Trail of Arbaria

Chapter 3: Tragedy, Tears, and Hope

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"Escort me to the town of Green and I'll make sure you'll be compensated handsomely. How about that?" Elizabeth von Kulla asked the man in front of him while cleaning herself with a cloth. 

"Oh yeah? Pardon my impudence my lady but last time I checked, it only takes 3 days at foot if I drag you to Cal and his eminence the Duke. That I know he'll compensate me handsomely." Leo said. He still ain't used with how people use honorifics to the nobility.

"Nah, you can't do that. First, tell me your name guard." Elizabeth asked, or much appropriately, ordered. Now with her face cleaned, Leo can say that this girl is truly of noble birth. Hazel eyes, long eyelashes, red lips, and blonde hair, she's around 16-17 of age. It's a mystery how she blended with the commoners and boarded the wagon. But after seeing the black cloak in her right arm, it's obvious how she did it.

"You can call me Leo. Yeah, I'm Leo."

Harbar is an introvert and those who knew him by name are all dead now. Primarily the guards and Theodore. So it's safe to say he's Leo now.

'I'm Leo Fuchs. No matter what happens I won't forget that.'

"Alright, then Leo. Let me educate you. My father Duke Kulla was known to kill people over a piece of silver. He's the pettiest of man. Do you think he'll reward you? Instead, he'll order his men to kill you outside the city, chop you to pieces, and feed you to the hungry wolves of Arbaria. Now, I'm not in any way against us traveling 3 days to the city instead of 7 days to the nearest town, but that is if you're that resolute to be dog poop in days time. You decide." The girl said with a chilling smile on her face.

'Oh well, shit.'

Leo knew of the cruelty of the man, but he didn't know he was that petty. 


With a big sigh, he threw his hands and gave up. 

"Alright, you big wonky-know-all girl. Pack some more foods from the second wagon. I don't care if you're a lady, a princess, a witch, or any sort of being. When you're with me on the trail, you do what I say." Leo doesn't care about honorifics anymore, it's stressing his old bones. 7 days of walking on the trail are no joke, what's more, he's accompanied by a spoiled brat.

Elizabeth glared at him but with no other choice, she complied begrudgingly while leaving some words behind.

"What did he just call me!?" 

"I can hear you! You better be fast!" Leo shouted at her.

With nothing to do, he sits at a large stone, located at the left of the carriage. He visualizes the map of the region in his mind. They are currently in a forest called "Green Forest". At the far north is Green town, while if they travel south-east and exit the forest they will be on the fields of the City of Cal. Fortunately, the dumb people who named the forest also named their town the Green Town which means it's somewhere in the forest, if not on the boundary. And from what Leo hears, woodcutters cut woods in the forest periodically. 

Local people will be able to point them to the safest location and by the love of Gods, won't meet any devilish creatures like that Ogre.

'Let's hope that happens.' Leo has no other option but to hope.

Several minutes passed and when Leo was getting impatient, Elizabeth came back with a huge bag of food and a new set of clothing. 

"Brat, are you ready?" Leo asked her.

"Call me that again and I'll personally see your head roll!" Elizabeth shouted.

"Sure brat, you do that." Leo has no problem calling the noble girl brat despite the original owner of the body also being around her age. After all, he's already 52 years old if you combine his two lives.

With a red face, the girl hissed as she stomps her feet following Leo.

It's only a couple of hours before the sunset and they have no time to squabble. The red sun shone in the east, covering the green hue of the forest. It's a feast for the eye, but Leo has no time to enjoy it. 

+ + +

"Crackle. Crackle."

The crisp crackle of fire as woods turn to ashes is the only thing keeping the silence of the night accompanied. A man and a woman were sitting on the opposite side of the small ember. The woman's beautiful face reflects sorrow, dancing fire can be seen on her irises. The man, on the other hand, has his arms crossed and eyes closed, endless darkness engulfs him for he's much farther from the fire as such, his expression couldn't be seen.

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Leo decided to camp for the night. Lighting a small fire using the dry woods. He can't help but praise the toughness of the woods nearby.

