Tongues & Tails

Chapter 4: Twin Tails Delight (R-18)

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Nemo never asked to be transported to Nyarlea. It was just one silly spell. One tiny piece of magic that was supposed to teleport him from one end of his bedroom to the other. There was even a sketch of the user vanishing and reappearing in the same room depicted inside his late mother’s tome of spells. So, then, how was it that the incantation had moved him across worlds? Plopped him in the middle of a Victorian-esque city with massive buildings and perfect landscaping?

But that wasn’t the worst part. No. The worst part was what the buildings were filled with. Catgirls. To the brim. Young women with feline ears and long tails, all dressed like maids and house servants. Like a sexy Halloween celebration, except it was every day of the week. Tight bodices and poofy skirts with soft white aprons and sheer stockings. They all bowed to him and called him “Young Master,” begging to satisfy his every whim.

At first, he’d asked where he was and what had happened—the questions anyone in his situation would have asked, he thought. After he realized that he wasn’t dreaming, the girls gave him a place to stay and food to eat. It was all he should have logically needed for the foreseeable future. Until he could figure out what was going on, at least. So, then, why was he feeling this way?

Nemo writhed beneath his sheets, staring up at the ceiling. Sweat dampened the satin blankets and his makeshift nightclothes. Desires he’d never known he was capable of invaded his thoughts and dreams every day. Emotions tangled and tightened his chest every time he wondered how the girls looked beneath their skirts, how their tails would feel against his skin. He shivered. His pants were uncomfortably tight against his crotch—another sensation he’d never dealt with before.

I need release.

But what did that look like? Did he ask one of the girls to help him? No, that’s not how that worked. That was way too casual. From everything he’d learned, there should be romance involved. Love, maybe? Wasn’t that how every conversation about sex began? When two people love each other very much… But he hardly knew any of these girls, let alone loved them. They did seem to stick close by him, sneaking errant touches here and there. Fingertips brushed against his face in a show of concern, caressed his neck to soothe him, and massaged his shoulders to ‘break the tension.’ A few girls held their hand to the small of his back while they guided him to his room. The discomfort between his legs grew worse.

I could do it by myself, couldn’t I?

He’d never touched himself before. Well, not in this manner, anyway. Bathing was one thing, but this was an entirely different concept. His heart hammered against his chest, and his breathing sped. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon. Morning already? It was still pitch black outside when another dream of naked skin against his body forced him to consciousness. He’d been awake for so long.

He couldn’t let himself keep feeling like this. Something had to give. With trembling hands, he slid the elastic of his pants down his hips until it rested around his thighs. His cock twitched free, engorged by pent-up musings and dreams. The cool sheets brushed against the tip, sending a chill rocketing down his spine.

Nmh.” Nemo slapped a hand over his mouth, suppressing the urge to groan. S…Sensitive! He stole a deep breath and guided his hand beneath the sheets, down his stomach, then paused at his lower abdomen. His fingers trembled, and goosebumps bloomed beneath his navel. Just do it. With one last exhale, he wrapped his palm around his shaft.

At first, it didn’t feel like much. He cautiously tightened his grip, pumped upward, then bit into his hand. Toying with the head triggered an immense pleasure that echoed from his toes to his lips. He did it again with the same response. His gasp caught in his throat.

Should I really feel this good?

“Young Master? It’s time to wake up,” a familiar voice called from outside the door, then entered without knocking.

Nemo jerked his chin to look at her, his hand still over his mouth. Crimson bloomed across his cheeks and neck. He was still partially covered beneath his bedding, but the lumps in the covers would paint an obvious picture.

Lara was one of his constant catgirl companions with her sister Destiny. She claimed to speak with the Elements and always had a dreamy look on her face. Like her turquoise eyes peered into other dimensions that the rest of the world couldn’t see. Her long blonde hair flowed down her back, ending at her thin waist. The black and white maid uniform clung to her curves, supporting an ample chest before blooming at her hips. Ivory stockings hugged shapely legs, disappearing into a pair of close-toed shoes with a single strap.

Lara’s eyes widened but still maintained the lackadaisical quality of someone not all there, and a mischievous smile played at her lips. “I see that you require attention.” She carefully closed the door behind her and smoothed her skirts. “Please, allow me to assist you.”

