Tongues & Tails

Chapter 6: Sugar Cotton (R-18)

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Tristan awoke to sheer, flowing curtains and soft blankets. The air was thick and difficult to breathe. His bare skin kissed the cool sheets as he wracked his brain on how he ended up here.

I was in Nyarlea… so how…?

“Ah, you’re awake,” a soft voice murmured behind him, then laughed beneath her breath. “I would tell you the strain this trip has on a human, but you already know.”

A flood of memories washed over him. A distant, pent-up wave that he hadn’t recalled in ages. The stuffy air, the sudden shift in scenery, the sultry, captivating voice that brought him back to consciousness. “L…Lilith?” the name was still sweet on his tongue, though it felt out of practice from years of unuse.

“It’s true, then. You were Lilith’s lover and walked away alive.” Tender fingers mapped the curve of his hipbone. “She tells quite the stories about you.”

“I…She put me back,” Tristan recalled. The sharp pang of loss he’d experienced when he’d found himself back in his own bed throbbed in his chest. “But that was a long time ago.”

“Barely a blink in time for beings like us, Tristan.” The voice drew away. Heels clicked against the tile, then quieted as they met the plush carpet beneath the bed. She paused, leaning one hand against a bedpost, offering Tristan a look at his captor.

Bright gold eyes blinked behind wild pink hair, cut short in the back, while two long sections dangled in front of her shoulders. Dark pink horns curved upward from just above her ears, and a matching tail curved around her back.

She’s not bothering with the glamour, then. Lilith had masked her true nature when they’d first met. It seemed this succubus wasn’t as worried.

She wore a skin-tight bodysuit that cut high on the thighs and low on her breasts. One strap circled her neck, while two more strained against her collarbone and chest. A twin pair of pink wings extended from the small of her back and rested on either side of her hips. Her curves were captivating, and her eyes held him like shackles.

“You must understand. I simply had to meet the boy who captured a succubus’s heart.” She reached forward and touched the tip of his nose with one perfectly manicured finger. “We’re not very good at asking.”

Tristan blushed, collecting himself on the bed and moving one of the sheets over his lap. How many catgirls had he slept with? Hundreds. And still…The way this woman’s eyes bore into him made his heart slam against his chest. “If I may ask, what’s your name?”

A demure smile spread across her lips. “Sugar Cotton. You can call me Sugar.” She lifted one long leg and positioned her toe between the opening of the footboard. One stocking covered it entirely, while the other was bare save for a strap high on the thigh. Leaning forward, she rested one arm on her knee and used the other to tilt his chin up. Sweet perfume wafted from her ivory skin and seeped into his pores. “No need for such niceties here, Tristan. If you have questions, ask.”

“What do you want with me?” he asked.

Sugar’s smile widened. “What does any succubus want?”

He swallowed hard against the building lump in his throat and the blood rushing between his legs. “I don’t want to die here.”

With a few beats of her wings, Sugar was hovering a few inches from the carpet. She fluttered over the footboard, her lips inches from his. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Her hands found his wrists, and she lifted them to her waist. “But I will be rough with you.”

Tristan’s breath caught in his throat. Before he could reply, her lips met his, her tongue quickly parting them and colliding with his. She was sweet—as much as her namesake would suggest. He gasped, grabbing onto her waist. The bodysuit dissolved beneath his fingertips, leaving her soft skin free to touch and manipulate to his desires.

Whether it was her powers or his instincts, something changed in him. A carnal need that took hold without his permission.

Tristan’s fingers moved to her breasts, kneading them against his palms and pinching her hardened nipples in a maddening rhythm of teasing massage. Her moans vibrated against his tongue, and her hips pushed against his. He moved his hands to grip her thighs and guide her over his throbbing shaft.

Sugar withdrew from their kiss, glittering eyes matching the mischief of her smile. “No. Not like that.” She gripped his left shoulder and lifted it. “On your stomach.”

Tristan searched her face. He briefly wondered what she’d planned, but he was sure her single warning was all he’d get. A nervousness he hadn’t experienced in years tugged at his stomach as he turned to his stomach.

“On your knees,” she whispered.

He bent his knees to his chest, pushing himself to all fours with his arms. “What—ngh!

“Shh. Be a good boy, now.” Sugar had reached around his hip and grabbed his cock, sensually pumping him from head to base. Her fingers were slick and lubricated, gliding over him without resistance. “You can be a good boy for me, can’t you?”

Tristan moaned, curling the red bedsheets between his fingers. “I…I—”

The cheeks of his backside parted. Something stiff and warm probed at the opening. “You’ll take my dick, won’t you?”

His neck and face bloomed in a deep scarlet, and his thighs trembled. Girls had toyed with him using their fingers before, but this…this felt so much bigger. “I-I don’t know,” he whimpered.

