expert fingers until he was a panting mess.


He grabbed her breast, her neat button up shirt having long been discarded on the floor a few minutes ago, shortly followed by her lacy purple undergarments. He left her lips and tongue in order to suck at her perfect breasts. 


“You’re so beautiful, Mrs. Conklin,” he said as he left a hickey around her right nipple, a hand toying with her other one.


They were a lovely size, fitting perfectly in his big hands. He pushed Mrs. Conklin down, her long shapely legs tightening around his waist. 


“Veronica, call me Veronica,” she said breathlessly, and what a marvellous sight she was. Naked save for a skirt and high heels, laying down on her desk with her legs parted wantonly for him and a lust-filled expression on her face. 


James would cherish this picture for the rest of his life.


He grabbed her hair and pulled her in a heated kiss, their tongues entwined passionately once more. 


He trailed his fingers on her inner thigh, enjoying the soft flesh before delving deep inside her, exploring everything she offered him. Veronica moaned, she was so very wet.


“I want you, James,” she begged him. 


That was all the sign he needed. He quickly rolled a condom on his thick shaft before putting it in her awaiting pussy.


Veronica moaned, her back arching as she pushed her breasts towards him. She felt so good, so tight for him. 


“Don- don’t stop, James!”


He grabbed her legs and started pounding harder and faster inside her, sliding in and out of her wetness, tearing out delighted noises from the young teacher each and every time. 


“James, James!” Veronica chanted his name and from her clenching, he knew she was about to come.


He pinched her nipples and increased his speed until finally Veronica came around him with a loud moan of his name.


But it wasn’t over yet, James still hadn’t come.


He didn’t pause his thrusts, continuing on chasing after his own pleasure as he watched her big breasts bounce enticingly.  


He toyed with her clit, much to Veronica’s pleasure. He was near, and so was she again.


“Fuck me, fuck me hard, James,” she cried. “It’s so good.”


He pounded hard into her, the noise of their flesh slapping against one another echoing in the empty classroom. It was fortunate that they were the only two left, the janitor having left hours ago. 


Finally, together they came.


As James’ heart started calming down, only one thought was left in his mind.


Shit, Malena was going to kill him.

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