“N-no! You don’t have to do that!” Nemo dropped his hand and shot up to a sitting position. “Really!”

Her smile widened. Her golden hair trailed behind her as she moved to take a seat on the bed beside him. Her skirt crept up her thighs, revealing the thin band of skin between the edges of her thigh highs and the hem of her dress. “It is my job to serve you, Master Nemo. Don’t be silly.”

“B-but, this is…”  embarrassing! He couldn’t finish his sentence.

“Shh.” She slipped her shoes from her feet and crawled onto the bed behind him. Her tail flicked from side to side as she positioned Nemo between her legs so that his head rested against her firm chest. “Please relax. I will help you.”

“L-Lara! I—ngh!

Lara had maneuvered her arm beneath his, taking his cock in her hand. Her fingers were longer and encompassed his shaft despite the thick girth. Nemo turned his head to the side, ashamed to feel his body giving in to her touch. The scent of her breasts consumed him, and the pillows beneath her dress served as another reminder of just how soft she was. Instead of adding to his embarrassment, it only enhanced his pleasure. He moaned against her chest, and his hands searched her thighs.

“That’s a good boy, Master Nemo,” Lara whispered in his ear, her breath hot and inviting. “I like hearing noises like that.” She nibbled the lobe, then traced the curve with the tip of her tongue. “You taste like Fire,” she crooned.

No…s-she can’t…she can’t see me like this… Logic was quickly abandoning him, leaving an aching, unquenched thirst in its place. What is she doing to me? His hips rocked with the slow rhythm of her palm. Each time she enveloped the head of his cock in her hand, he gasped. When he tilted his chin up to look at her face, she seemed entirely at ease. Pleased, even. She caught him peeking and licked her lips.

“Does that feel good, Young Master?”

“Y-Yes,” he admitted, his voice rasped.

“May I share more with you?”

Nemo didn’t understand what she meant. His desire answered for him. “Yeah.”

Lara released him, then slid his damp shirt over his head before dropping it to the floor. She pulled his thighs in, tugged his pants the rest of the way over his feet, then tossed them aside.

I’m naked, and she only lost her shoes! Nemo realized, nervously chewing his bottom lip.

Lara must have read his expression. She giggled, then asked, “Would you like to undress me, Young Master?”

Nemo’s fingers tingled. “C-can I?”

“Certainly. It is only natural.” Lara shifted around so that her back was to him, then pulled her hair over one shoulder.

Nemo wasn’t sure what was natural about it, but a voice in the back of his head told him to start before she changed her mind. Though, with how relaxed she appeared, it didn’t seem like his fear would ever come to fruition.

He repositioned himself to his knees, ignoring the erection bumping into his navel. Just beneath her shoulder blades was the top hem of the apron that pulled her dress together. He found the zipper pull and carefully tugged it downward, watching entranced as the fabric parted and the straps fell to the sides of her shoulders. She picked the buttons of her white blouse apart but left Nemo to pull it away from her chest. Once the zipper reached its base, he reached around to the opening of her shirt and drew it back, sliding it off her arms. Her lacy white bra and the peaks of her chest were a feast for the eyes.

Lara hummed and leaned her head back on his shoulder.

“Can I…” Nemo swallowed, his hands hovering at her sides. “Can I touch you?”

“Yes,” she murmured. “I will share all of myself with you, Young Master.”

Nemo’s ears pinked as he cupped her breasts in his palms. Her skin was like silk to the touch, a perfect contrast to the lace of her bra. Though, to his embarrassment, he wasn’t sure what to do once he had them in his hands.

“Would you like me to teach you?” Lara asked.

Is she in my mind?! Nemo thought, trying not to panic. None of the girls should be allowed to see the things he thought about them. “P-please,” he whispered.

Lara grinned and lazily closed her eyes. Taking his hands in hers, she kneaded them against her breasts with a blissful sigh. “It is better without the lace.”

Without her bra? Nemo paused and returned to her back, finding the fastenings of her bra at its center. It took a few embarrassing moments to figure out how to unhook the eyelets, but Lara was the picture of patience, encouraging him as he worked.

