Town of Winter

Chapter 24: Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Confession


"...And so, in regular water, my fins turn into feet," she concluded. "I see," I said, writing this down in my notebook. This was not going on the record. Especially since Marina showed her entire lower body changing rather than just her legs.


"Seriously, you finished training weeks ago?!?" I roared, "Why didn't you tell me?" Rena sighed, as though releasing some great weight from her body. She sighed some more. And then a single tear fell from her eye, Keep America Beautiful commercial style, before many more joined it. She blubbered, "I wanted to tell you! But I saw you die in my dream! And it was so real! Listen, you don't know what it was like fighting Belial. I tried several times over several million years. We even tried leading some sorcerers to his door using nuclear energy. He shrugged off a 50 Megaton blast like it was nothing! We tried a team of clerics back when such a thing was common. Not even the entire team managed to be strong enough to pierce his skin. I had to keep fleeing just to survive. Are you sure that you can win?"

I patted her shoulder, "Why wouldn't I? I mean, you worked for several months training me. You pushed me hard to learn how to predict things, and how to learn the various tai chi chuan movements. And you trained me to move more smoothly in general." She shook her head, "But I only received guidelines from someone else! I don't know how your powers work. You're supposed to visit eight Oracles and receive some profound philosophical lesson or something. Each one teaches you how to truly use each formation. And all of those together is supposed to lead the way to you understanding the final technique, where you can use the Tao itself. But I wasn't able to teach you any of this. I'm a fraud." She sobbed.

I told her, "Renata, you are not a fraud. You are a beautiful and smart woman and I respect you for everything you've done for me." She kept sobbing, "No, I believe you mean that, but I've just been playing spy all this time. We have thousands of members, but many of them left. We were an amateur organization, good for basic surveillance, but our codebreaking team was usually pretty unsophisticated. We didn't draft any ciphers or puzzles, just simple messages. And we were hopeless at finding out what Belial was planning. I mean, he almost killed you without us knowing about it. I'm disorganized, I'm impulsive, and my sense of personal boundaries is a joke. I've been goofing off this entire time, mostly trying to keep my fascination with your new male body from interfering with training you. You can see how that went from all the showers and sleeping together." She paused, as memories of those times replayed in my head. Rena was still down on herself, and I couldn't just tell her, "Suck it up!" So I gave her some confession of my own, "I'm not transgender." She blinked, "Huh?"

I explained, "Way back when I was Richmond, I felt that people in the LGBT groups were expecting something out of me. As a result of my siblings, I did have a fascination with women's clothing, yes. But the idea that I was dysphoric or that I felt trapped in this body? No, that wasn't a thing. I was into women, and I was perfectly content either presenting as male or female. It just didn't matter to me. At one time, I thought I was trans, because the LGBT group had convinced me. But when I went to have an operation, the doctor told me everything this surgery involved, and it wasn't me. I knew that I just wasn't into cutting off parts of my body that I didn't hate. I didn't like them either, I just didn't have any kind of feeling. I decided being genderfluid was medically cheaper than constant electrolysis, hormones, and surgery. But if you want the truth, it was because the idea of mangling my body seemed too much like self-hatred. Although I can be quite feminine, I'm also a boy interested in a girl. You. So don't be down on yourself. It hurt me to see you so sad." I gave her a tight hug.

She looked up at me, suddenly extremely vulnerable, and leaned in for a kiss. One quick kiss, turned into another, far more hungry than the last. Rena had years of sadness and waiting, and I had dealt with the feeling of knowing that I was now a male who liked pretty things yet used to be a female. We were outcasts adrift in a world that didn't understand. We didn't just want each other, we were in need of what the other partner could provide. This hunger wasn't satisfied by a simple kiss, but welled up in us like a raging fire.