“Mm. Sure you can,” Sugar crooned, massaging the pulsing veins along his shaft. “Don’t disappoint me, Tristan.” She pushed forward, inching the thick head of her cock inside of him.

An unintelligible string of groans slipped from Tristan’s tongue. How was she going to fit that thing inside of him? It was so much. So—

Another inch. His grip on the sheets turned white.

“Fuck, your ass is so tight,” Sugar moaned. She raked one hand down his back, continuing her tantalizing machinations with the other around his member. “You’ll take it all, won’t you?”

A thin line of saliva dripped from the corner of Tristan’s mouth. He could hardly breathe.

“You are adorable.” Sugar wriggled her hips, advancing forward. “Oh? Coming already? We’ve just started.”

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“N-no,” was all he managed between panting breaths.

She soaked her thumb and forefinger in the precum that leaked from him, then drew her hand away and licked it free. “It makes no difference to me. We’ll continue until I’m finished.” She wrapped her tail around his thigh, then wound it around his shaft. It had the same supple hold as her hand but tighter. Her wings draped around his legs, the tips sinking into his thighs and prying his thighs wider. “Now’s when the real fun starts.”

“Sugar—” he whispered, sweat dripping from his temples.

Sugar grabbed his hips and plunged into his depths until he sheathed her whole. Without hesitation, she drew back and thrust again.

Tristan cried out against his forearm, biting the skin to suppress the moans. His toes curled, and his lips numbed as pleasure washed over him with every lunge of her body. Her tail maintained a dangerous pace, coaxing more semen onto the sheets.

“What a good boy you are, Tristan. Taking all of me like this,” Sugar praised, resting her breasts on his back while she continued to ride him. “Doesn’t it feel good?”

Her voice traveled through his gasps and moans, piercing his hearing as acutely as she did his body. “Yes,” he whined into his arm.

“You like being my toy?”

He rested his forehead against his arm, letting the heat of his blush rush through him. It fueled the adrenaline in his veins, and he shivered. I shouldn’t love this… “Y-yes.” His hips bucked against hers, grinding harder down around her dick each time she bottomed him out.

“What an eager little one you are,” she noted, licking her lips. “You’re an impressive plaything, Tristan.”

“I-I’m close,” he admitted, unsure how much longer he could hold out against her tail and thrusts.

Sugar laughed. “Take my load, and you can come.” Her rhythm sped, forcing a series of punctuated groans from Tristan. “Oh, what a sweet fuck you are,” she moaned. “Take every drop.”

Her rolling orgasm vibrated inside of him, dragging him over the edge. Tristan clenched his eyes shut, releasing his climax against her tail as she filled him with seed. His entire body shook with it, goosebumps coating every inch of his flesh. She lapped her tongue along his spine, and he shivered. His ears rang, and his feet were numb. Crazed ecstasy split his groans with laughter, emboldening him.

“Hm. What’s so funny?” Sugar asked, tongue heavy with bliss.

Tristan slipped away from her, then turned and grabbed her by the wrists. “In your own words, I wonder if you’re a sweet fuck?”

Sugar’s eyes widened. “You’re joking.”

Tristan pulled her down to the bed, pinning her wings with his knees. As he’d suspected, her cock had vanished. Lilith had glamoured herself a clone that had worked much the same way. Sugar lay naked beneath him, evidence of her pleasure wet on her thighs. “You can decide that.” He aligned his hips to hers and buried his cock inside her. Her body yielded without contest, enveloping him inside her searing heat. He gasped—she fit him like a glove, silken and tight.

Mnf!” She squirmed beneath him, her sultry voice a sudden harmony of high-pitched squeals. “How are you still so hard?”

A smile played at the corner of his mouth. “Because I’m a good boy?”


He grabbed her thighs and bent her knees toward her chest, resting the calves on his shoulders. She could talk to him later—she’d had her turn. He fucked her with a vigor and confidence he’d only gained after his time in Nyarlea. She'd have to earn it if she wanted to make him her permanent toy.

Sugar’s cries came in breathless squeaks and groans. Her fingers moved to her breasts, and she pinched and teased her nipples in time with his thrusts.

“I’m gonna come!” she whimpered, raising her hips to allow him easier access.

“Then come.”

Her convulsions pulled him in deeper and throbbed against his cock, tipping another climax from him. His name escaped her lips in her desperate groans. For a few sweet seconds, they were entirely in sync.

When the high descended, Tristan carefully let her legs rest around him. She sighed and pushed herself to sitting before pulling him in for a long, tender kiss. Just the taste of her kept his heart pounding and the tiny hairs on his arms standing on end.

“So, my good boy, how long do I have you for?” Sugar asked against his lips.

“That’s not up to me, is it?” Tristan chuckled.

Sugar smiled and nibbled his lower lip. “Just a little longer, then.”

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