"So, aren't you curious why I ran away from the safe confines of the castle?" 

Suddenly a soft voice broke the seemingly eternal silence as Elizabeth asks the man in front of her. The man hasn't moved a muscle for half an hour now. But the moment she asked Leo blurted.

"You can keep your reasons to yourself. I don't want any more unnecessary troubles. I get you to town, you pay me, that's it. We part ways." Without changing his posture, Leo answered.

Elizabeth pouted. If Leo can see her face right now, he may even find it cute, like how he finds her daughter cute when she pouts. But afterward, the vacant look came back to her face.

With the fire raging, ever so slightly weakening, Leo sighed inwardly, relieved that the girl will spare him the trouble.

'Good. I need the much-needed peace.' He thought although he's bound to be disappointed.

"Well, I'll tell it anyways." The girl declared with a smile.

'Ah f*ck. Here we go again.' Leo thought.

"I'm Elizabeth von Kulla. The 6th daughter of Duke Ingwart von Kulla. I turned 16 just yesterday and finally on the legal age to marry." Elizabeth said with a tinge of sadness in her eyes.

Unlike Earth where 18 years old is the legal age. This world called Rubia, at least by its natives has 16 years old age requirement for marriage. 

"When I'm 8 years old, I got interested in swordsmanship. Under the guise of self-protection and good physique, I got my father to agree on getting me a knight to teach me the art of the sword." The girl narrated her life story with a hint of pride.

"But then when I turned 12. My father, without my concern, engaged me with the 2nd son of the Duke of Sthich of the royal Olsberk bloodline, Edward Olsberk. He's a handsome and masculine young man, and I agree that it's love at first sight for my immature heart." Elizabeth sighed, gazing at the blue moon. Now that the light of the fire couldn't reflect on her face anymore, her hazel eyes alone tell a story.

Leo who's leaning on a tree on the other hand was as still as stone as he listens.

"But a week ago, on the third day of the 8th month of the blue moon. His brother, Oliver Olsberk, forced himself on me." In the eyes of the girl is immeasurable fury, sadness, helplessness, and disgust... 

"Chuckle. The worst thing is when Edward found out about it. Instead of being angry at his brother and taking revenge, he became repulsed with me and reprimanded me." Elizabeth's teardrops flooded in the depths of night. At this point, Leo was fully awake as he soak in the revelation. 

As a father of 2 sons and a daughter. He also felt rage boiling in his heart when he heard what happened to the unfortunate girl.

'Who would have thought? Shit!' Leo cursed inwardly. Leo couldn't help but pity the girl. After all, as a father he couldn't imagine the pain he'll feel when similar fate happens to her daughter. Thus he symphatized at a deep level.

"Uhh! Hik! Hik." Elizabeth continued to cry in the depths of the lonely night. Leo couldn't help but draw closer and pat her back.

"I'm here now. It's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be alright." Leo couldn't help but say the words he tells to his children when they cry.

'Sorry for my behavior earlier, I never knew you've experienced something like this.' Leo thought.

"Hik! Hik! I'll kill them all, I'll kill them all with my hands. I'll make sure to behead every one of them. I'll feed their guts to their relatives and their body to the wolves." She said. The resolution in her voice can be heard as she sobs.

Leo was also saddened. Girls at her age were supposed to fall in love and be loved. But here she is, grasping her sword hidden in her cloak while crying due to the injustice she suffered.

'This will be a long night.' Leo thought.

20 minutes later the girl has already calmed down and is already asleep due to exhaustion. It may be because the secrets hidden in her heart have been revealed, lessening the psychological burden she carries. Or because the fatherly warmth she felt at her back made her fall asleep with a peaceful face.

Again Leo was alone with his thoughts. Refusing to sleep, afraid of the dangers the forest has in store. But alas even the toughest of men couldn't handle the exhaustion Leo has with everything that has happened to him today.

While dreaming about his wife and children playing on a golden field, Leo drifted into the sleep that would turn the world upside down for eternity.

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