Tongues & Tails

Chapter 11: Rogues (R-18)

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In the heart of Akihabara amongst the bustling crowds, neon lights, and vapor haze was a collection of cookie-cutter shacks stacked so closely together you could hardly breathe without your neighbor knowing. They belonged to the bottom of the barrel middle-class who desired to live in the center of the “big city” but didn’t have the money for more than a bedroom, bathroom, and one corner that somehow passed regulation a kitchen.

However, one of the creaking sheds served as an excellent temporary base of operations for a trio of master spies.

“Jesus Christ, Kyoko. Another minute on that computer, and we’d be Swiss fucking cheese.” Madison slammed the door behind her, trailing close behind her two compatriots.

Kyoko adjusted her glasses and fingered the pinky-sized jump drive in her palm. “I needed to extract all of the data. As per our contract.”

“We can’t collect on the goddamn contract if we’re goddamn dead.” Madison stomped to the weathered recliner and descended into it with a huff.

“Aw, c’mon, Maddie, don’t be like that. Kyoko always does what’s best for us. You know that.” Emma swept a hand through her long brown hair. “Besides, I would have patched you up!”

Madison barked a laugh. “There woulda been nothing left to fucking patch up. E&I woulda had to send men with shovels to scoop up our guts.”

 “Lower your voice, please,” Kyoko instructed. “You don’t know who may be listening.”

“These outfits sure are cute, though.” Emma twirled in her short, pleated skirt, letting the hem dance around the tops of her knee socks. She toyed with the buttons on her short-sleeved, collared top and flicked the tie over her shoulder. “Very retro.”

“I’m glad you liked them.” Kyoko chuckled beneath her breath. They were meant to look like they attended the nearby college, and Kyoko had taken on the guise of a teacher with her slim-fitting black pants suit and her long hair tied back in a tight ponytail.

“Give me a break. You can wear whatever you want to school these days.” Madison’s ripped jeans and tank top were a true testament to that. “Though…I do like this jacket.” She ran her half-gloved fingertips over the soft, dark leather. Kyoko had picked it out, but that girl didn’t need anything else going to her head. “I still feel like a damn moron, though. Especially having to cover up my ink.”

“Then take the jacket off,” Kyoko said flatly.

Madison chewed her cheek in frustrated silence, then dug her cellphone free from her pocket as if Kyoko hadn’t said a word.

Outside, a young man in tight leathers stalked the walls of the hideout. The Ark had expected and prepared for the girls’ arrival. Going so far as to feed them false intelligence for them to “steal.” But he was the true endgame of their mission. Follow them back to their hideout and kill them all.

As he listened to them bicker, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. They were so free in giving the name of their employer out loud, fighting over details that anyone within a forty-foot radius could hear. And if he was counting correctly, that was at least six other houses. He unsheathed his gun and moved slowly with his back against the wall, one foot crossing over the other, careful not to disturb any of the garbage on the ground. Of which there were heaps.

“What a dump,” he murmured.

Kyoko freed her laptop from beneath a hidden compartment under the sink and popped the jump drive-in. “Let’s see what we’ve got, hmm?”

The young man’s breathing quickened, and his heart raced. This was his first job, and the last thing he wanted was to screw it up. The boss would have him killed without question—after all, they could just clone another one. He gingerly stepped to the middle of the window, aiming his gun at the bespectacled girl concentrating on her laptop. Beads of sweat framed his hairline, and his hands shook. What the hell was this feeling?

Emma twirled across the room once more in her skirt, humming an unfamiliar, carefree melody.

“Ta-da!” She flourished and posed like a pop idol.

And that’s when their eyes locked.

“Kyoko!” Emma screamed and dove for the window, snatching the gun from the assassin’s hands before he could say a word.

They wrestled with the weapon, Emma doing her best to keep the barrel pointed away from her body. She twisted the stranger’s wrist, and he yelped, relinquishing his grip.

“Fucking hell! I knew we were followed!” Madison leapt from the couch and bolted outside, following the walls to the window where he was standing.

Madison charged him as Emma released his wrists, thrusting her shoulder into his abdomen and pinning him against the wall. He fumbled for the knife he kept at his thigh, but Madison was faster, slugging him in the gut and knocking the wind out of him. With two more boxes to the ear, he lost consciousness.