“Why not finish undressing me, Young Master? Then you may touch me to your heart’s content,” Lara suggested, adding her bra to the pile of clothing on the floor.

Nemo’s eyes lingered on the pink buds at the center of her breasts, and he nodded. He’d never seen a woman’s bare chest before. The desire to please her only grew more intense by the second.

Lara stood, letting the apron and her skirts fall to the floor, leaving only her stockings and panties. Her ears flicked with interest, and her tail moved from side to side in a hypnotic rhythm. Her pale skin was free of blemishes and, Nemo realized, hair.

Does that mean…she doesn’t have hair…

Nemo quickly shook his head and stood with her. She looked so comfortable, despite now missing most of her clothing. She smiled and wiggled her hips—a gentle reminder that she was waiting. He averted his gaze, then carefully slipped his thumbs over the elastic of her left stocking. He rolled it down, having to bend his knees to reach her foot. The curves and dips of her thigh and calf were supple yet taut with consistent use. He stepped to her right and did the same with her second stalking. She stepped out of them, leaving just her panties clinging to her hips.

She stroked his hair with one hand, gazing down at him with a brand of affection that Nemo had never experienced. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Y-yeah,” Nemo admitted, mapping the lines of her legs with his fingertips.

“Only a little left, hm?”

Nemo nodded. He reached for the narrow lace of her panties and froze. What happens after these come off?

“We can go as slow as you like, Young Master.”

How did she read him so well? However, the last thing he wanted her to think was that he was afraid. He just wished he had any experience in this department. Before he could have any more thoughts against it, he pulled her panties to the floor.

There really isn’t any hair anywhere on her skin. Twin silken lips met between her thighs and just below her abdomen. Nemo realized how much of her he wanted to explore; taste, touch, feel.

“Come, there is no rush.” She took him by the hand and led him back to bed. “Sit behind me.”

Nemo did as he was told, and Lara positioned herself once again between his legs, her back to him. “Now you may return to your previous intentions.”

“I can touch you?”

“Yes,” she purred. “Please.”

He circled her in his arms and lifted her breasts into his hands. Her nipples hardened against his palms as he needed the tender skin. As he worked, a plush tension wrapped around his shaft, and he moaned in surprise. Glancing down, he realized Lara had encased his cock.

Ahn!” Nemo muffled his cry against Lara’s shoulder as she pumped him with her tail. It was so soft and smooth and firm. Like a velvet hand stroking him.

“I will teach you more, Young Master,” Lara crooned. “Please pay attention.”

Through a haze of pleasure, Nemo watched as Lara spread her legs. She rested one hand on the back of Nemo’s neck and walked the other down her abdomen.

“S-should I keep—hng!—k-keep touching you?” Nemo managed to say between the strokes of Lara’s tail.

“Yes,” Lara replied, wriggling her hips further down so that she lay against him at an angle. “There are many ways to pleasure a catgirl. It is best if you can do more than one at the same time.”

It was so hard to concentrate. Between the feeling of her breasts in his hands and her tail around his shaft, he could barely comprehend what she was saying. “S-same time?”

“Mhm. For example, touching her chest, while you touch her here—” Lara used her pointer and ring fingers to spread the lips of her pussy, exposing pink, vulnerable lines of skin beneath. With her middle finger, she caressed the intersecting point of folds. A palpable shiver ran down her back, and a soft whimper escaped her throat. “—simultaneously.”

A spark of courage flared in his chest when he felt Lara tremble in his arms. “Will you show me how I should touch you?” he murmured.

“As you wish,” she said, licking her lips. “If you…if you reach down, like this,” she dipped her finger lower, teasing at the opening with the tip, “you can wet your fingers. And then,” she returned it to her clit, sliding it in a circle with ease, “it—mnh—it f-feels better.”

The room warmed with their breathing. Nemo was mesmerized by Lara, so comfortable touching herself and teaching him. How? He wanted to show her the same kind of confidence. Her tail seemed to have a mind of its own as it continued to stroke and pump his cock. And, as she pleasured herself, she grew slick in her own desires.

“Does it…Does it feel good if you put your fingers inside?” Nemo asked.