We undressed each other, barely breaking contact between kisses, except to catch our breath. We kept touching each other while trying to undress, so the foreplay made it that much longer, as I would awkwardly fumble with a zipper or button while she touched and/or kissed my neck, working towards my chest, and nibbled on my ears a bit. I had almost managed to reach her zipper when Rena surprised me by grabbing my buttocks, and rubbing a finger between, causing a small squeal as my prostate was massaged. I lost focus for a second, only to do so again when her hand reached into my panties as started to seized the base of my shaft. It was another thirty minutes before actually undressed, as no sooner did I calm myself down than I decided to mess with her too. I decided to finger her a bit. I moved my middle and ring finger inside her vulva, randomly exploring for something interesting when my fingers both touched something really sensitive. I rubbed it up and down, before accidentally reaching into a small crevice where an even more sensitive spot existed. Since it was only my second time doing this, I rubbed at it, wondering what I was touching. She was already more than a bit aroused, so this caused her whole body to shake, and she leaned back against the nearby wall. I eased up, but she grabbed my hand, "Who said you could stop?" So I continued until she had a slightly glazed look on her face and seemed to be in the throes of passion.

Rena wore a navy blue empire waist midi dress with some black stiletto heels. She was naturally comfortable in such a dress because of the way it accommodated her tails. I had stripped off her panties in order to do this to her. As for me, I had been wearing a pink and white frilled dress, gartered white stockings, and some matching pink heels. She unbuttoned my dress and slid it to the ground, as I unzipped her in back. She unhooked her bra and stood naked before me, while I slid off my lingerie. Unlike before, where most of the time we were clothed and just messing around with kinks and stuff, this time there was definite sense that we were both completely naked. My breast forms were attached by any adhesive (it was a nuisance to apply), so they slipped off with the brassiere. And so here I was standing with long wavy hair and makeup but from the neck down, my flat chest and my cock gave me away as a male, even though my legs, face, underarms, and torso were smooth of any stubble. I was looking at a woman with healthy breasts, lean waist, nice hips and ass, and a number of tails wagging in interest. It was time for intimacy.

Yet we didn't rush into anything. I continued the foreplay, remembering that Rena was in need of comforting, despite the growing hunger that throbbed inside me, and desire that stirred inside her loins. I apologize for some cheesy phrases here, but there was a sense of ambivalence, where a part of me wanted to comfort her and tell her that everything was all right, whereas a certain organ wanted to bone her hard and hurry up about it. I suppose it was to my credit that the gentler voice won out, so it was only after making sure that she felt comfortable that we went ahead.


It was her second time, but she seemed to know what she was doing a little better. Although Alicia was very much all man right now, there was something very meek and gentle about her as she slowly and gently inserted her cute little cock into my canyon. Yes, I am aware the word "inserted" is one of those words like moist that produces a jarring effect on the English language. But as it was, I was very moist right then, so fuck you English critics and your aversion to certain words. I can be moist while someone inserts her family organ into me. Alicia's inexperience still showed, as once she was inside me, she didn't really know what to do. So I helped her out by providing rhythm, and by making sure her cock was touching all the right places. Alicia pulled out after a bit, just in time to cum on my breasts. I asked her to clean up after herself, so she licked it up with her tongue, just before sucking on my breasts.

Unlike before, we weren't into experimenting so much, so no upright midair riding, no dangling upside-down, and no uncomfortable positions. And no anal sex. It was a bit more boring as we got on the bed, but my back thanked me, and my ass thanked me that something wasn't driven in back there. But I did enjoy oral sex while she also licked me below with her tongue. Come to think of it, wasn't that the same tongue that licked semen off my breasts?

Oh well. Saliva usually killed off sperm anyway. So certain was I that this was safe sex that I rubbed some of the cum in my own mouth inside me, feeling myself up. It was safe because of all the saliva, I told myself.


About a week later, the pregnancy test read «+» in the main part. As safe sex plans went, this was not of the better ideas. But she said she wanted to keep the child. Little did I know that neither of us would be able to see that child.

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