Kyoko peered out the window, assessing the situation with a stern glare and thinned lips.

“What should we do with him, Teach?” Madison asked, hoisting him higher on the ground.

“Bring him inside. We need to know who sent him,” Kyoko said.

Emma frowned. “Um… I think we know who sent him, though.”

“Well, if we’re correct, that questions the validity of the information we just stole. This may have been a trap.”

“You’re so smart, Kyoko,” Emma crooned.

“You’re so smart, Kyoko,” Madison repeated in a high, exaggerated timbre. She dragged the limp assassin around the shack and back inside, propping him up in the recliner. From a locked toolbox in the corner of the room, she procured lengths of rope, chain, and locks. She always kept her interrogation kit with her for just such occasions. “Alright. Let’s tie this jackass up.”

They bound him securely to the chair while Kyoko searched him for additional weapons. She pulled free a handgun, three knives, mace, and a handful of tech pieces that she stored for personal use later. Madison pulled a dirt-riddled glass from the kitchen’s only cabinet and filled it with stale-smelling tap water. Returning to their victim, she threw the water in his face and slapped him on the cheek.

“Time to wake up, kiddo,” she crooned.

“Nnnh! What the fuck?” He squirmed against the binds, his head violently whipping side to side to see all the girls.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. That will be up to you to decide.” Kyoko adjusted her glasses and crossed her arms.

“Take the easy way, please. The hard way makes me squeamish,” Emma squeaked.

“You’re all fucking nuts,” he spat.

Madison laughed. “You’re scared. I can see it in your face. Just a scared little bitch.”

Deep red crept into his face—she’d called his bluff. This was his first job, and he’d botched it to the maximum. It didn’t matter where he wound up; he was a dead man.

“What’s your name?” Emma asked sweetly.

He paused, sizing up his captors. He’d clearly underestimated them. “Seven.”

“That wasn’t so hard, right?” Emma purred. “Who sent you?”

“I can’t tell you that.”

“Alright, my turn.” Madison sneered and pulled a crowbar from her toolbox.

“No, no! Wait! What if we…um…” Emma struggled for an idea. “What if we tickle it out of him!”

“You’re shitting me,” Madison groaned.

Kyoko shrugged. “We have time. Let her try.”

Emma was already on her knees, busy untying the laces on his tall boots.

Seven shifted uncomfortably, and his toes curled. He wasn’t ticklish, but what would happen was far worse. “I think she had the right idea with the crowbar,” he murmured.

“Oooh, you must be really ticklish, then!” Emma giggled and slid the boots off, then his socks. “Wow! You have really nice feet for a boy.” She wiggled his left pinky toe, where a silver toe ring held fast around its base. “This is cute!”

“Come on. Don’t do that, please?” he tried to ask as nicely as possible.

“Who sent you?” Kyoko repeated.

“I can’t tell you—” his retort was interrupted by a sharp hiss of breath as Emma traced her fingertips down the balls of his feet. “I can’t!”

Emma grabbed his toes and massaged her palms against the base of his foot. A low moan escaped Seven’s throat.

“I…don’t think he’s ticklish,” Emma noted. “But his feet are so soft!” She gripped the sides of each foot and ran her hands up and down, drawing delicious lines past the arches and heels.

Seven’s eyes rolled back, and his breath quickened.

Madison grimaced. “You’re getting him off, Emma.”

“Maybe if he feels good, he’ll tell us what we want to know!” Emma said.

“Kyoko, you’re really gonna let this happen?” Madison turned to their leader for the answer she wanted.

“She may be on to something,” Kyoko admitted.

Madison ran a hand from her forehead to her chin. “I can’t believe this.”

Emma leaned forward and enveloped his right big toe in her lips. “Mmm,” she hummed against his skin, teasing at the digit with her tongue.

“Nngh, fuck,” Seven breathed. Her mouth was so warm and wet, and she knew exactly where to touch and tease with her tongue. Why had he put up a fight to begin with? His erection strained painfully against his tight pants, and his thoughts were consumed by Emma’s lips. Christ, if she continued, he wouldn’t be able to hold back…

Emma pressed into the arch of his foot, rhythmically massaging while taking turns with his toes in her mouth.