Lara circled her opening with her middle finger, then inserted it to the last knuckle. Her hips rocked forward, and she whimpered. “Yes,” she breathed. “But I want more than this.”

“Can I give you more?” He didn’t know where he was pulling his confidence from, but it didn’t matter. He was at the edge of his patience, and the thought of putting himself where here fingers were was driving him mad with thirst.

“Please.” She loosened her tail and turned to face him, keeping her legs spread wide.

He guided his shaft between her thighs, and the damp heat against the head was immediate. Holding his breath, he fit himself against her opening and leaned his hips forward. There was no resistance; her body welcomed him with a searing embrace.

Mnh…ngh!” Nemo’s breathing melted into groans. She touched the backs of his thighs and encouraged him to keep moving. Every inch he fell into her was a new crash of pleasure that washed over him. He thought he’d felt sensitive with the blanket’s caress, but this was on a whole different level.

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“That’s much better than my fingers,” Lara purred, twisting her hips down until their stomachs kissed. “So much better. Thank you, Young Master.”

Words failed him, only coming out as groans of desperation. His toes curled, and his hands shook. “I-I think I’m going to climax,” he managed. The air was so thick, filled with Lara’s sweet scent and their heated gasps.

“Then come.” She wrapped her fingers into the locks of his dark hair and settled into a rhythm with her hips. “But don’t stop moving.”

Nemo didn’t need to be told twice. He held her waist and thrust into her, letting every sleepless hour he’d spent wondering how this would feel pour out of him. It felt incredible. He never wanted to stop feeling like this. Lara’s body fit him like a glove, dripping with ecstasy and yielding without question. The tip of her tail danced along his spine, and the sensation pushed him over. His body went rigid with his orgasm, and Lara touched his thighs again.

“Keep moving, Nemo.”

It was the first time she’d used his name. The way it dripped from her tongue was music to his ears. He complied. He’d do anything she wanted him to. Just don’t make me stop feeling like this.

Lara’s chest bounced in an intoxicating rhythm, keeping in time with his thrusts. He reached for her breasts and kneaded them, toying at her nipples with his thumbs. She slid her free hand between her legs, fingering her clit with her middle finger.

“Yes, just like that,” she moaned. Her dreamy gaze vanished behind heavy lids and her back arched with need. “Oh, Nemo. That feels so good.”

He watched her face, watched her hand, lived for her body beneath his. Her squirms and squeals, and the way she said his name. He was drunk with it all.

“I’m coming!” she whimpered. “Do not hold back!”

Nemo plunged as far as her depths would allow, thrusting furiously inside her with intense desperation. Her body clenched and convulsed around him, throbbing in delicious pulses that brought him back to the edge. His cries harmonized hers, and bright white spots exploded in his vision. He couldn’t feel his lips, his toes, his fingers. Ecstasy wiped away his worries, replacing them with carnal need.

 “Goodness, what’s all the noise in here?” Another voice joined the room.

“H-hello, Destiny,” Lara said through her gasps. “Close the door.”

Nemo dangled between embarrassment and frustration. He wanted to go again. He didn’t want to stop. Lara pulled away from him, and he felt like his favorite toy had been taken away. And at the same time…

Destiny stared at them, gaping. Her cheeks turned a brilliant red, and her deep blue ears drooped down against her head. Destiny and Lara were twins in every way, save for Destiny’s blue hair styled into a bob and Lara’s long blonde locks. Nemo had never wanted to embarrass her.

“My apologies. I see this is a bad time.” Destiny bowed and turned to leave, but Lara, still somehow entirely confident despite her nudity, grabbed her wrist.

“Not at all, sister. The Young Master needs us,” Lara replied, tugging on Destiny’s wrist. “Please, stay.”

Destiny’s eyes flickered to Nemo. Her curious gaze slid down his lithe body, landing at his hips, then snapped back to his face. “Is that true, Young Master? You have need of me?”

Nemo licked his lips. Was this a need? A want? Lara caught his eye and gave him the tiniest of nods. “I…I do,” he admitted.

“This will help you not be so shy, sister,” Lara encouraged gently. “I know you have desires. You have admitted as much.”

