Toward the salvation.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: The town of no return.

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I remembered back to what kaius had told me before I had left for the third zone-awry and discontinuous, his words played back in my mind just like a film would, “Zareth when you are done and have returned, inform me. I have something to show you. Something that you must see for yourself.”

When I had pushed him to tell me right then and there, he would avoid me telling me it was not the right time or changing the topic-which of all I had forgotten about due to my journey outside. But soon after returning, the thought rose and I remembered his words. I had already sent someone to inform him.

I was currently headed toward his manor, something that was gifted by the lord leader. I wasn’t certain whether this gift was an expression of trust and faith or just a political scheme on his part.

When I reached his manor, one of the guards guided me inside and a few minutes later Levi, the only apprentice of kaius hurried and greeted me.

“Hello, my lord. I have been waiting for your arrival,” Levi said, bowing his back showing proper respect dedicated to a council member, something which I still wasn’t so comfortable with.

The first time I had seen Levi was three months ago, that time he had just awakened. It was before I had met with grandma dally.

I replied to his greeting, “It’s nice to meet you, Levi. I assume you have settled down?” He seemed to be confused by my words, so I explained, “I was there when you awakened, that was quite an impression.”

“Ah, I see,” he nodded at my words and smiled, “It’s been pretty well. I have been living a very good life compared to before and now I can even buy my mother good clothes. But it would have never been possible if not for Lord kaius.” I watched him for a moment, understanding this boy was just as loyal as his master.

I gently patted his back, “I hope you are doing good serving him then?” And he looked into my eyes, searching for something and seemingly finding it, “Of course my lord.”

We resumed our walk and I took special notice to inspect the inside of the manor since this was my first time here. “So Levi how far are you as a mystic?”

Someone who has recently been awakened would be called a sprout, a word which was quite familiar to me and I didn’t know why. And when they understand themselves better and the power that comes along with being a mystic, they ascend to the next level and become a rank 1. I wondered which domain he had been training on.

He remained silent until we passed by the wide inner side garden that was wonderfully decorated by the vibrant colors of flowers and the splashing sound of the fountain, he said, “I am still nowhere near your level, my lord. I am still a sprout.” I could feel his bitter emotions. So I did not say anything more but walked along.

In the hall, there were some paintings hung which depicted a variety of people, of whom were the predecessors of kaius’s family. Kaius had taken over his family after his entire blood had died in an unfortunate incident and the lord leader who considered kaius’s father as a good friend of his has been taking care of him from then on.

On the outside, there seemed to be nothing odd with the story, but my awakened senses told me there was more to it than just that. Perhaps, but I had no business knowing it…

When we reached the study, a guard standing beside the door opened it and saluted and I nodded at him.

“This way, lord zareth,” Levi said, urging me to go inside. And I did.

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Inside the first thing that came to my view was a huge mahogany table, and above it rested a pile of papers brightened by a lamp. Behind it sat kaius, engrossed in some papers but my entrance broke his focus as he looked up.

“Long time no see, kaius.” I greeted, walking toward the chair in front of the table and sitting down.

He smiled and said, “It has been. Two months, I think? Well, I can see that you have changed a great deal.” He motioned behind me and Levi placed a cup in front of me and poured some fresh coffee into it, its aroma penetrating my nose. When I heard the door being closed, picking up the cup and taking a sip of it for a moment I let myself enjoy the bitter taste of it, then said, “People change, and so have I,”

In the dark blackness of the waving cup, I could make out my features-a slight hint of tiredness and a glow to my eyes that soon vanished.

“I can see that,” Kaius said, breaking my thought, “I have heard that you have discovered a town in the third zone?”

“Indeed. And it was a haunted one at that,” I humored him, certain that he had heard about it all by now.

“Also that, lord Jaratte got something on you,” he asked after standing from his seat and walking toward the bookshelf to my right.

“Didn’t he always? He seemed to have a distaste for me from the very first day. You should know about that more than anyone else, after all, it was you who got us introduced.” I said turning my head toward him and he pulled something out of the shelf.

“And that’s why he hates me too, now.” Kaius walked over to me and placed the book in front of me, although it was more like a few pages with a filthy cover to it. I raised my brow at him and he explained, “Ancient texts,” he paused, letting me digest his words, “That’s what I wanted to show you.”

I’d first come to learn about ancient texts from kaius and about how these texts came to be. Hundreds of years back when the zackerman had cursed this tribe, the people back then would write their findings and their lost knowledge down. Something which only people possessed now. Even only a few of the council members contained a few pieces of them. But how did kaius have this? I wondered.

It then came into my mind, why was he even showing me this? Perhaps…

“Don’t tell me-” I babbled out but kaius stopped me with his hand, “Now, hold your horses. Read it yourself.”

I calmed myself and sat down. With each flicker, I turned to another page, more astonished than before each time. When I was done, my eyes were hurting because of not blinking properly.

I took a deep breath and sorted my scrambled thoughts, and then said, “So you knew about the empty town, or should I call it the town of no return?”

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