“You are way too into this,” Madison chastised. However, her cheeks had flushed, and she couldn’t seem to take her eyes away from the raised crotch of Seven’s pants.

“Who sent you?” Kyoko asked, seemingly unphased by the debauchery occurring in their living room.

“The Ark,” Seven moaned. His hips bucked against the binds. God, if he could only fuck that mouth.

“What is the name of your leader?”

“N-No, I can’t—”

“Mmm,” Emma’s moaning grew louder, and her efforts doubled.

“That’s so good,” Seven whimpered. The orgasm washed over him without warning, throbbing in his every limb. His lips and toes went numb with pleasure, and his groans echoed against the wall.

“I think you just made him cum,” Madison said, disgust painting her words.

“Really?” Emma clapped her hands. “I didn’t know I could do that!”

“Only one way to make sure.” Madison parted the ropes and unfastened Seven’s pants. “Let’s see if you came all over yourself.”

Kyoko watched with a furrowed brow but said nothing. It seemed Madison was enjoying herself more than she put off.

“Wait…what are you…?” Seven descended from his climax and realized what Madison was trying to do.

She tore his pants down around his thighs and laughed. “You really did make a mess,” she spat. “You came just from your feet being touched?”

“I-I guess.” All bravery and bravado had left him. The man he’d tried to be an hour before had melted into a cum-stained wreck.

Madison climbed onto the recliner, shoving her knees beside his thighs. She smelled of sweat and gasoline. Tearing away one glove, she gripped his shaft at the base and pumped with impressive dexterity, lingering around the sensitive head and pressing beneath it with her thumb.

“Ah!” Seven gasped and leaned forward; his advance caught in the ropes. “Shit!”

“You like that, don’t you?” Madison teased. “You like me working your cock?”

“Y-yes,” he stammered. Another erection was already beginning to build beneath her experienced touch. “Please, don’t stop.”

“The name of your employer?” Kyoko demanded.

Emma continued to rub and prodded at his feet, matching the rhythm to Madison’s hand.

“M-m-mis—” Seven stammered. “No, please. They’ll kill me.”

“So will we if we must,” Kyoko snapped. “Name!”

“I- hng!” Madison’s rhythm was growing more intense. She worked him like it was her profession. “I just— I don’t know!”

“Liar!” Kyoko barked. She gripped his hair and held his head back. “You just refuse to say!”

“You’re close again. Goddamn,” Madison noted with a wicked smile. “Gonna cum all over yourself? You’re fucking filthy.”

Emma giggled. “At least his feet are clean.” She moved to suck on his toes again, still kneading into the arches and heels. “Mmm.” She stroked each one deliberately with her tongue, sucking with delicious intent.

“I’m gonna cum,” he murmured, his voice hoarse. He could hardly breathe or think. He bucked into Madison’s hand with primal abandon, strained moans escaping from his throat. Pleasure drowned him as he climaxed into her palm. His viscous seed coated her hand and dripped into his lap. Bright white specks blurred his vision. “O-okay. My boss.” He sucked in his breath, trying to realign his thoughts. “My boss is—”

His lips moved to form the words, but no sound came out. He tried again and found that his face felt paralyzed.

Do not tell them anything, Seven. Remember where your loyalties lie. The voice of his employer demanded. The sound boomed between his ears and consumed his thoughts. You are ours to command. His body went still, and it was more than his mouth he couldn’t move—any attempt to twitch so much as a finger went unanswered.

Let me go! He didn’t know if his thoughts were received. Was this a two-way communication? It wasn’t something they’d warned him about in training.

Remain where you are. Help is on the way. You will tell them nothing.

I’ll…tell them nothing…

“Your boss is…?” Kyoko prompted, releasing his hair.

There was no response.

“Oi. Seven.” Madison patted his cheek. “Hey, that hand job wasn’t for free, asshole.”

Emma stood and wiped her mouth. She leaned around Madison and studied him. “Guys, something’s wrong.”

Nothing. Nothing. Nothingnothingnothing.