Destiny’s face turned a deeper red. She tucked her tail between her legs and searched for an invisible target on the floor. “L-Lara…”

“Nothing would please the Young Master more than your body, Destiny.”

“R-really?” Destiny crossed an arm across her chest and grabbed her elbow. It was a demure gesture that had Nemo walking toward her before he realized it.

Lara flashed a knowing smile, guiding Destiny by the shoulders and turning her to face the door. Nemo unzipped her jumper and pulled down Destiny’s skirts. Lara worked at the buttons on Destiny’s shirt, then let Nemo slide it off the rest of the way. As he rolled down her stockings, Destiny hissed in a small breath of air.

“This is…do I…ah!” She floundered with her words until Nemo grazed her panties with his fingers, teasing what lay beneath as Lara had shown him.

“Now the Young Master can practice, too,” Lara giggled. “He is a fast learner.”

Nemo unhooked Destiny’s bra and slid her panties down.

“I— I don’t know—” Destiny stammered.

“Come now, sister. You will make him nervous. We are here to please, remember?”

“Yes! Of course! It is what we are meant to do.”

“Perhaps you should show him?” Lara pushed down on her shoulders. “Kneel, sister.”

Destiny did as she was told. Lara took Nemo’s wrist and pulled him forward so that he stood with his groin flush to Destiny’s face. Desire stayed his nervous lips. Please, let me feel your tongue…

Without prompting, Destiny parted her lips and took his cock in her mouth. Overwhelming gratification struck him like lightning. She mapped his shaft with her tongue and toyed with the head near her throat. Nemo relaxed his hands in her hair and leaned his hips against her. She slurped and sucked, taking him as far back as her throat would allow. One hand disappeared between her legs, teasing herself as Lara had. I never want to stop feeling like this. Her eyes squinted, and her throat tensed whenever she pushed a little farther. It surprised him how much she could take, and the hot, tight squeeze of her throat was mind-blowing.

“That feels so good,” Nemo murmured. “You’ll…You’ll make me—”

“Oh, no. Not yet, Young Master.” Lara giggled. “You must be patient.”

Destiny pulled away, gasping for air and rising to her feet. Nemo found himself disappointed. He’d wanted to keep going until he watched her drink his seed. What are you two doing to me?

Lara took Destiny’s hand and led her to the bed. She crawled to the center and gestured for Destiny to sit next to her. They settled in, Destiny’s back against Lara’s chest. To Nemo’s—and Destiny’s, it seemed—surprise, Lara took her sister’s thighs, tugged them back, and spread them wide.

“Come here, Nemo. Show my sister what you’ve learned,” Lara purred.

Nemo joined them on the bed.

“Goodness! Lara!” Destiny covered her face, and her knees twitched, longing to come together. Lara’s grip wouldn’t allow it.

Goosebumps peppered Destiny’s tender flesh. Her thighs trembled, and her face and neck were a brilliant red. Her feet dangled in the air, her toes curled, and her tail curved around her thigh. Like her twin, her skin was completely unmarked and void of hair. Nemo was still intoxicated with lust, and every inch of her body called for him.

He moved closer, resting on his knees, before leaning in and taking one of her nipples in his mouth. Destiny squeaked in surprise. Her skin was sweet, carrying a faint floral aroma. Taking advantage of her vulnerable position, he traced the velvet skin between her thighs and found her opening slick. As Lara had instructed, he used her pleasure to rub and tease Destiny’s clit.

Hah! Ah!” Destiny gasped, her calves quivering against Lara’s hands.

“Good boy, Nemo,” Lara praised. “Doesn’t that feel good, sister?”

Mhm…” Destiny hummed. “Y-yes…”

Lara’s circled her tail beneath Destiny’s legs and curled just beneath the head of Nemo’s cock. She pumped him in a way that furiously edged him but wouldn’t bring him to climaxing. Nemo groaned against Destiny’s skin. He slipped his pointer and middle fingers inside Destiny, moving his thumb against her clit.

Destiny dropped her hands from her face, instead grabbing onto two fistfuls of blankets on either side of Lara’s knees. Nemo continued to push his fingers deeper, focusing on the points that made her squeal and moan. Her body relaxed more and more by the second, and his hand glistened with her ecstasy. She was somehow tighter than her twin, and Nemo’s hunger for her compounded with every groan that escaped her throat.

