Town Builder

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 Busier Than Ants at a Picnic

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Chapter 18 Busier Than an Ant at A Picnic

I left with Jaesmin to find Sanso. He was working with his elementals on the roads in town. We had a heavy rain last night and the paths were quite muddy. “Lord Tallis! I am glad to see this morning!”

“Master Sanso you are in town early this morning. I was just coming to find you to set up our building priorities for the next few weeks.” We walked a little ways as Sanso continued making the small village side paths into solid rock.

“I was thinking…or rather Elice was thinking that we should add a sewer system to the town before it grows too large. My elementals could did the proper tunnels and we could get it done in a month or so.” Sewers? We needed sewers? The game had bathrooms but I hadn’t taken a shit or piss since being in game. I hadn’t seen an NPC do so either. I got a bad feeling this might come around in an update by the developers. Elice walked around the corner and she began directing Sanso where to add stone next. Sanso looked a little abashed and I think Sanso was here early because he had spent the night in town with Elice? I guess my elementalkin alchemist wouldn’t be pairing with Sanso.

I got Sanso’s attention again after Elice left. “Sanso I think the sewers are a fine idea. I have a number of priority projects. I need a small tower for a new air mage and house by the docks for our incoming shipwright. The shipwright has five members in his family so it will be a good sized residence.” I pulled out some plans. “Since we don’t have any available lumber both structures are going to be stone. I will start work on the tower while you and Jaesmin work on the house.”

I left Sanso and got to thinking about the sewers. What I needed was someone skilled in city planning. That was a civil engineer? I opened the interface for NPCs and searched. I found two skills that matched up City Planning and City Infrastructure. The city planner description was closest to building out a city. The city infrastructure was more of a maintenance side of a city. I found a dwarf woman with the perfect skill set, master in city planning, infrastructure and defenses. Her temperament was Choleric though. Was it worth it to bid on her for a platinum coin? I only had one bid slot left and I was already worried my NPC expenses were going to outpace income. I got the funds and placed the bid. It would be better to just focus my efforts on designing buildings and not where to build them.

I spent most of my day working on the air mage tower. The troupe of kids in town found me and bothered me for a while so I spent time showing them my skill with magic. The young elven girl asked an innumerable amount of questions but I patiently answered them all. My reprieve came when Vivale came to get the children to resume lessons.

Sanso and Jaesmin finished their building. I was only about a quarter done with my air mage tower. Even using food to expediate my magic regeneration I still couldn’t match Sanso’s output. The air mage was due to arrive sometime tomorrow so Sanso would have to join me. I didn’t trust him to work on it alone due to his lack of artistic ability and lack of construction skills. I checked the shipwrights house and it was functional but not overly impressive. He mostly followed my blueprints but it lacked the fine detail in the plans.

That evening at dinner it was time to make an attempt to seduce Jaesmin. Jaesmin prepared a chicken and rice soup that was very thick. Once again it needed salt. I also noticed the smell of the soup tonight. It had layers to it. In the past the smell in this game was very one dimensional, you could only sense one thing at a time. Tonight I could smell both the chicken broth and the herbs in the soup. It made the consumption experience much more enjoyable but I wasn’t sure if it was from a game update or just better perception on my part. If Simba was around I would have asked.

“Jaesmin your cooking is getting so much better!” She smiled and nodded. She started on the dishes and I went to help her standing directly beside her so our hips touched.

“Lord Tallis the sink is too small for both of us to work at it. I will do the dishes and you can resume your drafting.” Not to be deterred I moved behind Jaesmin and reached around her to help. For some reason I thought this action would be sexy and functional. I couldn’t do the dishes and the more I tried to help the more I squeezed Jaesmin into the sink with my hips. I could tell by her actions she was caught off guard and slightly uncomfortable.

“Why don’t you do the dishes and I will just stand behind you Jaesmin.” My hands quit the sink and I wrapped my right arm around her waist in soft hug. She paused a moment before continuing with the dishes. Her tension started to leave her and she pressed her hips back into mine rocking side to side. I nestled my head in the crook of her neck and kissed the exposure. Jaesmin smelled a mixture of sweat and lavender. Her hair was silky and tickled my face as my kissing intensified.