Madison shuffled away from the recliner, not bothering to pull his pants up. “Well, you’re the medic. You figure it out.”

Kyoko nodded. “What do you think, Emma?”

“Hmm.” Emma noted his blank expression and forward stare. She snapped her fingers near the corners of his eyes and received no response. She forced a finger in his mouth and pushed down on his tongue. Still no response. “Is he a cyborg?”

“Do they make cyborgs with functioning dicks?” Madison cackled.

“I do not believe so,” Kyoko added. “He seems to be human.”

“He seems…hypnotized?” Emma sounded as unsure as she felt. “Like, his body is still here, but his mind isn’t.” She shrugged. “It’s that, or he’s having a stroke.”

“Well, fuck, how do we stop it?” Madison tugged his pants up around his hips. “Good enough.”

Kyoko thought that was more than kind for Madison but felt safer not pointing it out. “Is there anything we can do, Emma?”

“We could try to hypnotize him, too. Maybe override whatever’s happening to him?”

“Where’s it coming from? He doesn’t have any wires in his head or nothing.” Madison toyed with his hair and checked beneath his jacket. “Not here, neither.”

“It’s hard to say. But, if we’re going to do this, we need to start now and leave. If someone’s in contact with him, they may know his location.” Emma dug through Madison’s toolbox until she unearthed a sphere attached to a chain. “Here we go.”

“You just keeping shit in my box now?” Madison grumbled.

“You always have it with you, Maddie. It’s easier this way.” Emma ran her thumb over its center. The globe blinked to life, shining a brilliant, neon blue.

“What is that?” Kyoko asked, shielding her eyes.

“Something for him to focus on. Here Kyoko, swing it slowly back and forth in front of his eyes. The light should help to distract him, even if he’s stuck in his head. I’m going to massage his feet since that seems to stimulate his mind quite a bit—”

“And his cock,” Madison laughed.

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Emma cleared her throat. “I need you to call him back, Madison. Nicely.

Madison scoffed and crossed her arms. “But, but I—”

“You were the one who got closest to him. He’ll recognize your voice soonest.”

Madison blushed and chewed her lip. “Alright.”

Kyoko swung the pendulum back and forth in front of his eyes while Emma massaged his feet as she had before. Madison grumbled but followed her instructions.

“C’mon, Seven. We need you here. Now.” Well, it was nicer than usual, at least.

Nothing… light? A blaze of blue registered in Seven’s vision. Who…who is calling me?

“Keep going,” Emma encouraged.

Kyoko silently continued her task.

Madison growled. “Seriously, jackass, wake the hell up!”


Those… those girls? Very slowly, as if wading through a deep pool, Seven returned to his present moment. Feeling trickled back into his face, arms, and legs. What happened?

“His eyes are moving,” Kyoko stated.

“Can you wiggle your toes?” Emma asked.

It took an immense amount of effort, but Seven was able to abide by her request.

“You back, now? Good. Fucking embarrassing.” Madison ran a hand through her hair.

“Who is your employer?” Kyoko asked again, wasting no time.

“I-I don’t know her name,” he stammered. “She goes by ‘The Mistress.’”

“Is that really all you know about her?”

“She wears a lot of red.”

“So fucking helpful,” Madison snapped.

“Why were you sent after us?” Kyoko continued.

“To assassinate you. The intel you have is garbage.”

Kyoko nodded. “Did you come alone?”

“Yes. But there’s something else you need to know—”

Before he could say any more, a hovering drone outside the open window shot a tiny dart with lethal accuracy, striking his jugular vein. Seven gasped.

“Shit!” Madison screamed, rushing toward the window. But the drone had already disappeared.

“No! No, no, no!” Emma ripped the dart from his throat.

“Sorry,” he murmured. His eyes lulled shut, and he knew no more of the world.

“No!” Emma cried. “Lay him down! I’ll revive him!”

Kyoko held her fingers to his throat, waiting for a pulse that never came. “I’m sorry. He’s gone.”

“What kinda shitheads would kill their own soldiers?” Madison’s hands balled into fists. “Those motherfuckers.”

“I need to report this to HQ, and then we need to leave. Pack your things.”