“L-Lara,” Nemo groaned against Destiny. A line of saliva remained connected from Nemo’s tongue to Destiny’s breast. “I need more.”

“Of course you do, Young Master.” Lara released her tail from Nemo’s shaft and let go of Destiny’s legs. “On your hands and knees, sister.”

“W-what?” Destiny panted; her eyes glazed with pleasure.

“Come now. Let us not disappoint Nemo.”

Nemo didn’t understand what was happening, either, but Destiny turned to her hands and knees all the same. Lara repositioned her so that Destiny’s head was at her stomach, and her hips were in the air facing Nemo.

“Now you may proceed, Nemo,” Lara advised.

Nemo stayed on his knees but raised himself so that his hips aligned with Destiny’s. “Like…this?” This wasn’t a position he was familiar with, but if he positioned himself correctly…

“Yes, Young Master.”

Nemo spread Destiny’s thighs, revealing her opening. He entered her slowly and gasped. “That’s so tight,” he whimpered.

Destiny mewled into the bed and her tail wrapped around Nemo’s back.

He continued to push his length inside her. She felt like a dozen ridges and bumps massaging him all at once. It was enough to make his head bow forward and his fingers shake. At last, he was entirely encased, and he ground his hips hard against hers. She cried out and pushed back against him, spreading her legs a few inches wider. Deeper. She wanted him deeper. He wanted to be deeper. Any way to feel her on as much of his skin as possible.

“Do you want to taste Nemo, Destiny?” Lara asked.

Ngh!… I…yes.” The sheets muffled Destiny’s words, but her assent was clear.

Lara moved closer to her sister and spread her legs. With a fistful of Destiny’s hair, Lara guided Destiny’s head between her thighs. Lara murmured with a dreamy lilt to her voice,  “You’ll have to use your tongue.”

Destiny’s hands curled around Lara’s legs, and she stretched forward. She lapped at Lara’s cunt, her tongue tasting Nemo and Lara’s combined tonic.

“Don’t stop, Destiny,” Nemo instructed. The scene was far more erotic than he’d anticipated. Lara’s head lulled back, and a string of sensual moans soaked the room. Destiny drank from Lara like a kitten to milk. The talented tongue that had enticed him ended up drinking his seed anyway. Nemo pounded into her with more force than he intended, but he didn’t know how to stop.

“Play—hah—play with her tail, Nemo,” Lara instructed, her thoughts tripping on her noises.

Nemo wrapped Destiny’s tail in his hand, stroking it with the same grip and tension that he’d used on himself. Destiny squealed, her hips bearing down on his. Her mouth and tongue moved more passionately against Lara, the wet sounds of her efforts ringing in Nemo’s ears. Lara used her tail to tease Destiny’s nipples, forcing more noises from Destiny. Nemo memorized as many details from the scene as he could. The gentle slope of Destiny’s back, Lara’s perfect body in the morning glow, their faces caught in expressive throes of passion.

“I’m close,” Nemo warned.

“Come, Nemo,” Lara whispered to the sky, her hands tangled in Destiny’s hair.

Nemo sped his already desperate thrusts, his skin slamming into Destiny’s. Her body clenched and pulsed with her climax, catching him off guard and forcing him over the edge. Her depths squeezed every drop from his body, throbbing around him and encouraging him to stay. Unintelligible cries escaped them both, and Lara’s voice soon joined their choir when Destiny’s tongue eased her into a climax.

Nemo fought for air, the oppressive heat and sudden bursts of energy threatening to send him immediately to sleep. He carefully pulled away from Destiny, and she dropped to her knees, pushing herself to a sitting position.

“I…I hope that was all right,” Destiny murmured.

“That felt…amazing,” Nemo admitted. He looked at the twins and licked his lips. Before the last of his horny courage could leave him, he asked, “When can we do it again?”

Lara moved to all fours and crawled toward him, reigniting the yearning in his veins. She nibbled his lower lip and locked his gaze. “Any time you want, Young Master.”

Maybe catgirls aren’t so bad…

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