Jaesmin had stopped doing dishes and after over a minute I used my left arm to spin her to face me. Her lips mashed into mine obviously unpracticed. I used my hands to lift her buttocks to the left of the sink on the counter and we continued kissing. She locked her arms around me and then her legs locking us close. As we continued the kissing became more practiced and softer and soon our tongues were dancing as well. My hands had been gently rubbing her back over her shirt and I took a moment to snake them under her shirt so I could rub her bare back. “Do you want this?” I asked pausing briefly. Her emphatic nod was all I needed.

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I locked my hands under her buttocks and drew her away from the counter while we resumed kissing. I walked us up the stairs to the bedroom while she was still locked onto me. On reaching the bedroom I laid her down on her back while at the same time lifting her shirt up and over her head. She moved her arms to make the removal as easy as possible and her tube top bra went with it. Her breasts were curvy on being released but had the firmness of a young woman. I moved my mouth to her belly button and started kissing her there. Jaesmin stretched out and put her arms above her head on the bed exposing her naked torso completely to me.

I spent a fair amount of time teasing her, kissing and using my hands lightly on her ribs and obliques before moving up to her chest. I could feel her body heat rising as I continued the foreplay. My own manhood had long past reached readiness but I was planning to draw this out as long as possible. After giving both breasts and nipples equal attention I moved to her neck. She seemed slightly ticklish from this and squirmed slightly from my efforts.

As I was kissing her neck Jaesmin was still beneath me but was instinctually trying to bring her hips into play. The thin fabric of her canvas work pants didn’t shield me from her growing heat and intensity of her hips doing what they could to rub against me. With some fumbling hands she tried to take my shirt off and I assisted her. Both bare from the waist up we renewed out passions with kissing. After some time she showed a burst of strength to roll me so that she was now on top. We kissed for a few moments more before she removed her pants and then mine. I remained prone on the bed as she returned to her dominant position.

She ignored my hardness and just straddled chest. The heat of her sex was intense and I wanted to explore it with my tongue but she held me and we resumed our kissing while her hips were free to ride my abs. It was a fantastic period of constant building lust and passion that built to a crescendo with Jaesmin suddenly sliding her hips back and using one hand to guide my member into her.

The heated lubrication of her renewed rocking motion continued to build. My hands gently glided across her waist and hips as I let her build to her climax. It took minutes and I do not know how I held back my own but I just knew it was coming as her tempo suddenly increased and I felt her convulse around my shaft and I released to match. She slowed and stayed there reveling in the moment before lowering herself atop me. We stay connected as her head came under my chin. Shortly after Jaesmin uncoupled but remained on top of me and she fell asleep.

I had calmed down from my own high. That was absolutely amazing! It definitely wasn’t quite like the real world but extremely close. I would have never been able to hold back for so long for one. The smell of sex also was noticeably absent. Not wanting to wake Jaesmin I lay there briefly before initiating my own dream sequence. I think I wouldn’t mind it if I was trapped in this world.

The next morning Jaesmin was already up and bouncing around in the kitchen making scrambled eggs and bacon. I came behind her and wrapped my arms lovingly around her from behind. She leaned back and we kissed. “So, Jaesmin last night…was it ok? I mean did you…Do you want to …” She patted me on the cheek.

“Yes we can. Maybe again tonight?” She had a knowing smirk on her face and I returned it. I ate quickly, eager to finish the work today and go another round with Jaesmin.

We met up with Sanso at the air mage tower by the river and working as a threesome quickly raised the small tower up. The townsfolk brought us lunch and by mid afternoon the structure was complete. I was definitely lucky to have recruited a mage of Sanso’s power. I went and checked on the two guard towers. The large tower by the river had two militia on duty. They were new militia and had not been part of the orc battle. When I rode out to the plains guard tower on Titan I sent Jaesmin and Sanso with the plans for the enchanters tower so they could lay the foundation out.

The plains tower was manned by three full time guards and had one militia who was in rotation. I talked with them briefly and the only excitement was the town kids had tried to sneak out to harvest some wild flowers. I thanked them for their service. I told them once Galana returned we would resume our expeditions.

Back in town I went to the general store and talked with Elice and Gwen. The town had been rocked by the loss of lives but they were recovering. The orphaned children were brought into new homes and the overall mood was positive. A commotion outside caused us to leave the town store and join the townsfolk on the commons. A man was flying above, circling out village. That must be our new air mage!

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