With one last look at Seven, the girls returned to work.

“Fuck, he’s heavy. What the hell do they make these boys out of?” Madison groaned while lugging Seven’s body into their headquarters. She carried him in both arms, his head rested in the crook of her elbow, and his legs dangled free on the opposite end. “And remind me why the fuck we’re carting around a dead body?”

“We couldn’t leave any evidence,” Kyoko replied.

“And… and maybe we can still help him,” Emma squeaked, standing on her tiptoes to brush a strand of hair away from his face. “Our technology is super advanced.”

“He’s dead, Emma,” Madison stated.

Emma bit her lower lip, eyes lingering on Seven’s placid features. He looked so peaceful, as if he was sleeping. “But, Maddie,” she murmured.

“There is no harm in asking. But do not get your hopes up,” Kyoko added calmly. “We’ll do everything we can. Perhaps paint a larger picture of what’s happening in The Ark.”

“Oh. Yeah. Information, I guess,” Emma whispered.

Madison shifted his weight for the tenth time before looking at Emma. “You like him.”

Emma touched his cheek, then shrunk away from Madison.

Kyoko peered over her glasses. “You cannot get attached to the enemy.”

Tucking her hair behind one ear, Emma nodded but remained silent.

E&I headquarters was an enormous base built below ground, filled to the brim with the latest advancements in technology and training. Soldiers, spies, weapons specialists, and prestigious hackers wandered the wide hallways between conference rooms, testing sites, and combat areas. Two restaurant-style cafeterias were positioned on either side of the massive bunker, managed by world-renowned chefs and sommeliers. Only the best was provided for E&I’s crew.

Curious gazes followed after the girls and their unconscious companion. They ignored them and made their way to the second elevator. The first had only allowed them access to headquarters; the second was only accessible by special ops or those holding appointments with higher-ups. They were both.

Kyoko struck the third floor, and the elevator descended. She noticed Madison’s lingering gaze on Seven’s body and considered commenting. But she hadn’t wanted for him to die, either. Any further provocation of their feelings would label her as a hypocrite.

The doors opened, and they strolled to the medical bay. Kyoko left to find the head doctor while Madison carefully laid Seven on an empty bed.

“I know how you feel, Maddie,” Emma murmured.

Madison’s gaze snapped to Emma’s, but in it, she found a mutual understanding and feeling of loss. She brushed a hand through her hair and nodded.

“If he’s been dead for more than ten minutes, the brain will have irreparable damage from oxygen loss. Even if I can revive him, he would never function again.” An older gentleman with thick glasses, salt-and-pepper hair, and a white lab coat kept pace with Kyoko as they made their way to the table.

“We’re not entirely sure that he’s human, Dr. Lorenz,” Kyoko explained. “And if my assumption is right, we may have a chance.”

“Miss Omura, if you waste my time, I will be filing a report with your boss.”

“I understand.”

Dr. Lorenz sighed and readjusted his glasses. He slipped a palm-sized tablet from his coat pocket and held it at chest height, pecking at a series of buttons before switching on a holographic interface that ran the length of Seven’s body. Digital probes scanned across his unmoving form, relaying a vast amount of information back to the tablet.

“Hmm.” Dr. Lorenz’s brow furrowed.

“What is it?” Kyoko asked.

“It seems your assumptions were correct. He is not entirely organic.”

“Most of him is,” Maddison murmured.

Emma nudged her with an elbow.

“A majority of his organs are comprised of rare materials and more advanced builds than even we have available,” the doctor continued.

Maddison snickered.

Maddie,” Emma squeaked, though she had a difficult time keeping the smile of relief away from her face.

“Is he…salvageable?” Kyoko crossed her arms and peered at Seven.

“It seems he was injected with a potent liquid that stopped his functions at this site here.” Dr. Lorenz laid two fingers over the area of Seven’s throat where the dart had hit him. “It coagulated in his bloodstream before lodging itself inside of his aorta valves. I should have something that thins the coagulation. If my guess is right, his heart will begin pumping once more on its own.”

“And if it’s wrong?”

Dr. Lorenz shrugged. “I’ll take him off your hands for study and withhold my report.”

“He’s not a fucking science fair project, Doc,” Madison spat.

His eyes narrowed, and his lips formed a hard, thin line. “You will have no further use for him, I assume?”

“N-no, I guess we wouldn’t,” Emma relented. “But…we would really appreciate if you saved him.”

His eyes softened with Emma’s sincerity, and he pocketed his tablet. “I will do my best.”

Dr. Lorenz had Seven hooked into two IVs filled with the solution he’d proposed within the hour. It dripped slowly into both of Seven’s arms, depleting the bags little by little.

“That shit looks like antifreeze,” Madison noted.

“I wonder why it’s so blue.” Emma poked one of the bags, finding it warm to the touch. “It’s kind of pretty, though.”

“It’s the chemical reaction between the— You know what? Never mind.” Kyoko paced the length of the room, unhappy with their current idling.

They sat in uncomfortable silence. Kyoko’s shoes clicked against the floor, the machine hooked up to the IVs occasionally beeped, and the sound of quiet conversation drifted from further back in the facility. Emma had pulled a chair to Seven’s bedside and slumped into it, fidgeting with her hands. Madison leaned against a far wall, staring at something invisible on the ceiling.

“We should be reporting to the higher-ups, not wasting time on an assassin,” Kyoko said after nearly half an hour had passed.

“Then fucking go, Kyo. No one’s forcing you to stay.” Her pacing was really beginning to grate on Madison’s nerves.

“Guys, don’t fight. Please?” Emma requested meekly.

“We’re in this together, Madison. We always have been,” Kyoko snapped.

“Then sit down and shut up. Another hour won’t kill you.”

Guys,” Emma squeaked.

“Man, do you girls always argue like this?” a weak, fourth voice joined the fray.

“Seven!” Emma leapt from her chair and embraced him around the shoulders. “You’re alive!”

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Madison chuckled and pushed away from the wall.

“Woah, ow, careful. But yeah, looks like I am.” Seven looked around the room, then in each girls’ face. “Where am I?”

“E&I HQ!” Emma released him.

Emma,” Kyoko admonished.

“What? He’s gonna find out eventually,” Madison said. “If we didn’t tell him, someone else would have.”

Kyoko sighed. “What were you going to tell us? About The Ark?”

“Straight to business, I see.” Seven rolled his eyes. He flexed his fingers, then his arms. They tingled as if his joints had all fallen asleep, but they were functional. He pushed himself to sitting with the help of all three girls. “They have you three on lock. Identities, backgrounds, the works.”

“But how?” Emma asked.

Seven glanced at each corner of the ceiling and down the hallway. “Is this place bugged?”

“I don’t believe so.” Kyoko shook her head.

“I think you’ve got a mole in E&I. Someone who’s selling you out.”

“The fuck? You serious?” Madison crossed her arms. “Why the hell would they do that?”

“I don’t know. But the files on all three of you are fucking extensive. Like they’re being fed from the inside.” Seven ran a shaking hand through his hair. “Jesus, is that antifreeze?”

Madison laughed. “Probably. He said you’re built like a Ferrari.”


“Nah, you’re just full of shit.” Madison tousled his hair. “Good to have you back.”

Kyoko’s pacing continued. “A mole,” she murmured.

“What is it, Kyoko?” Emma crawled onto the bed and placed Seven’s legs over her lap. “This is comfortable,” she giggled.

Seven flushed but remained silent.

“There are only a handful of people with access to our records, even within our own corporation. A double agent with that much security clearance will not only bring us down, but they’ll also single-handedly topple E&I. Whoever this ‘Mistress’ is, she’s very powerful indeed,” Kyoko explained.

“Let me help you find the mole,” Seven said.

Emma gasped. Madison eyed him incredulously.

“How?” Kyoko asked.

“I can go back to The Ark and act as the same kind of double agent.”

“You’d be putting yourself in danger!” Emma squealed and hugged his legs. “You shouldn’t do that.”

“Why?” Kyoko asked.

Seven shrugged. “I owe you that much.”

Kyoko stared at him for a long time, noting Madison’s worried gaze and Emma’s obsessive coddling. If she didn’t let him go, he very well might tear the three of them apart. “Alright. You’re in.”

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